The Chiropractor
D. D. Palmer
    Pathogenesis, the generation of disease, the act or process of reproduction, the breeding and production of disease, the origin and genesis of suffering, the development of morbid conditions, or of a diseased character.

    Medical men look upon disease as an entity, a something that has an individual living existence, its continuance depending upon its reproduction, therefore, they fight disease, aim to stamp it out; if they could destroy, kill, get rid of every pathogenic germ, the last microbe disease breeder, there would be no such a thing as disease.  They consider a disease germ as a special virus, a kind of spore, which by rapid increase causes conditions kown as disease, by which disease is communicated.  They hold that certain diseases are dependent upon definite micro-organisms.  A germ disease is one caused by microorganisms.  A microbe is a pathogenic microorganism.  They believe that all germ diseases are produced by microbes, that diseases originate from minute microscopic fungi, bacteria, which are developed without or within the body, that unhealthy tissue furnishes food, makes favorable conditions for their rapid multiplication within the animal economy, thereby cause specific diseases which become communicable.

    Mental peculiarities, physical characteristics and diseases may be congenital.  Congenital is inclusive, it takes in all uterine conditions from conception to birth.  Inborn refers to that which may be engrafted on the mental or body during development.  An infective disease (one which is communicable) may be congenital, not inborn, as are dispositions and constitutional peculiarities which are implanted during development.  A physical defect, faulty metabolism, is inborn, a developmental error, acquired during the process of development of the first four months, did not originate because of intrauterine disease or injury.

    Chiropractors look upon disease, not as an entity, but a condition in which there is a change in position, structure and functions of organs, that microscopic fungi, or bacteria, are there because of favorable conditions, just as rotting cheese and decaying bread favor the growth of mould.  Fungi range in size from the microscopic cells of the yeast plant to the highly organized body of a mushroom.

    Drug pathogenesis is the production of morbid symptoms by the use of drugs.  A drug is any substance used to return abnormal functionation, or abnormal tissue to normal; any article used as a medicine or in the composition of medicines for external or internal use for the cure of disease.

    The history of medicine discloses that each method of treating the sick has been followed by another based on exactly opposite principles and philosophies which are diametrically opposed to each other.

    Allopathy.  That system of remedial treatment which seeks to cure diseases by producing a condition incompatible with the disease; opposed to homeopathy.  “Any poisons must, as Galen held, by counter-poisons be expelled.”

    Homeopathy.  That system of medical treatment which seeks to cure a disease by administering medicine which would produce this same disease is a healthy condition; opposed to Allopathy.  Similia similibus curanter.  Like cures like.

    Spinal pathogenesis includes the origin and development of morbid conditions because of the pathological anatomy of the spine.

    In allopathy disease is treated by exciting a morbid (diseased) process of another kind, in another part of the body, a method of substitution.

    In Homeopathy, the theory of dynamitization, succussion, trituration, dilution with agitation is said to increase enormously the potency or power of a drug.  For example, one part of a crude drug, named salt when used on the table as food, but when it becomes a drug it is sodium chloride.  One part of this drug is succussed with nine parts of the sugar of milk.  This is known as the first decimal potency To make the second, one part of the first potency is added to nine parts of sugar of milk, and so on.  This trituration may be carried on until there is only one part of salt to a million parts of sugar; this is known as a high potency.

    A vertebral column of bones is referred to as a backbone, spinal column and spine.  It is not a backbone; it is twenty-six backbones.  Taken collectively it is not a spine, although there is a column of spines.  It is also called vertebrarium, composed of vertebrae, yet in the whole column there is but one vertebra, the atlas is the only segment which turns (vertere to turn) on a pivot, the ondontoid process.  In man the vertebral column is spoken of and understood as being vertical; is quadrupeds horizontal.  The twenty-six segments are referred to as a column because they are piled one upon another.

    Bony columns are flexuous, having alternate opposite curvatures.  They are flexible, capable of being bent without breaking.

    The vertebral column supports the head and chest and transmits their weight to the pelvis.  It is the axial center of all the movements of the trunk.  It lodges and protects the spinal cord, the myelon, spinal marrow, medulla spinalis.

    The vertebral notches form foramina, give passage to the vertebral nerves, arteries and veins.  The vertebraterial foramina furnish a pathway for the vertebral arteries, veins and the sympathetic plexus of nerves, which innervate the viscera.

    Joints are divided into three classes and subdivided into fifteen kinds.  The articulations between the bodies of vertebrae form a series of amphiathrodial joints, allowing partial movement in every direction.  Those between the articular processes form a succession of arthrodial joints, having a sliding movement.

