The Buxton Technological Course in Painless Chiropractic
A. G. A. Buxton, D.C.


    MY INTENTION in publishing this work is not to ignore the faithful labors and splendid achievement by others of the profession, but rather that all might read and learn from it pages the art of lessening the severity and discomfort produced by hard adjustments, and with the hope that chiropractic may very soon mean one and the same thing everywhere.  Certainly we stand in need of a technique that will convey but one meaning to the public mind.

    An experience of nearly fifteen years has made me an appreciative student of the principles of chiropractic, during which period I have been a close observer of the diversified developments and intricate methods of operation.  For nearly ten years I have been giving painless adjustments according to those illustrated herein with wonderful results.

    The earnestness of my heart is with every unselfish effort made in the interest of chiropractic and with every loyal associate in our great profession.

    Therefore, with every kind thought and wish for even a better technique, this volume is sincerely sent forth upon its mission.