A Manual of Osteopathy
Eduard W. Goetz, D.O.
Burning Sensation of the Eyes

    Treatment: 1. May be relieved by treating the supraorbital notches in the arches over the eyes, treatment No. 10, page 33. A pressure at this point, holding or inhibiting for about one minute, then a slight pressure on the eyeballs (of course the eyes should be closed), finally letting the fingers pass gently over the eves several times, with a little pressure, from the inner to the outer side.
    2. Treatment No. 36, page 99. Give this treatment every other day until the patient is relieved. Usually one or two treatments will cure. In addition to the above, place cloths wrung out of cold water over the eyes, changing them every, five minutes until six applications have been made.

Twitching of the Eyelids

    Treatment: 1. Same as for burning sensation of the eyes.
    2. Give treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32. Should be given about three times a week. The ailment can be cured in about a month.

Inflammation of the Eyes

    Due to imperfect circulation to the eyes or to irritating substances.
    Treatment: 1. Same as treatment for burning sensation of the eyes, page 69.
    2. Treatment No. 18, page 41, working only between the first and fourth dorsal vertebrae.
    3. Apply clothes wrung out of cold water every five minutes for half an hour.
    This treatment should be given every other day until the patient is cured.
    Usually the first week or two will show marked improvement, and a month’s treatment should cure entirely.

Watery Eyes

    Due to an obstruction to the nasal duct, or all irritation of the nerves supplying the glands of the eyes.
    Treatment: 1. Same as for burning sensation of the eyes.
    2. Treatment  No. 11, page 34.
    Give two or three treatments a week; will take one to four weeks to cure.

Granulated Eyelids

    Is considered a very difficult affection to relieve, and has been proven so by all other means: but our method has had very good success by the treatment given below.
    Treatment: 1. Manipulation of the supra-orbital Notches, No. 10, page 33, after which allow the fingers to slip toward the outer corners of the eyes, pressing deeply under the arches above the eyes.
    2. With the finger rub gently over the edges of the eyelids several times, after which take the eyelids one at a time, between the first finger and the thumb and pinch them gently. See that your hands are perfectly clean to avoid carrying impurities.
    3. Treatment of the neck, Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    4. Treatment No. 36, page 59.
    5. Treatment No. 18, page 41, from the first to the fourth dorsal vertebrae.
    Treat every other day; will take one to two months to cure the patient.


    Is a thickened organized growth over the white of the eyes, beginning in one corner and gradually extending toward the center.
    Treatment: 1. Give same treatment as for burning sensation of the eyes, page 69; in addition:
    2. Place one finger on the ball of the eye on the outer side, and with one finger of the other hand tap it gently several times.
    3. Treatment No. 12, page 35.
    4. Treatment No. 18, page 41, between the first and fourth dorsal vertebrae.
    Treat three times a week until a cure is effected. From one to three months is all that is necessary in most cases.


    There is perhaps no pain that is less tolerable to a person, and especially to a child (at which time of life it is most common), than earache.
    Treatment: 1. Place your month to the patient's ear and blow steadily but hard into the ear.
    2. Work the muscles thoroughly around the ear.
    3. Treatment No. 36, page 59.
    4. Treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    5. Place four finger in the patient's ear and press against the walls on all sides.
    Unless there is relief in fifteen minutes, repeat the whole treatment; a cure will follow within a short time. Only in extremely stubborn cases is it necessary to give more than one treatment.

Roaring in the Head or Ear

    Treatment: 1. Give treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31. 32.
    2. Treatment  No. 11, page 34.
    3. Have the patient hold the nose and mouth shut and endeavor to breathe, using considerable force in the exhalation. Treat once a day until relief comes.


    May be due to a catarrhal condition of the upper air passages, stomach disorders, or dislocation of the atlas, and a severe contraction of the muscles of the back of the neck near the base of the skull. The back of the neck will be painful to the touch in the latter cases. It may also be caused by an accumulation of hardened wax in the ear which should be washed out with a syringe and warm water, after the injection of a little warm sweet oil to soften it. The removal of it may be assisted by cautiously using the rounded end of a hair pin to loosen it.
    Treatment: Unless it is a total deafness due to a destruction of the drum of the ear or organic defects in the mechanism, of the inner ear, it can be cured by the treatment given below.
    1. Give treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. Treatment No. 36, page 59.
    3. Take hold of the lobe of the ear and pull outward steadily and then work with a circular movement.
    Treat three times a week.

Running Discharge from the Ear

    This affection may be cured by the same treatment as that for deafness. Treat three times a week and in addition syringe the ear daily with warm water.

Cold in the Head or Catarrh

    An acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose and cavities communicating with it.
    Causes: Atmospheric changes; exposure of the neck to draughts of cold air causing contraction of the muscles and hence interference with the free circulation of blood; exposure of the feet and ankles to cold and dampness; or changing from a warm to a cold atmosphere suddenly, are among the most usual causes.
    Symptoms: Weariness, or more or less frontal headache, chilly sensation in the back, followed by slight feverishness, soon followed by an abundant watery discharge from the nose and strong inclination to sneeze.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient lying on his back, give treatment of the neck Nos.  7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. Press on the forehead, treatment No. 6, page 29.
    3. Treatment  No. 11, page 34.
    4. Treatment No. 10, page 33.
    5. Treatment No. 37, page 60.
    6. Treatment No. 17, page 40.
    The whole of this treatment should be given every day for a few days, after which it may be given three times a week, and should not take over fifteen minutes to apply. There will be a positive cure in one week if it be an acute attack, often in a shorter time.
    Diet: Should be very light; no breakfast and a light supper, with the principal meal in the middle of the day, will be found beneficial in connection with the osteopathic treatment. Avoid sweet foods and pastries.
    Baths: Take a warm full bath (No. 4, page 155) or a hot foot bath every night before retiring, and place a cold compress around the neck at night for a week, as described on page 58.

Chronic Nasal Catarrh

    A chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal passages.
    Causes: The result of repeated attacks of the acute variety, or frequent colds in the head.
    Symptoms: A feeling of fullness in the nose, increase of the discharge, "hawking," which is more marked in the morning after rising. The special sense of smelling and hearing are impaired; the voice has a peculiar nasal intonation; an almost constant frontal headache.
    Treatment: Same as for cold in the head (page 73), given three times a week, but will require a longer time to cure; from a month to three.
    Diet: Should be nutritious and digestible. All fried foods must be avoided, as well as pastries and sweets.
    Exercises: Take long draughts of fresh air every day, breathing deeply through the nostrils.

Nose Bleeding

    Some people are subject to bleeding at the nose, and in many cases it is very difficult to control, but the following treatment will stop any case of nose bleeding, if persistently applied.
    Treatment: Pressure with the finger against the lower edge of the lower jaw at a point where the facial artery crosses it (as shown in cut No. 3 B, page 26). A depression in the bone can be felt through the skin at this point on each side; must be compressed on both sides at the same time. Hold for a minute or two; also press against the upper lip immediately under the nose. If this does not stop it, give treatment No. 7, page 30, high up in the back of the neck. Next give treatment  No. 11, page 34, and hold for a minute or two.

Canker of the Mouth

    Is characterized by the mucous lining of the mouth being reddened and the tongue swollen and afterwards covered with large ulcers; the excretion of saliva is large, the breath offensive, and swallowing painful and difficult.
    Causes: It is in most cases due to a disordered stomach.
    Treatment: 1. Give neck treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. Treat stomach and abdomen Nos. 26 and 27, pages 49 and 50.
    3. With your forefinger in the patient's mouth, work the gums, the inside of the cheek, and the side of the tongue. A few treatments, once a day, will soon cause the spots to disappear.
    Diet: If the stomach be disordered, observe diet list No. 6, page 144. Eat sparingly and leave off the breakfast meal until the mouth shows signs of improvement. If the mouth be too sore, and swallowing too painful, give liquid foods, such as diluted milk, beef broth, mutton and chicken broths, gruels, etc. Rinse the mouth several times a day with a solution of salt and water.

Nursing Sore Mouth

    For this affection, treat all along the under side of the lower jaw on both sides, treatment No. 37, page 60.
    2. Treatment No. 9, page 32.
    3. Treatment No. 16, page 39.
    Treat twice a day for the first two days, after which treat three times a week.
    Rinse the mouth several times a day with a solution of salt and water.


    This is an inflammation of the glands of the neck and sides of the face.

    Causes: A specific poison and contagious. In males it may extend to the testes and in females may be carried to the ovaries or breasts. It is most common between the ages of five and puberty, and as a rule occurs but once in the same individual.
    Symptoms: It begins suddenly, the first indications being chill, fever, headache, dry skin, scanty urine, and within a day or two there will be a stiffness about the angle of the jaw, swelling of the glands on the side of the face near the ear, and pain on moving the jaw.
    Treatment: 1. Give a thorough treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. Treatment under the jaw No. 37, page 60.
    3. Apply a cold compress to the throat every night before retiring, as described on page 58.
    Diet: Same as for tonsilitis, page 80.


    There are perhaps few people who have escaped the ravages of a severe headache, and while there are several different causes, there is a leading one that makes it possible to cure the majority of them in one treatment and within a few minutes.
    Causes: Constipation, indigestion, uterine disorders and contraction of the muscles in the back of the neck are the causes that produce the chronic form, while the acute attack may be due to imperfect circulation to the head, or inactivity of the bowels; the presence of indigestible matter in the stomach or vitiated air.
    Treatment: 1. Simple pressure over the site of the great occipital nerves, holding same for two or three minutes (treatment No. 5, page 28), or an injection of very warm water into the rectum, see page 156, will stop a mild headache, and if chronic give:
    2. Treatment Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    3. Treatment No. 16, page 39.
    4. If constipated give treatments Nos. 25, 26, 28, pages 48, 49, 51.
    5. Treatment No. 39, page 62.
    If the patient has chronic constipation or irregular menstruation, give treatment for same.
    6. Terminate all headache treatments with Special Treatments Nos. 5 and 39, pages 28 and 62.
    Treat three times a week for the chronic form, and have the patient breathe plenty of fresh air.


    Causes: Paresis of one or more of the muscles of the eyes; eve strain or astigmatism; diseases of the semi-circular canals of the ear; dyspepsia of the stomach or intestines; disordered function of the liver, or constipation, immoderate use of tobacco, tea, coffee, or alcohol; imperfect circulation to the brain; vitiated air.
    Symptoms: The attack of giddiness comes on suddenly with an indistinctness of vision and slight confusion of thoughts nausea, vomiting, and heart palpitation are often associated with an attack. When an attack is due to disturbances of vision, it may be the result of reading, writing, or sewing, and attacks are preceded by headache, nausea, vomiting, specks before the eyes, and pain in the eyeballs.
    Treatment: 1. Treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. Treatments Nos. 15 and 16, pages 38 and 39.
    3. Treatments Nos. 25, 26, 28, pages 48, 49, 51.
    A week's treatment will cure the condition if due to ordinary causes.
    Diet: When due to stomach disorders or indigestion of the stomach or intestines, the diet should be light, and, if very marked disturbances exist, give treatment for these affections.
    Eat nothing early in the morning and a very light supper, and live on diluted milk and broth for a week, or until the attacks have ceased. Treatment should be given three times a week.

Stiff Neck

    It is usually caused by a draft of cold air blowing down the neck, but may be due to lying in a cramped position during sleep.
    Treatment: Give thorough treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32. One treatment will usually loosen the muscles, release the obstructed circulation, and cure the condition.


    To restore consciousness, lay the patient flat on his back, the head lower than the rest of the body, giving him a slap in the face, or a dash of cold water, or giving the hair a quick pull to start the circulation to the brain. If this be not effectual, give treatments Nos. 10, 7 and 8, pages 33, 30, and 31 ; No. 10, of course, to be given with the patient in a lying position, and should precede treatments Nos. 7 and 8.

Enlarged Tonsils

    This condition of the tonsils is of two kinds; the inflammatory, which would indicate tonsilitis or quinsy, and the chronic form, which is simply an enlargement of these glands. In the case of the latter, give treatment indicated under the head of Tonsilitis. For the enlargement of the tonsils give treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9, 37, pages 30, 31, 32, 60, also Nos. 15, 16, 40, pages 38, 39, 63. Several months' treatment three times a week will be necessary in chronic cases.


    This is a severe inflammation of the tonsils and the parts surrounding them. One or both may be affected.
    Causes: Due in most cases to taking cold; and through an imperfect circulation to this part of the throat there is a tendency to repeated attacks, which results in a chronic condition.
    Symptoms: The onset is rather sudden; there may be headache, some fever, thirst, pain and swelling at the angle of the jaw; swallowing is painful and difficult, the pain sometimes extending to the ear and causing earache. The glands may suppurate and burst, at which stage relief comes.
    Treatment: 1. Treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, 40, pages 30, 31, 32, 63.
    2. Insert the forefinger in the patient's mouth and pass it from above downward along the arch in the back of the mouth, pressing outward; do this several times, and on both sides if both sides be affected.
    3. Treatment No. 37, page 60.
    4. Treatment Nos. 15 and 16, pages 38 and 39.
    5. Apply a cold compress every night as long as the inflammation lasts. (See page 58 for description of manner of applying cold compress.)
    6. Give treatment No. 3, as in fevers, page 117.
    7. Give Rectal douche described on page 156.
    Treat twice a day until improvement begins, after which treat every day,. A week to ten days will usually cure the most severe case.
    Diet: The diet during the inflammatory state should be liquid in character, such as diluted milk, broths, gruels, etc., after which a more generous diet may be prescribed and solid foods given.


    An acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining of the throat.
    Causes: Atmospheric changes, cold, wet feet, cold draughts of air, irritating substances, prolonged efforts at public speaking, or singing; in children, from violent fits of crying.
    Symptoms: The attack begins suddenly with a feeling of dryness, rawness, and tickling; pain upon swallowing; a cough of a harsh, noisy, toneless character; or there may be a complete loss of voice.
    Treatment: General treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, 37, 40 pages 30, 31, 32, 60, 63.
    2. Treatment No. 17, page 40.
    3. Treatment Nos. 15 and 16, pages 38 and 39.
    Give treatment every day for a few days and then every other day until cured. One week is usually sufficient to cure almost any case.
    Baths: A hot footbath every night before retiring will be beneficial. Water should be as hot as can be borne, and the feet should be kept in this for at least fifteen minutes.
    Also a cold compress to the throat nightly, as described on page 58.