    Upon and within the spinal column are numerous venous plexuses.  The veins within the spinal column join those on the outside through the intervertebral foramina.

    Pathogenesis is the morbid process, the mode of origin, the development of disease.  To learn the cause of disease it is better to examine the living than the dead.  To know of and comprehend the position of subluxated vertebrae, it is preferable to examine vertebral columns which have vertebrae displaced and ankylosed while the owner was living instead of having cuts made of vertebrae ingeneously displaced by hand to suit the fancy.

    Pathological means morbid or diseased.  A morbid or diseased change in the tissue, bones softened and friable.  Morbidity of bones, either too hard, eburnated, or too soft, friable in their texture.

    Color, reddish-yellow.  Excessive heat has changed the color and consistence of the bones.  Bones are formed of white corpuscles, leucocytes.  In fever the per cent of the white and red corpuscles are modified, the red corpuscles, erythrocytes, are increased and the white is diminished.  Temperature of 98 to 99 degrees creates the normal relative number of white and red corpuscles.

    Exostosis, a morbid deposit of bone upon the surface of a pre-existing bone.  Exostosis, a bony growth on the interior surface of a bone, in the medullary cavity.  Hypertrophy, an excessive growth of a part from overnourishment.  Hypoplasia, a lack of development of a bone.

    A spinal column before me gives unmistakable evidence of the cause of the morbid condition of those bones.  The sixth, seventh and eighth cervicals are ankylosed, spondylosed, the joints immovably fixed by fusion and adhesion.  The heat was intense (spondylitis, inflammation of one or more of the vertebrae) that the osseous substance was softened and oozed out, covering the anterior of the bodies of the three vertebrae, ankylosis by fusion.  The articular processes are also firmly united, bony union.  The displaced sixth cervical is anterior of the normal position, three-sixteenths of an inch out of alignment, causing cervical lordosis.  Its transverse processes are anterior of the normal position, thereby stretching the vertebral ganglionic chain which lies in front of and against their anterior surfaces.  The intervertebral foramina have not been decreased in size.  The whole column shows spondylitis deformans.  The luxated vertebra by its pressure against the sympathetic nerve trunk, reaching from the atlas to the coccyx, caussed increased nerve tension, liquefaction and fusion, also the same condition in other parts of the vertebral column.

    In another backbone I find the ninth, tenth and eleventh dorsal vertebrae ankylosed by fusion of oozed osseous matter, a slight displacement of the ninth dorsal, evidenced by it being slightly tipped laterally, one intervertebral foramen slightly enlarged and the other slightly occluded, the spinous process is depressed anteriorly instead of being elevated posteriorly as usual.

    In one other vertebral column a fractured lateral dislocation of the sixth and seventh cervicals.  The intervertebral foramina are very much enlarged because of the displacement, the spinous processes widely displaced, no possible chance for the spinal nerves to be pinched.  Nerves are impinged upon or against, instead of being pinched between.

    The osseous substance of the bodies of the ninth and twelfth dorsal and all the lumbar vertebrae has oozed out and spread upon the bodies of the vertebrae causing ankyloses by the fusion of liquified bony tissue.  Excessive heat caused the softening, lowered the temperature, hardened the callus material.

    Several vertebrae are ankylosed by exostoses.  Second, third and fourth dorsal vertebrae are ankylosed by fusion of their bodies, the cartilage destroyed by heat.
    Formation of scoliotic curvature between second and fourth dorsals.

    The ossification of spinalis dorsi muscle renders the contour of the spinous processes as one continuous surface.  The spinous process of the second to the fifth cervical are fractured.  The bodies of the cervical vertebrae have been softened by heat and made thin by compression.

    The cause of all these morbid conditions is found in the displacement, ankylosis and fracture of the sixth and seventh cervicals; not in the occlusion of the intervertebral foramina for they are enlarged.

    The anterior displacement of the sixth cervical, caused the vertebral chain to become tense.

    The six cervicals pressed together, show a lordosis, an anterior curvature.

    The closure of the vertebraterial foramen, the transverse foramen of the sixth cervical, the elongated pathway for the vertebral artery, vein and the sympathetic plexus of nerves, caused by the displacement, modified nerve tension, vibration and the function of heat.

    The spinous processes of second to eightyh dorsals curved laterally which was normal to that column.

    An ankylosis may be pathological or physiological; fusion may also be pathological or physiological.

    The odontoid process was extended to meet the requirement, that of the atlas being displaced upward.

    The continuity of local heat throughout the vertebral column transmitted by the ganglionic chains, the vertebral chains, the sympathetic cords, is apparent.