Neuropathy Illustrated
The Philosophy and Practical Application of Drugless Healing
Andrew P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O., D.C., OPH.D.


The practice of Neuropathy is the exercise or art which embraces all that pertains to the knowledge, prevention and cure of those departures from normal to an abnormal condition, called disease.

Disease may be organic when there is structural change, or functional when there are no demonstrable lesions.

Pathology is the study of disease. It explains the origin and development, causes, nature, and clinical history of the various abnormal conditions that may disturb the economy. It may be general when it is concerned with the study of morbid conditions common to a group of conditions, or special when it is restricted to the study of individual diseases.

Pathogenesis is that sub-division of pathology which treats of the origin and development of morbid processes, or disease.

Etiology is that branch of general pathology which considers the causes of disease. These may be internal, external, ordinary, specific, primary, secondary, predisposing, and exciting.

The diagnosis of disease implies a complete, exact, and a comprehensive knowledge of the phenomena under consideration, as regards their origin, seat, extent, and nature.


Fever is a condition in which the body temperature is above normal (normal, 98.2 F.), and which is attended by quickened circulation and respiration, marked tissue change, causing proportionate wasting of the body and disordered secretions giving rise to loss of appetite, thirst, constipation, and scanty, high-colored urine of increased specific gravity. Rise of temperature is the most common feature of all fevers and can be accurately determined only by the use of the clinical thermometer placed in the mouth, axilla, rectum, or vagina. The mouth is usually selected by preference.

The temperature of the body in all fevers may be reduced by pressure on the vaso-motor nerve area from the base of the skull to the fourth cervical vertebra.

Spinal adjustment at the fifth to the seventh dorsal vertebra have a special influence in reducing fevers and may be used under all circumstances and in all conditions, and should be repeated at frequent intervals.

Fevers accompanying contagious diseases may be alike reduced; also the twelfth dorsal may be included in this treatment to secure elimination from the kidneys.

Intermittent fevers may be arrested by treating the seventh and eighth dorsal.

General Directions for All Pathological Conditions.

In every instance the attendant should see that the bowels are thoroughly cleansed by copious enemas of tepid water, using a colon tube or J. B. L. cascade. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned and put in best possible condition to eliminate the poisons from the system; if necessary to stimulate the kidneys, hot applications should be made to the lumbar regions.

Water, either hot or cold, as the case demands, should be freely used, internally and externally. Great care should be exercised to have a free circulation of pure air, without a direct draft. No solid food should ever be given a fever patient; cooling drink and fruit juices being the diet till the coating leaves the tongue.

Nothing of an exciting nature should ever be permitted in the sick room. Let the expression of the attendants be hopeful and cheerful. Brightness and sunshine should be all about the sick. No harsh or discordant sound should be permitted at any time.

The bedding should be clean, pure, comfortable; the clothing necessary, likewise attractive to the patient.

These few suggestions should apply to all cases and need not be repeated each time a condition and its remedy is mentioned.


Diagnosis and Treatment for Diseases, Neuropathically


Asthma is characterized by shortness of breath; difficulty of breathing; wheezing respirations; noisy, labored cough; flushed face and eyes; necessity of sitting up to
breathe, etc.


The treatment consists of such means as shall specifically affect the nervous system, as it is especially a nervous affection. Concussion at the seventh cervical will relieve dyspnea - difficult breathing. The general treatment which expands the chest is the first thing to be done. Free the circulation of the head and neck; raise the arms; stretch the chest muscles, pressing the knee between the scapula, pulling the arms back strongly, lowering the knee each time the arms are pulled back. Adjust the spine from the first dorsal to the fifth dorsal vertebra. Use concussions at the fourth and fifth cervical for bronchial asthma. Dilate the Sphincter ani muscles once or twice a day, giving the other treatment and adjustments daily, or oftener. Use the high enema, removing colonic impaction frequently-daily at least. Avoid excessive eating. Take moderate exercise. Breathe deeply, frequently; bathe daily.


Symptoms: Small, weak pulse; face livid; fever; restlessness; great pain in the head; coldness of skin; giddiness; constipation. This may be followed by stertorous breathing, loss of speech, unconsciousness. There are many conditions which need attention to forestall an attack.


First, use the means recommended elsewhere to restore the circulation of the blood. The high enema should be used at once. Dilation of the Sphincter ani; the neck treatment; adjustment at the third, fifth and the twelfth dorsal vertebra. Concussion on the seventh cervical. The cording of the limbs, alternately, should not be overlooked, as it takes the blood from the brain, relieves the congestion.


Anasarea: General dropsy; pitting on pressure, shortness of breath; skin white and shiny, filled with fluid, which sometimes exudes. This is only a condition, not a disease. It is the result of some diseased condition of some vital organ - liver, kidney, heart, or spleen; cancer, etc.


The treatment which dispels the accumulation of the fluids is indicated. Repeated doses of such remedies as stimulate the action of the kidneys is the usual means to institute for immediate relief, such as Epsom salts, Cream of Tartar and Podophyllin, are the most effectual, temporary agents. The Epsom salts in tablespoonful doses, in hot water, every two hours until the bowels are moved freely, repeating the dose at longer intervals as are needed to keep up the action until the swelling has subsided.

The same effect may be produced by the use of one ounce Cream of Tartar to six ounces of water, into which should be put four grains of Podophyllin thoroughly mixed, and given in tablespoonful doses every two to four hours, until the swelling subsides. Some cases may have to be tapped, to get rid of the swelling.

The treatment of the organ diseased should receive roper attention, or the swelling will likely return. Proper feeding is an important consideration, avoiding excesses of every character. The spinal treatment often cures without any other, and that should be given especially at the third, fifth, eighth and twelfth dorsal, and wherever indicated for the conditions causing the Dropsy. These adjustments should be made daily, until cured.


Pain and oppression about the heart; difficulty of breathing; pain in chest; cold and clammy perspiration; quick pulse; lancinating pain in left arm and breast, increased on the slightest exertion; suffocation; anxiety, fear.

The Treatment.

Nearly all heart troubles are due to lack of chest capacity, or to impeded venous circulation of the blood, caused by bound-down clavicles, preventing the return blood to the heart through the jugular veins.

The indications are to relieve the pressure, expand the chest walls, raise the clavicles, adjust the third dorsal vertebra, concuss the seventh cervical process, relieve the pressure caused by an impacted colon, remembering that any means which serves to take off the pressure serves the purpose admirably in this, as well as in all conditions called disease.

Concussion of the seventh cervical increases the tone and the third and fourth diminishes the tone of the circulation, taking off the blood-pressure. See that the indications are met, and relief may be expected at once.


Characterized by tenderness, pain, quick pulse, vomiting, costiveness, thirst. This is an inflammation of the intestines, and the peritoneum covering the intestines, and is caused by some arrest of the venous circulation, or by traumatic influence, or locking of the bowel, called Intussusception.

The Treatment, which meets the indications, should be instituted. Flushing the colon with warm water should be thought of, and used without fail, in all cases of inflammation of the bowels, for this relieves the accumulated mass of impacted feces from the colon, and the conditions which caused the trouble are generally removed that way.

Hot fomentations - cloths wrung out of hot water should be applied to the abdomen, kept warm and repeated at short intervals, until all pain subsides. Adjustment at the second and third lumbar should be made. If there is fever, the vaso-motor area should be inhibited, and adjustment at the sixth and seventh dorsal vertebra made, occasionally, during the inflammation.

Keep the patient quiet, in bed, until the inflammation subsides. Be careful about the diet; not to over-feed, or use indigestible food, but let patient use water externally and internally, freely, leaving off eating until all pain and soreness subsides, and the tongue cleans off.


Bronchitis, an inflammation of the bronchial tubes - the air-passages to the lungs; characterized by shortness of breath, cough, fever, tongue coated - white, usually, sometimes brown - vomiting; skin hot and dry; pulse full. There is usually an expectoration, small in quantity at first, sometimes a little blood mixed with the expectoration, and later mucous and pus.

There is, in the advanced stages, an increase of quantity, streaked with blood, and having a salty taste. Auscultation reveals sounds according to the stage, and the condition, dry, sonorous and sibilant rales on both sides of the chest, and harsh breath sounds; in the latter stage when the expectoration is profuse, bubbling rales are heard.


The conditions found should govern the course to pursue in the treatment. The age and surroundings should be considered. The treatment should be instituted which restores the circulation of the fluids of the entire body. The treatment of the neck and throat demand first attention, so as to relieve the congestion of venous blood.

Thorough manipulation, so as to relax the muscles, taking the pressure from the jugular veins, the stretching and expansion of the muscles of the chest, so that the venous blood in the chest muscles may be returned to the Vena Azigos, to the heart and lungs - to be oxygenated, as well as to relieve the pressure, so the chest can be expanded.

Hot applications of Epsom salts should be applied to the upper part of the chest, and repeated during the acute, inflammatory stage of disease of the bronchial tubes.

Adjustments of the spine at the third and fourth dorsal vertebra should be made at frequent intervals - say every twelve hours, or oftener - and the fifth and twelfth dorsal should be attended to as well. Deep, full breathing should be practiced as much as possible, with chest expansion, and sitting up in erect position; care exercised in regard to diet, bathing and exercise.


Symptoms: Pain in the back and at the lower part of the abdomen, with desire to void the urine; nausea, anxiety; cold perspiration; burning in the urethra.


Adjustment of the third to the fifth lumbar, hot applications of Epsom salts - one ounce to a quart of water - applied frequently, kept hot, until all pain subsides. The sitz bath is also advisable in severe cases, and the high enema to free the colon, and remove undue pressure on the bladder.


Symptoms: Swelling of different parts of the body; puffiness of lower eyelids; tenderness of the small of the back; high colored urine; dry skin; quick pulse.

There are many complications which accompany this affection, such as pericarditis, pleurisy, pneumonia, peritonitis, and uremia. These are the principal complications.


The colonic irrigation should be used in this disease once a day, with a tablespoonful of Epsom salts to a gallon of as warm water as the patient can well bear. This relieves the local pressure. The sitz bath is a source of great relief at night, before retiring. The patient should be as quiet as possible, remaining in bed much of the time.

Adjustments at the ninth, eleventh and twelfth dorsal vertebra should be made at intervals of 12 to 24 hours. Concussion at the sixth, seventh and tenth dorsal are indicated for interstitial nephritis, and to reduce the blood pressure, especially at the tenth dorsal, daily.

The diet should be nutritious, well masticated, and all stimulants avoided. The general treatment to restore, and maintain, a free circulation of the blood should be applied daily. but no treatment should be painful or annoying.

Adjustments at the fifth to the seventh dorsal, to keep the forces united, should be done every day, with the other treatment, as above stated.

In all kidney affections, a tea made of the common garden beet, boiled down to a syrup, almost, should be drunk in wineglassful doses three times a day. Some cases are benefited by drinking strong green tea instead of water.

Any disease which affects the organs of elimination requires special attention and consideration. The nervous system ending in such organs must be kept free from pressure, and the circulation of the fluids unimpeded.

The proper nutrition to supply the waste must be supplied by proper food. Concussions at the twelfth dorsal, as well as at the tenth, daily, are to be made; these concussions cause dilation of the parenchyma, hence indicated in Bright's disease.


It has been discovered that the vital forces are situated in the Medulla Oblongata, and that an influence emanates therefrom which controls the vital functions of the body.

Practical experimentations have been made in the way of touching certain terminal nerve fibres, in certain localities, with slight pressure with the point of a small, blunt instrument, or with an electro-cautery, slightly cauterizing the part - a particular part; the influence would be conveyed to the medulla, and that certain effects would be expressed in other localities in the body.

These particular effects would be manifested in different parts of the body according to the particular locality the pressure or the cauterization was made.

Diseases of various and sundry kinds, and in all stages, have been cured through this means, and anesthesia has been made so profound that major surgical operations have been performed without there being the slightest sensation felt on the part of the patient. Teeth have been extracted without there being any sensation of pain. Diseases of the most malignant form have yielded to this kind of treatment.