    Osteopathy has had very marked success in curing this most dreaded of diseases. In 1995 a son of Doctor Still had about fifty cases in a town in Minnesota during an epidemic and cured all but one, which case was brought only as a last resort in an effort to save the child's life.
    (It is not the intention of the author to impress the layman with overconfidence in treating such a grave disease as diptheria, nor other conditions equally as grave. On the other hand, he advises the call of a physician; yet the instructions given under this head will greatly assist a patient to a more speedy recovery.)
    It is an acute constitutional disease, both epidemic and contagious.
    Causes: A specific germ; a disease of childhood and is apt to recur in those who have been once affected.
    Symptoms: It may come on mildly or abruptly. In the former case it is succeeded by moderate fever, headache, loss of appetite, stiffness of neck, tenderness about the angle of the jaw, or slight soreness of the jaw. The form that comes on abruptly is followed by a chilliness and this by a fever; pain in the ear, aching of the limbs, loss of strength, painful swallowing and swelling of the neck, appetite poor and tongue coated.
    Treatment: General treatment of neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, 37, 40, pages 30, 31, 32, 60, 63.
    2. Treatment No. 17, page 40.
    3. Treatment No. 39, page 62.
    4. With the first finger in the patient's mouth, press and rub the arches in the back of the mouth from above downward, several times on each side.
    5. Treatments Nos. 15 and 16, pages 38 and 39.
    Apply cold compress to the throat every night for several nights, and if the patient be bedfast, one may be applied during the day. (See page 58 for description of cold compress.)
    This treatment given every day will ward off any approach attack, but should the disease have taken a firm seat, it would be advisable to treat twice a day until improvement begins to show itself. In the more severe cases it is advisable to give the general treatment of the body, No. 30, page 53.
    Diet: As there is difficulty in swallowing, liquid foods should be given, of which diluted milk is the best, and sometimes semi-solid foods are more easily swallowed, and the foods may be thickened with cream, eggs, gelatin, Mellin's food or malted milk. The diet should consist chiefly of nutritious beef or chicken broth and beef tea, egg albumen, egg nog, milk, or milk punch. Whisky or brandy may be given in small doses.


    A chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larger and middle-sized bronchial tubes.
    Causes: Primary: exposure to wet of cold, or to constants inhalation of irritating substances, such as dust, vapors, etc.
    Secondary: Gout, rheumatism, syphilis, heart, kidney, lung diseases, or alcoholism.
    Treatment: 1. If cough be due to a cold on the lungs, give treatment No. 18, page 41, working only between the second and sixth dorsal vertebrae, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 B, page 24.
    2. Treatment No. 12, page 35.
    3. Treatment No. 40, page 63.
    If cough be caused by a disordered stomach, give treatments Nos. 20 and 26, pages 43 and 49, in connection with the other two. If cough be due to lung disease, give treatment for bronchitis, page 86. Treat three times a week until cured. A simple cough without any organic trouble can be cured in a week; those due to more serious complications will, of course, take a longer time, but can positively be cured if the treatment be persisted in.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 10, page 148.
    Exercise: The patient should breathe deeply several times a day, in the open air.

Hay Fever

    An acute specific catarrhal inflammation of the upper air passages extending to the bronchial tubes.
    Causes: It is an affection of the nervous system. Those who are predisposed have attacks excited by inhalation of pollen of grasses, rye, corn, wheat, roses. The predisposition may be hereditary.
    Symptoms: Begins by irritation of the eyes, inflammation of the lining of the nose, with sneezing, a clear watery discharge from the nose, and may extend to the larynx and bronchial tubes, when occurs a hoarse, croupy, and wheezy cough and difficulty in breathing.
    Treatment: As hay fever is frequently associated with asthma and the causes of both are so similar, give the asthma treatment on page 85, in addition to a thorough treatment of the neck, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 37, 40, Pages 30, 31, 32, 60, 63. Also give treatment of the nose  No. 11, page 34.
    Treat every day until relief comes, after which treat every other day. A cure is usually accomplished in a month in the most aggravated cases, while others may require longer. It is wise to begin on a patient, who is subject to these attacks, about a month before the time that the attack usually occurs, as by so doing the tissues are put in a more healthy condition to ward it off.
    Diet: Follow diet list given under the head of asthma, page 86. Exercises are given under the same head.


    A paroxysmal, spasmodic contraction of the muscles surrounding the smaller bronchial tribes, with more or less bronchial catarrh.
    Causes: A true nervous affection of the respiratory apparatus. It is sometimes of reflex origin, starting from diseases of the nasal mucous membrane or from a pressure of the upper ribs on the lungs.
    Symptoms: The first attack of asthma may be sudden and abrupt, with a catarrhal inflammation of the nose, bronchial irritation, constriction of the chest, marked dyspepsia. In most cases the attacks occur in the early morning hours or during the afternoon, the breathing is accompanied by loud wheezing; the face is flushed and bathed in perspiration; during the attack there is a dry short cough, which becomes looser as the attack subsides. Early in the attack the sputum is raised with difficulty, but after a day or two it becomes looser and is thick, like a mixture of pus and mucus.
    People who are subject to this disease are attacked with it in the fall, and an attack of hay fever frequently accompanies it.
    Treatment: 1. Have the patient lie on his side and give treatment No. 18, page 41, working only between the second and the sixth dorsal vertebrae, location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 B, page 24.
    2. Give a general treatment of the neck, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 37, pages 30, 31, 32, 60.
    3. Have patient lie face downward and give treatment No. 45, page 68. Inhibit from the second to the sixth dorsal vertebrae, holding each point about a minute.
    4. With patient on back, give treatment No. 41, page 64.
    5. Treatment No. 12, page 35, patient sitting on a chair.
    6. Treatment No. 16, page 39.
    7. If there be marked dyspepsia give treatment for same, page 92, in addition to the other treatments.
    An attack may often be relieved by inserting one or two fingers into the rectum and stretching same.
    Diet: The evening meal should be very light, as an over-loaded stomach often brings on an attack; in case there be marked dyspepsia or indigestion, follow diet list No. 6, page 144.
    In general, fats and sweets should be avoided, and starchy foods, if eaten at all, should be well cooked and slowly masticated. Pork, veal, and cheese must never be eaten, and desserts are forbidden; no water is allowed with the meals and not for two hours after. A cup of hot water may be drank an hour before each meal and one before retiring. Malt liquors are forbidden.
    Hanging, suspended by the arms, for five minutes every day will have a tendency to raise the ribs and give freer action to the lungs. Treat only once a week, except in case there be dyspepsia or indigestion, when three treatments should be given.

Acute Bronchitis

    Cold on the lungs is a catarrhal inflammation of the bronchial tubes, characterized by fever, constriction of the chest, oppression in breathing, and at first a scanty, followed by a profuse, expectoration.
    Causes: Most frequent in childhood, when there exists a strong tendency to catarrh. Inhalation of dust, smoke, and air too hot or too cold, may be among the causes.
    Symptoms: There is catarrh of the nose or the throat, or of both; chilliness followed by flushes of heat; the limbs, joints, and body are affected with pain and aching; absence or loss of appetite, want of energy, furred tongue, constipation.
    Treatment: Same as for asthma (which see, page 85), in addition give treatment No. 10, page 33. Should there be vomiting, give treatment for same, page 91. If patient be constipated, give treatment for same, page 97.
    Treat three times a week; a week or two will cure the condition.
    Diet: For acute bronchitis should be simple and light; for infants diluted milk alone; for older children, diluted milk, meat juice, meat broths, beaten egg, or egg albumen should be fed every three hours in quantities as the stomach will bear. It may be best in some cases to sterilize or pancreatinize all foods.
    Baths: Give warm full bath No. 4, page 155.
    A cold compress applied to the chest every night will help to remove the inflammation. Take an old piece of linen, fold into three or four thicknesses, large enough to cover the whole of the chest, and wring it out in cold water; place this on the chest and cover it with a woolen cloth, two thicknesses, wrapped around the upper part of the body, covering the wet cloth entirely. This should be removed in the morning and the parts washed off with cold water, and dried with considerable rubbing with a coarse towel; after which it would be well to rub the parts with alcohol to avoid taking cold.
    The patient should spend much of the time in the open air when the weather is favorable.


    This disease, if taken in the earlier stages of development, before much destruction of lung tissue has taken place, can be cured by the following treatment given twice a week:
    Treatment: 1. Give same treatment as for asthma, page 85.
    2. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 10, page 148.
    Baths: The patient should take warm full baths twice a week as indicated on page 149.
    Exercise: Plenty of exercise in the open air should be taken, but short of fatigue; breathe deeply. Sitting in the open air the greater part of the day, if the weather is favorable, is beneficial.

Difficult Breathing

    Treatment: With the patient sitting on a chair, give treatment No. 12, page 35, after which have him lie down, and give treatment No. 41, page 64. The above treatments will give the patient almost instant relief, and should only be given when an attack comes on.

Palpitation of the Heart

    A functional disturbance of the heart.
    Causes: Over-exertion, dyspepsia, uterine diseases, excess of tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, or venery; moral and emotional causes: grief, anxiety, and fear.
    Symptoms: Usually palpitation of the heart begins suddenly after some of the causes mentioned; there is a rapid tumultuous beating, pain or oppression over the heart, labored breathing, sense of fullness or of choking in the throat, dizziness, faintness, or flashes of light.
    Treatment: 1. Treatment No. 8 page 31.
    2. Treatment No. 39, page 62.
    3. If stomach be disordered, give treatment for dyspepsia on page 92.
    4. If due to uterine disorders, give treatment No. 19, page 42, in addition to the others.
    5. Avoid over-exertion, take plenty of rest and do not over-feed.
    Baths: Take cold full bath daily (No. 1, page 154), unless the patient be anemic, when warm bath (No. 4, page 155) should be taken.

Angina Pectoris, or Neuralgia of the Heart

    This is a paroxysm in which there occur sharp pains in the region of the heart, extending usually into the left shoulder and down the left arm, with a feeling of constriction in the chest and a strong feeling of impending death.
    Causes: May be of nervous or organic origin, and may be due to syphilis, the excessive use of tobacco, or hardening of the valves of the heart.
    Symptoms: The attacks occur irregularly, in paroxysms; the face wears a look of horror, pale and slightly leadened; a cold perspiration breaks out on the forehead. The attack may end suddenly with vomiting, or great flow of urine; the patient may be gloomy and depressed and sometimes suicidal.
    Treatment: 1. Give treatment of the side of the neck No. 8, Page 31.
    2. Treatment No. 12, page 35.
    3. Treatment No. 41, page 64.
    4. Treatment No. 18, page 41, beginning at the second dorsal vertebra and working down to the sixth only, location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 B, page 24.
    Give full treatment every other day until relief comes.
    Diet: The object of a prescribed diet is to reduce the arterial tension; a vegetable diet and no alcohol is recommended. If there be any gouty condition, follow diet list No. 8,  page 146.
    Exercise: Indulge moderately in out-of-door exercise, and take deep draughts of air. Avoid excitement and excessive physical exercise.
    Baths: The cold full bath No. 1, page 154, is the most effectual in
reducing the high arterial tension. This bath should be taken every day during the time of taking treatment.


    To Treat this affection, have the patient lie flat on his back, and with the open band press firmly on the pit of the stomach in the middle line of the body, and hold for a minute or two.
    2. Have patient lie face down and give treatment No. 45, page 68, placing one thumb on either side of the spine at the tenth dorsal vertebra and press downward and hold for a minute; No.w move the thumbs down one inch and press again.
    3. Treatment No. 12, page 35.
    4. Treatment of the side of the neck No. 8, page 31.
    Diet: Prohibit all food for a day or two, after which permit only liquid foods, such as diluted milk, beef, mutton, or chicken broth, and barley water, as described on page 149.


    The treatment for vomiting may also be given in cases of nausea, and, in addition to the above, have the patient sit on a chair and press bard with the thumb at a point one inch to the right of the fourth dorsal vertebra, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 N, page 24. Hold this for a minute and the feeling will pass away.


    There are two varieties, acute and chronic. It is a catarrhal inflammation of the stomach.
    Causes: The acute form may be due to deficient quantity or quality of the gastric juice, errors in diet, insufficient mastication of food, swallowing liquids too hot or too cold, and the abuse of alcoholic liquors.
    The chronic form is caused by repeated attacks of the acute stage; excessive use of tobacco, tea, coffee, ice water, drank with the meals; malaria; disease of the heart, lungs, or liver.
    Symptoms: At first there is a loss of appetite, bad taste and breath, persistent nausea and vomiting, headache, thirst, pain and tenderness in the pit of the stomach, feeling of weight, and belching, also dizziness.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his side, give treatment No. 20, page 43.
    2. Treatment of the liver and stomach Nos. 25 and 26, pages 48 and 49.
    3. With the patient on a chair, place the thumb of your left hand one inch to the right of the fourth dorsal vertebra and press hard, and at the same time with the disengaged hand raise the patient's right arm above the head and lower same again with a backward and downward movement. (See cut No. 17, page 40, for position, but the treatment must be given on the right side of patient. See cut No. 1 N, page 24, for location of the fourth dorsal vertebra.) Treat three times a week; one month to two will cure any case of indigestion or dyspepsia.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 6, page 144, and avoid the different causes that may produce an attack.
    Baths: Take cold full bath No. 1, page 154, every night, with the water at a temperature of 85 degrees, and reduce the temperature at each succeeding bath one degree until down to 6o degrees.
    A cold compress applied to the abdomen, from a little above the pit of the stomach to the pubic bone and applied in a similar manner to the form of compress for the chest under the head of treatment for bronchitis, page 86.
    Exercise: The patient should have plenty of out-of-door exercise, short of fatigue.

Colic, or Neuralgia of the Stomach

    A painful condition of the nerves of the stomach.
    Causes: The most important factor in the causation is general nervous depression; other causes are cancer or ulceration of the stomach, malaria, rheumatism, gouty tendencies, anemia, or certain articles of diet.
    Symptoms: There is suddenly a severe griping pain in the stomach, with a feeling of faintness; cold feet and hands. The pain may cease suddenly with eructations of gas, or watery fluid, or with vomiting.
    Treatment: 1. If ordinary wind colic as found in small children, work the wind off the bowels by giving treatments Nos. 26 and 29, pages 49 and 52.
    2. Treatment No. 20, page 43.
    Diet: Do Not feed the child for about three hours after an attack, and then the diet must be limited to two or three articles of food, such as beef, bread, milk, and rice, until pains have ceased for some time, after which a greater variety may be given but in all cases avoid starchy foods, together with sugars and fats. In adults, tea, coffee, and tobacco must be given up. Drink abundantly of hot water one hour before each meal and at night before retiring.
    Treat as often as an attack comes on. If chronic, treat three times a week.


    A spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm; a nervous affection. May be caused by an overloaded stomach, or excessive drinking of spirituous and malt liquors.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient sitting on a chair, give treatments Nos. 13 and 14, page 36 and 37.
    2. With the patient lying on his back, take hold of hands and with the head drawn over the end of the table raise his arms above his head and hold same for about a minute. Repeat any or all of the above treatments, if relief does not come soon.

Cholera Morbus

    An acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining of the stomach and intestines.
    Causes: A disease of the summer and early autumn, climatic influences being the important factor. Irritants of all kinds; unripe fruits and vegetables, and fermentation of food.
    Symptoms: Onset is sudden and violent, generally after midnight, with chilliness, intense nausea, vomiting and purging. accompanied with burning abdominal pains and colic. Intense thirst, severe cramps of the muscles in the calf of the leg, front of thigh, fore arms, fingers, and toes.
    1. Treatment: Same as for diarrhea (which see), page 95.
    2. Diet: Same as for dysentery, page 99.
    3. Place hot fomentations (described on page l55) upon the abdomen. The hot wet cloths should be covered with a dry one and should be changed every five minutes until six cloths have been applied.

