Studies in the Osteopathic Sciences
Cells of the Blood: Volume 4
Louisa Burns, M.S., D.O., D.Sc.O.

STILL, A. T., Philosophy of osteopathy; Hudson-Kimberly, Kirksville, Mo., pubs., 1899.
            Philosophy and mechanical principles of osteoepathy; ibid, pubs., 1902.

Bulletins of The A. T. Still Research Institute, 1906-1930.

BURNS, L., Bony lesions and blood cells, Jour. A.O.A., 1926.
            Bony lesions and blood pigments, Jour. A.O.A., 1929.

DEASON, J., Physiology; ipse, pub., 1913.

DREW, IRA W., Diseases of children; The A. T. Still Research Institute, Chicago, Pubs., 1917.

LITTLEJOHN, J. M., Physiology; ipse, pub., 1898.

McCONNELL, C. P., Clinical Osteopathy; The A. T. Still Research Institute, Chicago, pubs., 1917.

McCONNELL, C. P. and TEALL, C.C., Practice of osteopathy; Jour. Printing Co., Kirksville, Mo., pubs, 12, 1920.

TWEED, L. P., Blood changes due to vertebral lesions, Jour. A.O.A., 1927.

ADDIS, T., Working hypothesis of hemoglobin pigment metabolism; Arch. Int. Med., March 1915.

ALLEN, E. V., Changes in the blood following operation; Arch, Surg., 1927.

BUCHANAN, J. A., Medicolegal application of the blood group; Jour. A.M.A., 1922.

BIGLAND, A. D., The fragility of red blood corpuscles; Quart, Med. Jour., July 1914.

BURNS, L., Hemoglobin; Journal American Osteopathic Association, Oct., 1929.
            Erythrogenesis; Journal American Osteopathic Association, Aug., 1916.

CUNNINGHAN, T. D., Method for the permanent staining of reticulated red cells; Arch. Int. Med., Oct., 1920.

DAMESHEK, W., Reticulated red cells; Bost. Med. and Surg. Jour., 1926.

DOAN, C. A., CUNNINGHAM, R.S. and SABIN, F. R., Origin and maturation of avian and mammalian red blood cells; Contributions to Embryology;
            Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1924.

GROVE, ELLA F., Value of the blood-group feature as a; means of determining racial relationship; Jour. Immun., 1926.

HENDERSON, L. J., Blood; a study in general physiology; Yale Univ. Press, 1928.

IZQUIERIDO, J. J., and CANNON, W. G., Emotional polycythemia in relation to sympathetic and medulliadrenal action on the spleen; Am. Jour. Phys., 1928.

KRUMBHAAR, E. B., Reticulosis; Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med. Oct., 1922.

LEAKE, C. D, KOHL, M., and STEBBINS, G., Diurnal variations in blood count and specific gravity; Am. Jour. Phys., 1927.

MUSSER, J. H., Influence of inorganic iron on the regeneration of blood after hemorrhagic anemia; Arch. Int. Med., 1921.

NIGG, CLARA, Study of blood groups among American Indians; Jour. Biol., 1923.

OCARANZA, F., Blood at high altitudes; Trans., Revista Mexicana Le Biol., 1923.

OSGOOD, E. E., Hemoglobin, color index, saturation index and volume index standards; Arch, Int. Med., 1926.

OSGOOD, E. E., and HASKINS, H. D., Relations between cell count, cell volume and hemoglobin; Arch. Int. Med., May, 1927.

OTTENBERG, R., Medicolegal application of blood grouping; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1921, 1922.

ROBSCHEIT-ROBBINS, F. S., and WHIPPLE, G. H. Blood hemoglobin production and conservation in severe experimental anemia; Proc. Am. Soc. Exp. Path., April 1927.

ROUS, P., and ROBERTSON, O. H., Normal fate of erythrocytes; Jour. Exp. Med. 1917.