It is believed that the nerve influences which are the nearest to the special locality in the medulla, are to be selected because of the more direct communication with that center and yet, points in the most remote parts of the body are also utilized in the same way, each group of nerves having control of certain functions, and have their influence in controlling special conditions in health as well as in disease.

The nasal mucous membrane, the mouth, larynx and the pharynx, seem to be the localities which have been utilized thus far, specially.

The idea originated in the Orient, first among the Chinese, and a French physician, Dr. Pierre Bonnier, has treated thousands of cases during the last several years, successfully; among the diseases treated are asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, skin diseases, neurasthenia, and every kind known to affect mankind, with the most satisfactory results, in a very large per centum, resulting in absolute cures.

Demonstrations have been made of the efficacy of pressure upon certain localities in the nares, mouth and pharynx, and on the tongue, by one Dr. FitzGerald, of Hartford, Connecticut, showing that an influence through this means is effectual to a very satisfactory degree, in ever so many conditions known to be incurable by other means, and an influence exerted which is very significant, to say the least of it.


A griping pain in the stomach, especially in the neighborhood of the navel, sometimes with vomiting and constipation; the pain increasing at intervals; usually the pain ceases temporarily on bending forward or over the back of a chair, or pressing hard against the stomach.

The Treatment.

Take hold of the wrist of the patient, and place the other hand on the back in the region of the seventh dorsal vertebra, fingers cupped a little, and placed at the sides of the vertebra next you; now raise the arm of the patient, push it strongly backward, and at the same time pull with the hand that is placed on the back, firmly, steadily for a moment. This usually relieves the pain at once. It scarcely ever has to be repeated.

ANOTHER WAY - Place patient on a treating table, face downward, make an adjustment at the fifth and seventh dorsal vertebra, and the pain is at once relieved. This is all that is necessary for colic, uncomplicated.

It unites the Splanchnic nervous system with the Solar Plexus, neutralizes the excess of acid in the stomach, and stops the irritation.


Characterized by a diarrhea; violent pain at the navel; bowels hot and tender to pressure; a blue line on the gums. This disease is due to too much lead used in paint, with turpentine, inhaled in such quantities as to produce what is known as lead, or painter's colic.

The Treatment for Immediate Relief

Put alum, pulverized, about a teaspoonful in a glass of water, and let it dissolve, by being well stirred with a spoon; then give the patient a teaspoonful in a little more water, every half to one hour. This cures by antidoting the lead. I do not know if an adjustment at the seventh would do any good or not. Do not be afraid to use the alum, for this is the only remedy known.


It is a diseased condition of the adipose tissue, generally on the back, and back of the neck, characterized by excessive hardness, much harder than a common boil, with purple colored skin, deep-seated, involving the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue, terminating in a slough, and the subsequent production of a permanent cicatrix. It usually occurs in middle-aged people, and men are more, subject to it than women.

This being a breaking down of the connective tissue, a connective tissue element is indicated. That is silicia, internally.

Locally, the saturated solution of carbolic acid sometimes aborts it. It may be injected, combined with glycerine, directly into the tumor, or it may be put on, or in the cavity with a swab of cotton, being careful to have, the swab not too full of the acid, just enough to moisten the inside of the sore, and protect the skin, outside of the carbuncle, with greased pieces of cloth, vaseline being most suitable. One application a day will be sufficient; then use some of the vaseline in the sore, placed on absorbent cotton. Give the silicia in four grain doses every four hours, in the sixth potency, letting the patient live on wholesome food, well masticated, and in moderate quantities, bathing the body all over daily with Epsom salts. Attend to the colonic irrigation in cases where it is necessary. Adjustments at the seventh and twelfth dorsal may be given daily, and attention to the circulation of the fluids of the body is essential in every case.


Chill, followed by fever; high pulse; constipation; canty urine; burning in the stomach. There are several types - the gastro-enteric type; thoracic; cerebral; homorhagic; the algid type. The temperature may run as high as 104 to 107 degrees. The above types exist usually more or less combined. The mortality is about 13 percent.

A marked symptom is the coldness felt during the high fever, and the blueness of the surface, characteristic of a high degree of venous congestion. This disease is a product of long exposure to malaria, cool nights, and bad water - the filling of the entire system with malaria, causing torpid liver, constipation and toxic, retained poison.

The Treatment.

The high enema is the indicated remedy for the congested colon and liver. The treatment at the vaso-motor area for the fever, as well as adjustment at the sixth dorsal spine. General treatment to arouse the circulation.

Heat applied during the chill, and the warm Epsom salts bath should be used; hot applications to whole length of the spine. Repeated adjustments between the sixth and eighth dorsal, for the liver, and to break up the chill's periodicity; proper nourishment administered that ill not irritate the digestive tract, in the form of soups.

The Epsom salts is the best internal remedy to neutralize the poison, and to regulate the action of the liver and the kidneys, and should be given at short intervals until a free discharge is produced.

The treatment for ordinary chills at the seventh and eighth dorsal, applies as well in this fever; treatment daily, or oftener, may be necessary.


Characterized by an eruption of irregular vesicles; itching more or less, appearing first on the neck and breast, then on legs and arms; headache and slight fever. There is usually a thin, transparent serum in the vesicles. It resembles small pox in that the vesicles feel like shot under the skin before they are fully developed, or emerge from the deeper tissue.

The Treatment.

The treatment is simply that of cleanliness; bathing the body frequently with Epsom salts water the usual strength; unite the forces at the fifth dorsal once or twice a day; give half a teaspoonful of the sulphate of magnesia (Epsom salts) once or twice a day; clean out the colon with the high enema; live on light diet; do not overload the stomach, and the trouble will be over in a short time. It is said to be a self-limited disease, but the foregoing will modify and shorten it materially.

Keep the skin, kidneys and bowels free at all times. Avoid excesses.


Cancer is characterized by a burning, lancinating pain. It is the result of impeded venous circulation in a part, which forms a nidus for its start, and may be quiescent for years, simply a small lump under the skin, in the tissue, and eventually, in most cases, culminates into a sore, with ragged edges, discharging an ichorous, thin, serous, clear fluid, with extremely offensive odor.

It usually attacks the face, nose, the female breast, the stomach, liver; but may attack any part of the body from the same cause, or it may be the result of paralysis of terminal nerve filaments, due to nicotine poison, as from the long use of tobacco, smoking being the usual cause; in which case the mucous membranes are the most susceptible.

The Treatment.

The treatment for this most dreaded of all diseases, has been legion, from the use of arsenical paste, through all of the most painful remedies the imagination of man could devise. The knife has done its share to subdue this dreaded, fatal disease. Many specialists have been more or less successful in their treatment of cancer. The knife has done good service in many cases. But what is the rational treatment for this affection - this malignant tumor? Those who are afflicted with this disease are so anxious to obtain relief from the pain accompanying this disease, they are willing to try any means which even promises relief.

We are not willing to suggest any of the local applications which "eat out" the tumor, used by specialists who make this their business, nor anything we have used along this line, but submit the Neuropathic course to pursue. First of all, be sure you have cancer to deal with. Its locality is a matter of especial importance, whether superficial or deep; whether it affects the muscular tissue, the glandular, or the lymphatics. If the stomach, the liver, the uterus, the anus, the tongue, or any internal organ, it becomes a matter of how to reach it.

It will be understood that, in all cases of cancer, of whatever kind, or in whatever stage, there is a condition of toxemia throughout the entire body. This must be gotten rid of before the tumor, or cancer, will disperse.

In the larger number of cases, we would recommend FASTING, for twenty to forty days; high enemas daily; bathing in Epsom salts water, of the strength of one ounce to a quart of water daily. Apply constantly to the sore this solution, and bathe the whole body daily in Epsom salts water - two pounds to ten gallons of water.

After the fast, a return to plain, simple diet, leaving out the starchy victuals, pastries, sweets and fats.

The general treatment recommended to keep up a normal circulation is an essential in this, as in all cases of illness, this especially. The spinal adjustments to unite the forces, at the fifth, as well as the seventh and eighth and twelfth dorsal, should be given daily. In addition to the above treatment, if the liver or the uterus or anus are involved, the tenth, eleventh and twelfth dorsal should have attention, and the third to the fifth lumbar will need adjustments.

The diet should have special attention, and moderation should be observed, as to quantity, and combination, and time of eating, being careful to give the nerves which have to do in the digestive process, time to perform their allotted function. Keep the bowels regular, and see that the proper exercise be taken, and freedom from care and anxiety be avoided.

Much more might be said, but the conditions will be suggestive of what ought to be done in given cases. Always keep the parts diseased well bathed with the solution of Epsom salts, and where the tumor is external, and get-at-able, the application of purified liquid paraffin will be found soothing as well as curative. It is a useful means of cleanliness.

The following preparation will be admirable as a disinfectant and deodorizer: One-half ounce of carbolic acid to three and a half ounces of glycerine, mix thoroughly together; a teaspoonful stirred into a pint of hot water, and this applied by means of cloths wrung out of it, to the sore, or as a wash, as often as desirable. An ounce of Epsom salts should be added to the pint of water with the glycerine preparation. Only ONE teaspoonful to a pint of water. The glycerine renders the carbolic acid soluble in water.


Corns are degenerated tissue, rendered so by undue, persistent or spasmodic pressure, with friction, causing hardness on the spot thus bruised, and it becomes excessively painful, causing lameness, soreness and in some cases suppuration. Some cases, where constant pressure is kept up, there will be bunions, and even dislocation of the joints of the toes, especially the great toe, or any of the toes, for that matter. This is often found where tight shoes have been worn, cramping the foot and toes, jamming them against the ends and sides of the shoes, until they are distorted, and all out of shape. The thing to do to cure them is, TAKE OFF THE PRESSURE.

The Proper Treatment.

For Bunions - Set, or reduce the luxation, and wear loose shoes, which do not press against the toe, so the muscles involved will become normally relaxed.

For the corns, the simplest of all things to do is to take off the pressure. This is done by wrapping loose-twisted twine, loosely around the toe, either in front or back of the corn, until a small ridge is formed with the twine, then put on the hose, and the shoe, and comfort will be restored at once. The corn will get well by this procedure, kept up from day to day, in a short time; then wear shoes which do not press the feet.

The corns may be peeled off, if desired, and scraped out from between the toes; but the pressure must be kept off to cure them. The above method costs you nothing, and you are not bothered with "corn plasters" nor salves, etc. This is another example of cure by "taking off the pressure." Try it.


Cough is only an expression of the irritation of terminal nerve fibres. It is a symptom of irritation somewhere in the trachea or the fauces, or the uvula. Inflammation
of the larynx, pharynx or bronchii cause coughing.

The Treatment.

The means to apply should have reference to the cause, which is due to an arrest of the venous circulation in its return through the capillaries to the veins, and this produces congestion, causing irritation of terminal nerve filaments, which produces the expression denominated a cough.

In order to arrest the cough, the irritation must be removed, whatever that may be. If it be croup, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, or any sort of irritation of the air passages, relieve that condition, and the cough will be cured. The restoration of the normal circulation of the fluids will remove the irritability, the nerve-terminals will be free, and cough ceases.


This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, associated with temporary spasmodic contraction of the glottis, characterized by paroxysmal coughing, difficulty of breathing, and attacks of threatened suffocation.

This is usually a disease of early childhood, caused by errors in diet, excess in eating and drinking, excitement, and violent emotion. The atmospheric changes are supposed to be the prime cause of spurious, as well as the true membranous croup. When the child is properly fed, there is no cause for croup. An overloaded stomach, and then an exposure to cold, the venous circulation is arrested, the throat becomes congested, the nervous system becomes involved, the arterial blood continues to flow into the capillaries; congestion ensues, and the exudate follows - hence croup.


The indications are to relieve the congestion by restoring the circulation. The first thing to do is to raise the clavicles, then manipulate the neck muscles so as to relax them thoroughly so the veins can empty themselves, and the conditions are changed from an abnormal to a normal state, and the croup subsides. Cold compresses are a source of relief, and should be used if the manipulations cannot be applied.