Cramp in Bowels

    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatments Nos. 24, 26, 27, pages 47, 49, 50.
    2. With the patient sitting on chair, give treatment No. 38, page 61.
    3. Drink several cups of hot water and place hot fomentations on the abdomen as described under treatment for cholera morbus, page 94.
    Diet: During these attacks, if the patient be subject to them, only light fluid foods should be given in very small quantities. Nothing is worse than overeating. Whey, gruel, diluted milk,, and broths only, are permissible; after that, if there be improvement, prescribe diet list No. 5, page 144. No. raw foods or drinks should be taken. It is a standard rule to boil everything. No. beer, ale, soda water, or artificial mineral waters, should be allowed. Avoid pastry, fried dishes, etc.
    Acid drinks, such as lemonade, should be freely drank.


    Frequent loose evacuations, due to functional or organic derangement of the small intestines.
    Causes: Indigestion, indigestible foods, impure food or water, irritating substances poured into the bowels, parasites, atmospheric changes, as well as sudden mental shocks, will predispose to an attack of diarrhea; overeating or eating too rapidly will produce it; overindulgence in alcoholic drinks.
    There are two forms of diarrhea, chronic and acute.
    Symptoms: Acute variety; a few hours after a meal the patient feels colicky pains and flatulency, with a desire for stool there is often nausea and coated tongue, but seldom vomiting. Scalding sensation at the anus, griping pains in the abdomen. The chronic form is the result of frequent attacks of the acute form; the evacuations are pale; there is colic, emaciation, and anemia.
    Diarrhea is a reverse condition of that of constipation, and is attended with much greater debilitating effects; while a constipated patient will live a long time and be apparently healthy, the one with diarrhea a will become emaciated and weak, and will develop other serious conditions of the bowels that may terminate fatally, within a short time.
    Treatment: 1. For acute cases, give treatment No. 38, page 61.
    2. Have the patient lie on his back with the knees drawn up, and with the flat of your hand press downward upon the solar plexus, location of which may be seen in cut No. 2 H, page 25, which lies a little above and slightly to the left of the navel. Inhibit at this point by a constant pressure for about one minute.
    If the case be one of a chronic nature of long standing, in addition to the above treatments give the following: With the patient on his back, reach in under him with one hand on each side of the spinal column, the knuckles resting on the table; raise the body upward with the fingers, using the knuckles as a fulcrum; this pressure should be exerted in the upper lumbar region just below the last rib, for location of which see cut No. 1 C, page 24. Hold same for about half a minute.
    This last treatment may also be given in a manner shown in cut No. 45, page 68, pressing downward in the region of the second lumbar vertebra, located as shown in cut No. 1 C, page 24. Now with the patient on his back, give treatment No. 24, page 47.
    Diet: The diet must be restricted to liquid foods in the beginning of an attack, such as boiled milk, broths, etc., but later on, after the bowels have become more Normal, prescribe diet list No. 5, page 144.
    Baths: The sitz bath No. 2, page 154, with the temperature of the water at about 65 degrees, should be given every day for a week or more.
    Exercise: The patient should do as little moving about as possible; and if the attack be acute, should rest in a recumbent position. Treat three times a week for chronic cases. One treatment will often cure an acute attack.


    A functional inactivity of the intestinal canal due to the debility of the muscular coat, causing an obstructed flow of bile, or lessened natural propelling power of the intestines.
    Causes: Neglecting the calls of nature, dyspepsia, lead poisoning, syphilis, tipped uterus, or the coccyx pressing against the rectum.
    Symptoms: The bowels are moved every three or four days with great straining and distress, the face often flushed; or, in other cases, the bowels may move every day, but the stool is small and hard, causing great distress. It is soon followed by dyspepsia, headache, vertigo, palpitation of the heart on exertion, and sometimes distention of the abdomen.
    There is, perhaps, no other affliction so common as that of constipation, and medicines are not only merely temporary expedients to relieve the bowels of their contents, but will in time make the condition worse, so that a movement of the bowels is impossible without taking a purgative medicine.
    We all know what constipation is, yet the mere fact of the bowels not moving every day cannot be construed as constipation, for there are cases where the bowels empty themselves only every three or four days, and yet they move normally when the time comes.
    The following treatment will not only produce a natural movement, but will remove the cause.
    Treatment: In cases of periodical constipation, simply treatments Nos. 20 and 25, pages 43 and 48, and on the right side only, and treatments Nos. 28 and 29, pages 51 and 52, will have the desired effect. If the bowels do not move after twenty-four hours, then give in addition, the following day, treatments Nos. 7 and 8 pages 30 and 31. Dilation of rectum with the finger will assist.
    Give rectal douche, page 156. Ordinarily from one week to two months will cure any case of constipation. Treatments should be given three times a week.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 3, page 142. if the case be a chronic one. Eat slowly and masticate food properly.
    Baths: Take warm full baths No. 4, page 155, three times a week, or a hot sitz bath No. 2. Page 154, with the temperature of the water at 95 degrees, three times a week.
    Exercise: The following exercises should be taken every morning for about five minutes: With the hand above the head, bend forward, endeavoring to touch the floor with the fingers without bending the knees, having first taken a long breath and holding same during the time that you bend over eight or ten times. Now with the hands on the hips, bend forward and backward at the waist line, while holding the breath, and then move the upper part of the body in a circular motion. Take plenty of exercise out of doors.


    An acute inflammation of the mucous lining of the large intestines.
    Causes: Sudden atmospheric changes, such as hot day and cool nights. 'The drinking water may be the means of carrying a poison to the system.
    No case of dysentery or flux should be lightly considered.
    Symptoms: Usually begins with diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea, and a very slight fever which continues for a few days, when the colicky pains set m around the navel; burning pain in the rectum and a constant desire for stool, which contains more or less blood and pus. The number of stools may vary from five to twenty or more a day.
    Treatment: Same as for diarrhea (which see, page 95), and in addition give treatment No. 39, page 62.
    Treat every day during time the attack is severe. A few treatments will relieve.
    Diet: During an attack the patient must be kept on easily digested foods, and it is best to give the predigested kind, such as peptonized (see page 149) or pancreatinized milk, or boiled milk, pressed meat juice, whey, or raw-egg albumen beaten in sherry.
    Many patients do best on raw scraped beef or meat balls.
    All fruits or vegetables must be forbidden, and very little butter and cream allowed. During convalescence the diet may be cautiously increased, and diet list No. 5, page 144, prescribed.
    In the beginning of an attack the patient should be put to bed and not allowed to get up, until frequency of stools have subsided the evacuations being voided into a bed pan.
    Baths: Sponging the patient every day with hot water, exposing only a part of the body at a time, and giving very warm-water injections into the rectum every day, is beneficial.


    Due to a stagnant circulation in the blood vessels of the rectum; the veins are dilated, which may rupture by the feces passing over them and cause bleeding.
    There are two kinds of piles, external and internal.
    Causes: The predisposing cause may be due to an erect position of the body, so that through the weight of the tissues in the rectum the blood becomes clogged. It may arise from a disordered liver or lung diseases; pressure of a gravid uterus or tumors against the rectum; excess of wine, tea, coffee; constipation; straining at stool; lifting; neglecting the calls of nature; injuries to the spine; and dislocation of the coccyx.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient lying face downward, treat the sacral region, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 D, page 24; push the muscles and tissues upward and outward, working here about two minutes.
    2. Have the patient turn on his side and give treatment No. 19, page 42.
    3. Insert the first finger into the rectum and stimulate the tissues on the inside, thus freeing the circulation, patient having first taken a warm-water injection.
    4. If piles are protruding, push them back into place and treat same as No. 3 above.
    5. If patient be constipated, give treatment for same, page 97.
    Treat every, other day, except inserting the finger into the rectum, which should only be done once a week. A month's treatment will cure any case of piles.
    Baths: Cold water sitz baths No. 2, page 154, should be taken every day for a week, and warm-water injections daily.


    There are different classes of worms according to their seat of habitation in the body, the most common being those that lodge in the small and large intestines.
    Symptoms: The worms that inhabit the small intestines are indicated by stomach and intestinal irritation, picking the nose, foul breath, colicky pains, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and disturbed sleep, such as tossing from side to side in bed and grinding the teeth. Any or all of the symptoms may be present, but a positive diagnosis will be determined by the presence of the parasites in the stools.
    The symptoms of worms in the large intestines are indicated by intense itching about the anus, with a desire for stool, the passage often containing much mucus; these worms may migrate to the sexual organs, where they will produce intense itching.
    Children are most frequently troubled with worms, and the following treatment will positively remove them:
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give a thorough manipulation of the liver and gall bladder, No. 25, page 48.
    2. Treatments of the stomach and abdomen, Nos. 26 and 29, pages 49 and 52.
    Diet: Should be such as to avoid all sweets, especially candy and sugar in any form.
    Treat three times a week; a month's time will cure.


    An abnormal fullness of the vessels of the liver, with consequent enlargement of that organ. The condition is characterized by sluggish digestion, sluggish mental functions, and jaundice.
    Causes: Heat, atmospheric or artificial; habitual constipation; malaria; excess in eating and drinking; alcoholic or malt liquors. In females an arrested menstrual period may bring on an attack; heart and lung diseases.
    Symptoms: Uneasiness or aching of the limbs, evening feverishness, headache, depression of spirits, yellowish tongue, disgust for food, nausea, and perhaps vomiting and constipation; a feeling of fullness, weight, and soreness in the region of the liver, with a dull pain extending to the right shoulder; slight jaundice, the eyes yellow, and the complexion muddy.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatment No. 25, Page 48.
    2. Treatment No. 20, page 43.
    3. Have the patient sit on a chair and give treatment No. 12, page 35.
    4. If patient be constipated, give treatment for same, page 97.
    Give all the above treatments three times a week; one month will be sufficient to cure the most aggravated case.
    Diet: There should be a total abstinence from food for at least two days, after which the patient may take a very light meal in the middle of the day. After a few days the diet may be increased, and diet list No. 4, page 143, prescribed.
    There will be no danger of the patient starving to death; on the other hand good results will follow, as fasting gives the stomach and liver the rest they need, biliousness being brought on in many cases by overwork of these organs.
    Baths: Warm full baths No. 4, page 155, taken every other day, will be found beneficial, also drinking a cup of hot water one hour before each meal and another just before retiring.
    If patient be constipated, a warm-water injection into the rectum, about three times the first week, will materially help the condition.
    Exercise: Should be taken plentifully out of doors, with the following movements of the body every morning: Patient standing erect, place hands on the hips and bend the upper part of the body backward and forward several times, having first taken a long breath and holding it throughout the movements.
    Next raise the arms high above the head and bend forward, endeavoring to touch the floor with the fingers without bending the knees; do this several times while holding the breath, having first taken a long inspiration.


    Is a chronic affection characterized by a constant presence of grape sugar in the urine, an excessive urinary discharge, and the progressive loss of flesh and strength.
    Causes: It is most common in males and at all ages between twenty-five and fifty; disorders of the nervous system; excessive use of starchy foods and malt liquors; sexual excesses; exposure to cold; drinking freely of cold water; prolonged debility; malaria; syphilis.
    Symptoms: Pain over the region of the kidneys; great thirst; appetite capricious, sometimes excessive and again absent; dyspepsia and occasional vomiting; bowels constipated; patient very weak; soreness and pain in the limbs; increased flow of pale, watery urine; nervous irritability; vivid imagination; a failure of memory, and headache.
    While a typical case of diabetes may be incurable, yet a decided improvement may take place in the symptoms, and a progress of the malady greatly retarded by the following treatment and diet:
    Treatment: 1. Treatment of the liver No. 25, page 48.
    2. Treatments Nos. 19, 20, 22, 26, 28, 29, pages 42, 43, 45, 49, 51, 52.
    3. General treatment of the neck Nos. 7 and 8, pages 30 and 31.
    Diet: Diet list No. 4, page 143, must be rigidly followed.
    Baths: Give warm full bath No. 4, page 155, every night for a week; after that every other night.
    Treat three times a week; in from one to three months will find the patient much improved.

Gall Stones

    These are concretions originating in the gall bladder or ducts and are derived from elements in the bile.
    Causes: Gall stones result from the precipitation of crystallizable cholesterin, a constituent of the bile, in combination with thickened mucus in the gall bladder and ducts.
    Symptoms: The presence of gall stones is made known only by their expulsion from the gall bladder. The patient is suddenly seized with a piercing, agonizing pain in the region of the gall bladder and spreading over the abdomen, shoulder, and right chest; the skin is cool and the face distorted and anxious. There may he fainting, spasmodic trembling, or convulsions. Jaundice may follow the paroxysm of pain which will cease instantly when the stone has reached the small intestines.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatment No. 25, page 48.
    2. Now work strongly and deeply over the gall bladder, the location of which may, be seen in cut No. 2 R, page 25.
    3. Treatment No. 20, page 43.
    Treat every other day until cured; a month's treatment will usually remove the cause. If patient be jaundiced, give treatment for same, page 105.
    The principal object to be accomplished is to prevent the formation of gall stones, which may be done by the following:
    Diet: Meats should be taken sparingly and not over once a day; chicken or lean beef may be allowed, also fresh green vegetables, acid fruits, potatoes, bread, and well-cooked cereals; fresh fish, except salmon and mackerel, coffee, tea, and claret may be drank in moderation. Must avoid excessive indulgence in any particular article of food, all richly-cooked foods, calves' brains, liver, sugar, fats, peas, carrots, sweet fruits, and sweet vegetables, egg yolks, carbonated and mineral waters, champagne.
    A cup of hot water should be drank in the morning one hour before breakfast and another at night before retiring. Drink large quantities of water between meals.
    As gall stones are most common in women on account of their sedentary habits, tight lacing and sitting long in cramped positions should be prohibited.


    An acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gall ducts and of the first part of the small intestines.
    Causes: Excess in eating and drinking, a debauch, malaria, cold nights succeeding warm days, and obstructions to the gall duct, such as gall stones.
    Symptoms: Begins with impaired appetite, coated tongue, nausea, with perhaps vomiting, and looseness of the bowels. In from three to five days the whites of the eyes become yellow, and jaundice gradually appears over the entire body; the skin becomes dry and itchy, the bowels constipated, the stools whitish or clay colored, colicky pain, and considerable gas.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatment No. 25, page 48.
    2. General treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    3. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    4. Treatment No. 20, page 43. Treat on the right side of the spine in this region.
    5. If patient be constipated, give treatment for same, page 97, in addition to the others above named.
    Diet: The diet must be bland and nonstimulating. In acute stages, only diluted or peptonized milk is to be given, or buttermilk, whey, meat broths, clam broth, pressed beef juice, egg albumen. In a few days, if tenderness, pain, vomiting, and fever subside, the diet may be slowly increased, and such articles added as milk toast, bread and milk, broths, and light soups, without vegetables; the breast of chicken, oysters, sweetbreads, meat jellies. Later, eggs, boiled or poached, or broiled fresh meat may be given; cooked fruits, not too sweet, and to which sugar has not been added, such as sour apples, prunes, etc., can be eaten. Considerable water should be drank between meals, and especially hot water drank one hour before each meal, and one before retiring. The water may be acidulated with lemon or lime juice. Soda water or Apollinaris may be drank between meals. All starchy, fatty, and sweet foods must be avoided, especially sugar in any form. Coffee and tea are not allowed until after convalescence.
    Baths: Take warm sitz bath No. 4, page 154, every day for a week until the bowels begin to move normally. Inject cold water, at a temperature of 80 degrees, into the rectum every alternate day for a week. These injections are taken while the patient is lying on his left side, and he should take in all he can hold, and then expel.

