A. P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O.
    The nervous system, like everything else in this world, has its limitations, and to expect more than it is in the power or possibility of anything need not be expected. It is computed that the nervous system exhausts in proportion as it is exercised - used. This exhaustion of nerve power is more especially applied to the execution of functions, and not usually due to obstructed power, due to impingement or pressure. The difference has a perceptible distinction. For instance, a function may be abridged on account of pressure on the nerve filament performing that function, and no exhaustion of nerve power take place, as, for instance, in the genito-crural nerves, emanating from the second lumbar.

    Some pressure may take place on the leash of these nerves, as they emerge from the foramina of the spine, and the functions be modified greatly, or even cut off, and when the pressure is removed, the function becomes established at once. Not so with the nerves ending in and around the eyes, for here we have no pressure, but through their overuse, overwork. exhaustion actually takes place, and there is an entirely different state of affairs, as regards the condition of the nerves and their functions, as well as a different treatment is necessary to adopt. Each condition must be taken into consideration when we apply Neuropathy.

    For the pressure, we must remove it. For the strain, we must stop it and rebuild the elements exhausted before we can expect the functions to become established and able to perform their former function, for exhaustion of any set of nerves produces exhaustion of the whole organism, and the stoppage of the waste is important - in fact, must be done to restore the system to health. No exception to this.

    The importance of Neuropathy, cannot be estimated, for through its application we re-establish nerve relationships which have been separated for years, likely, and start forces which have been dormant, and which have kept the individual in a state of disease, without even a possibility of release through any other process of treatment known to mankind, which, when properly applied, changes conditions so radically as to start up new forces, which change the whole life of one who before was a confirmed invalid, bound down by hand, as it were, and whose very life had been incompatible with everything around, and with whom death or anything would have been a boon gladly welcomed, when in an instant the whole life may be changed to one of joy and gladness and supreme happiness.

    Such is the nature and possibility of this science called Neuropathy, for through it we liberate the channels of communication of intelligence to all parts of the house in which we live while on this mundane sphere. This science frees all conditions possible to be set free, and so suddenly changes relationships that one is amazed at the possibility of such a thing being done, that it is wonderful beyond expression or comprehension, and Nature at once asserts herself. There are so many diseases cured thereby that we scarcely believe what we see. Nothing can be said to express the inestimable value of this science.


    The word Neuropathy expresses a relationship of the nervous system to some diseased condition of the nervous system - a pathological condition; whereas a term which means only "hand practice" has no possible relationship to disease. The term Chiropractic may be any kind of hand practice, and apply to Massage or Suggestive Therapeutics, Swedish Movement cure or "The Laying on of Hands." So that we readily see that it, like Osteopathy, is a misnomer, and requires an explanation of the definition to make clear what it means - and then it doesn't mean what it is intended to mean. Now, since the nervous system has to do with all pathological conditions of the physical organism, Neuropathy is the proper term to use, and we know what is meant when we say the Neuropathic System.

    Then to attempt to make believe that bones are "dislocated and require "fixing" savors of the supremest ignorance to an intelligent anatomist, and to make this sort of treatment what it ought to be, and what this author intends it to be, we should appeal to the intelligence of the people, and make no attempt to cover up the facts, with the idea of making merchandise of the people who have no way to find out different, and who are ready to believe anything said by their doctor.

    This science, we are endeavoring to set forth in a clear light, will go down the ages, relieving its thousands, and it is to be hoped that all schools and physicians of every kind and name, as well as the intelligent layman, shall familiarize themselves with its far-reaching philosophy and benediction to the world.


    The efficiency of this treatment is due to the fact that it unites the "two forces," the "positive" and the "negative," and re-establishes the harmony, takes off the pressure, the result of irritation of peripheral terminals, which irritate muscular fibers, and cause contractions which close around small vessels which hold the fluids of the parts. Inasmuch as nerves end everywhere in the body, it is a fact that irritation may take place anywhere, and affect nerves passing through parts affected by the irritation, and contraction of the muscular envelope of these nerves irritate the nerves themselves, which end some distance from where the irritation is which affects the tissue in which the nerves end; so that we do not always find the cause of the difficulty where it seems to be. A knowledge of the human anatomy is an essential desideratum for the successful treatment of the various diseases which one is liable to be called to treat, and an intelligent explanation can not be too strongly urged upon the expectant student of this science, for many would-be practitioners fail simply because of their lack of knowledge of the system they pretend to treat. This system, to be creditably applied and the results of treatment eminently satisfactory, should be intelligently applied. A haphazard application often results unsatisfactorily to both operator as well as the operated, hence the importance of knowing how to do it correctly.