Treatment as above stated - the neck muscles, and raising the clavicles, and slight pressure on the upper, back part of the neck, in vaso-motor area-is to be made, to regulate the arterial circulation. The usual neck treatment should be repeated if necessary, until a cure is effected.

The Homoeopathic sheet-anchor remedy is aconite, second potency. Aconite is a stimulant, and affects the circulation, acting upon the muscular coats of the arteries, taking the pressure off of the terminal nerve fibres, and the irritation ceases, hence cures spurious croup.

It is prepared by pouring some of the tincture of the second dilution over some sugar of milk pellets, No. 30, and these are given to the child, six at a dose, every fifteen minutes, until relief is obtained. The relief comes in a few minutes, generally. For the cough which may come the next day, the pellets are given every two or three hours.

The Neuropathic treatment relieves the congestion so effectually that there is no cough the next day, hence is preferable to any other treatment. Persistence in this course of treatment prevents the case from going into the true form of croup if, however, the case has the true croup when called, the same treatment should be instituted, but repeated often, keeping the circulation of the blood and the lymphatic secretions free. This prevents the formation of the membrane in the throat, and if already formed, or forming, the manipulations will loosen it and it may be removed with the thumb and finger, when it is found to be loosened. Judgment should be used in such cases.

The directions for manipulating the neck are given elsewhere in this book, which see, and always be sure that they are so manipulated as to relax them. The adjustments should be made at the third cervical and the third and fourth dorsal vertebra, and at the twelfth to keep the kidneys active. The whole body should be bathed frequently in Epsom salts water, to keep the pores open, the lungs should be expanded often, the chest muscles relaxed - stretched.


See elsewhere in this book. Treatment given at length.


Characterized by complete loss of consciousness; muscles rigid, and remain in any position placed; a sudden suspension of the action of the senses and of volition. It occurs in hysteria, various psychosis, hypnotic states, and organic brain disease.

The Treatment.

The indications are plain; the restoration of the circulation is the first thing that should receive attention. Divulsion of the sphincter ani muscles is the best means of flushing the capillaries, and will generally be sufficient. Adjustment of the upper dorsals from the first to the fifth to arouse the action of the heart and lungs, and to restore the circulation of the venous blood, and then use concussion of the seventh cervical spinous process.


Catarrh is ushered in by a sensation of stuffiness in the nostrils; frequent desire to use the handkerchief; a thin, watery secretion; sneezing; cough; fever; fullness of the nasal organs; difficulty of breathing through the nostrils; watery secretion from the eyes, with redness, swelling, with dull headache in the frontal sinuses; soreness of the throat; tongue somewhat swollen; uvula congested and elongated; a dull, drowsy sensation; sleepy, dull, indifferent.

The Treatment.

The treatment should be to restore the venous circulation through the veins of the head and neck. The manipulation of the neck muscles is essential; raise the clavicles from the jugular; expand the chest muscles; place the knee between the shoulders at the back, high up between the scapulae, pull back the arms strongly, letting them slacken, stretch the muscles a few times, asking the patient to take deep inhalations while the arms are being pulled backward with knee between the scapulae.

Use the following: Put a tablespoonful of common table salt into a pint of water, pour a little of this into the hand, snuff it up the nostrils, doing this several times at one sitting and use force strong enough to draw the salt water back through the nostrils into the throat, cleansing the mucous membrane thus, two or three times a day.

The freedom of the circulation of the venous blood is the main thing to look after, and see that it is done. Abstain from food for a day or two, drinking freely of hot water; bathe the feet in warm salt and water before retiring; practice deep inhalations frequently during the day, expanding the lungs freely each breath.

(Summer Complaint of Children.)

Symptoms - Bowels relaxed; frequent, loose, watery stools; pain, tenderness, feverishness and thirst; head hot; skin shrunken, wan; weak, fretful, emaciated.


The cause is usually too frequent feeding, and too much food at meals. Lack of the proper elements in the food; wrong combinations.

See elsewhere as to the diet needed, and see to it that the diet is furnished that is needed, and a sufficient amount of water given; avoiding worry, and sweets, and too frequent feeding.

Adjustments at the fifth and seventh dorsal vertebra daily, or at longer intervals, and the lumbar area should be treated as follows: Nurse, or mother, to take hold of the child with one hand at the back of the neck and with the other hold of both feet, then place the child over the knee, above the knee, letting the small of its back rest on the knee, bearing most of its weight, steadying it with the hands for a moment; raise it up level a moment, then let it down again a time or two in this way, and it usually arrests the diarrhea, or the discharge from the bowels. Holding the limbs - lower - by one hand, and pressing on the small of the back, beginning at the lower - fifth lumbar - vertebra while raising the limbs, then let feet down, put thumb and finger a little higher up, doing this several times, pressing on the spine as each lifting of the feet is done. This treatment may be repeated every few hours, until patient is cured.


Characterized by violent vomiting and purging of a peculiar rice-water like fluid, severe muscular cramps, and a condition of prostration followed by collapse and death; or if reaction from collapse, subsequent development of a typhoid state. Fear is the cause, in a very large percent of cases. Bad water, excessive eating of indigestible food, sudden arrest of the circulation, cold, damp atmosphere, sudden check of perspiration from drinking too much cold water, sudden changes in temperature. The alimentary canal seems to be especially affected.

The Treatment.

Any means which will warm the patient is the first thing indicated. Means to restore the normal circulation should be applied. The general treatment given elsewhere for this purpose should be used. Treating the lumbar area from the sacrum upward, strongly, to arrest the discharges is an essential thing to do. The tincture of camphor, in five-drop doses every few moments, is perhaps the best internal stimulant to warm up the intestinal canal. Hot milk is admissible. It is a case of life or death, and immediate, persistent work is required until a change takes place. Repeated manipulations to restore normal circulation are needed at frequent intervals.


The coccyx may be turned in any direction from a normal position, and the deviation cause much pain as well as be the source of many ailments. At the end, on the inner side of the normal curve, is imbedded the ganglion of Impar, the end of the great trunk line of the Sympathetic nerve of the spine, and through its filaments controls much of the surrounding tissue, especially the lower outlets of the body. Undue pressure, irritation, causes diseased conditions where the filaments end. Hence piles, rectal troubles, prostatic enlargement, urethral and bladder troubles, and general nervous prostration, and disturbance of the circulation of the fluids of the body.

The Treatment.

There is but one way to treat this condition, and that is, straighten the coccyx. The proper method to pursue is to let the patient lie on the stomach on a table; anoint the forefinger with vaseline, introduce it into the rectum, passing the finger beyond the internal sphincter ani muscle, placing the end of the finger against the part of the coccyx which is deviated, and the thumb of the other hand outside, opposite, and proceed to adjust the displacement.

It should be pulled to a normal position, and at the same time stretch the sphincter muscles. This procedure may have to be repeated a number of times to insure its staying in place, and sometimes cases will have to be treated daily to insure success.

Much depends upon this treatment, for the spinal muscles can be relaxed by the straightening of the coccyx better than by any other treatment; the flushing of the capillaries is accomplished through this treatment.

Hemorrhoids are curable through this treatment. Uterine hemorrhage is also arrested by straightening the coccyx. Some cases of sciatica are immediately arrested through this means, especially when the pyriformis muscle is rigid, and the sphincter muscles are unduly contracted. The bivalve is effectual when only the sphincters are involved, and yet the muscles may be contracted because of the coccygeal displacement irritating the ganglion of Impar, in which case the pressure must be released. It should be remembered that the pressure on a ganglion involves many nerve filaments, and the tissue in which the filaments end; hence such localities become matters of special importance.

Many troubles higher up, along the spine, will not respond to the usual treatment until the coccygeal trouble is corrected, because there is such intimate relationship of the entire spine with all, or any other part of it. The rule is, correct whatever is wrong in every part of the spine, and make it the rule to correct errors whenever found, any and everywhere.

In adjusting the coccyx, always adjust the lower joint first, and then the second one, and then the third one, for by doing so, there will be less pain. The adjustment will have to be repeated until it remains in place, then the difficulty caused by the displacement will have been cured.


Characterized by a relaxed condition of the bowels; griping pains in the stomach, sometimes twisting; coated tongue; fever; headache; tenderness of the stomach and bowels, with frequent discharges of watery stools. When companied with vomiting and painful, griping pains, it called cholera morbus.


The treatment which cures is the following: Strong pressure with the thumb and the forefinger of one hand against the lower lumbar vertebra – lamina - antagonized by strong pulling of one or both limbs, upwards, or if lying in bed, one ankle may be taken hold of and pulled strongly backward while the thumb and fingers are being pressed hard against the sides of the spines, in the lower lumbar area; beginning at the sacrum, and press the sides of the fifth lumbar, then the fourth, then the third, second and first, letting the foot be returned to its normal position at the end of each pressure, being particular to hold the pressure, each move, for a few seconds, as to make firm pressure each time the limb is pulled back. This cures. It may have to be repeated a time or two, in very bad cases.


Characterized by mucous discharges from the bowels, mixed with blood; accompanied with severe griping pains, tenesmus or straining, swelling and tenderness; protrusionof the mucous membrane of the bowel; inflammation ofthe peritoneum, with pains in the loins; constipation an& great exhaustion.

The Treatment.

The first thing in order is to use the colon tube, and secure a thorough cleaning out of the colon, using water as warm as can be borne, with a tablespoonful of Epsom salts in a gallon of water. Repeat this if necessary. Next - Dilate the rectum as fully as the patient can bear, using immediately after the dilation, an injection of very warm water. Let the patient lie down, and if the bowels, are painful, that is, if the abdomen is painful, apply cloths wrung from hot water and apply until all pain subsides. Give nothing to eat but milk, thickened with wheat flour, cooked well done. Adjustment at the fifth dorsal, twelfth dorsal and third lumbar, every six hours. Frequent hot-water injections are soothing, and curative. Use them.

Untitled illustration on page 305.


Diphtheria is usually ushered in by a chill, followed by swelling of the throat and tonsils; headache; fever; pulse high; hoarseness; dry skin. In the malignant form, the chill is followed by a thick, ashy color of the throat; vomiting; diarrhoea; great prostration; spasmodic cough; dry mouth; aching limbs; and characterized by the formation of pseudo-membrane upon any mucous surface or the skin, and by constitutional symptoms, with degenerative changes in the heart, kidneys, liver and nervous system.

The false membrane is most commonly seen in the mucous membrane of the upper air passages, the secretions of which convey the disease to other individuals. Incubation period, one to four days. It may be followed by paralysis, in two to four weeks, of the extremities, larynx, pharynx or the eye muscles, or by death, usually occurring at the height of the local disease, and is due to the general intoxication, heart failure from exhaustion, or some complication, as extension of the disease to the larynx, broncho-pneumonia, septicemia or nephritis. The extreme, sudden exhaustion is a marked characteristic, and under the medical treatment, the mortality is large.

The Rational Treatment.

The diet should be milk almost exclusively, being careful not to crowd the stomach with any kind of food.

Exhaustion is due to the toxic poison in the system, and this is due to the chemical changes in the blood, caused by impediment or sluggish circulation, hence the first thing to do is to restore the circulation, and thus oxygenate the blood. The best thing to neutralize the toxin is Epsom salts. Make a solution of carbolic acid and glycerine, put this in the solution of one ounce of Epsom salts to a pint of water; use as a gargle every half hour or oftener. There is too much alkalinity in the blood. A gargle made of sulphuric acid - just enough to taste a little sour - use as a gargle, by the use of a swab made of absorbent cotton; wet the cotton in the solution, and swab the throat occasionally. This is an excellent means of neutralizing the alkalinity in the blood.

Use the solution of the Epsom salts, sugar and water preparation mentioned elsewhere in this book as a constitutional antitoxin, in half teaspoonful doses every hour or so, lessening the quantity if the bowels move too freely.