SABIN, FLORENCE, Origin of cells of the blood; Physiol. Rev., Jan., 1922.

SNYDER, L. H., Human blood groups; their inheritance and racial significance; Am. Jour. Phys. Anthrop., 1926.

SWIFT, D. B., Rouleaux formation of red cells in various types of disease; Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1922.

SURE, B., KIK, M. C. and WALKER, D. J., Effect of avitaminosis on hematopoietic Function; Jour. Biol. Chem., 1929.

TOWER, R. W., and HERM, C. F., Intranuclear origin of mammalian red blood corpuscles observed in living cultures; Proc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 1916.

TROISIER, J., Blood groups of the chimpanzee; Ann. De l’Inst. De Pasteur, 1916.

WILLIAMSON, C. S., Influence of age and sex on hemoglobin; Arch. Int. Med. 1916.

WINTROBE, M. M., Volume and hemoglobin content of the red blood corpuscle; Ma. Jour. Med. Sci., 1929.

WYLIE, MARGARET E., Sedimentation rate of red cells; Jour. Inf., Dis., Nov., 1929.


BURNS, L., Family peculiarity of leucocyte development; Jour. A.O.A., 1924.
            Movements of leucocytes; Jour. A.O.A., 1916.
            Myelocytoid blood cells; Jour. A.O.A., 1926.

CARREL, ALEXIS, Growth-promoting functions of leucocytes; Jour. Exp. Med., 1922, 1925.
            Leucocytic trephones; Jour. A.M.A., Jan. 16, 1924.

CIPRIANAM, C., Leucocyte counts during digestion; Riforma Medica, Italy, 1924.

CUNNINGHAM, R. S., SABIN, F. R. and DOAN, C. A., Development of leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes from a specific stem cell in adult tissues; Contribution to Embryology; Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1924.

DOAN, A. A., and ZERFAS, L. G., Rhythmic range of the white blood cells in human, Pathological leucopenic and leucocytic states; Jour. Exp. Med., 1927.

GOODPASTURE, E. W., Peroxidase reaction with sodium nitroprusside and benzidine in blood smears and tissues; Jour. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1918; 1919.

HITCHCOCK, C. H. and EHRICH, W., New method of staining of plasma cells and of other basophilic cells; Arch. Path., 1930.

JORDAN, H. E., and SPEIDEL, C. C., Behavior of leucocytes during coincident regeneration and thyroid-induced metamorphosis in frog larva; Jour. Exp. Med., 1924.

LAWRENCE, J. S., et al., Variations in the number of the white cells associated with experimental obstructive jaundice; Arch. Path., 1930.

MUELLER, E. F., Evidence of nervous control of leucocytic activity by the involuntary nervous system; Arch. Int. Med., 1926.

SABIN, F. R., Studies of living blood cells; Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 1923.

SHAW, A. F. B., Influence of vasomotor state of peripheral blood vessels on leucocyte content of blood; Jour. Path. and Bact., Edin, Oct. 1926.
            The diurnal tides of the leucocytes of man; Jour. Path. and Bact., 1927.

SMITH, C. and McDOWELL, A. J., Normal rhythm of white blood cells in women; Arch. Int. Med., Jan., 1929.

WHITING, C. A., Investigations of the opsonic index; Journal American Osteopathic Association, Sept., 1912.

BLOOM, W., Hematopoietic potency of the small lymphocyte; Folia Haemat., 1926.

BUNTING, C. H., Leucocytes; Phys. Revs., 1922.

BURNS, L., and SLOSSON, J., Movements of leucocytes; Jour. Am. Ost. Assoc., 1916.

SLOSSON, J., Influence of heat on movements of neutrophile leucocytes; Jour. Am. Ost.Assoc., 1917.
            Partial report on phagocytes; Jour. Am. Ost. Assoc., 1916.


AET, A. F., and BLOOM, W., Essential lipoid histiocytosis; a congenital disturbance in lipoid metabolism in infants associated with splenohepatomegaly; Jour.  A.M.S., 1928.  90-2076.