    As we have said elsewhere, we desire that there be no mistake about where to treat the spine for pains or diseases. We would urge the operator to become so familiar with the nervous system emanating from the spine as to know at once, if his client complains of a pain, where the nerves ending where the pain is felt may be accurately known (at the vertebra) where they emanate, and go to that spot to find the trouble, and treat there for it, resting assured that a certainty of relief will follow the proper treatment, oftentimes instantaneously. The student should become absolutely familiar with anatomy, so as to know where to find the origin of the various diseases which affect humanity, and then relief may be afforded without confusion. Remember that this system is not a guess-work system, but one which may be considered mathematically accurate, and results as certainly as day follows night expected. The mind, through the nervous system, remember, controls the whole body, and to be free means freedom from disease every and all the time. It is not so important that the operator be familiar with the whole of anatomy - as it is the nervous system, for without this knowledge he is a mere automaton. One who knows nothing about this science only as "a punch in the back," is, like an accidental fall, striking something hard, and a cure of some chronic ailment follows and no one knows why. We do know why, if we know anatomy, and know this system of application as we should know it, and as we may know it, from studying this exposition of it, - and this is the first ever written on the subject.


    It should be made twenty-two inches wide, twenty inches high and six feet long, with good turned legs, strong side pieces and ends, six-inch by one-inch board framed into legs, and the top of inch boards, with a box made on one end of top about two feet from end, and eighteen or twenty-nine inches in length, so as to hold at least six good spiral springs, or the box filled with the springs, so as to make a space the width of the table, save the side boards, and twenty inches long, so that the springs may sit upright and come to a level with the top of the table, and they to be covered with strong canvas of heavy cloth, and the top of table to be upholstered with a good padding two inches thick, and all covered with pantosote, strongly drawn over all the top. This makes the kind of table which is used to treat the spine and neck of patients on. If it is desirable, the legs may be longer, so as to make an Osteopathic table thirty-four inches in height, including the upholstering, and then a stool used when treating the spine, for operator to stand on when treating the patient. The stool should be sixteen to eighteen inches in height.


    We have said elsewhere that no bacillus can be found or located anywhere in the body until a nidus is formed for their habitation. Whilst this is at antipodes to bacteriologists' views, we claim precedence when we are on the side of truth, not speculation. If bacilli are naturally generated in the body, why are they not disease-producers all the time (if they cause disease at all)? What assurance has man of health if he is the receptacle of a bacillus every breath he draws, and that germ is a disease originator? If man is a separate entity, possessing all the elements which make him a perfect being, and other animate creatures are also thus created, why should man have originated the idea that man (the only one of all of God's creation) should be amenable to a foreign and independent living animalcule which should, by a breath of air, a contact with environments, affinitize an animal that would work death to him? The very idea is preposterous, and as unreasonable as it is ridiculous to assume. Therefore we must disabuse the minds of deluded mortals of this insane fanaticism by a physiological citation of reasonable and indisputable facts, which are these: It is an admitted fact that when the blood, if unimpeded in all of its channels through which it is wont to flow throughout the body, and the various other fluid-carrying channels are performing their normal functions, and the nervous system in every part of the body, is performing normal functions, the condition denominated health exists, and that perfect harmony, is equivalent to normal health.

    We make this unanswerable statement, that no disease can exist in the body when the above conditions obtain; unless there be some disturbance of the nervous system, either poisonous atmosphere inhaled, paralyzing nerve terminals and thereby interfering with their natural functions, or some pressure upon the leash or leashes of nerves ending in a part, or overuse of the nerves, or the nervous systems exhausts the nerve elements, rendering them incapable of performing their normal functions, and through these conditions interrupt the normal flow of blood and other fluids through their channels, no disease can exist. Anything whatever which disarranges the harmony of the functions of the body causes conditions which result in disease. These causes are legion, but in no instance whatever is bacilli the cause of disease, and they are harmless in the body when there is not a disturbance of function in the body somewhere which causes a nidus for their habitation. That special adaptability for their sustenance and propagation can always be traceable to the disturbance of nerve power, and when the nerve power is restored to its normality, and the obstructions removed from the vessels carrying the fluids of the body, disease is no longer a habitant of the body. Were this not the case, why does a certain adjustment of the spinal vertebrae absolutely annul typhoid, diphtheria, puerperal peritonitis, cholera, and any other inflammatory process, independent of all sorts of antidotal doses of vermicides, or any other poisonous substances called medicines, antidotes, prophylactics, etc.? Why is it that physical manipulations furnish more certain immunity from the ravages of typhoid than all the known modern therapeutic agencies?

    The rational course to pursue in the treatment of all diseased conditions is to remove the causes thereof. This we absolutely do in our method of applying Neuro-Ophthalmology. The influences of mentality upon the physical organism are duly considered and receive the consideration due them, for mind, through the nervous system, controls the function, of the whole being called man, and to ignore it indicates as much ignorance as idiocy could manifest, and the individual who does so now, in this enlightened state of human progress, is to be pitied, for he has certainly no place among intelligent thinkers or scientists. That physical adjustments are of the most importance is evident, for the mind directs the means indicated - properly enlightened - which should be applied to remove physical obstructions in the way of weights, pressure; and supplying elements indicated in every case and condition - turning the "switch," "touching the button," or opening the gateway through which power must be executed - directed to execute normal functions; then, and not till then, may we have normal conditions restored - health re-established.


