Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques
Thomas T. Lake, N.D., D.C.
1949 (Sixth Edition)



The term Endo-nasal Therapy originated in Europe. Just what part of Europe the author has been unable to ascertain up to this time. A physician over there probably coined the term to designate some part of orificial therapy which he was practicing. After a great deal of investigation and research work the author has come to the conclusion that up to this publication there was no comprehensive treatise on Endo-nasal Therapy. However, scattered here and there in German, French and English books are references to Intra-nasal Surgery, Intra-nasal Finger Surgery and other terms, but, up to this time nothing has been found, ancient or contemporary, that treats of the subject as a whole.

The specific term Endo-nasal Therapy was taken from an article to cover the digital techniques for ills resulting from oxygen starvation, or from obstructions in the respiratory tract, quoted from "Vigorous Health", London, England. (Long out of print.)

"Endo-nasal Therapy or the curing of disease by the nasal touch is a very little practiced method of treatment over here in England, although practiced by quite a few specialists in Paris and Berlin.

"The reason for it being so little known is the fact that it is not officially taught at present, and those who practice it are most jealous of its secrets, and do not make it easy to learn.

"For general purposes it may be said that the nasal touch will produce a powerful reflex action within definite areas of the body, increase the flow of blood there, and also quicken the circulation throughout the body.

"The effect of this is to awaken the vital impulses within a sluggish or distressed area or part of the body and enable Nature's curative powers to get to work at once.

"The practitioner, by using the Nasal Touch, need not wait for a curative reaction, but is empowered to bring it about. It is indeed a great advance in drugless curative treatment."

For a number of years the author supplemented his other techniques with just the Endo-nasal touch as out­lined above with some success. But subsequent investiga­tion led to the conclusion that more must be done than stimulating the neuro-dilators in the nasal canal. Its effects were of no permanent value. Then with the addition of information that the lungs and blood stream needed at all times a residual amount of reserve oxygen came the development of the allied techniques. After many years of testing their worth on hundreds of cases they were grouped under the title of Endo-nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques. It might be pertinent to say that we had to test nearly one hundred different techniques before we were satisfied that we had approached a scientific basis for the removal of obstructions to the intake of a residual amount of oxygen and its utilization in the body.

From all this we have deduced the following definition and outline of principles:

Endo-nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques is that science of the healing arts which has for its purpose the removal of obstructions and impediments that interfere with the intake and utilization of oxygen in each and every part of the human body by means of manipulation by the hands and fingers.


The principles are (1) Correction, (2) Reconstruction, (3) Drainage, (4) Coordination and Correlation of every bone and tissue wherever interference with the intake and utilization of oxygen is found.


The philosophy is built around the prevalence of anoxia and anoxemia as vital factors in all unhealthy con­ditions. That millions of people have become oxygen­ starved is evident by the large number of people suffering from chronic conditions.

Man lives, moves and has his physical life within the limits of five physical laws. These laws are

Oxidation, Nutrition, Elimination, Motion, Relaxation.

The proper intake and transport of oxygen to all parts of the body is necessary for the fulfillment of these laws. We will define each one of these laws very briefly:

Oxidation is the process by which the substances of the body combine with oxygen to create a change from a lower to a higher positive valence, and establish the metabolic rate, the metabolic rate being established at the rate of oxygen consumption.

Nutrition is the process of ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of foods for the building up and repair of the body.

Elimination is excretion of waste body products by the lungs, skin, kidneys and intestines.

Motion is a general term which embraces many functions, but we will speak of it here as the exercise of mobility, vibration, expansion and contraction of cells, muscles, nerves, or of all tissues of the body with the expenditure of energy.

Relaxation is that period when the body is still functioning without the expenditure of energy, or assistance or resistance of the person.

To properly understand the importance of oxygen in the operation of these laws, we must now proceed to examine the following questions:


Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. It is the most important and abundant element discovered and is essential to life. Yet living in a sea of it sixty per cent of the people are ill, or have impairment of some function due to the lack of it.


There are many functions which oxygen performs, but there are five that have a direct bearing on the five laws of life:

1. Oxygen destroys germs.

2. It sets to a large extent the cell rate activity.

3. It attracts iron to the body, one of the necessary elements for virility and stamina.

4. The vapor or water that keeps the gas in solution has a dissolving power greater than that of any other element entering the body. This moisture combined with heat melts accretions and renders them liquid, possible of elimination, and regulates the body temperature.