Diseases of the Kidneys

    There are numerous diseases of the kidneys, and as they are all more or less similar, only in different stages of development, they will be considered as a whole. Their treatment will be directed according to the symptoms existing and the most apparent cause.
    Causes: The principal causes are the effects of cold; irritating substances eliminated by these organs; injuries over the kidneys; scarlatina, diphtheria, and other infectious diseases; syphilis, chronic malaria, lead poisoning, opium habit, consumption, gout, long-continued anxiety, worry or grief; pregnancy.
    Symptoms: In mild cases there is a slow development of dropsy with anemia, shortness of breath, and weakness; fever with nausea and violent and persistent vomiting; dull pain over the kidneys; later on there is a frequent desire to urinate; diarrhea, headache, vertigo, and defective vision ; puffiness under the eyes, especially in the morning; persistent dyspepsia.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient lying face downward, grasp his legs with the right hand, and with the fingers of the left hand press down hard on the sacrum, treatment No. 42, page 65.
    2. Have the patient turn on his back and give treatment No. 20, page 43.
    3. Treatments Nos. 27 and 29, pages 50 and 52.
    Diet: As diet has a wonderful influence in controlling the progress of diseases of these organs, it will be found highly beneficial to observe diet list No. 1, page 140.
    Baths: Give warm full baths No. 4, page 155, every day, in serious conditions; and every alternate day in the less severe forms.
    Treat three times a week; two weeks will show marked improvement in the condition, and a month or two will cure most cases.

Incontinence of Urine

    Frequently found in children who involuntarily void the urine while asleep.
    Treatment: With the patient lying face downward, give treatment No. 42, page 65.
    In most cases one treatment will correct the trouble, but if not, and more treatments are necessary, then treat three times a week.

Difficulty in Voiding the Urine

    This may be cured by treating the spine from the twelfth dorsal vertebra to the fifth lumbar vertebra, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 C, page 24. Refer to treatment No. 18, page 41, for manner of applying this treatment, but only working between the points above named.
    2. With the patient lying face downward, give treatment No. 43, page 66, with the thumb and first finger of the left hand placed one on each side of the spine at the second lumbar vertebra only, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 C, page 24. Treat three times a week.

Enlargement of the Spleen

    Treatment: 1. With the patient lying on his right side, loosen all the muscles near the spine on the left side from the ninth to the twelfth dorsal vertebra, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 B, page 24. This is done by using the fingers of both hands, drawing the muscles upward and outward from the spine without allowing the fingers to slip. Work in this region about a minute and a half.
    2. Treatment No. 26, page 49.
    3. Have the patient sit on a chair and give treatment No. 34, page 57.
    Diet: There is no specific diet that can be recommended in this affection, but much may be done to reduce the size of this organ, as well as to create a better circulation of the blood which this organ has undoubtedly stored up at the expense of the other parts of the body, and also to increase the white and red blood corpuscles by baths.
    These baths should be taken in cold water at a temperature of about 70 degrees F. and as directed in cold full Bath No. 1, page 154.
    Treat three times a week.

Pain in the Region of the Spleen

    Treatment: Same as for enlargement of the spleen, (which see.) One treatment will, in most cases, cure; if not treat three times a week until patient be relieved.

Cold Feet

    This affection is due to imperfect circulation to the extremities, and may be the result of an obstruction to the main blood vessels to the legs, or to an imperfect action of the heart.
    Treatment: With the patient on his back, give treatments Nos. 21, 22, 23, 32, Pages 44, 45, 46, 55.
    A few treatments given every alternate day will cure the condition.
    Bathe the feet for ten minutes in hot water every night for a week just before retiring.


    An affection of the muscles of the small of the back. One attack predisposes to another. Almost always due to cold or dampness.
    Symptoms: Pain in the muscles in the lumbar region of the back; usually affects both sides, but may only attack one side: in that case the leg on the affected side will be drawn tip shorter than the other, which may be detected by having the patient lie flat on his back and bringing the feet together, when a difference can be noticed at the heels.
    It may set in rapidly and become very severe; motion of any kind aggravates the pain, which often becomes very sharp and stabbing in character. The person may be unable t6 rise after assuming the stooping position.
    Treatment: 1. Manipulate the muscles on each side of the spine in the region of the lumbar vertebra, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 C, page 24. Have the patient lie on his side, and with the fingers of both hands draw the muscle upward and outward as described under the head of treatment No. 18, page 41, but working only at the point above named. It should take about three minutes to relax the muscles here.
    2. Give treatment No. 19, page 42.
    Treat three times a week for a chronic condition, and from two weeks to a month will surely cure; for an acute attack, only one treatment may be necessary.
    Diet: If the patient has no rheumatic tendencies, the diet may be liberal, yet starchy foods and sweets should be avoided for a time. Drink plenty of water between meals to wash out the waste matter from the body. Alcohol should be avoided while the acute stage lasts. In chronic cases, animal foods should be indulged in moderately, and only eaten once a day; avoid acids and acid fruits. Eat the green variety of vegetables.
    Baths: Take warm full baths, No. 4, page 155; or, better still, apply hot fomentations to the affected part every night during the acute stage. The description of these may be seen on page 155.
    Exercises: A very good movement to stretch the muscles in this region is to lie flat on the back and bring the feet tip over the head as far as possible, having some one to press down on them while in this position.

Muscular Rheumatism

    An affection of the voluntary muscles, inflammatory in character: either acute or chronic.
    Causes: Almost always due to cold or dampness, or direct draughts of cold air, especially if the patient has been in a perspiration.
    Symptoms: The first attack is generally acute, with pain in the affected muscles, tenderness and considerable stiffness, and difficulty of movement.
    Treatment: 1. Give general treatment of the body No. 30, page 53.
    2. Treat the affected part by manipulation of the muscles involved.
    3. If in the legs, give same treatment as for cold feet, page 110.
    4. If in the arms or shoulders, give treatment No. 33, page 56.
    Diet: If of a chronic nature, observe diet list No. 8, page 146. If an acute attack, follow same diet as prescribed under treatment for lumbago, page No. 110.
    Baths: Take warm full baths No. 4, page 155, every day, and hot fomentations to the affected part, the description of which may be seen on page 155. Treat three times a week. This treatment will positively cure any case of rheumatism of the muscles.

Sciatic Rheumatism

    An inflammation of the sciatic nerve which runs down the back of the leg.
    Symptoms: Usually follows an attack of lumbago, the pain becoming fixed in the sciatic nerve. The pain is sharp, tearing or shooting in character, increased upon motion, shooting along the course of the nerve, down the back of the leg into the calf and the heel.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his face, treat the muscles on both sides of the spine in the lumbar and sacral region, the location of which may be seen in cut No. 1 C, and 1 D, page 24.
    Manipulate this region as described under treatment No. 18, page 41.
    2. Treatment No. 19, page 42.
    3. Stretch the sciatic nerve, treatment No. 31, page 54.
    4. Treatment No. 32, page 55.
    5. Exercise every morning by raising the arms above the head and endeavor to touch the floor with the fingers without bending the knees. Do this several times, having first taken a long breath and holding it throughout the exercise.
    Diet: If there be any rheumatic tendencies, prescribe diet list No. 8, page 146.
    Baths: Hot fomentation applied daily to the sacral region, the application of which is described on page 155. (See cut No. 1 D, page 24, for location of sacrum.)
    Treat three times a week; a month will usually cure the most aggravated case.

Inflammatory Rheumatism

    A constitutional disease with excess of lactic acid in the blood.
    Causes: The predisposing causes are inherited tendencies, scarlatina, and the child-bearing state. The exciting causes are exposure to colds and chilling of the body.
    Symptoms: Begins suddenly, usually at night, with a chill or chilliness, pain and stiffness of the joints, loss of appetite, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, followed by fever, great thirst, and profuse acid sweats; scanty, highly colored urine; bowels constipated. The local characteristics are pain, tenderness, increased heat, swelling, redness of one or more joints.
    Treatments: Same as for muscular rheumatism, page 112, (which see.)
Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 8, page 146.
    Baths: Warm full baths, No. 4, page 155, taken every day during the periods of pain and inflammation, and hot fomentations, as described on page 155, applied to the effected parts.

Cramp in the Legs

    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatments Nos. 21, 22, 32, pages 44, 45, 55.
    2. Treatment No. 20, page 43, patient lying on his side.
    Treat three times a week, but usually one treatment is sufficient to relieve an acute attack.


    A deficiency of red corpuscles in the blood, or the reduction of the amount of blood as a whole; characterized by pallor and general weakness.
    Causes: Predisposing, Sex; females, pregnancy and menopause, heredity. Exciting, deficient blood, air, or sunshine; excessive work; mental worry; mental shock; prolonged and frequent nocturnal emissions; chronic intestinal catarrh; Bright's disease; malaria; syphilis; cancer.
    Symptoms: Pallor; gums, tongue, ears and whites of eves pale; muscular weakness, deficient appetite, impaired digestion, attacks of vomiting, quickened respiration, irritable temper, dizziness in the erect position, attacks of swooning, nocturnal emissions in the male, and deficient menses in the female.
    Treatment: Same as for general debility, page 115, observing diet, exercise, baths, and rest. Should there be constipation, give treatment for same, page 97. Treat every other day for constipation, but the general treatment must not be given over twice a week, and only once a week if the patient be very weak.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 2, page 141. Do Not favor the partiality of the patient for certain foods, but by persuasion and perseverance endeavor to get the patient to take such foods as are prescribed in the diet list.
    Baths: Warm tub baths No. 4, page 155, with the temperature of the water at 98 degrees, and reduce the temperature daily until baths at 65 degrees are taken. These baths should be taken every morning after rising, and attendant should apply friction to the entire body under water; the patient should then be rapidly dried, dressed, and sent out into the open air for a walk short of fatigue, providing the weather be agreeable. The patient should be instructed to breathe deeply in the open air. Plenty of rest is also necessary.

General Debility

    A general treatment of the body will be found beneficial in treating those whose vitality is at a low ebb, and while there may not be an entire cure in cases of the old and infirm, yet it will so strengthen them that they will possess a new lease on life; but with the young, there is every hope of recovering a perfect constitution if the treatment be persistently followed. If there be any organic disease, i. e., where there is partial or total destruction of any organ or organs, the redemption is hopeless, but the progress of the disease may be checked by osteopathic treatment with the accessory application of baths, exercise, and diet, and many a person may be brought from the brink of the grave.
    Treatment: 1. Give general treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. General treatment of the body No. 30, page 53.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 2, page 141.
    Exercise: The patient should take plenty of fresh air, and exercise short of fatigue.
    Treat no oftener than twice a week, and if there be much debility, only once a week. Patient should rest for about an hour after each treatment, and as rest and air are necessary adjuncts to the treatment, these should be strictly observed.

Nervous Prostration

    A debility of the nervous system.
    Causes: It may result from various chronic diseases, mental worry or emotion, over-work, sexual excesses, alcohol, tobacco.
    Symptoms: Irritability or weakness of the mental faculties; inability to concentrate the thoughts, and efforts to do so causing headache, dizziness, restlessness, weariness, and depression. There may be palpitation of the heart; cold hands and feet; chilliness, followed by flashes of heat, followed in turn by sweating; insomnia; fatiguing sleep.
    In males there is a genito-urinary disorder, with pain in the back; in the female, painful menstruation and irritation of the ovaries. The most severe cases of nervous prostration require special treatment, the principles of which are: First, complete rest of the body and mind; second, systematic feeding; third, osteopathic treatment and baths.
    Treatment: 1. Give general treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. General treatment of the body No. 30, page 53.
    Diet: The basis of the diet in the beginning of the treatment should be milk, which may be sterilized, peptonized (see page 149), or pancreatinized. As some persons object to milk, it should be given in small quantities at first and diluted with water, living with it other foods at first; you may add a little coffee to suit the taste. The milk, too, may be constipating, in which case give treatment for same, page 97. After five or six days of a milk diet, a chop or poached egg may be added at noon. The next day, bread and butter or bread and milk is given, and again for supper, and then an egg or a little meat for breakfast, until the patient will be taking three good meals of plain food daily. About two quarts of milk should be given in addition during the twenty-four hours.
    Baths: In general the patient should take a cold sponge bath every day, be dressed, and sent into the open air. If too weak to take the bath alone, an attendant should give it, who should afterwards rub the patient thoroughly with a rough towel.
    Give osteopathic treatment only twice a week.


    Fever is the increased oxidation of the nutritive material in the food; there are present the phenomena of rise of temperature, quickened circulation, marked tissue change, and disordered secretion.
    Treatment: The general treatment of fevers is to reduce the temperature; lessen the circulation; create a free action of the bowels, kidneys, sweat glands, and bladder; nourish the patient; watch the nursing; and guard cleanliness, cheerfulness. regularity, ventilation, and light.
    1. General treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
 3. Inhibit the action of the nerves that control the caliber of the arteries, by holding the superior cervical plexus, the splanchnics, and the fifth lumbar, which points may be found in cut No. 1, page 24. To inhibit the splanchnic and fifth lumbar nerves it is best to have the patient lie face downward, and with the thumb on either side of the spine bear down with considerable force and hold same for a minute or two. The splanchnics extend from the sixth to the twelfth dorsal vertebrae, hence inhibit this whole region, beginning at the sixth and moving the thumbs down the spine one inch each time. The superior cervical plexus may be treated as shown in treatment No. 39, page 62.
    Diet: Diluted milk will be found the most beneficial during a high fever, and later on you may add to this beef tea, animal broths, etc. Then prescribe diet list No. 7, page 145.
    Baths: May be given to help reduce a fever and to keep the patient clean from the poisons that are being constantly thrown off through the skin. Give daily cold baths No. 1, page 154, or wrap the patient in sheets wrung pit of cold water. The procedure is as follows: Spread a blanket over a cot or a bed and on this spread a sheet wrung out of cold water at a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees; lay the patient nude upon this and then wrap the whole around him, covering every part of the body thoroughly from the neck down to and including the feet; now cover well with more blankets and let the patient remain in this for fifteen minutes, having first placed a cloth wet with cold water around the head. There should be two sets of blankets and sheets in which the patient is wrapped, the second ready to place him in after the first, and the change should be repeated five times. These sets must then be washed to eradicate the poisonous matters that have been thrown off from the body, and to have them ready for the next day when the fever comes on.
    Give rectal douche in the early stages as described on page 156.
    Osteopathic treatment No. 3, given on page 118, may be applied two or three times a day, or during the time the fever is high, as it will tend to keep the temperature reduced.
    The other treatment should! be given once each day while the fever lasts, and three times a week after that.