The manipulations should receive special attention, especially those of the neck, freeing the circulation of the head and throat being an essential. Stretch the chest muscles so the lungs will have room to expand. Bathe the body, or sponge it frequently with the Epsom salts solution (one ounce to a quart of water). The spinal adjustment at the fifth dorsal to unite the forces and to neutralize the excesses is never to be neglected. Adjustments of the cervical verterbras from the second to the fifth, and at the twelfth dorsal to stimulate the kidneys, is essential in all cases.

Concussion at the third and eighth dorsal should be made to alleviate the neurasthenic condition, at the seventh cervical for the heart stimulation. Pressure with the fingers on the vaso-motor area for the high fever, concussion at the sixth, ninth and twelfth dorsal for the paralytic condition, if it ensues, but at the twelfth for the stimulation of the kidneys.

Hygienic conditions must be rigidly attended to, keeping the patient clean, supplied with an abundance of fresh, pure air at all times, free action of the skin, bowels and kidneys. The above directions followed strictly, persistently and intelligently, will be followed with the results desired - a cure. Note: The free use of lemon juice, letting the patient take freely, and often, in small quantities, at a time. This, of itself, is said to be a specific. For the restlessness, a cloth wrung out of the Epsom salts water and placed on the bowels, covered with a dry cloth, will be soothing to the patient; leave it there for several hours. Leave off all starchy foods.

For Scarlet Fever, and all malignant throat affections, the above treatment will suffice, changing and modifying, as conditions and circumstances demand, to meet the necessities of each individual case.

The Scarlet Fever is characterized by a scarlet eruption, appearing on the second day, with sore throat, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, or shivering, with rash appearing within forty-eight hours. We would emphasize the use of the Epsom salts as a wash, to be used frequently.

The neck manipulations, with frequency, is an essential to restore the normal blood circulation; the venous circulation is the essential thing to restore - above all things else, that is to be done.


A kidney affection, characterized by loss of flesh; excessive urination; tongue glazed and furrowed; mouth clammy; diarrhea; failure of sexual and mental powers.

There are two varieties: the Diabetes Insipidus, characterized by an excess of the urinary secretion, and Diabetes Mellitus, a constitutional disease, characterized by an excess of secretion of urine highly charged with sugar. The causes are prolonged worry, unrestricted eating and drinking. These are etiologic factors of great importance, in both varieties.

The Treatment.

The diet being a prominent factor in its production, it is no less so in the cure. The diet should consist of fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits, and salads, figs, eggs, some lean meat, and a reasonable quantity of fats, such as olive oil, butter and cream.

The fruits should contain acids, or be acid. If the case is emaciated, use the more nourishing foods, such as bananas and prunes, with a liberal diet of sour milk, avoiding the sweets, condiments, pastries and starchy foods. Avoid fear, anxiety, and all excesses. The constitutional condition manifests itself in the retina, by small, white, shiny specks near the macula, and are discernible with the ophthalmoscope.

The Treatment - Mechanically.

See to it that the circulation of the blood is restored and maintained by the Neuropathic manipulations indicated, in part, or generally, as the case demands; adjustments at the fifth and down to and including the twelfth dorsal vertebra, and the first and second cervical vertebra, to reach the medulla. Concussions at the sixth, seventh and twelfth dorsal vertebra, are especially indicated. The colonic irrigation should be administered daily, to keep off the undue pressure from the digestive tract, and from other internal structures. The alimentary tract should always receive special attention, in all chronic, diseased conditions of whatever name or nature.


Epilepsy is a disease characterized by a periodic unconsciousness, and by muscular convulsions, either of which may be absent in exceptional cases. According to the severity of the condition it is called petit mal or grand mal. The convulsions may be tonic or clonic, or may alternate. Some cases may be traced to traumatism, some physical injury of the brain, but the majority of cases have their origin in blood pressure, due to strains, or overeating at short intervals, and wrong combinations of foods, or indigestible substances; malnutrition and intense anger, or shock.

The spasm generally begins at the free end of one extremity, and then rapidly involves all of the muscles of the body. The epileptic cry, or groan, is heard, and the patient falls unconscious. The spasm is first tonic in character, and gives way to a fine, general tremor, which is followed by a clonic condition; coma then ensues. There is, at first, pallor of the face, which is quickly followed by congestion and cyanosis; frothing at the mouth and nose, vomiting; relaxation of the sphincters may occur.

Various mental disturbances, automatism, mania, delirium, or persistent coma may follow one or more seizures. It is said that only 2 per cent recover.

The Treatment.

The indications are plainly presented, when the cause is considered. The diet must be regulated to begin with. Regularity in meals, as well as quantity, kind, frequency, and combination. All kinds of excitement must be avoided; bad habits abandoned; intense thought avoided; effects of traumatism corrected, surgically, if necessary.

Plain, simple food only should be allowed, avoiding all kinds of rich pies, pastries, fats, excesses in meats of all kinds - better leave out meats. Colonic irrigation, and dilation of the anal sphincters are essential means in the treatment to remove undue irritation of terminal nerves. Keep the bowels regular; the skin clean; kidneys normally active; have patient breathe full, long, deep breaths at stated intervals, and always expand the lungs at every breath if possible; sleep in well ventilated rooms.

The Hemospasia treatment promises the best results of any yet discovered. A series of alternate cording the limbs, continuing for 24 to 36 hours, has been followed by positive cures. This is the best mechanical treatment ever devised. Spinal adjustments have been followed in some cases, with good results. The Splanchnic nerves should receive attention, especially at the fifth dorsal to the twelfth. The aim should be to bring about, through treatment, as nearly a normal condition of all of the organs of the body as possible, through whatever means are indicated, and avoid the habits which tend to enervate the physical body in any respect.

The first and second cervicals often need adjustments, and that frequently. Adjust any of the vertebra when the indications are for so doing.


The best relief possible, is afforded by blowing the warm breath through a thin cloth into the ear, blowing several times, and then stuffing it loosely with absorbent cotton. If there is inflammation, apply the solution of Epsom salts - one ounce to a pint of warm water - syringing the ear therewith, and using a swab to dry the water out, then apply a pledget of cotton loosely, to prevent taking cold.

If the ear has wax in it, put a few drops of sweet oil into the ear, letting it soak over night; then wash the ear with warm water by the use of a fountain, or ear syringe, holding the point of the syringe so the stream of water will enter the ear at one edge if possible, giving room for the water to flow out into the pan held under the ear, at the side of the neck, under the lower jaw. The Epsom salts application is the best thing to use for all kinds of sores in the ear, and for pus from boils.

A salve made by combining the salts, dried in an oven or stove until all the water is evaporated, and then pulverized, and mixed with vaseline, applied to sores of any and all kinds, is the best salve imaginable.

The neck treatment should be duly considered, and the muscles kept relaxed. The adjustments of the third, fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae will need to be done occasionally, and concussions at the seventh and fifth dorsal.

For Deafness, Ringing in the Ears.

Treat the neck as usual, but give special manipulations under the lower jaws, and have the patient close both nostrils with thumb and finger, and blow - having the mouth closed at the same time - as if blowing out of the mouth, very gently, and if the Eustachian tube is perforate, there will be felt a pressure in the ear, as if the drum was being pressed against. This should be done gently, two or more times at one sitting, and daily.

The adjustments at the Atlas and lower down on the neck, to relax the neck muscles, will relieve many cases. Persistence is necessary, for such cases are generally chronic before they are cared for.

Foreign Bodies in the Ear.

Beans, corn, oats, wheat or other objects can usually be washed out, but if not, the easiest way to get them out is to use a little Spaulding's glue on the end of a small stick, touching it to the object, letting it dry on it, and it can be drawn out easily, without pain. Do not undertake to force it out, nor try to pick it out, nor shove it back against the drum of the ear.

Foreign Bodies in the Nose.

These may be shoved back through to the throat, and spit out, generally, but some objects may be too large; then remove them with the glue and stick, as for removing, objects from the ear.


This is a very annoying complaint – habit - a condition of discomfort to the one afflicted, and to those, concerned.

The symptoms need not be given, as there are none but the fact stated. The treatment indicated should be instituted and persisted in until a cure is effected.

Many cases are readily cured by the patient wearing glasses, the refraction being made, a little "fogging" is advisable, so as to overcome the nerve strain, and waste as a consequence. The proper correction of refraction cures many conditions as well as this, when the eyes are being strained through over-work, or when hyperopic.

Adjustments in the lumbar area are always to be made, when possible, so as to relieve nerve pressure or irritation of the bladder. If the kidneys are at fault, the twelfth dorsal should be adjusted, so as to stimulate the nerves which end in the kidneys. Concussions at the fifth lumbar should not be neglected.

The proper suggestions, as given elsewhere, should not be ignored, for they, when rightly given, always do good, and are the means which can be applied by the mother, or some one in whom the patient has implicit confidence, nightly.

The diet should be properly regulated, and the habits, corrected, as in all other cases of illness, for health means a normal state, in everything that relates to the individual, and bad habits corrected mean much, every way.

There are cases which depend upon local irritation, which causes the individual to micturate, such as an elongated prepuce, and the accumulation of smegma; then circumcision is the thing to have done. Or, if a female, the clitoris may be drawn so tightly as to cause irritation; in such cases it should be operated on. Tightened ,sphincter ani muscles may, sometimes, need dilation; and in the absence of a bivalve, it may be done with the finger, introduced into the rectum, and pulling backward, and to the side of the coccyx, quite strongly.

This procedure has a wonderfully quieting effect upon the nervous system, in many conditions, and should not be overlooked nor neglected when indicated. It can do no harm, and when properly done, and followed up from day to day, some of the most astonishing effects will follow, and cures result.


This is an acute inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, characterized by shining redness, swelling, heat, pain, vesication, accompanied by fever and constitutional disturbance. The affected areas are sharply defined, of a shining crimson hue, elevated above the surrounding skin, firm, hot and tender to the touch. Vesicles and blebs may develop. It may be general, or local.

The cause is said to be a bacteria, the Streptococcus erysipelatis. The real cause is a depression of the vital forces, the existence of wounds or abrasions. The recurrent variety is due to nasal infection, catarrhal in the majority of cases, and these due to lack of normal, venous circulation.


The constant, local application of a solution of Epsom salts water, one ounce to a pint, applied by means of soft cloths, soon neutralizes the poison, and the measures recommended to free the circulation of the blood throughout the body, should receive special attention, daily or oftener. Spinal adjustments, wherever there are found deviations, contractions or tenderness, should not be neglected.

(Conjunctivitis, Granulated Lids, Corneal Ulcers,
Styes, Blepharitis Marginalis, Pterygium. Etc.)

The various conditions represented by the above names are amenable to Neuropathic treatment.

Take hold of the cilia (hairs of the lid) with thumb and finger of one hand, pull it downward, outward, slip the forefinger of the other hand under the lid, squeeze down on the lid with the thumb, with a squeezing, rolling move, slide the finger and thumb along to the other edge or canthus of the eye, and remove it at once.

A pulling out of the lid of the eye should be made while the lid is being treated thus, and that removes the pressure; the ulcers get well. It is well to apply a little salty water to the eyes every few hours, in the proportion of a tablespoonful of salt to a pint of water, dropping into the eye a few drops every few hours.

For Pterygium, while the finger is under the lid, when it is near the inner canthus, turn it round, palm toward the nose, push it down to the side of the nose, and press hard against the Lachrymal sack a moment, then remove it.

The latter should be repeated every two or three days. Use the salt and water in the eye as for the ulceration of the cornea, or the conjunctivitis, the trachoma. This is the treatment for Blepharitis Marginalis: Squeeze the lids as for Ulcerated Cornea, use the salt and water afterward.

The manipulations which relax muscular fibers are the first thing to look after, so that the veins can empty themselves and the nervous system can perform its function.

The local treatment is done with the forefinger, and is astonishingly successful in relieving the pain, inflammation and anxiety of the patient. There is no guess work as to results. It saves the patient and the doctor from disappointment. It does the work satisfactorily, quickly and surely.

The stereotyped routinism of medical treatment is entirely useless, when compared with this. The medical practitioners will finally accept a rational method of cure, but they must be shown its superiority over their long used and oft repeated failures of a "tried system and repetition of the trial," until they see and learn a better way. Fixed opinions and stereotyped ways are hard to change, or to abandon, when once fixed in the mind, but TRUTH is mighty, and will, finally, prevail.