ASCHOFF, L., Translations of various papers on the reticulo-endothelial system, 1915-1926.
            Lectures on pathology; Paul B. Hoeber, pub., New York, 1924.
            Morphology of the reticulo-endothelial system; The reticulo-endothelial System; Lectures on pathology; New York, 1924, 1925.

BLACKFAN, K. D., and DIAMOND, L. K., Monocytes in active tuberculosis, Am. Jour. Dis. Child., 1929.

BLOOM, W., Transformation of the lymphocytes of the thoracic duct of the rabbit into polyblasts (macrophages) in tissue culture; Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1922.

CARRELL, A., and EBELUNG, H., Pure cultures of large mononuclear leucocytes; Jour. Exp. Med., 1922.
            Fundamental properties of the fibroblast and the macrophage; Arch. Path., Feb., 1927.

CANNON, P. R., and McCLELLAND, P. H., Reticulo-endothelial system in the infectious anemia of white rats; Arch. Path., May, 1929.

CLARK, ADA R., Role of the clasmatocytes in protection against the pneumococcus; Arch. Path., Sept., 1929.

CORR, P., Histochemical evidence concerning the site of the formation of bile pigment; Arch. Path., Jan., 1929.

CUNNINGHAM, R. S., SABIN, F. R., AND DOAN, E. A., The development of leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes from a specific cell stem in adult     tissues; Contrib. Embryol. No. 84, Carnegie Institute, Wash.

DOWNEY, H., So-called endothelial cells; Anat. Rec., 1915.

EVANS, H., Macrophages of mammals; Am. Jour. Phys., 1915.

EVANS, H. M., and SCOTT, K., Differential reaction to vital dyes exhibited by the two great groups of connective tissue cells; Contrib. To Embryol, 19221;     Carnegie Inst. of Wash., Pub.

FOOT, N. C., Chemical contrasts between collagenous and reticular connective Tissue; Am. Jour. Path., 1928.
            Studies on endothelial reactions; Jour. Med. Res., 1919.  Jour. Exp. Med., 1920-1923.
            The endothelial phagocyte; Anat. Rec., 1925.
            Reticulum of the human spleen, and other reports; Anat. Rec., 1927.
            On the origin of the pulmonary dust cell; Am. Jour. Path, 1927.

FRIED, B. M., Origin of histiocytes in the lungs; Arch. Path., May, 1927.
            Defensive and metabolic apparatus of the lungs; Arch. Path., Dec., 1928.

FLUHMAN, C. F., Reticulo-endothelial cells of the uterus; an experimental study; Am. Jour. Obs. and Gyn., 1928.

GARDNER, L. U., and SMITH, D. T., Origin of the elveolar phagoyte in tissue stained supravitally with neutral red; Am. Jour. Path., 1927.

GOLDZIEHER, M. A., and LURIE, M., Experimental studies on the reticulo-endothelial system; Arch. Path., April, 1929.

HAYTHORN, S., Multinucleated giant cells; Arch. Path., April, 1929.

HICKLING, R. A., Monocytes in pneumonia; Arch. Int. Med., 1927.

HIGGINS, G. M., and PALMER, B. M., Origin of fibroblasts within an experimental hematoma; Arch. Path., Jan., 1929.

JAFFE, R. H., Reticulo-endothelial system; Arch. Path., July, 1927.
            Functional studies on the relation between the Kupffer cells and the liver cells; Arch. Path., June, 1928.

JUNGEBLUT, C. W., and BERLOT, J. M., Role of endothelium in production of polyblasts in vitro; Jour. Exp. Med., 1926.

JUNGEBLUT, C. W., McGINN, B. R., and NEWNAN, G., Role of the reticulo-endothelial system in immunity; Jour. Exp. Med., 1930.

LANG, J. F., Role of endothelim in production of polyblasts sin vitro; Jour. Inf. Dix., 1925.