Fever and Ague

    A paroxysmal fever characterized by a cold, a hot, and a sweating stage, followed by an interval of complete remission.
    Causes: The presence in the blood of a specific vegetable micro-organism; an auxiliary condition, such as exposure to cold, over-exertion, excess in eating and drinking, or great excitement, often being necessary to give efficiency to the special cause.
    The mode of infection may be through the air breathed or contaminated drinking water or other fluids.
    Symptoms: Each paroxysm has three stages, the cold, the hot, and the sweating. The cold stage begins with lassitude, yawning, headache, nausea, followed by a chill which continues for a half hour to an hour; there is great thirst, and the skin is rough and pale, and a decided rise of temperature occurs in the mouth and arm pits.
    The hot stage begins gradually; the shivering ceases, and the surface becomes hot and flushed. Headache, nausea, great thirst, dry flushed skin, and scanty urine characterize this stage, which continues from one to ten hours.
    The sweating stage begins gradually, perspiration first appearing on the forehead, then over the entire body; the fever lessens and the temperature falls rapidly.
    Treatment: Same as for fevers, page 117, given when the fever is on.
    Diet: During the acute stage, observe same diet as for fevers, page 118, and during convalescence prescribe diet list No. 7,  page 145.
    Baths: Same as for fevers, (which see.) page 117.

La Grippe

    An acute, specific, infectious fever, moderately contagious, associated with a catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory tract. sometimes of the digestive; disturbance of the nervous system, and debility.
    Cause: A specific poison. The mode of development is not yet understood.
    Symptoms: The onset is sudden, with a chill followed by a fever; severe shooting pains in the eyes and the forehead, and pains in the joints and muscles. The chills and fever are followed by chilliness along the spine, pain in the throat, hoarseness, deafness, catarrhal inflammation of the nose, sneezing, dry irritating cough - sometimes becoming bronchial, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and often diarrhea.
    Treatment: 1. General treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, 40, pages 30, 31, 32, 63.
    2. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    3. Treatment Nos. 25 and 29, Pages 48 and 52.
    4. If there be constipation, give treatment for same, page 97.
    Diet: While the fever lasts, the stomach is usually irritable, and hence the diet should be fluid and restricted; food should be given in very small quantities. In very severe cases the patient should be put to bed and given an exclusive milk diet for three or four days. Dilute the milk somewhat with water which has been previously boiled and cooled, or give skimmed milk of which at least two quarts should be drank in the twenty-four hours. Later the patient may be put on diet list No. 7, page 145. During convalescence the patient may be given a larger amount of solid foods, such as roast beef, beefsteak, chicken, and boiled or poached eggs, etc.
    Baths: During tile onset, the patient should be given a hot footbath before retiring, with hot lemonade to drink, with the precaution that he be well covered to avoid taking cold; when he has perspired, it is best to change his night clothes after leaving given him a brisk rub under the covers. A warm full bath No. 4, page 149, is also very efficacious in the beginning of an attack, and will, in many cases, ward off an otherwise severe attack.
    Give rectal douche, as described on page 156, in beginning of the illness.
    During the acute stage, the patient should be treated every day for a week, after which three times a week will suffice. While the fever is on, it will be well to inhibit the superior cervical plexus several times a day, treatment No. 39, page 62.

Whooping Cough

    A convulsive, paroxysmal cough consisting of a number of forcible expirations, followed by a deep, sonorous inspiration (the whoop) and associated with catarrh of the bronchial tribes.
    Causes: Chiefly a disease of childhood; one attack usually removes the susceptibility; contagious, and affects the nervous system.
    Symptoms: Originates with a loose cough, becoming paroxysmal, consisting of a succession of short, rapid expiratory efforts, followed by a deep, loud, crowing inspiration - the whoop.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9, 40, pages 30, 31, 32, 63.
    2. With the patient on a chair, give treatments Nos. 12 and 17, pages 35 and 40.
    3. Apply a cold compress, the description of which is given on page 58, cut No. 35, to the throat every night before retiring.
    Diet: Owing to the patient vomiting after a paroxysm, it is advisable to give an easily assimilated diet, and this may be pancreatinized or sterilized milk, gruels, cream toast, eggs, chicken broths, custards, milk puddings, meat broths, and stimulants in the form of egg nog or milk punch.
    Should the cough not be severe enough to cause vomiting, then any nutritious diet may be given.
    The clothing should be warm, and the patient should spend as much time in the open air as possible.
    Give osteopathic treatment three times a week.


    Insomnia is due to many causes, and faulty diet has much to do with the condition. Over-feeding or eating improper food may cause disordered steep; also indigestion, dyspepsia, or biliousness. Malnutrition and inanition may cause it from exhaustion.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. Treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    3. Treatment No. 10, page 33.
    Diet: The meals should be taken regularly, and the heaviest meal in the middle of the day, eating a light supper, as a glass of milk, milk toast, broth, cup of cocoa, a light sandwich, etc.
    Baths: Take warm full bath No. 4, page 155, before retiring, or a hot footbath.
    Exercise: Take plenty of exercise in the open air.
    Give osteopathic treatment three times a week, which will usually produce sleep without the other accessories.


    This is a disease that usually starts in childhood, due to malnutrition, improper or insufficient food, or withholding the foods that produce the lime salts necessary to the growth and development of the bones.
    Symptoms: The condition is one of general ill health, malnutrition; there may be attacks of diarrhea, night sweats and night terrors; appetite capricious; disinclination for exertion; the upper part of the chest sinks in, and the spine becomes curved, producing considerable deformity. In a child with rickets, the head is usually large in proportion to the rest of the body, and the forehead is bulging.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    3. Treatment of the liver and abdomen Nos. 25, 26, 29, pages 48, 49, 52.
    Treat three times a week. One month will show marked improvement, and several months will positively cure any case of rickets.
    Diet: In infants that have been weaned it is advisable to give milk diluted with barley water, half and half. (Barley water is prepared by boiling a tablespoonful of pearl barley in a pint of water Until the barley is thoroughly cooked and softened; a little salt is added and the mass strained through a fine cloth.) Gradually add more milk and make proportion three parts milk and one part barley water; later on, four of milk and one of barley water; and after three months the barley water may be dispensed with entirely. The child should not be given any starchy foods whatever, but should now be given beef, mutton, and chicken broths, juice of rare roast beef or beefsteak. After the child is eighteen months old it may be given cow's milk, beef juice squeezed from fresh meat, broths, and stale bread crumbs may be added. Later still the child may take scraped beef or raw beef sandwiches, made of thin layers of bread and butter with the meat pulp between them, and a little fresh fruit juice, such as of oranges. A little sweet currant jelly added to the meat will improve the flavor for older children who object to taking it. Eggs may also be given, either beaten with milk and sweetened, or soft cooked. If diarrhoea supervene, it will be well to stop the meats for awhile and give pancreatinized milk. Older children should have an abundance of fat, in the form of fresh butter on bread, or cream on stewed fruits or baked apples. Also give the child a more generous diet of meats, potatoes, and vegetables, but no sweets in the form of candy, pastries, cakes, etc., until the general condition of the patient improves, when a mixed diet of nutritious foods may be given. A very good diet at this time is diet list No. 2, page 141.
    Baths and Exercise: The patient should be bathed frequently, to prevent skin eruptions so frequent in children with rickets. They must practically live out of doors in all seasonable weather. It is essential to see that the child does not assume ill positions, especially when asleep, lest these cause a deformity of the bones which are weak.

Congestive Chills

    Treatment: 1. Give treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    3. Treatment No. 10, page 33.
    Diet: Prescribe diet list No. 7, page 145.
    Treat every day just before a chill. A week or ten days will positively cure.


    Any of the specific treatments for any part of the body will relieve the pain attending neuralgia; for instance, if there be neuralgia of the face, treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9,10, pages 30, 31, 32, 33 should be given; if the pain be in the legs, give treatments Nos. 19, 21, 22, 23, pages 42, 44, 45, 46. If in the stomach, give treatments Nos. 20, 26, 29, pages 43, 49, 52.
    Neuralgias of long standing are very stubborn at times, but persistent treatment three times a week for several months will surely result favorably.
    Hot fomentations, as described on page 155, applied to the affected parts, are valuable.

St. Vitus Dance

    A functional disorder of the nervous system.
    Causes: Hereditary; reflex, from dentition, worms, masturbation, or fright; may be the result of rheumatism.
    Symptoms: Onset gradual, the child seemingly grimacing or jerking the arm or hand, followed by decided irregular tossing of the muscles of the face, of the eyelids, eyeballs, and the shoulder, arm, and hand, finally extending to the lower extremities and interfering with motility. In severe cases inability of selffeeding, speech unintelligible.
    Treatment: 1. General treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    2. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    3. Treatment of the extremities Nos. 21, 22, 23, 32, 33, pages 44, 45, 46, 55, 56.
    Treat three times a week. Chronic cases may require treatment a long time, yet much improvement will be apparent within a month.


    There are many complications attending this affliction, such as rheumatism, diabetes, gout, fatty heart, affections of spleen, kidneys, pancreas, etc., and to get the best results and thus prevent many of the above conditions, the treatment must be strictly and persistently followed. Diet is very important.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient on his back, give treatments Nos. 25, 26, 27, 29, pages 48, 49, 50, 52.
    2. General treatment of the neck Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31, 32.
    3. General treatment of the spine No. 18, page 41.
    4. Treatment of the splanchnics No. 20, page 43.
    Diet: Prescribe diet No. 9, page 147.
    Exercise: Plenty of exercise in the open air and long walks.
    Treat three times a week; one month will show marked improvement. Patients have been reduced from twenty to thirty-five pounds in a month by this treatment, and the general health Any condition of the body improved.

Varicose Veins

    Is an enlargement of the veins which are tortuous and very prominently distended. Most frequently in the legs, and hence will give the treatment for varicosity in this region only.
    Cause - Due to the obstruction to the free flow of blood through the veins, which may be due to contraction of the muscles; pressure of the pelvic organs on the principle veins that lead from the legs, or pressure of growths, tumors, etc.; imperfect heart action; constant standing, or over-loaded colon with feces; tipped pelvic bones, or dropsy of the abdomen.
    Treatment - First decide on the cause, and treat accordingly. In the main, work the tissues in the groin on the affected side, or both, if the two legs are involved. Manipulate by a gentle but firm pressure, patient on the back, with the legs flexed, much as is shown in treatment No. 28, page 51, but directed to the groin as above described.
    2. Treatment No. 24, page 47.
    3. No. 32, page 55, all along the limbs from the groin to the ankle.
    4. Manipulate the muscles along the spine from the twelfth dorsal vertebra to the end of the spine; work the same as directed under treatment No. 20, page 43, but working down to the end of the spine.
    5. If bowels are constipated, give treatment for same, page 97.
    If varicosity is due to continuous standing, patient must keep off feet as much as possible, and when in a recumbent position the feet should be higher than the head.
    The use of elastic stockings or bandages is prohibited while taking osteopathic treatment. Treat three times a week.

Loss of Voice

    Is an affection of the vocal chords French may be due to an inflammation of the throat (laryngitis); prolonged use of the voice (speaking or singing), or may be due to a spinal injury. Most cases can be cured in from one to four treatments. It is the author's advice to treat only the simpler cases, which may be due to colds and exposure or prolonged speaking or singing. In the more severe cases it is wise to call a regular osteopath.
    Treatment: 1. Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31 and 32.
    2. Give treatments Nos. 15 and 16, pages 38 and 39.
    3. No. 37, page 60; then No. 40, on page 63.
    Treat once each day until cured.

Drink Habit (Alcoholism)

    A craving for and an overindulgence in alcoholic drinks is the worst curse ever befallen to man. It is a habit more difficult to break than most others, and in this same category is the morphine, opium and tobacco habit.
    The nervous system becomes almost a perfect wreck which finally depends upon the stimulant. Patient can not sleep or digest his food, becomes moody, despondent and hypochondriacal.
    Many subjects can be cured by osteopathy, as has been done; the object being to restore the nervous system to a normal condition, which will, to a great extent, destroy the desire for stimulants, and which will be entirely removed as the treatment is proceeded with.
    Treatment: 1. General treatment No. 30, page 53, which is to be given three times a week. Of course liquor must be prohibited.
    Diet: Cup of hot water one-half hour before each meal and at bed time. Diet in the beginning must be light, principally liquid foods. Later give diet list No. 6, page 144, omitting the meats or soup from meats, as these should not be eaten.
    May take also: cauliflower, fresh asparagus, green peas, puree of peas, beans, and lentils passed through a collender.
    Eggs in the form of egg nog, Without the brandy; slightly boiled or poached eggs, and soft custards prepared without sugar; milk, predigested or peptonized, in small quantities; buttermilk, cottage cheese, gruel and milk.
    Cereals, well cooked (about one to three hours), zwieback, nuts (except peanuts), eaten fresh, or prepared in the form of a nut butter.
    Ripe fruit should be eaten in abundance, fresh preferred, but cooked fruits are also valuable. Fruit juices, such as of grape, orange, lime, lemon, raspberry, blackberry (made without sugar) are also valuable.
    Must avoid meats of all kinds, oysters, game, chicken, goose, duck, meat juice, beef tea, animal broths, cabbage, celery, lettuce, string beans, spinach and greens, preserved and pickled fruits.

Morphine Habit

    Same treatment and diet as for Drink Habit, page 128.

Opium Habit

    Same treatment and diet as for Drink Habit, page 128.

Tobacco (Cigarette) Habit

    Same treatment and diet as for Drink Habit, page 128.

Occupation Neuroses

    (Varieties: Penman's, Telegrapher's, Piano and Violin cramps or paralysis.)
    An affection of the nervous system localized as to a nerve or group of nerves supplying the muscles affected. The attacks are due principally to overuse of the muscles involved in following any of the particular vocations mentioned above.
    Cause: From an osteopathic standpoint, is due to an affection of the nerves of the neck and in the dorsal region along the spine; a depressed clavicle or a raised first rib, which may have been produced by a faulty or continuous position, and which caused pressure on the nerves leading to the arm.
    Symptoms: Stiffness and pain in the used member; tremor and spasmodic contractions; sometimes complete paralysis.
    Treatment: 1. Rest of the affected part is of much importance.
    2. Give treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9, pages 30, 31 and 32.
    3. Next, give Nos. 15 and 16, pages 38 and 39.
    4. Now, No. 18, page 41, from 1st to 6th dorsal vertebrae.
    5. Manipulate gently under the arm near the shoulder and follow same down to the elbow.
    In case of severe pain occurring between treatments given above, inhibit the nerves under the arm; also give inhibition treatment with the patient in position shown in cut No. 16, page 39, holding same for about a minute. Inhibit also region shown in cut No. 14, page 37.
    Treat daily for pain, and every other day to remove the cause. Success is assured in the majority of cases.