In the treatment of the above eye troubles, the physician, or manipulator, thoroughly cleanses the hands, washing the finger to be used in salty water, one tablespoonful to a pint of water, then take hold of the eyelid about the center, pull it out from the ball, slip the finger under the lid, stretch the lid by pulling it outward just enough to remove the pressure from the eyeball. This is the proper treatment for Corneal Ulcers.

For granulated lids, styes and Trachoma, Blepharitis Marginalis, introduce the forefinger as above directed, then place the thumb on outside of the lid, antagonizing the finger on the underside of the lid, and with a firm squeeze together of thumb and finger, use a sliding, undulatory move, covering the entire under surface of the eyelid in this way, then slip the finger out at the outer canthus; the treatment is done for that time, for that eye. The squeezing breaks up the granules and they are absorbed. Just a few such treatments will suffice, and these should be done daily, or every two or three days. If the under lid is affected, have the patient roll the eye upward, and pull the lower lid downward, then introduce the finger into the eye at the inner canthus, and with a sliding, pressing move over the entire surface of the lower lid, toward the outer canthus, pressing the lid against the upper surface of the malar bone, not enough to bruise the lid.

In all eye troubles, where there is inflammation, use salt and water, one tablespoonful to a pint of water, using a few drops in the eye every few hours. It should also be used externally by means of soft cloths, frequently repeated.

Illustration on page 316.


A diseased condition of the thyroid gland, situated just above the inner ends of the clavicles, above the sternum, on either side of the trachea, characterized by a gradual increase in its size.

There may be no special symptoms other than a gradual enlargement of the gland, and a sense of constriction of the trachea. Its unsightly appearance and its gradual undermining effect upon the general health are features of much concern, especially when the size is gradually increasing.

The function this gland exerts in the physical economy is not well understood. Recent investigations have shown that a non-development of this gland is, in some way, connected with that condition called Cretinism. When the gland is normally developed, no such effects are manifest.

The Treatment.

It is the opinion of the writer that too much lime used in the water or the food tends to enlargement of this gland. Impeded or obstructed circulation of the venous blood tends to precipitate the calcareous matter in the gland, and causes a disarrangement of its functions and increases its size. Tight collars and bands may cause the trouble.

The first indication, then, is to restore the circulation to a normal condition by lifting the clavicles from the jugular veins; manipulation of the neck muscles, and applying nightly a solution of salt and water on the neck over the area of the gland. This has been followed by favorable result in the glands where induration has not taken place.
Adjustment at the fourth and fifth cervical should not be neglected. These, and the manipulations, will be found satisfactory in most all cases. Concussions at the seventh cervical are followed by favorable results. Adjustments at the fifth dorsal vertebra should not be neglected, daily.

(Graves' Disease, Basedows' Disease).

This is indeed a grave disease, characterized by cardiac palpitation, goiter, exophthalmos, and tremor, palpitation usually being the initial symptom.

The pulse ranges from 90 to a 120 beats per minute. Occasionally the exophthalmos is so extreme as to produce spontaneous dislocation of the eyes, one or both. Women are generally the victims of this disease.

The Treatment.

The same manipulations as in the simple form of goiter should be instituted and persistently followed from day to day, giving special emphasis to the concussion of the seventh cervical.

For Cretinism, the internal use of Thyroin is a popular remedy. This is the extract of the thyroid gland of the sheep.


Gout is a constitutional disease characterized by an excess of uric acid or the alkaline urates, especially sodium urate, in the fluids of the body, deposited about the small joints, and, in time, the arteries, cardiac valves and the connective tissue of the kidneys may be involved. The metatarso-phalangeal joint of the great toe is the point of attack. The helix of the ear is another special point of attack. It may be acute, chronic or irregular. The male sex, about middle life, is most subjected to this disease. Its causes are excesses, alcohol, rich food, and an inactive life.

It usually begins after some inactivity of the liver, or indigestion, with sharp pain, swelling, tenderness about the affected point. The symptoms seem to be worse in the early morning hours. The urine is highly colored, containing an excess of uric acid and urates. Should the disease persist, and the accumulation of chalky deposits increase, it is called Chronic Gout.

The Treatment.

The treatment indicated is to put the patient on the proper diet as well as a course of temperate habits, with moderate exercise, bathing, and such other directions and treatment as shall change the conditions existing. The food should be plain, simple, easy of digestion, and in moderate quantities, at stated intervals, well masticated; sweet and starchy foods left out of the menus. Especially acids and starchy foods should be avoided for a time at least, until recovery takes place.

The manipulations which restore the normal circulation of the fluids should be instituted, and such as break up the deposits and cause absorption and elimination. The skin and kidneys should be kept active. The colon irrigation should be attended to, to relieve the impaction, if any; the Epsom salts bath used daily; the warm packs of cloths saturated in the Epsom salts water, applied to the joints affected, as much of the time as possible.

The spine should be adjusted at the fifth, eighth and twelfth dorsal daily. Concussions on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth dorsal will have special influence in effecting elimination of the urates.

Pure water must be used, free from lime and other injurious substances. Rain water or distilled water, whenever possible, should be used. Be sure the diet receives special consideration at every meal. Plenty of fruits and vegetables should be indulged in.


Cystitis is an inflammatory condition of the bladder, while gravel is the condition called stone in the bladder. The latter is the result of excesses in eating or drinking, or both. Excess of nitrogenous foods, lack of exercise, excessive formation of uric acid, or oxalic acid in the urine, foreign bodies in the bladder, retention of urine, etc.

The spinal symptoms are pain, referred to the end of the penis, and worse after urination, frequent micturition, hematuria, and sudden stoppage of the stream during micturition, and these symptoms are worse when patient is on the feet. Cystitis, hemorrhoids, elongated prepuce, prolapsus of the rectum may result from straining and pain during micturition. Refer such cases to a surgeon, especially where the stone is too large to pass.

The Treatment.

The rational treatment is to regulate the diet in such a manner as to avoid the articles which are devoid the elements which produce the acids, or to eat foods which digest properly without the formation of gases in the stomach; to live on a less variety of sweets, starches and carbonaceous substances; drink more freely of water - pure water - for it is the use of impure water, eating victuals cooked in impure water, and drinking impure water, that causes the trouble. Beet juice, boiled down to almost a syrup, and drank in wine glassful doses three times a day, is an excellent means of relief. An entire change of the manner of living is sometimes the only thing to do, to avoid the formation of stone in the bladder.

Concussions at the fourth to the sixth dorsal should be made daily, and adjustments at the sixth, seventh and twelfth dorsal are strongly indicated, daily.


This disease is known by the above names, and as rose cold, pollen catarrh, autumnal catarrh. It is characterized by a hypersensitive condition of the upper air passages, with intense catarrhal symptoms, occurring mostly in the autumn or spring months, and is probably due to the inhalation of the pollen of flowers, or irritating particles in the atmosphere, or some pathological condition of the upper air passages. It frequently occurs at the same period every year, in the same month. The onset is sudden, and begins with sneezing, coryza, nasal stenosis, headache, burning sensation in the nasal chambers, and an excessive whitish secretion. Lacrymation, burning of the eyeballs, conjunctivitis, hacking cough, asthmatic attacks, and depression may be present.


The ordinary medical treatment has but little effect in mitigating symptoms, or relieving, or even shortening the course, and hence, it runs its course.

The irritability of the nasal mucous membrane may be modified by the application of a mixture of Tincture of Witch Hazel and Vaseline, smeared over the inside of the nares occasionally, or applied warm, snuffed up the nostrils.

Relieve the congestion by the usual manipulations of' the neck, as shown elsewhere; raise the clavicles, expand the chest walls frequently. A combination of equal parts of Tincture Camphor and Ammonia, placing a few drops on a handkerchief and inhaling the fumes, is a source of relief. The treatment proper consists of freeing the circulation, as pointed out above, and relieving every organ from pressure. Adjust the third cervical, the fourth, the eighth and the twelfth dorsal vertebra. Concuss the seventh cervical and the fourth dorsal. Avoid stimulating food, rich puddings, sweetmeats and starchy victuals. Practice deep breathing.


The heart being the great center of the circulation of the blood, composed of muscular structure, it is affected by whatever affects muscular structure anywhere else in the body. The nervous system controls the heart, and it is affected according to the nerve influence.

We are inclined to favor the idea that many of the conditions called heart disease are caused by chest-wall contracture, narrowing the capacity of the chest, thereby limiting the action of the heart, by pressure upon the heart itself. Any and every condition known is attributable to mental and physical causes. The physical are the results of pressure, and the mental affects the physical through nerve filaments; the circulation is affected through pressure, fear, shock, and the consequences depend upon the condition.

The valves are the most commonly affected parts of the heart, mitral insufficiency being the most commonly met with, connected with mitral stenosis. There is also Aortic insufficiency, Tricuspid insufficiency, Tricuspid stenosis, Pulmonary insufficiency, Aortic stenosis, Fatty heart, Idiopathic hypertrophy, and chronic valvular lesions.

In all these there are various kinds of heart beats, in volume, force, time, etc. Various conditions in different organs in the body affect the action of the heart, and the sympathy existing through the nervous system, has much to do with the heart's beat, and all these conditions should be taken into consideration in diagnosis, and the treatment should be governed accordingly.


The first, and most important, thing to do is to relieve the pressure. The pressure may be physical or mental. The various manipulations given in this book, if properly applied, and the mental conditions controlled - properly directed - the habits made conformable to natural law; the dietetics regulated; excesses abandoned; normal breathing and lung expansion practiced; the normal circulation established and maintained, all heart troubles of a functional character will be relieved. Organic heart troubles can only be modified, and that temporarily, if at all.

The student, if interested in further detail regarding the description of the various heart affections, will consult the various authors on the subject.

The Neuropathic treatment consists in freeing the circulation by indicated manipulation, such its the neck movements, raising the clavicles, expanding the chest, and stimulating the nervous system which controls the heart's action. Adjustments at the second to the tenth dorsal to cause expansion of the chest walls, and at the second to the fourth to affect the heart. Concussions at the seventh cervical to increase the tone; concussions at the second and third dorsal to reduce the blood pressure, third and fourth dorsal to inhibit the heart's action. Pressure, steadily applied at the sides of the cervical vertebra on the vaso-motor area, to regulate the arterial circulation, has a salutary effect on the action of the heart as well.

Anxiety, mental stress, anger, grief, worry are factors to be considered, and, as much as possible, avoided. Breathing through the nostrils is to be rigidly and strictly followed. This is important, at all times.

Many seemingly severe cases of heart trouble may be relieved by simply raising the clavicle - taking off the pressure - letting the jugular empty.


Characterized by sudden, spasmodic descent of the diaphragm, accompanied by a spasmodic closure of the glottis, the characteristic noise being caused by the incoming column of air striking against the partially closed glottis. It is doubtless due to irritation of the Phrenic Nerve, or some of its filaments, and may accompany many disorders, such as gastric, uremia, peritonitis, and other inflammatory affections.


Holding the breath, drinking water or lemonade slowly, protruding the tongue, warm applications to the stomach and diaphragm; pressure over the trunk of the phrenic nerve being the most effectual, and being so easily done, should be the first thing done. This may be done on the side of the neck, at the fourth cervical, by a manipulation there (adjustment), or by pressure just back of the clavicle on the first rib, in the notch, where the phrenic nerve passes over that rib. This desensitizes the nerve, and arrests the hiccup at once.


This is said to be a tubercular affection, or lesion of the hip joint, originating in osteitis or synovitis, chronic or progressive, and tending toward recovery, ankylosis, or complete destruction of the joint. The disease occurs most frequently in individuals under 14 years of age. There are three varieties, according to location of the primary lesion: (1) Femoral, (2) Acetabular, and (3) Arthritic.