5. Oxygen has combustible units of gas that give off heat. These units of heat make soluble nutritional elements fit for absorption in the body.

6. Oxygen consumption is necessary for all forms of metabolisms.


Nature is logical. She gives man five physical laws for health and five types of diseases for violations. In all of these types anoxia and anoxemia are predominant factors.

1. Bacterial Invasion. This is a term used to represent the conditions where germs have been allowed to breed and accumulate, due to anoxia. Germs can enter the body through a number of avenues; first, through the nasal apparatus and mouth; second, by the mouth in food and liquids; third, by cuts or lacerations of the flesh which allow the germs to enter the blood stream direct. Under the functions of oxygen, we learned that it is an enemy of germs; it destroys them. Then if there is a sufficient residual of oxygen in the open cavities of the head and body, bacterial diseases cannot make any headway, neither can the catarrhal congestion in which germs nest and breed accumulate. If there is first an anoxia, then an anoxemia, the resistance of the patient is low and they are prone to the infectious diseases of boils, pimples, tonsilitis, quinsy, sinusitis, and abscesses in the ears, while down in the body they are prone to typhoid fever and other visceral infections.

2. The Enervative Type of Disease. This type covers those cases known as the Anemias, Ischemias and Atrophic conditions. A function of oxygen is to attract iron from the food ingested and transport it to all the cells of the body. In all cases involving waste of tissue, either the diet or the oxygen intake is at fault and in some cases both factors are involved.

3. Diseases of the Retentive Type. This term covers those types that have a congestive basis due to non-eliminated waste products of metabolism which may become bacterially invaded and toxic, causing infection in the whole body or some part of it. A function of respiration is to bring air into the body, warming and sieving it by the mucous membranes. This air contains oxygen gas units which on combustion give off heat creating a warm moisture that should keep in solution, the by-products of body metabolisms.

4. Poisoning Diseases. We think here of poisoning produced by substances of metallic, occupational and chemical processes without suicidal intent. Lead, aluminum, drugs, weeds, etc. Sufficient oxygen in the system will aid in keeping the fluids of the body from congestion and aid in rapid elimination. In this connection we will refer the reader to the section on the lymph and its functions.

5. Traumatism. This term covers those conditions due to blows of various kinds, especially the lacerations of tissues and broken bones that do not heal quickly.

We have known of lumps on women's breasts to disappear with the treatments, and some to do so without the treatments. Others were not amenable to treatments at all, were operated upon. It is noteworthy that those who were benefited by the treatments, or in whom the lumps disappeared, had a large residual of oxygen content in the blood stream. It is also noteworthy that the skin of many of our patients in whom lacerations and broken bones did not heal quickly was of a dull gray or dark yellow color, which is always evident in those who are oxygen starved.


Oxygen, pure or mixed with atmospheric air, ether, nitrous oxide, or other substances establishes its lack as a factor in many physical ailments. Therapeutically, it is used as follows: (1) Inhalations are given in a general way for deficiency of oxygen in the blood stream, manifested by symptoms of asphyxia, dyspnea, disturbed nutrition or functional disturbance of, or an impediment to, respiration, cardiac, or pulmonary dyspnea, pneumonia, bronchitis, stenosis of larynx, croup, diphtheria, em­physema, congestion of lungs, typhoid fever, anemia, simple and pernicious lukemia and other conditions. (2) Oxygen baths have been found useful in cardiac disorders with hypertension; arteriosclerosis, asthma, Basedow's disease. They have been found to reduce the limits of the dilated heart, to lower the blood pressure, and to improve the rate and quality of the pulse and respirations. The oxygen baths have been found to exert a sedative effect on functional neurosis, neurasthenia, hysteria; motor excitability and neuralgia. (3) By internal administration oxygen water is made by charging cold distilled water with oxygen gas under pressure of 150 to 200 pounds. It is advised for chronic dyspepsia, headaches of digestive or neuralgic origin and general systemic torpor. (4) Subcutaneous injections for asphyxia, operative or induced pneumothorax, pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, pertussis and dyspneic disorders, (5) Local uses: Ulcers and wounds are treated with direct applications of oxygen gas, also surgical infections; suppurative arthritis, purulent and tuberculous peritenitis, empyema, furuncles, carbuncles, anthrax, lupus, suppurating glands and cysts.

In  view of what we have said in this chapter, we feel that more elaboration is necessary to make the student conscious of the importance of removing obstructions to the intake and utilization of oxygen. The matter will therefore be discussed further in the next chapter.