    DISEASES of the skin, from an osteopathic standpoint, can be traced to one common cause, and the treatment will vary only according to the location of the eruption. This cause is the result of imperfect circulation of the blood to the skin, also of impure blood, which may be traced to a faulty digestion. In every case then the treatment may be directed to the liver, stomach, kidneys,  intestines, and the general circulation, or to the specific causes indicated.
    Causes: Improper diet, uncleanliness, anaemia, debility, menstrual disorders, constipation, dyspepsia, nervous disorders, affections of the heart and lungs, or certain drugs.
    Treatment: If the eruptions occur on the face or neck, give treatments Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, pages 30, 31, 32, 33, 43,
    If on the body, give treatments Nos. 20 and 18, pages 43 and 41.
    If on the legs, treatments Nos. 20, 21, 22, 23, 32, pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 55.
    If patient be also constipated, give treatment for same, page 97.
    If eruptions cover the entire body, give treatment No. 30, page 53.
    Treat three times a week, and from one to three months will remove any kind of eruption.
    Diet: There are certain general principles of dietetic treatment applicable to a majority of all severe cases of skin eruption. The food should be simple, restricted in variety, and plainly cooked. Milk, meat, and stale bread are more desirable than starchy and sweet foods. Chronic cases with malnutrition and anoemia must have abundant nourishing animal food as given in diet list No. 2, page 141.
    Substances to be particularly avoided in all skin diseases are all raw and unripe fruits and vegetables, sweets and pastries of all kinds, condiments and highly seasoned dishes, veal, pork, and alcoholic and malt liquors. Cut off from the dietary candy, cake, hot bread, pancakes, greasy soups, articles fried in fat, twice-cooked meats, rich gravies, tea, coffee, and chocolate.
    May eat such things as stale bread and milk, porridge, wheaten grits, cracked wheat without sugar, cream toast or crackers and milk, custards, boiled rice or rice pudding - not too sweet - roast beef, mutton chicken, turkey, game, broiled fresh fish, green vegetables - such as spinach, lettuce, green peas.
    Drink plenty of water between meals, and a cup of hot water one hour before meals. The restricted diet should be followed for several months.
    Baths: Should be taken regularly, and warm full baths No. 4, page 155, should be taken frequently, and considerable friction applied to the skin thereafter.
    Exercise should be taken regularly in the open air.


    From an osteopathic standpoint, an injury to the spine may cause a disordered  menstruation.
    Excessive menstruation may be caused by an inflammatory condition of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, or the uterus; backward displacement of the uterus; cancers, tumors, fecal accumulations, severe jaundice, or malarial poisoning.
    Irregular menstruation in any form is a deviation from the normal, and the following causes are among the many that may produce it: Insufficiency of active exercise, fresh air, or healthy hygienic surroundings; extreme mental emotion, as fright, grief, anxiety, or great anger.  Exposure to cold during a menstrual period, or sitting on cold steps, may cause temporary suppression of the menses.
    Normal menstruation requires the following conditions:
    1.  A normal condition of the nervous system.
    2.  A normal state of the blood supply.
    3.  Integrity of the entire genital apparatus.
    With these three conditions in existence, a woman will menstruate normally and regularly.  Serious interference with one or more of them will produce suppressed, excessive, or painful menstruation.
    The treatment is directed to produce the normal condition and covers the three forms of irregularities.
    Treatment: 1. With the patient lying face downward, give treatment No. 43, page 66.
    2. Treatment No. 44, page 67, patient on her back.
    3. Treatments Nos. 18 and 19, pages 41 and 42.
    4. If constipated, give treatment for same, page 97.
    5.  Treat over the uterus, location of which may be seen in cut No. 2 P, page 25, by drawing upwards towards the head with the fingers placed just above the pubic bone.
    Treatments should be given three times a week except during the menstrual period. (See rule 5, page 13, governing this.) Usually one month will cure most cases, but the more chronic forms may require longer.  There is an absolute cure for all disorders of menstruation, if treatment be persistently followed.
    Baths: The patient should take warm full baths three times a week. (See page 155, bath No. 4.)
    Warm sitz baths No. 2, page 154, may also be taken alternately with the warm tub baths, except, of course, during menstruation.
    Observe complications accompanying any of these irregularities and give treatment for same.

    An abundant discharge from the vagina of a mucus or mucopurulent or yellowish nature, due to inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, or Fallopian tubes.
    Causes: May be brought on by a cold, bathing during menstruation, malposition of the uterus, and may be one of the results of menopause (change of life), laceration of the mouth of the uterus, or disordered menstruation.
    Treatment: 1.  With the patient lying face downward, treat the lumbar region according to movements given in treatment No. 45, page 68, working only from the twelfth dorsal vertebra down to the end of the spine, loosening the muscles thoroughly.
    2. Treatment No. 43, page 66.
    3. Treatment No. 42, page 65.
    4. Treatment No. 44, page 67, with the patient on her back.
    5. If any other complication, such as constipation, etc., give specific treatment for same.
    6. Syringe the vagina thoroughly every day with warm or hot water, but not so hot as to be uncomfortable.  Use a fountain syringe.
    Give osteopathic treatment three times a week; improvement in the condition will begin soon after, and a cure may be expected in a month or two.
Pain in the Ovaries

    Treatment: 1. With the patient on her side, give a treatment of the spine from the ninth dorsal to the fifth lumbar vertebra, as described under treatment No. 18, page 41, but working only between the points named above, which may be seen in cut No. 1, B and C, page 24.
    2. Treatment No. 43, page 66.
    3. Treatment No. 44, page 67.
    4. Hot fomentations applied over the site of the ovaries, location of which may be seen in cut No. 2 L L, page 25. (See page 155 for manner of applying hot fomentations.)
    Treat every other day until relieved.  Usually one treatment will remove the pain.

Enlargement of the Prostate Gland
    This condition exists most frequently in the advanced life of the male, usually after the age of fifty.  While in most cases there may be no marked, or only slight inconvenience, yet in others there may be serious complications arise, viz., interference with the free passage of urine, impotence, sterility, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), and eventually affect the kidneys.
    Symptoms: The stream of urine is slow to start, and does so feebly, rather than run in a strong stream from the end of the penis.  The last drops fall without control.  There are also occasionally involuntarily passing of urine during sleep.  The bladder cannot be entirely emptied, which brings on a frequent desire to urinate.  The first urine to pass is clear, and finally becomes cloudy ammoniacal, and contains bacteria, etc.  Just above the root of the penis there is an aching pain which may extend to the region back of the scrotum, which is increased when the bladder is full.  Piles may form in the rectum or a prolapse of the walls of the rectum.  In rare cases incontinence of the urine may develop.  The general health breaks down, indigestion and disordered bowels resulting.  Gravel may develop in the bladder and septic fever may occur, death resulting from exhaustion, suppression of urine, or blood poisoning through cystitis.
    Treatment: 1.  Use rubber catheter (which must be absolutely clean to avoid infection) to draw off the urine, if found to be necessary, and at night only to draw off any residual urine.
    2.  Give treatment No. 19, page 42, and work down to the end of the spine on both sides of the center line, three times a week, giving about ten minutes, to the above region.
    3. Treatment No. 23, page 46.
    4. Lightly stimulate the prostate gland direct by passing the index finger gently over  around the gland.  This is done with the patient bending over the back of the chair or a table; the gland may be felt toward the front wall of the rectum. (Finger nail should be trimmed to avoid injury to the mucous membrane, and should also be absolutely clean.) Give this local treatment not over once a week.      Good results should follow in about two months, according to the severity of the case, age of the patient and length of standing.
    5. Treat for constipation and indigestion, if same exist, and drink plenty of Poland or Buffalo lithia water.
    Baths: A cold sitz bath (No. 2, page 154) daily, beginning with a temperature of 80 degrees and reducing it five degrees daily down to 60 degrees.
    Must avoid violent exercise, cold, damp, and sexual excesses.
    Or sexual weakness, is a condition of the organs of generation; loss of power to erection.  It may be an early sign of diabetes, and is usually present in locomotor ataxia.
    Cause: Enlarged prostate gland, old age, masturbation, excess of venery and weakness of the spinal nerves.  It may be purely physical, shame, emotion or fear, or lack of confidence, erection failing to appear, or ejaculation taking place prematurely.  Another cause may be continuous and excessive use of alcoholic drinks.
    Treatment: 1.  No. 19, page 42, and work down to the end of the spine on both sides of the center line.
    2.  If nervousness exists, causing insomnia and nocturnal emissions, give general treatment No. 30, page 53.
    3.  Treat prostate gland as described under head of "Enlarged Prostate," 136.
    4.  Give treatment for constipation, which is a frequent condition, and as described on page 97.
    5.  If prepuce or foreskin is elongated, have same removed by a surgeon.
    Treat patient three times a week.
    Baths: Give cold sitz baths daily, as described under head of "Enlarged Prostate," page 136.
    Patient should live out doors as much as possible, sleep in a hard bed and under as little covering as possible.  If due to masturbation or excessive coitus with woman, then an exertion of will power to avoid excess enters largely into a correction of the trouble.
    Diet: Should be bland and non-exciting.  Avoid alcoholic and malt liquors.

Diet List and Sick-Room Dietary
    THE dietary as prescribed in connection with the treatment of the different diseases in this work is selected to best suit the conditions existing, in a general way, as no positive and infallible rules for diet can be set down for all persons alike, suffering from the same ailment.  The composition of the elements of the body being so variable in different subjects that what might be "food for one would be poison for another," the diet lists have been so arranged, and liberal enough, for a patient to select such articles of food best adapted to his needs and most in accordance with his tastes.
    The object of a prescribed diet in the diseased condition of the body is to normalize the chemical elements therein; to increase those that are deficient and to decrease those that are too abundant.
    The chemical elements of the system, when equalized in quantity and quality, are what keep the body in health, and these elements must be produced from the foods ingested, and can be manufactured in no other way, nor can they be replaced by artificial ones in the form of drugs.  The tissues of the body assimilate only organic substances, and hence drugs which are principally mineral are incapable of supplying the deficiencies of the body in times of sickness.
    The chemical elements of the body are active in the process of digestion, preparing the food in the alimentary canal for absorption into the blood and lymphatic vessels, and are from there absorbed by the tissues, selecting therefrom the nutritious part and eliminating the waste materials.
    The four predominating elements - hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen - are the great force producers as well as the tissue formers of the body; therefore it can readily be seen that fresh air and proper food are essential to the perfect and healthful growth and repair of the system.
    To these should be added the phosphates, the bone producing element, without which, or if deficient in quantity, the bones will remain soft and will cause deformities.
    Iron in the system is necessary to produce the coloring matter in the red blood corpuscles on which they depend for their power of carrying oxygen to the tissues.
    Potash, in the proper proportions, is necessary to prevent certain skin diseases.
    Sodium chloride (common salt) is required in sufficient quantities to promote perfect nutrition and to act with the other chemicals of the body to alter the density and reaction of the different fluids.
    These few illustrations suggest the part played by the elements and the need of a correctly balanced diet.
Diet List No. 1

    Soups - Arrowroot soup with onions, milk soups with rice, tapioca or vermicelli.
    Fish - Fresh white fish, oysters, clams.
    Meats - Very little red meats, mostly the white kinds; chicken, game, fresh pork, bacon, calves' heads, ham.
    Farinaceous - Wheaten bread, hominy, rice, toast, oatmeal, gruels, arrowroot, tapioca pudding, sago.
    Vegetables - (In plenty well cooked.) The green sorts generally; spinach, summer or green cabbage, turnip tops, mushrooms, celery, salads, rhubarb, cresses, lettuce, onions.
    Dessert - Milk and rice puddings, stewed fruits, raw fruits (especially laxative), fruit jelly.
    Beverages - Weak tea, peptonized milk, plenty of pure water - preferably Buffalo lithia, barley water, hot water one hour before meals, buttermilk, wine, and Seltzer water.

    Soups, fried fish, cooked oysters, beef, mutton, lamb, corned beef, veal, potatoes, beans, pies, pastries, cheese, turkey, hashes, stews, made dishes, sauces, spices, peas, new bread, cakes, ices, sweets, coffee, tobacco, malt liquors, spirituous liquors.

    Avoid over-feeding; it is dangerous.  Take easily digested foods that leave a small amount of waste nitrogenous matters to be eliminated by the kidneys.

Diet List No. 2
    Soups - Broths, all kinds.  May add macaroni or vermicelli.  Thick soups.
    Fish - All fresh fish, raw oysters.
    Meats - Chopped or scraped, raw or rare, mixed with broth, chocolate, Burgundy and water, and made into sandwiches.  Ham, broiled bacon, beef juice, mutton, chicken, game, cod-liver oil as food, butter plentifully.
    Eggs - soft boiled, poached, scrambled, raw beaten up with sherry or with whisky.
    Farinaceous - (Give plentifully, except in cases of indigestion.) Bread, cake, tapioca, sago, barley, hominy, cracked wheat, graham grits, rolled oats, rolled hominy, corn meal, malt extracts.
    Vegetables _ Most kinds, well boiled or as purees.
    Dessert - Sweet fruits, custards, fruit jams, jellies, baked apples, baked pears, marmalade, egg and milk pudding.
    Beverages - Carbonized water milk, cream, chocolate, cocoa, peptonized milk, malted milk.
    Stimulants - Egg nog, sherry, red wine, occasionally a tablespoonful of whisky or brandy.

    Pork, veal, greasy hashes, salt meat - except ham, made dishes, thin soups, cabbage, cucumber, turnips, carrots, squash, pickles, spices, pies, pastry, pineapple, bananas.

    A generous nutritious diet is important.

Diet List No. 3
    Soups - Broths, oyster soup, sorrel soup.
    Fish - All kinds, boiled.  White sorts, broiled.  Sardines in oil.
    Meats - Most kinds, poultry, game, etc.
    Farinaceous - Brown or Graham bread, gingerbread, oatmeal porridge, bran bread, bran pudding, whole-wheat bread, corn bread.
    Vegetables - Most fresh varieties, well boiled.  Spinach, kale, boiled onions, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, salads with oil, lettuce, asparagus, tomatoes, salsify, celery.
    Dessert - Figs, prunes, baked apples, oranges in the morning, melons, grapes, raisins, stewed fruits, honey.
    Beverages - Glass of water, preferably hot, drunk one hour before breakfast.  Pure water in plenty between meals, black coffee, cocoa, lemonade.

    Pork, veal, goose, liver, hard-boiled eggs, salt meats, salt fish, peas, beans, nuts, pineapples, new bread, pastry, pickles, cheese, spirituous liquor, milk.

    Use foods that leave a bulky residue to stimulate the muscular coat of the intestines.