There are three stages: (1) That which extends from the beginning to the formation of pus in the joint, and is characterized by localization of the disease, flexion, limping, pain, usually referred to the knee; slight induration about the joint, fixation and atrophy of the muscles, and enlargement of the neighboring glands. (2) The stage that extends from the end of the first stage until the development of pus outside of the joint, or the stage of joint involvement, and is characterized by abduction and apparent elongation, night-cries, abscesses, joint crepitation, and failure of general health, in addition to the first stage intensified. (3) The stage that extends from the end of the second stage to the termination of the disease or the stage of destruction of the capsule and external suppuration, adduction, flexion, and real shortening are present, and dislocation and ankylosis or suppuration, destruction of the joint, asthenic symptoms, and death result.

The above is a picture of a diseased condition which medicines have not even mitigated in any sense. What may be done by Neuropathy to change the despairing outlook to one of hope? We shall see.

The Treatment.

It is a fact that bacteria must have a nidus to live in before they can exist anywhere in the body, and a nidus cannot form without an arrest of the circulation of the fluids of the body. This arrest of the circulation of the fluids is due to pressure upon the smaller vessels somewhere in the tissue; chemical changes take place, foreign elements are the result; tissue is broken down, destruction follows, pus is formed, and this forms the nidus.
If upon the first appearance of the pain, tracing of the nerve from its end, where the pain is felt in the knees, to the lumbar area, will reveal the fact that pressure is causing the pain, and an adjustment, or repeated adjustments and the proper manipulations, will arrest the whole difficulty.

Hot applications around the joint, with cloths moistened with the solution of Epsom salts - one ounce to a quart of hot water - will relieve the swelling, and relax the muscular tissue. This may be repeated until relieved.

The general manipulation to restore normal circulation and spinal adjustments, together with a proper regard to the diet, bathing and breathing should be followed by great relief, and in the cure of cases where too much exhaustion has not taken place before the treatment is begun.


This is simply a contagious, animal, parasitic disease due to the sarcoptes scabiei, characterized by burrows and a multiform eruption, and attended by severe itching.

The eruption usually occupies certain areas where the skin is thin; these are interdigital spaces, the flexor surface of the wrist and arm, the superior, anterior and posterior folds of the arm pits, the axilla.

It is very annoying, and as so many do not know how to get rid of it, we give the treatment which will invariably destroy the animalcule which causes the infection.

The Treatment.

First prepare the following ointment: Take an ounce of vaseline, or more, as desired, and mix the flowers of sulphur with it, making a salve of it the consistency of thick cream. Before applying it, have the patient bathe the body all over in soap and water, and dry the skin with a towel, then anoint the body all over with the salve; then put on a gown and go to bed. This process is better gone through with at night.

Change bedclothes and gown next day, but have the patient bathe again, in the morning, with soap-suds before putting on the clothes for the day. Bathe every night for three nights, changing the apparel every day, and the fourth morning the itch will all be gone, as a rule; but if not, repeat the same process. Care should always be taken to change and to fumigate the apparel worn, before wearing it again.


A deposition of bile-pigments in the tissues of the body.

Hepatogenous jaundice may result from obstruction by gall-stones or parasites, catarrh of the bile duct and duodenum, stricture of the gall-duct, pressure from tumors or neighboring organs, and altered blood pressure in the hepatic vessels. There are several causes, hence different names to jaundice. The one above named, and Hematogenous - simple catarrhal jaundice - and that of the infant, called Icterus Neonatorum.

The skin turns yellow, and a general torpid condition; the whole body is more or less distressed, tongue coated, impaired appetite, nausea, with vomiting at times; looseness of the bowels, slight feverishness. When the jaundice is complete, the surface is cold, the heart's action slow, the mind torpid and greatly depressed, pain or tenderness over the region of the liver. Its seriousness depends upon the amount of inflammation accompanying it. It usually terminates favorably, without much harm to the system.


Inasmuch as the disease is due to undue pressure which obstructs the passage of the bile from the gallbladder, the indication as to what to do is plain - that is, remove the pressure. The effects will cease in due time. Crowding the stomach with food is the prime cause of jaundice. Eating a hearty meal, and then adding something else that causes gas to form, and rendering the organs incapable of digesting the food, causes an undue pressure upon the liver, so that the excess of bile accumulates in the liver and gall-bladder; hence, it is absorbed into the system.

In such cases, resting the digestive organs is indicated; the patient should fast until the obstruction is removed, drinking plenty of water - hot is best - use the high enema to relieve the colonic pressure, abstain from solid food for a few days, adjust the spine at the seventh and eighth dorsal vertebra daily; the patient will soon be restored to health.
All conditions of the liver, called disease, are to be treated in this manner, except abscess, which must be relieved by the use of the Trochar.

Some have had wonderful success by the use of the tissue elements, especially the Sodium sulphuricum, in the third potency, (3x) two-grain doses every three or four hours, especially when the tongue is coated yellow. If the tongue is coated white, the Sodium chloride, given the same way, is effectual. Concussion at the fourth to the eighth dorsal should be made a special consideration for catarrhal jaundice.

The question of eating is of the greatest importance as a preventive of jaundice, as well as for all other conditions of the alimentary canal, and all of the organs connected with or related thereto. Massaging the liver is an excellent means of relief many times, hand lying on the front side, and the limb pressed against the hand, as shown elsewhere. The addition of a tablespoonful of the Epsom salts to the water used for the high enema should always be done, to neutralize any toxic poisons which may have accumulated in the system.


The liver is the largest gland in the body; its anatomy should be well understood, its functions thoroughly comprehended by every one who makes a business of treating disease. Its importance demands it.

The liver being a gland which secretes largely, its functions should not be interfered with, so as to cause other organs depending upon it to suffer, for the nutritive functions of the entire body are intimately related to its secretions.

There are so many abnormal conditions of the liver, caused by undue pressure, and its surroundings are so much affected, it is a matter of vital importance to keep off the pressure, and take it off when it is found to exist, that it cannot be over-estimated.

From undue pressure of the liver, there may be abscess, acute yellow atrophy, amyloid, carcinoma, cirrhosis, atrophic cirrhosis, hypertrophic cirrhosis, hyperemia or congestion, and hydatid cysts. The sources of pressure are numerous. An overloaded stomach is one source, impacted colon is another, peritonitis is another, inflammation of the kidneys is another, portal congestion is another, tight lacing another, wearing tight clothes another, sitting bent forwards, or with the knee held with the hands, drawn up to the abdomen, another source.

The blood vessels and the nervous system are put out of commission by undue pressure, and these various causes should be avoided, under all circumstances and conditions.

The Treatment.

The liver has been the worst abused organ in the body, and accused of being the source of all human ailments, by the medical class of practitioners; almost every remedy has been supposedly directed to that organ, and it, like the "King of Terrors," has been accused of many more sins than it has been guilty of. Much harm has resulted, not only to the liver, but to the whole system, by the use of "liver remedies," calomel especially.

The irrigation of the colon should receive special attention in all cases. Excessive eating should be avoided. Inactivity avoided, taking moderate exercise, regularly, every day. Restore the circulation by general manipulations. Remove spinal nerve pressure from the seventh, eighth and ninth dorsal area.

See to it that the sphincter ani muscles are properly dilated, so as to promote capillary circulation. Attend to the restoration of organs involved, as well as the liver itself, seeing to it that freedom, throughout the entire body, be established and maintained. The spinal adjustments indicated, in most cases, will be from the seventh to the twelfth dorsal vertebra, as this area unites the Splanchnic nervous system with the Pneumogastric nervous system, in the Solar Plexus. This treatment unites the positive and the negative nerve forces, neutralizing excesses in either of the acid or the alkaline secretions, and restores harmony therein. The concussions from the fourth to the sixth dorsal are essential in cases of enlargement or hypertrophy of that organ.

(Tabes Dorsalis; Posterior Spinal Sclerosis.)

This is a condition pronounced incurable by the medical profession. The symptoms are incoordination of the action of the muscular structure; staggering gait; inability to walk in the dark, or with the eyes closed; paroxysms of shooting pains in the thighs; various crises, neuralgic in character; a feeling of constriction about the waist; alterations of sensations; absence of knee-jerks; Argyll-Robertson pupil; various optic and trophic phenomena. (Loss of action of the pupil reflex to light.)

The disease is of the spinal nervous system, characterized by sclerosis of the posterior columns of the spinal cord.

The affection is seen mostly in men after middle life, and is probably due to exposure to cold and wet, traumatism, excesses, infection and toxic poison.


From a medical standpoint it would be useless to suggest any treatment but their poisons, which have been a signal failure in this disease.

What are the conditions to be met, in Locomotor Ataxia? This, like all spinal nerve ailments, has its origin in blood and nerve pressure, the blood pressure especially interfering with the nerve function, separating the footlets of the nerve endings in the cord itself, destroying certain nerve fibres, this being the cause of the incoordination of the muscles in which they formerly ended.

In the incipiency, if the congestion is relieved, the conditions are changed, and the normal state is restored.

When nerve filaments are once destroyed by extra pressure, they are never rebuilt; hence, in this stage, nothing can be done to relieve the condition. Constant pain in the spine, anywhere, finally destroys the nerve filaments involved. The arrest of the pressure producing the pain is essential, under any and all circumstances, as early as possible.

Relaxation, adjustments where tenderness is felt and deviations perceptible, should always be attended to, to avoid probable serious consequences.

Concussions at the twelfth dorsal vertebra, with adjustments at the fifth to the ninth dorsal are to be given, daily.

Regularity in diet, regarding the kind and quantity, is helpful in so far as the nutrient side of the treatment is concerned. The avoidance of all stimulants, tobacco, and all medicines should be strictly and rigidly impressed upon the mind of the patient, as a matter of necessity.

Spinal adjustments should be made, wherever there is soreness, daily. Make it a point to regulate the circulation and remove nerve pressure.


This is a form of insanity, characterized by depression of spirits and gloominess, without any adequate cause, the central idea being one of personal unworthiness.

The Treatment.

This consists of change of environments, scenery; fresh, good food and cheerful associations; daily divulsions of the sphincter ani; concussions of the seventh cervical, and the third to the eighth dorsal.

Use measures to free the circulation, especially of the head and neck, chest, heart and lungs.


Inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord.

Inflammation of the dura may be the result of injury, chronic otitis, suppuration of the orbit, inflammation of the venous sinuses. Symptoms obscure. Prognosis unfavorable, according to medical authorities. The intra-cranial more difficult. Duration one to four weeks, sometimes twelve weeks.

The Treatment.

Inasmuch as this disease is the result of venous congestion, the remedy lies in the means which relieves the congestion. Hot applications to relieve the muscular rigidity which generally accompanies this affection, then manipulations of the entire body, as vigorously as the patient can bear.

Concussions of the second and third dorsal for the high blood pressure, and the adjustments of the various sore localities along the spine, especially at the fifth to the twelfth dorsal; the removal of all the pressure along the spine, and from the internal viscera, in the use of the high enema, and flushing of the capillaries; using the hemospasia method, cording the limbs at intervals to draw the blood from the head and spine, and oxygenate it; with deep breathing and plenty of water, light diet, or fasting for a few days.

The treatments should be for a purpose, and applied at short intervals.


There are so many conditions to consider attending the monthly periods, and the menopause, or the "change of life" period of women, that demand a special study to fully comprehend, we shall only deal with the subject slightly. Painful menstruation, and amenorrhea are the most common complaints that the Neuropath has to treat, and these two conditions, with the menopause, are the most common diseases which afflict the female, hence require the most attention, as regards treatment.

Painful menstruation, amenorrhea, and the menopause are all controlled by the nerves from the eleventh dorsal to the third lumbar vertebra.

The Treatment.

The symptoms need not be delineated here, for the patient will reveal all that is necessary for the physician to know that relates to the symptoms, and knowing the cause of all the abnormal conditions complained of during this period of woman's life are related to the nervous system which controls the genital organs, and when the circulation is normal, and the nerves which end in the sexual organs are free, the natural order of things goes on in a natural way.

The treatment, therefore, consists in the proper adjustments of the lumbar vertebra. Concussions from the first to the third lumbar vertebra are also important factors in all uterine troubles.

