The Buxton Technological Course in Painless Chiropractic
A. G. A. Buxton, D.C.


    During my many years as a practitioner and my travel over the field teaching the profession a painless technique, I have found from both Chiropractor and layman that the only thing that would save our noble science from becoming a lost art is to have a more comfortable method of adjusting.

    I have taught hundreds of Chiropractors in the last two years how to adjust painlessly and have yet to hear one speak favorably of the older systems.  Many and many of them have told me time and time again that unless chiropractic adjustments can be given in a less severe manner, they feared that the science would lose its great hold upon the public.

    The laymen have repeatedly complained and scores have given up visiting the Chiropractor’s office on account of the adjustments hurting.  This fact they have published to their friends and inquirers and such publicity has done untold damage in keeping hundreds of people away and robbing our offices of many patients that should have returned.

    The out-spoken language of the public in general is that we do hurt when we adjust them, hence whatever good we may be able to do them must remain unaccomplished unless we have them present to work upon.  What a  pity all this is, when we hold within our hands the power to do suffering humanity so much good, and how anxious every Chiropractor ought to be to give his patients the very best and to acquire a technique that would not discommode the patient and give him results in much less time.

    The very reasons given above are what prompted me to prepare such a curriculum The Buxton Technological Course in Painless Chiropractic.

    Another great obstacle to having universal painless chiropractic is that most of the systems invented have been so high priced as to be beyond the reach of many practitioners, not because they were so great in technique, but because of making the inventor quick money.

    It is therefore my intention to put my course of training in Painless Chiropractic at the lowest price possible as I want that all shall possess it and be able to give to their patients the very best.  My heart was saddened more than once when I found Chiropractors pay for a system that ought to have been given at a much less figure, and that they could pay for without borrowing money to do so.

    If I have something that is beneficial for a few Chiropractors why should it not be given to the struggling practitioner at a price within his reach, whose purse is not weighted down with remuneration because of a large practice.

    I am sure, therefore, that my many friends in the Chiropractic Profession will appreciate my efforts to impart to them my methods and knowledge in the way of painless adjusting, and to do this at a price that will give me a fair profit for my labors and so low that the poorest in purse can buy.