Diet List No. 4

    Soups - Consomme of beef, veal, chicken, turtle, terrapin, oyster, and calm without flour or vegetables, chowder without potatoes, mock turtle, mulligatawny, tomato, gumbo fillet.
    Fish - All kinds; lobster, oysters, clams, terrapin, shrimp, craw fish, soft-shell crabs.  No sauces containing flour.
    Eggs - In any form.
    Meats - Cooked in any way except in flour.  Poultry, calves' heads, kidneys, sweetbreads, ham, tongue, sausage, hash (without potatoes), pigs' feet, tripe, all kinds of game (not breaded).
    Relishes - Pickles, radishes, sardines, anchovy, celery, olives.
    Farinaceous - Gluten bread, gluten gems, gluten porridge, fried gluten mush, gluten wafers, gluten griddlecakes, charred bread, bran cakes; may substitute potatoes for bread.  Substitute gluten for flour in soups and gravies.
    Vegetables - Truffles, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, sorrel, beet tops, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, dandelions, tomatoes, oyster plant, onions, string beans, water cress, asparagus, parsley, mushrooms, all kinds of herbs, sauerkraut.
    Dessert - Almonds, hazelnut, coconuts, acid fruits, lemons, currants, cream custards, cheese, jellies, and ice cream sweetened with saccharin or glycerine.  In cooking acids neutralize the acids by adding bicarbonate of soda.
    Beverages - Tea and coffee without sugar or cream, not over once a day; buttermilk, skimmed milk, plain soda, red wine, dry sherry, Bass ale or bitter beer, claret, Burgundy (all in moderation), Buffalo lithia water.

    Liver, wheat bread, corn flour, rice, sago, arrowroot, barley, oatmeal, tapioca, macaroni, puddings, beet root, sweet vegetables, potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, parsnips; turnips, all sweet fruits, apples, pears, plums, grapes, oranges, apricots, peaches, gooseberries, dates, watermelon, sweet wines, cordials, porter, lager beer, cider, mustard, honey, sweets, ices, jams, pepper, spices.

    Reduce the amount of starches and sugars.  Increase animal diet and fats.  Drink water freely to eliminate sugar.  Substitute saccharin for sugar.

Diet List No. 5

    Soups - Milk soup.
    Meats - Scraped beef or mutton, pounded raw meat, sweetbreads, beef juice.
    Eggs - Raw white of egg with water, lightly boiled, poached.
    Farinaceous - Crackers, toast, macaroni, rice boiled with milk, tapioca, sago, gruel boiled for two or three hours, flour balls boiled for two or three hours with milk.
    Dessert - Milk foods, milk, egg pudding not sweet, hasty pudding with flour and milk.
    Beverages - Sterilized or pasteurized milk, skim milk, milk with lime water, peptonized milk, strong tea, lactic acid water, toast water, rice water, egg lemonade.
    Stimulants - If patient be very weak, give two tablespoonsful every hour.

    Vegetables, soups, new bread, brown and graham bread, oatmeal, fruits cooked or raw, fried foods, fish, sugary foods, made dishes, nuts, salt meats, veal, pork.

    Avoid foods that ferment easily and those that leave undigested residue behind, thus causing intestinal irritation.  Take food in small quantities and at regular intervals.

Diet List No. 6
    Soups - Small quantity clear soups of beef, mutton, oyster.  A little vermicelli or tapioca may be boiled with these.  Cream pea soup, pea and tomato soup, hominy and bean soup.
    Fish - Oyster and little-neck clams in any form, except fried.  Weak fish, white fish, shad, cod, perch, trout, bass,  smelt, fresh mackerel.
    Meats - Meat juice, roast or broiled beef, mutton, chicken, tripe, calves' head, venison, tongue, sweetbreads.
    Eggs - Raw, soft boiled, poached, omelet, combined with chicken or oysters, eat dry toast or stale bread with eggs.
    Farinaceous - Bread at least one day old; brown bread, toast, rye gluten and graham bread, zwieback, crackers, cream crackers, cracked wheat, rice, sago, tapioca, macaroni corn meal, hominy, wheaten grits, vermicelli, rolled oats, rice cakes, browned rice, baked flour.
    Vegetables - (Best made into a puree by passing through a colander or mashing.)  Greens, spinach, lettuce, watercress, French beans, sweet corn, green peas, asparagus, celery, baked tomatoes, potatoes (but little).
    Dessert - Fruit, rice, tapioca, Indian and farina puddings, custards, orange charlotte, gelatin creams, blanc-mange, baked and stewed apples and pears, grapes, and all ripe fruits, except bananas and pineapples.  No rich sauces.
    Beverages - Drink little, if any, fluid with the meals.  Hot water one hour before meals and at bedtime; milk and lime water, weak tea, weak cocoa, peptonized cocoa and milk, buttermilk, acid wine, if acidity; black coffee and lemon juice on first rising.

    Rich soups and chowders, all fried food, pork, veal, liver, kidneys, hashes stews, pickled and corned meats, preserved and potted meats, turkey, goose, duck, sausage, salmon, salt mackerel, blue fish, sturgeon, eels, shrimps, sardines, lobsters, crabs, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, string beans, parsnips, egg plant, turnips, carrots, squash, oyster plant, sweet potatoes, beets, pastries, pies, made dishes, nuts, dates, jams, dried and candied fruits, candies, cheese, strong tea, ice water, malt liquors, sweet and effervescent wines, spirituous liquors, charged waters, strong coffee.

    Small meals taken at regular intervals.  Masticate thoroughly; eat slowly and temperately.

Diet List No. 7

    Soups - Raw meat juice, clam broth, chicken broth, vegetable broths, mutton broth, broth with egg, broth with gelatin, beef tea, clear soups, fruit soup.
    Eggs - Beaten up with water or stimulants.
    Foods - Peptonized milk, malted milk, milk toast, Indian meal, gruel, oatmeal gruel, ground rice. pounded raw meat, oysters.
    Beverages - Skim milk alone (one and one-half quarts to two and one-half quarts in twenty-four hours), buttermilk, whey, koumiss, barley water, rice water, toast water, jelly water, gum-arabic water, plain soda, lemonade, fruit juices, egg lemonade, egg nog, cocoa.

    All solid foods until the temperature has remained normal for ten days.  This pertains to the more severe attacks of fevers, such as typhoid, etc.

    Mostly liquids in small quantities and often; never give anything that cannot pass through the fine meshes of a sieve.  Give more in the morning than in the evening.  Loss of appetite should be respected in the acute stage.  Utilize periods of remission.

Diet List No. 8

    Soups - Clear soups, vegetable soups, weak beef tea, broths.
    Fish - Fresh fish, oysters.
    Meats - (To be taken once a day only, white kinds mostly.)  Mutton, chicken, ham, bacon, underdone roasts, sweetbreads, pigeons' brains, pigs' feet, venison.
    Eggs - (In moderation.) Whites of eggs, raw, stirred in drinks.
    Farinaceous - (Small quantities.) Toast, stale bread, bread from whole wheat, rye bread, milk toast, rice, zwieback, graham gems and flakes, rye gems, soup sticks, crackers, hominy.
    Vegetables - (Fresh green varieties.)  Celery, lettuce, water cress, cucumbers, onions, cabbage, salads, a little baked potato, string beans, young peas, spinach.
    Dessert - Oranges, lemons, cranberries, apples, apricots, pears, peaches, cherries, jellies, blanc-mange, honey, ices (not after meals), stewed or roasted fruits.
    Beverages - Water plentifully, plain soda, milk, buttermilk, weak tea or coffee (no sugar), toast water, lime juice, lemonade, Buffalo lithia water.
    Stimulants - Moselle, light hock.  Bordeaux in small quantities and diluted.

    Rich soups, hard-boiled eggs, fried and made dishes, pickles, spices, veal, turkey, duck, goose, salmon, lobster, crab, preserved and dried and salt meats, salt fish, pickled pork, asparagus, peas, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, truffles, dried fruit, preserves, pies, pastries, rich puddings, patties, new bread, cheese, sweets, omelets, sweet wines, strawberries, rhubarb, cider, fermented drinks, beer, alcoholic beverages.

    Diet may be liberal but not stimulating; moderation in animal foods; guard against foods having a tendency to produce, acid, such as starches, sugars, fats, and fermented drinks.

Diet List No. 9
    Soups - (Very little.) Chicken broth, oyster soup, clam broth, thin beef soup.
    Fish - All kinds except salt varieties, salmon, or blue fish.  Meat once a day only; lean beef, mutton, chicken, game.
    Eggs - Boiled or poached.
    Farinaceous - A limited amount of dry toast, gluten biscuit, beaten biscuit, zwieback, Vienna rolls, soup sticks, crusts, graham gems, hoe cakes.
    Vegetables - (Fresh.) Asparagus, celery, cresses, cauliflower, greens, spinach, lettuce, white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, very little (if any) potatoes.
    Desserts - Grapes, oranges, cherries, apples, peaches, berries, acid fruits.
    Beverages - Water between meals - preferably Buffalo lithia water, tea, coffee (no sugar or cream), light wine diluted with Vichy.

    Fats in excess, beverages in excess, thick soups, salmon, blue fish, eels, herrings, salt fish, pork. Veal, sausage, spices, hominy, oatmeal, macaroni, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, carrots, beef rice, currants puddings, pies, cakes, sweets, milk, sugar, malt, and spirituous liquors.

    Avoid sugars, starches, and excess of fat-forming foods.  A certain amount of fat with the food is essential.

Diet List No. 10

    Soups - Bouillon, clam broth, chicken broth, mutton broth, barley, rice, bean and pea broths, beef juice and tea, oyster soup, turtle soup.
    Fish - Fresh fish, raw oysters.
    Meats - Beef (raw, underdone, scraped, or pounded), roast mutton, lamb chops, poultry, game. bacon, ham, sweetbreads, beef juice.
    Eggs - All ways, except fried.  Beaten with milk, whisky, or sherry.
    Farinaceous - Wheat bread, Indian meal bread (with plenty of butter), oatmeal, malt extracts.
    Vegetables - Onions, tomatoes, string,, beans, spinach, asparagus, lettuce, cresses, celery, green peas, well-cooked rice.
    Fats and oils - Mutton, beef, butter, cream, olive and cod-liver oils.
    Dessert - Tapioca and sago puddings, farina, floating island, custards, all fruits, cheese, butterscotch.
    Beverages - Carbonized water, hot water one hour before meals, lemonade, ginger ale, malt preparations, milk, cream, koumiss, chocolate.

    The excessive use of farinaceous, sugary, or starchy foods; pork, veal, turnips, beets, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, parsnips, carrots, macaroni, spaghetti, arrowroot, cornstarch, hot bread and cake, all fried foods, made dishes, hashes, salt fish, lobster, blue fish, cumbers, root, gravies, sweets, pies, and pastries.

    Eat as much as can possibly be digested, mostly fatty and nitrogenous foods.


Sick-Room Dietary

TOAST WATER: Toast three slices of stale bread to dark brown, but do not burn.  Put into pitcher, pour over them a quart of boiling water; cover closely and let stand on ice until cold; strain.  May add wine and sugar.

RICE WATER: Pick over and wash two tablespoonfuls of rice; put into granite sauce pan with quart of boiling water; simmer two hours, when rice should be softened and partially dissolved; strain; add saltspoon of salt; serve warm or cold.  May add sherry or port, two tablespoonfuls.

GUM-ARABIC WATER,: Dissolve an ounce of gum Arabic in pint of boiling water; add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, wineglass of sherry, and juice of large lemon; cool; add ice.

BARLEY WATER: Wash two ounces (wineglassful) pearl barley with cold water.  Boil five minutes in fresh water; throw both waters away.  Pour on two quarts of boiling water; boil down to one quart.  Flavor with thinly cut lemon rinds; add sugar to taste.  Do not strain unless patient requests.

EGG WATER: Stir whites of two eggs into half a pint of ice water without beating; add enough salt or sugar to make palatable.

FLAXSEED TEA: Flaxseed, whole, one ounce; white sugar one ounce (heaping tablespoonful); licorice root, half ounce (two small sticks); lemon juice, four tablespoonfuls.  Pour on these materials two pints of boiling water; let stand in hot place four hours; strain off the liquor.

STERILIZED MILK: Put required amount of milk in clean bottles. (If for infants, each bottle holding enough for one feeding.) Plug mouths tightly with rubber stoppers.  Immerse to shoulders in kettle of cold water; boil twenty minutes; or, better still, steam thirty minutes in steamer; push stoppers in firmly; cool bottles rapidly and keep in refrigerator.  Warm each bottle just before using.

PEPTONIZED MILK (Cold Process) - In a clean quart bottle, put one peptonizing powder (extract of pancreas five grains, bicarbonate of soda fifteen grains), or the contents of one peptonizing tube (Fairchild's); add one teacupful cold water, shake; add a pint of fresh cold milk, shake the mixture again.  Place on ice; use when required without subjecting to heat.  (Warm Process.)  Mix peptonizing powder with water and milk as described above; place bottle in water so hot that the whole hand can be held in it for a minute without discomfort; keep the bottle there ten minutes; then put on ice to prevent further digestion.  Do not heat long enough to render milk bitter.

MILK AND EGGS: Beat milk with salt to taste; beat white of egg till stiff ; add egg to milk and stir.

PEPTONIZED MILK TOAST: Over two slices of toast pour gill of peptonized milk (cold process, page 149); let stand on the hob for thirty minutes; serve warm, or strain and serve fluid portion alone.  Plain light sponge cake may be similarly digested.

BAKED-FLOUR PORRIDGE: Take one pint of flour and pack lightly in a small linen bag; throw into boiling water and boil five or six hours; cut off the outer sodden portion; grate the hard core fine; blend thoroughly with a little milk, and stir into boiling milk to the desired thickness.

KOUMISS: Take ordinary beer bottle with shifting cork; put in it one pint of milk, one-sixth cake of Fleischmann's yeast, or one tablespoonful of fresh lager beer yeast (brewer's) ; one-half tablespoonful of white sugar reduced to syrup; shake well and allow to stand in refrigerator two or three days, when it may be used.  It will keep there indefinitely if laid on side.  Much waste can be saved by preparing the bottles with ordinary corks wired in position, and drawing off the koumiss with a champagne tap.

WINE WHEY: Put two pints of new milk in saucepan, and stir over clear fire until nearly boiling; then add gill (two wineglassfuls) of sherry, and simmer a quarter of an hour, skimming off curd as it rises.  Add a tablespoonful more of sherry, and skim again for a few minutes; strain through coarse muslin.  May use two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice instead of wine.

JUNKET: Take a pint of fresh milk, heated lukewarm; add one teaspoonful of essence of pepsin and stir just enough to mix.  Pour into custard cups, let stand until firmly curded; serve plain or with sugar and grated nutmeg. May add sherry.

EGG LEMONADE: Beat one egg with tablespoonful of sugar until very light; stir in three tablespoonfuls of cold water and juice of small lemon; fill glass with pounded ice and drink through a straw.

EGG NOG: Scald some new milk by putting it, contained in a jug, into saucepan of boiling water, but do not allow it to boil.  When cold beat up fresh egg with a fork in a tumbler with some sugar; beat to a froth; add dessert spoonful of brandy, and fill up tumbler with scalded milk.