Impeded venous circulation should be corrected; all undue pressure from surrounding organs should be removed; the bowels regulated; the proper diet, in the proper proportions and quantities observed; the spinal adjustments applied at intervals of two to six times per week.

Uterine Hemorrhage should be treated from the fifth lumbar upward to the first, raising the limbs and pressing against the vertebra, letting the limbs down each time the pressure is made, and raising them as the pressure is made, repeating this move several times at one sitting. For all other conditions the treatment should be directed downward.


A unilateral pain in the head, periodic, accompanied by nausea, often vomiting, intolerance of light or sound, and incapability of mental exertion, the brain being, for the time, prostrated and disturbed.

The Treatment.

Relief may be obtained in such cases by an emetic, taking a tablespoonful of salt, dissolved in a pint of warm water, which usually empties the stomach.

There may be complications which will require attention. The eyes may need to be refracted, and glasses worn to arrest the nerve waste. Treatment and adjustments of the neck muscles should be applied when there is a demand for this kind of treatment. The diet should be regulated, using easily digestible food, and proper quantities and at stated times.

Colonic irrigation is one especial thing to look after. Frequently the dilation of the sphincter, to stimulated capillary circulation, will prove to be the thing needed. Take plenty of exercise.

A little attention to the care of the body, and an adjustment of the spine, at the fifth, seventh and twelfth dorsal, and at the first and second cervical may be needed.

Concussion at the fifth dorsal is not to be neglected, for it often cures at once, emptying the stomach into the duodenum, relieving the stomach of its contents, taking off the pressure.


Fever resulting from the inhalation of "bad air," from malarious districts, such as swamps, low lands along streams, usually.

The attacks are ushered in with a chill, more or less severe, followed by fever, and this followed by profuse perspiration, each paroxysm lasting from one to three or four hours. They usually come on every third day.

The Treatment.

Begin the treatment by cleansing the alimentary canal, using the high enema, with a tablespoonful of Epsom salts to a gallon of water, using this daily. This neutralizes the poison, and the adjustments at the sixth to the twelfth dorsal vertebra, daily, cures. It makes but little difference as to the type. The fever can be controlled at the vasomotor area by gentle pressure for a few moments (back of the neck). Meet the indications as they arise.


These are tumors of the breasts during lactation, and should be prevented. This may be done by emptying the milk, not letting it accumulate so as to interfere with the venous circulation.

The best treatment we know is a belladonna plaster, applied for twenty-four hours. Concussion of the seventh cervical tends to contract the vessels. There are many conditions to be met in this affection.


This is an acute, infectious, highly contagious disease characterized by what is called the prodromal stage, with coryza and fever, followed by a characteristic eruption on the face and body. The incubation stage, from nine to fourteen days, is attended by more or less catarrhal inflammation of the mucous surfaces of the body. There is lacrymation, dread of light (photophobia), hard, bronchial or croupy cough, somnolence, irritability of temper, and sometimes convulsions. The temperature may rise to 100 degrees and continue until the rash breaks out and is fully developed. We need not enter further into a description of the symptoms, as these are generally understood.

The Treatment.

Rest in bed in a darkened room, well ventilated; liquid diet, plenty of pure water, with the addition of acids if desired. Regulate the bowels, with the high enema if the colon is at all impacted. Adjustments at the third and fourth dorsal vertebra should be done daily, for the cough and the bronchial conditions. Bathing with Epsom salts water is important, keeping the skin cleansed daily. Keep the eliminating organs active.


A severe paroxysmal pain in the area of distribution of a nerve along its course. The varieties are named according to the nerve involved.

The principal symptom is pain, which is paroxysmal and of a burning or darting character, occurring along the course of a nerve. Other symptoms, are numbness, transient hyperesthesia, vomiting, and various vaso-motor disturbances. The distinctive features of neuralgia are the presence of superficial tenderness, and the relief of pain on pressure.

The causes are generally lesions of the central nervous system, anemia, cold, traumatism, infectious fevers, metallic poisons, alcohol, nicotine, gout, diabetes.


The treatment consists of removing the cause or causes which produce the lesion, and keeping the pressure, off of the nerve trunk, or the nerve filaments, by the manipulations shown, which restores the normal circulation, and relaxes the muscular fibres which irritate the, nervous system locally.


A condition of nervous prostration, exhaustion, attended by many inconstant, variable subjective symptoms, and a few significant objective symptoms or phenomena. It is brought about by a neuropathic tendency, combined with overwork or exertion of any kind, excesses, traumatism with fright, and chronic diseases. Many cases - in fact, nearly all cases of neurasthenia - have their origin in mental strain, or thinking too much about, or along business lines, and failing to regard the digestion of the food eaten; that is, they pay too much attention to secular business and give the digestive organs no time to do their work, hence the exhaustion, for when the supply is cut off the system becomes enervated for want of fuel. This is the case in almost all those afflicted with nerve exhaustion. There is a lack of elements in the blood, hence friction; hence waste; hence enervation.


The first attention should be given to the regulation of the digestive apparatus, seeing to it that the proper, food be eaten, thoroughly masticated, and then time allowed for its digestion, resting for half an hour after each meal, giving the nervous system time to furnish the normal secretions for digestion. Adjusting the fifth to the eighth dorsal daily, so as to unite the two forces. Concussion of the sixth and seventh dorsal will do good.
See that the colon is kept free from impaction, by the use of the high enema. Daily baths of Epsom salts, as mentioned elsewhere, should be observed.


An inflammation of nerve trunks, as well as the filaments, characterized by pain and paresis of the parts supplied by the affected nerve trunk.

It results from wounds and injuries, venous congestion, undue pressure long continued. It may involve many trunks, as in neuritis of the sciatic nerve, or the nerves constituting the retina; there is usually pain, tenderness, numbness, not only of the nerves involved, but the tissue in which the nerves end.


The treatment, Neuropathically, depends upon the nerves involved, and the special cause, or causes. These must receive proper attention.

The pressure is usually due to venous congestion, causing irritation of terminal nerve filaments, as is the case in the retina; then the neck muscles should be relaxed, clavicles raised, and the nerve pressure removed. Nutritious food is an essential, and neutralization of the toxin should be seen to, by the plentiful use of the sulphate of magnesia, internally as well as externally. Sciatica is generally relieved by spinal-lumbar adjustments. Sometimes the stretching of the pyriformis muscle cures neuralgia (sciatica). Strong solutions of Epsom salts applied over the seat of pain will be found very excellent in almost all cases of neuritis, followed by proper adjustments. Applications, with the towel wrung out of hot water, are soothing, relaxing, and serve as an eliminant of the waste material.

Many cases of neurasthenia, due to eye strain, are curable by arresting the nerve waste; glasses should be supplied when needed.


The symptoms are apparent, and the word paralysis expresses it.

Paralysis is loss of power of voluntary motion resulting from structural change in the brain, spinal cord or nerves ending in a muscle, or any tissue in the body. Whether occurring in youth or the aged, the result is the same, but in degree according to the structural change, and the locality in the brain, as each part functions special tissue or organs.

The effects are different in different individuals, dependent upon age, temperament and degree of the injury and the causes, and should receive attention accordingly. Intelligence, not automatism, should govern the course to pursue, and the means necessary to institute in each case - individual.


In all cases, must be made through the spinal nervous area, from the occiput to the coccyx, wherever the indications are present, and depending upon the condition of the spine.

If there are drawn vertebra in the neck, the nerves there must be freed. The upper cervicals have nerves involving the vaso-motor system, and facial paralysis is reached through them; if in the arms, the brachial, or lower cervicals are involved; and if in the chest or thoracic viscera, then the upper dorsal; if in the bladder or pelvic area, the lower dorsal; if in the lower limbs, the lumbar area will demand attention; for hemiplegia, the adjustments may have to be made at the sixth dorsal, or in the cervical, or dorsal; in fact, anywhere tenderness and deviation are found; or even if there be no deviation, where there is tenderness, and at the point where the nerves involved emerge from the spine, anywhere along the entire spine.

There is a condition called Paralysis agitans - "Parkinson's Disease" - shaking palsy, most common after the age of forty years, and is characterized by a tremor of the muscles, caused by alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscular fibres, the tremor persists during rest, and involves the arms and hands generally, scarcely ever the head. It influences the rapid movement called the typical gait, or festination; the patient has a progressive increase in rapidity in the gait until a run is developed and the patient falls down, or seizes some support.

The Treatment.

Up to the present time, the treatment has been unsatisfactory. What can be done through spinal treatment, change of habits and diet is yet to be determined.

Spinal adjustment of the cervicals in the brachial area is indicated. Spondylotherapy - concussions - of the third and fourth cervical, and the fifth and sixth dorsal are suggestive, and may ameliorate the shaking somewhat.

I am inclined to believe this disease is congenital, and Divine power alone has, thus far, been successful in relieving the afflicted with that affection.


Bell's paralysis - facial paralysis - is an acute affection of the seventh cranial nerves, due to cold, injury or disease of the middle ear, or undue pressure, venous congestion, etc., and characterized by inability to expectorate, whistle, or swallow, a sudden onset, and by unilateral loss of facial motion.

It begins with tingling of the lips and tongue; the eyelids are open; there is a lack of expression; the corners of the mouth are depressed, and the face is drawn toward the well side. The lesion seems to be in the aquaeductus fallopii. The prognosis is favorable.
There are several names for paralysis affecting different parts of the body. The Bulbar; Cerebral; Duchenne's; General, or Insane paralysis (Paretic Dementia); Spinal paralysis; Infantile paralysis. The latter is one of special importance. It is a condition peculiar to childhood, and is nearly always brought on by feeding the child on food which is too hard to digest, for its age, or too much and too frequent feeding. It is associated with atrophy of the muscles. It is a disease affecting the spine, and through the intelligent application of Neuropathy, almost every case is curable.


For facial paralysis, adjustments of the upper cervical should receive attention, together with manipulation to relax the muscular structure.

For paralysis of the arms, or any part of them, the fourth to the seventh cervicals and the first dorsal vertebras.

For paralysis agitans the treatment should be at the first and second cervical, and regard to diet should be had, and the fifth and sixth dorsal adjusted.

For the infantile paralysis the treatment will depend on whether it be general or partial. The physician should apply the adjustments according to the condition; as a rule, there need be no mistake in adjusting the entire spine, especially covering the areas involved, never forgetting the sixth dorsal, the third lumbar, and the first to the fourth cervicals. For the atrophied muscles, the limbs should be manipulated, so as to send the arterial blood to every part; the dilation of the sphincter ani muscles is an important thing to do, which can be done best with the finger of the operator, or by the mother, or nurse who takes care of the child.

We hope these directions will be understood, for they mean everything to the patient. The removal of the pressure is the only absolute remedy for paralysis, that is "take off the pressure." Concussions of the tenth and twelfth dorsal are very important, also the ninth dorsal. Be careful about regulating the diet to suit the age, and to regulate the bowels, using the high enema at stated times to relieve the colon, if indicated.

Paraplegia (See Paralysis).

( Abscess of the thumb or finger - Periosteitis.)


Use lemon at the start. Insert diseased member in hole cut in a lemon, for several hours. Silicia 6x, four grain doses, every three hours. The Neuropathic treatment is adjustment of the outer, inner, or posterior cord. That means, at the fifth cervical to the first dorsal, wherever the tenderness is found.


Inflammation of the parotid gland - mumps, the common name.


Adjustments at the third and fifth cervicals, and fifth and seventh dorsal vertebra. Use strong Epsom salts water, hot, applied to the under jaw, at angle of, for an hour at a time, repeated often, renewing the moisture frequently.

The treatments of the neck and back should be repeated daily, or oftener. Concussion on seventh cervical will be beneficial.


This is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin, characterized by the formation of successive crops of variously sized, rounded, or oval bullas, affecting seriously the general health, and often terminating fatally. The blebs of pemphigus are tense, abruptly elevated, noninflammatory, and come out in crops.

The cause - Too much carbonaceous food, and failure to properly eliminate the waste. Constipation an accompaniment.