    When it is understood that every part of the body is mutually concerned with every other part, we can form some idea what effect the disparagement of one of its members involves. A pressure upon a blood vessel, for instance, will lessen the flow of the fluid therein, and this either cuts off the nutrition of the parts to which the blood is intended to pass, or, if it is an artery or a vein, it interferes with the return of waste material on its way to the heart, to be sent to the lungs for renovation, restitution, to be purified, so as to be again distributed to the various parts of the body which need repair. If the pressure be on a nerve, which receives all communications of thought, and which minutely distributes the intelligence to the various departments of the human being, that communication may be modified, intercepted or abridged, so that confusion at once arises, and the order which had been given to perform certain functions has not been carried out, and this makes confusion in that department, and consequently in all the rest of the great house we dwell in.


    The human family incline to follow the paths made for them, and are slow to investigate anything, except what is really forced upon them, or necessity, compels them to consider. Habit clings to the majority of people, because of the dread of change. An old teamster follows in the "old ruts" regardless of their depth, when a slight change would put him on smooth ground. The man of "push" does not remain in the ruts. He gets out and changes his attitude to environments, and makes a road where none existed before, and explores new lands and turns the soil, plants and cultivates, and has the satisfaction of new and better things, even to new modes of getting about, and creates new environments in every respect. All advancement is the result of investigation, and those who will not advance are left in the rear, to suffer the consequences of inconvenience and sloth, ignorance and inertia.


    When it is understood that disease is a condition, meaning "want of ease," and that the pressure upon terminal nerve filaments interferes with their function, and that because of this disturbance there is accumulation of fluids, blood, etc., in the parts where nerve function is disturbed, and that this accumulation of the fluids separates the end footlets, so that communication is cut off, and intelligence fails to reach the destination, and orders fail to reach their destination, and all because of separation of nerve fibers, from the accumulation of fluids, intercepting communication, hence action ceases in the motor fibers, and a circulation is interfered with, hence the congestion. Now we can understand why the sudden movement causes such immediate results; for it starts the action of motor filaments, and the vessels empty themselves and new fluids rush in, on and through, starting circulation where before it was impeded, or altogether arrested. The effects of relieving the congestion of the accumulated pent-up fluids are immediately noticeable, and the chemical changes at once are discernible in the glow of the countenance, change of the feelings of the patient, and nature being permitted to assume its normal functions, harmony is soon established This treatment is a marvelous revelation concerning diseases and shows conclusively the cause of disease is largely a product of nerve impingement; for the direful consequences immediately begin to be dispelled as soon as the nervous system is freed, and diseases which have existed for years oftentimes disappear as they had been told to go.

    Sometimes manipulations about the neck are needed to free the pressure caused by venous congestion, such as raising clavicles and stretching the neck - lifting it up by force to free vessels which have been separated, by force of gravity, in accumulated fluids in veins. Frequently the neck may be treated the same as the spine, either on the side or posterior portion, using the sudden motion with care and judgment, being careful as regards force. Many conditions and pains are relieved by the neck treatment not otherwise effected.

    The treatment between the shoulders about the second to the fifth dorsal vertebra is where bronchial and lung troubles are reached, and the treatment should be done once each day, or oftener, if necessary to relieve the pain and congestion involved; for this reunites the positive and negative forces, which, having become separated by cold, stimulating end filaments of nerve fibers, caused contraction of muscular fiber, and the draw upon the nerves which control blood vessels, interfering with their functions, and thus caused the accumulation in the parts where the pain is found; so that we see the necessity of knowing the relation of the nervous system to the condition perceptible in the human organism. Function of any part of the body, may be interfered with by pressure upon the filaments ending in the parts; for the nervous system, remember, controls every part of the body.

    The functions of the stomach, liver, spleen, (whatever that may be), kidneys, colon, intestines and genital organs of either sex are disturbed and disannulled by this same cause, and the lifting off of the pressure of the nerves controlling the function relieves the whole trouble. Puerperal fever (peritonitis), typhoid fever, or any other functional disturbance, is amenable to the same treatment; for all functional disturbances are the result of pressure upon the nerve filaments ending in a part. Kidney affections are all traceable to the same source, and the difficulty is most generally found about the eleventh or twelfth dorsal vertebra. That condition called sciatica is traceable to the lumbar region - about the second - where the leash which forms the bundle of nerves takes its exit from the spinal column, and passes through the great sciatic notch and thence down the limb, and liberation from pressure high up in the lumbar area often ends the whole difficulty; for the small filaments begin to go out from the leash as soon as they escape from the spinal cord, and ending everywhere along their course from their exit, we can account for the pains often felt even above the pelvis and sacrum, and gradually descending until the whole limb may feel the pains caused by the pressure in the loins. Hence it is proper to treat all the way from the exit of the leash to where the leash passes through the great sciatic notch, which may necessitate movements of the hip joint, as per Osteopathy.