NUTRITIOUS COFFEE: Dissolve a little gelatin (Knox) in water, put half an ounce freshly ground coffee into saucepan with one pint of new milk, which should be nearly boiling before the coffee is added; boil both together for three minutes; clear by pouring some of it into a cup and dashing it back again; add the gelatin and leave it to settle on the bob for a few minutes.  Beat up an egg in a breakfast cup, and pour the coffee upon it; if preferred, drink it without the egg.

RUM PUNCH: Two teaspoonfuls of white sugar; one egg stirred and beaten up; large wineglassful of warm milk; two to four teaspoonfuls of Jamaica rum; nutmeg.

CHAMPAGNE WHEY: Boil half pint of milk; strain through cheese cloth; add wineglassful of champagne.

PEPTONIZED OYSTERS: Mince six large, or twelve small, oysters; add to them, in their own liquor, five grains extract pancreas, with fifteen grains of bicarbonate of soda, or one Fairchild peptonizing tube.  The mixture is then brought to blood heat and maintained with occasional stirring, at that temperature thirty minutes, when one pint of milk is added, and the temperature kept up ten to twenty minutes.    Finally the mass is brought to the boiling point, strained, and served.  Gelatin may be added and the mixture served cold as a jelly.  Cooked tomato, onion, celery, or other flavoring, suited to individual taste, may be added at the beginning of the artificial digestion.

BEEF TEA: Free a pound of beef from fat, tendon, cartilage, bone, and vessels; chop up fine, put into a pint of cold water to digest two hours.  Simmer on stove or range three hours, but do not boil.  Make up for lost water by adding cold water, so that a pint of beef tea represents one pound of beef.  Press beef carefully and strain.

BEEF JUICE: Cut a thin, juicy steak into pieces one and one half inches square; brown separately one and one-half minutes on each side before a hot fire; squeeze in a hot lemon squeezer; flavor with salt and pepper.  May add to milk or pour on toast.

BEEF TEA WITH ACID: One and a half pounds of beef (round) cut in small pieces; same quantity of ice, broken small.  Let stand in deep vessel twelve hours.  Strain thoroughly and forcibly through a coarse towel.  Boil quickly for ten minutes in porcelain vessel.  Let cool.  Add half teaspoonful of acid phosphate to the pint.

MUTTON BROTH: Lean loin of mutton, one and a half pounds, including bone; water three pints.  Boil gently till tender, throw in a little salt or onion, according to taste.  Pour out broth into a basin; when cooked skim off fat.  Warm up as wanted.

CHICKEN BROTH: Skin and chop up in fine pieces a small chicken or half a large fowl: boil it for an hour, bones and all, with a blade of mace, a sprig of parsley, one tablespoonful of rice, and a crust of bread, in a quart of water, skimming it from time to time.  Strain through coarse colander.

CLAM BROTH: Wash thoroughly six large clams in shell; put in a kettle with one cup of water; bring to a boil and keep there one minute; the shells open, the water takes up the proper quantity of juice, and the broth is ready to pour off and serve hot.

CREAM SOUP: Take one quart of good stock mutton or veal; cut one onion into quarters, slice three potatoes very thin, and put them into the stock with a small piece of mace; boil gently for an hour; then strain out the onion and mace; the potatoes by this time should have dissolved in the stock.  Add one pint of milk mixed with a very little corn flour to make it about as thick as cream.

APPLE SOUP: Two cups of apples; two cups of water; two teaspoonfuls of cornstarch; one and a half tablespoonfuls of sugar; one saltspoonful of cinnamon; a bit of salt.  Stew the apples in the water until they are very soft, then mix together into a smooth paste the cornstarch, sugar, salt, and cinnamon with a little cold water; pour this into the apple and boil for five minutes; strain it and keep hot until ready to serve.

RAW MEAT DIET: Scrape pulp from a good steak, season to taste, spread on thin slices of bread, sear bread slightly, and serve as sandwiches.

MEAT CURE: Procure slice of steak from top of round - fresh meat without fat; cut meat into strips, removing all fat, gristle, etc., with a knife.  Put meat through mincer at least twice.  The pulp must then be well beaten up in a roomy saucepan with cold water or skimmed beef tea to the consistency of cream.  The right proportion is one teaspoonful of liquid to eight of pulp; add black pepper and salt to taste.  Cook over slow fire or on cool part of covered range till heated through and through and the red color disappears; stir briskly with wooden spoon the whole time.  This requires about half an hour.  When done it should be soft, smooth, stiff puree of the consistency of thick paste.  Serve hot.  Add for the first few meals the soft-poached white of an egg.

No. 1. Cold Full Bath

    Fill the bath tub three-fourths full of water at a temperature of about 65 degrees F. Have the patient lie in this for fifteen minutes, first placing a cold wet cloth about the head and washing the face with cold water. While the patient is in the water, apply friction to the entire body, except to the lower part of the abdomen, with the hands or a rough bath glove; this will prevent chilliness and bring the blood to the surface. The patient should now be taken from the bath and wrapped in a blanket, with a sheet on the inside next to the skin, and put to bed to remain for fifteen minutes, with a hot-water bag to his feet, if he be chilly; the sheet and blanket should now be removed, the body well rubbed with a Turkish towel under cover, and the patient dressed in night clothes.

No. 2. Sitz Bath

    Fill an ordinary foot tub (unless there be a regular sitz bath to be had) a little over half full of water of a temperature indicated in any specific treatment, and have the patient sit in this, covering the exposed parts of the body to prevent chilling, and wrap a cloth wrung out of cold water around the head. The attendant should rub the back and sides under water while the patient rubs the abdomen. The patient, after coming out of this bath, should be rubbed thoroughly with a rough towel.

No. 3. Hot Fomentations

    These are prepared by wringing a woolen cloth out of very hot water; this may be done without burning the hands by placing the wet woolen in a towel and then taking hold of each end of the towel and wringing it until as much as possible of the water has been wrung out. The woolen cloth must be large enough to cover the part to which it is to be applied and to be folded several thicknesses. The patient should first be prepared for the application, and if the compress is to be applied to any part of the body the patient should be undressed and wrapped in a woolen blanket, and only that part of the body exposed to which the hot cloth is to be applied, the part having been rubbed with oil or vaseline to prevent blistering. The hot cloth should be covered with a dry one large enough to cover it on all sides.
    The cloths should be changed every ten minutes, having a second set ready before the other is removed, until about six cloths have been applied. The patient should then be rubbed with a coarse towel over the entire body under cover, and dressed in his night clothes, and put to bed.

No. 4. Warm Full Bath

    Fill the bath tub half full of water at a temperature of 100 degrees F., and have the patient lie in this for ten or fifteen minutes, according to his endurance and strength, after which he is quickly wrapped in a sheet and put to bed without drying. If he complains of coldness, put hot-water bag to his feet. Remove the sheet in an hour and rub him under cover with a rough towel, and dress in night clothes for the night. While in the bath he should have a cold wet cloth wrapped around his forehead.

Rectal Douche

    It is of the greatest importance in some diseases to thoroughly cleanse the colon, and this can best be done with the patient lying on his left side on a bed or couch. First provide yourself with a two-quart fountain syringe, fill this with clean, very warm water, and allow it to pass into the rectum of the patient. Hold or hang the bag of the syringe at least four feet above the patient to give the water sufficient force. Allow the full two quarts to be taken in, then the patient is to roll over on his back, then to the right side, and back again to the left. He can then get up and pass it off.
    The douche will be found especially valuable when given in the early stages of fever, headache, tonsilitis, diarrhea, constipation, grippe, jaundice, and some of the inflammatory diseases. Do Not give it oftener than every three days.

    ANIMAL life is conditioned upon exercise.  Without it health cannot exist or life itself be continued for any length of time.  Proper exercise communicates motion to every part susceptible to it.  It expands the chest, normalizes the muscles, quickens the circulation, forcing blood to parts that require it and that have been deficient in supply.  The result of such exercise means a more easy and perfect digestion, more perfect assimilation of nutritious matter, and the stimulation of the secretary and excretory organs.  Free action of the muscles is one of the most important agents that propel the blood through the arteries and veins, and daily and regular exercise of the muscular system is required to sustain a vigorous circulation in the extremities and the skin, and also to maintain a healthy condition of the system.
    There cannot be too much attention given to the development of the chest and the muscles that control the respiratory organs.  The importance of this is seen in the rapid increase of suffering from colds of various descriptions. and it is an absolute fact that no pulmonary complaint exists which cannot be greatly aided, in conjunction with osteopathic treatment, if not cured, by the exercises which expand the chest, deepen the breathing, and build up generally the muscles of the respiratory organs.
    By judicious exercise the greatest power of the muscles may be preserved until advanced age.  By this we do not mean the abnormal development of some certain set of muscles in which so may take a seeming pride, but the cultivation of all the muscles of the body, giving harmony, development, together with flexibility.
    Not only do properly trained muscles enable us to perform arduous tasks without exhaustion, which untrained muscles could not accomplish, but they almost certainty give that grace and ease of motion so much desired and so highly admired.
    Believing that inactivity of the body and a continuous following of a particular vocation where the movements of the body are the same day in and day out; sitting or standing for long periods of time in certain attitudes is responsible, to a certain degree, for many ills of the body in that certain muscles become flabby, hardened, and inelastic, thus interfering with the normal blood flow and the distribution of nerve force, the author has arranged a line of exercises that will prove beneficial in connection with the other three elements, namely: Osteopathy, baths, and diet as given in the text, for any specific physical disorder.
    These exercises may be taken in connection with the treatment or may be taken independently as a means of developing the muscles of the body, thus preventing many diseases which through inactivity would develop into serious conditions.
Directions for Using the Exerciser

1.  Do not exercise immediately after eating.  Morning, after rising, is the best time.
2.  Do not exercise in tight-fitting clothes.
3.  Always exercise in a well-ventilated room.
4.  Always breathe through the nose while exercising, and hold the breath as long as possible through each series of movements, having first taken a deep breath.
5.  Movements should not be violent, but gradual, and carried through with a steady impulse.
6. The exercise in the beginning should be moderate, going through each movement five times the first week, ten times the second, and after that continue each exercise until the particular muscles are tired, then take up another movement.
7.  To derive the best results exercise should be taken regularly and daily.
8.  In using any of the exercises described, the movements should be started with the cables pulled out to a moderate tension, which can be increased by standing further from the point of attachment.

    In addition to the exercises given, many others may be improvised that will bring into play other muscles of the body.

Exercise No. 1
For Muscles of the Back of the Forearm and of the Back between the Shoulders

    Face the exerciser with the arms extended straight in front of the body, palms together, wrists bent slightly inward.  Bring arms outward and backward, keeping them at the same level through the movement, without bending elbows, and when stretched to full extent bend the wrist outward.

Exercise No. 2
For Muscles of the Chest and Forearm

    Stand with the back to the exerciser with the arms extended straight in front of the body, palms together, wrists bent inward.  Move arm, outward and backward, without bending elbow, keeping them at same level throughout the movement and allowing wrists to bend backward at the end of movement.

Exercise No. 3
For  Deepening the Chest

    Stand with the back to the exerciser, arms in position as shown in cut.  Pull directly forward and downward until the hands are on a level with the shoulders; do not bend elbows; inhale deeply as the arms return to original position.

Exercise No. 4
For Expanding and Deepening the Chest

    Bend over until your upper body is at right angles with the legs.  Extend arms as though ready to dive; draw arms outward and back until the hands are against the hips.  Inhale strongly as the arms go up.  An invaluable exercise to women and singers.

Exercise No. 5
For Shoulders and Cheat

    Start movement as shown in cut; do not move elbows; move arms in circle directly in front.

Exercise No. 6
For Oblique Muscles of the Abdomen
    Take position as shown in cut; elbow rigid; if allowed to bend more, the movement is incorrect.  Pull downward and inward, bending the body until the hand touches the knee on the opposite side.
Exercise No. 7
For Muscles on the Back of the Arms
    Elbows against the sides; keep them there, raising and lower the forearm as shown in cut.
Exercise No. 8
For Muscles Of the Front of the Forearm and the Upper Arm

    Place elbows against the sides; keep them there; begin with the arms straight and raise to a Position shown in cut, bending wrists upward.

Exercise No. 9
For Muscles of the Shoulder and Back

    Place exerciser on lower hook.  Standing with the side to the exerciser.  Take one handle, as shown in cut, and lower arm (as shown by dotted line) to side and return.  Do not bend elbow.  Make the same movement, with the other arm an equal number of times.

Exercise No. 10
For Muscles of the Upper Arm and Shoulder

    Place exerciser on lower hook.  Face exerciser, hands at shoulders, same as right arm in cut, push up its you would handle a dumb-bell.  Alternate the movement or together.

Exercise No. 11
For Muscles of the Breast, Shoulders, Back and Legs

    Place exerciser on lower hook, one or both handles in one hand.  Stand erect with the side to the exerciser.  Start the movement with the hand at the side.  Raise forearm until hand is on a level with the shoulder, then straight up and at the same time bend the body away from exerciser.  Make the same movement with the other arm in equal number of times.

    The following list of nerve centers referred to throughout the text will be found useful in locating the seat of disease in different parts of the body, as shown in cut No. 1, page 24.
Asthma - 3rd, 4th, 5th cervical vertebrae, and 2nd to 7th dorsal vertebrae.
Anus - Sacrum.
Bladder - Sacrum.
Bowels - 9th, 10th, 11th dorsal vertebrae.
Chill - 7th and 8th dorsal vertebrae.
Eyes - 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae and 1st, 2nd, 3rd dorsal vertebrae.
Fevers - 2nd, 3rd, 4th cervical, 6th to 12th dorsal, and 5th lumbar vertebrae.
Glands in lower jaw - 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebra.
Genitals - From 2nd lumbar to end of spine.
Heart, Rhythm of - 2nd, 3rd and 4th cervical vertebra.
Heart Troubles -  lst to 5th cervical vertebra.
Hiccoughs - 3rd, 4th, 5th cervical vertebrae.
Intestines, Small - lst to 11th dorsal vertebrae.
Intestines, Large - 1st to 4th lumbar vertebrae.
Kidneys - 6th  dorsal to 3d lumbar vertebra.
Larynx, Affections of - 1st, 2nd, 3rd cervical vertebrae.
Lung Trouble - 2nd to 7th dorsal vertebrae.
Lower Limbs - 2nd dorsal vertebrae to end of spine.
Liver - 8th and 9th dorsal vertebrae.
Micturition (urinating) - 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Ovaries - 9th dorsal to 5th lumbar vertebrae.
Rectum - Sacrum.
Superior Cervical Plexus 2nd, 3rd, 4th cervical vertebra.
Stomach Disorders - 3d to 12th dorsal vertebrae.
Splanchnic Nerves - 5th to 12th dorsal vertebra.
Spleen - 8th to 12th dorsal vertebra.
Uterus - 2nd lumbar vertebra to end of spine.