The Treatment.

Use Epsom salts baths frequently, to open the pores of the skin; and use the high enema, to cleanse the colon; repeating the external and the internal baths daily. Regulate the diet, confine it to vegetables and non-stimulating articles; avoid overloading the stomach.

Adjustments of the spine at the fifth to the twelfth dorsal daily; the warm Epsom salts bath daily will neutralize the toxin which causes the trouble. The general circulation of the body must be maintained at all times.

Concussions at the tenth dorsal vertebra are indicated, and will do good.


Inflammation of the peritoneum. It may be acute or chronic. It may be primary or secondary. It is characterized by intense, abdominal pain, tenderness and distension, vomiting, constipation, fever; pulse hard, wiry. The chronic form may result from tuberculosis, cancer, nephritis and chronic alcoholism.


Adjustments at the fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh dorsal, and at the second and third lumbar vertebra. Pressure on the vaso-motor area should be made, if indicated by fever. Irrigation of the colon to remove impaction of feces, using one ounce Epsom salts to a gallon of warm water, into which put one or two ounces of glycerine; using this daily, until the impaction is discharged; use hot fomentations on abdomen of the Epsom salts water, until all pain subsides; limit the diet to a small quantity of easily digestible food. Many cases respond at once to the spinal adjustments above named. Find the tenderness and treat there, at all times, in all conditions, regardless of the name of the disease, and you will find that method to be amply sufficient, if it relieves the pressure on nerves involved, and restores the blood flow to a normal state.

Concussions on seventh cervical, sixth, ninth to twelfth dorsal, and the first and second lumbar.


Adjustments at the third, fourth and fifth dorsal every day, once or twice. Concussions on the seventh cervical and fourth dorsal will be beneficial, daily, or oftener. Adjustments at the twelfth dorsal are always indicated in this disease.


These are inflammation of the throat, especially of the mucous membrane, due to congestion of venous blood being retained in the veins by pressure upon the jugulars, caused by muscular contraction of those attached to the clavicles.


The manipulation of the muscles of the neck, raising the clavicles, are the essential thing to do, the first of all things. The manipulations should be repeated according to the conditions found. Adjustment at the fifth cervical, third to fifth dorsal. Concussions at the seventh to relieve congestion in the head and bronchii.


Piles are characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum, swelling of the veins, engorgement, due to impeded circulation of venous blood, causing enlargement of the veins. They form into knotty tumors, and become inflamed and exceedingly painful, especially if allowed to protrude.


Piles being the result of arrest of the circulation, partially or complete, of the hemorrhoidal vein, the remedy is suggestive - to restore the circulation in the vein. The relaxation of the muscular fibres of the internal sphincter muscle is the rational means to institute that is, with a bivalve speculum, or the finger, dilate the sphincter as fully as conditions permit, then press directly on the knotty, venous clots, place them above the internal sphincter muscle; if they have become inflamed, use the high enema, clearing the colon of impacted feces, which relieves the pressure, and tends to arrest the congestion. The frequent adjustment of the lumbar vertebra, especially the third, fourth and fifth, relaxes the muscular structure through which the six veins which form the plexus pass and permits the blood to flow on into the iliac and the portal system - their normal channels. This alone, when rightly done, will be sufficient to cure the trouble.

There are various stages, conditions and degrees of congestion in this disease, and all sorts of remedies have been recommended, many of them empirically.

A salve made of tannin acid 20 grains, and 10 grains of pulverized opii, mixed with one ounce of vaseline, and applied with the finger to the tumors two or three times a day, tends to contract the tumor, relieve the pain, and will cure many cases, temporarily at least. Another more rational remedy is Epsom salts one ounce (evaporate the water from it by heating it in a stove), then pulverize it, mix it with about double its bulk of vaseline, making a salve; apply it two or three times a day. A hip bath, or steaming over hot water, is a means of relief, but do not fail to give the lumbar adjustment daily.

Regulate the diet, take moderate exercise daily. Sedentary habits, and lack of proper attention to the bowels, cause the trouble. The high enema, daily, divulsion of the sphincters, and deep breathing are all essential. Frequently the adjustment of the coccyx will be found necessary, especially if hemorrhage occurs, and straightening it will arrest the trouble. Concussion of the first to the third lumbar relieves the atonic condition.


It, like all inflammation, is a product of congestion, or impediment somewhere in the circulatory apparatus, veins generally. It may be acute or chronic. At it's onset it may be preceded by a chill, followed by a fever, and intense pain; a short, dry, distressing cough. The cough is usually short, lancinating, difficult, and may be limited, or extend to the entire pleural membrane.


It will be a source of great relief to apply hot cloths over the chest, frequently repeat, to relax the system so the congestion will be relieved, and the pressure taken off of the nerve filaments involved.

The treatment is by raising the arm, stretching it, and using the fingers along the sides of the vertebra, suddenly returning the arm to its normal position, which empties the intercostal veins, and this relieves the constriction of the chest, empties the venous blood in the Vena Azigos, relieving the chest walls and taking off the pressure from the pleura. These several manipulations may be utilized in this affection advantageously and to great benefit.

Adjustments at the fourth to the eighth dorsal unites the forces and relieves the pain in a short time, saving the long delay of recovery, as per medication.

Concussions at the third and fourth dorsal indicated. Where there is high blood pressure, the concussions should begin at the second dorsal.


Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, characterized by pain, fever, difficulty of breathing, followed by a cough, a prune-juice expectoration about the second day, and intense pain throughout all of the parts involved.

The inflammation may be confined to one lobe in one lung, or it may extend to other lobes, or include the entire lung, on either or both sides.

There are many varieties of pneumonia, but it matters not so much what kind is recognized by symptoms, the same treatment applies to all. Conditions are to be changed, then the effect ceases.

The Treatment.

The treatment consists in relieving the contracture of the chest muscles. Stretching them by the extended arm movements relaxes them and the congestion subsides; the pressure being removed the pain and inflammation cease. Hot applications, with the Epsom salts added, the usual quantity, neutralizes the toxic poison, relaxes the muscles, the fever and pain subside. Adjustments of the neck, spine and lumbar areas will be indicated. The fifth dorsal to unite the forces; the second to the fourth to relieve the upper dorsal area, the seventh dorsal for the stomach, the eleventh and twelfth to stimulate the kidneys; the use of the high enema where the colon is impacted, to relieve the pressure from organs surrounding it, and remove the toxic poison therefrom.

Pressure on the motor area is an essential in fever, to regulate the circulation of the heart's action.

Plenty of water should be given the patient, but food should be withheld until all inflammation subsides, and the tongue cleans off to normal.

It will be remembered, in this disease, that conditions should be met as they occur, and the treatment varied, according to age, stage of disease, its character, complications, and organs involved.


This is a disease due to lack of normal nutrition in childhood. Insufficient food, or improper food, lack of sunlight, dampness, poverty, and city life. The structural changes are the most marked in the bones of the skull, the long bones and the ribs.

The symptoms are restlessness and feverishness at night, with profuse perspiration about the head, diffuse tenderness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, slight diarrhea, nervousness, convulsions sometimes.

There may be various complications, bronchial catarrh, chronic hydrocephalous, and deformities.


Place the patient on proper food, in favorable environments, meet the indications as regards treatment, according to condition found.

The spine will demand special attention at the seventh dorsal; concussions at the ninth to twelfth dorsal.

Adjust the spine wherever there is tenderness, and in the areas where the nerve filaments are felt to be sore to pressure; keep the bowels regular.


This is a chronic degeneration of the posterior columns of the spinal cord, characterized by loss of coordination, neuralgic pains in the limbs, loss of sensation and reflexes, and visceral and trophic changes.

It is a disease of the male sex, and many cases occur between thirty and forty years of age. It is generally considered to be a nervous disease. Its symptoms are: disturbance of sensation; loss of coordination; paralysis. The subject is unable to walk upon a straight line with eyes closed, and even with difficulty with them open. In walking, the feet are thrown in a grotesque manner; the body sways from side to side. Ocular paralysis may occur; palsy. There are many other symptoms manifest in this disease, which may be learned in special treaties on disease, which are unnecessary to note here.

The Treatment.

The treatment, under the old regime, has not been satisfactory, and under the new it is still a matter of conjecture, as to a perfect cure, although much can be done to afford relief, and benefit the patient in many ways.

The errors in diet should be corrected, all stimulants avoided, a strict temperate life lived, proper care of the body maintained, and the kind of exercise taken which will not fatigue.
The adjustments should be made along the spine wherever indicated, especially where the vital organs are in any way controlled through the spinal nerves. The heart, stomach, liver and kidney places are to be especially looked after. The proper nourishment is the important thing that demands the strictest attention.

Adjustments at the fifth and to the twelfth dorsal are always indicated. Keep the whole spine as nearly perfect as possible, which tends to keep the body in a normal condition; all of which are conducive to comfort of the patient.


Typhoid fever is an acute, infectious affection, due to a special poison, the decomposition of animal and vegetable affording the usual malaria. Inhalation of the effluvia arising therefrom produces enervation, with a special tendency to inflammation of the intestinal glands and follicles - Peyer's and Brunrer's.

The inflammation extends to the entire abdominal viscera, including the peritoneum, causing intense pain, irritability, stupor and delirium in many cases, especially of a malignant character; soreness and gurgling in the right iliac region. This disease is so common that almost every one knows it at sight, without further description.

The Treatment.

For the tympanites, apply cloths wrung out of hot water, into which about four ounces of Epsom salts have been dissolved, repeating these until all pain and swelling subside. Use high enemas with a tablespoonful of Epsom salts (Antitoxin) to one gallon of as hot water as can be well borne, until the colon has been thoroughly emptied; this to be repeated daily.

Sponge the body, all over, daily with water, into which there is dissolved one tablespoonful of Epsom salts to a quart of the water.

Give patient a little water to drink every half to one hour, giving no food until the tongue is natural, and hunger is manifest; then use care to omit food hard to digest, or food containing too much starch or fats.

The means which keep up a free circulation of the fluids of the body must be attended to daily; adjustments at the fifth to the twelfth dorsal, daily, are essential, wherever indicated by any soreness or tenderness along the spine. Attend to the eliminating organs, the removal of the excreta, also its disinfection scrupulously done.

The atlas and upper cervical adjustments may be needed to subdue the fever, in connection with the sixth dorsal. Concussion at the eleventh dorsal is also indicated to relax the intestines and peritoneum.

The above course will be sufficient in all cases, changed or modified as conditions and circumstances demand, or as indicated, being careful not to let up in the use of water internally and externally.


Warts are cured in a short while by applying, with a small stick, or the end of a match, just enough to moisten the wart, the following mixture, daily, once or twice: Iodide of potassium, 20 grains; iodine, resub., 10 grains; mix together in half ounce of water (kept corked in a bottle, with rubber or glass cork). Touch the wart by the use of a small stick, twice daily, and the wart will disappear in a few days, even before you know it is gone. The wart is absorbed.

How to Reduce Swelling of the Uvula, and Treat Sore Throat.

Introduce the index finger into the mouth, placing the end of finger back as far as the last molar tooth, against the soft palate, just behind the hard palate; with a sliding, rolling motion, with considerable pressure, move the finger from one side to the other (of the mouth), and back again; this is sufficient for one treatment. It should be repeated every day or two.

This is an excellent treatment for cough, caused by the uvula pressing down against the pharynx, reducing its size, lessening the source of irritation. It is a salutary remedy; and should be applied for all tonsillary affections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and prolapsus of the soft palate.

It will be understood by the reader that we recognize the nerve influence exerted by the pressure, as well as the fact that opening the channels through which the pent-up fluids are emptied, has much to do with the results of the treatment.

Spinal adjustments which relax the cervical muscles, and liberate the nerves involved, occupy a prominent place in all conditions found in the head, face, mouth, throat and the neck, and should always receive due attention.

In many cases and conditions, adjustment of the neck may be sufficient, but wherever there are contracted muscles pressing upon the nervous system, or preventing normal venous and capillary circulation, it should receive due attention.