LAWRENCE, J. S. and HUFFMAN, M. M., Fatty changes in the Kupffer cells in the liver of the guinea pig in phosphorous poisoning; Arch. Path., May, 1929.

LEWIS, M. R., Formation of microphages and epithelioid cells from incubated blood; Am. Jour. Path., 1925.
            Formation of macrophages, epithelioid cells and giant cells from leucocytes in incubated blood; Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1926.

LINGON, R., Reticulo-endothelial system in protozoan infections; Arch. Path., Sept., 1929.
            Mobilization and transfer of clasmatocytes, Arch, Path., 1928.

MAITLAND, H. S, Microscopic changes of certain anemias due to radio-activity; Arch. Path., Oct., 1926.

MAXIMOW, A. A., Morphology of the mesenchymal reactions; Arch. Path., 1927.
            On the development of nongranular leucocytes of the blood into polyblasts (macrophages) and fibroblasts in tissue culture; Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med.,
            Lymphocytes and plasma cells; special Cytology; 1928.
            Macrophages and histiocytes; special Cytology; 1928.

MAYO, W. J., Interrelation of lesions of bone marrow and spleen; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., Nov. 13, 1926.

McJUNKIN, F. A., Phagocytic activity of vascular endothelium in granulation tissue; Am. Jour. Path., 1928.
            The origin of the phagocytic mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood; Am. Jour. Anat., Jan 15, 1919.
            Identification of three types of mononuclear phagocytes in the peripheral blood; Arch. Int. Med., 1925.

MENKIN, M., Emotional relative mononucleosis; Am. Jour. Phys., July, 1928.

METTIER, S. R., Structural changes of the liver in pernicious anemia; a contrast between relapse and remission; Arch. Path., Aug., 1929.

METCHNIKOFF, E., Immunity in infective disease; University Press, Cambridge, 1925.

NAKAHAHA, WARO, Function of Macrophages in local resistance to bacterial infections; Jour. Exp. Med., Aug., 1925.

OPENHEIMER, B. S., and FISHBERG, A. M., Lipemia an reticulo-endothelial Apparatus; Arch. Int. Med., 1925.

PASHKIS, K., Biology of the reticulo-endothelial system; trans., 1924.

PERMAR, H. H., Mononuclear phagocytes in experimental pneumonia; Jour. Med.Res., 1923.

PINEY, A., Endotheliomas; Arch, Path., Sept., 1926.

PORTIS, B., Role of omentum of rabbits, dogs and guinea pigs in antibody Production; Jour. Inf. Dis., 1924.

RANVIER, L., The clasmatocytes; trans., 1890-1900.

RICH, A., Formation of bile pigment from hemoglobin in tissue cultures; Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1924.

REICKER, H. H., Relation of chromatin to hemoglobin and bilirubin; Jour. Exp. Med., May 24, 1928.

ROGERS, P. M., Blood monocytes in children with tuberculosis; New Eng. Jour. Med., May 24, 1928.

RICHTER, M. N., Hemohistioblasts of Ferrata; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1925.

ROBERTS, E. F., Reticulo-endothelial system and anti-body production; Jour. Immun., 1929.

ROUS, P., and ROBERTSON, O. H., Normal fate of erythrocytes; Jour. Exp. Med., 1917.

SABIN, F. R., Studies of living blood cells; Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 1923.
            Discrimination of two types of phagocytic cells in the connective tissues by supravital technique; Contrib. to Embry. Carnegie Inst., 1925.

SABIN, F. R. and DOAN, C., Relation of monocytes and clasmatocytes to early infection of rabbits with bovine tubercle bacilli; Jour. Exp. Med., 1927.
            Presence of desquamated endothelial cells, so-called clasmatocytes, in normal mammalian blood; Jour. Exp. Med., 1926.

SHERMAN, I., Reticulo-endothelial cells in septic jaundice; Arch. Path., Jan., 1929.

SIMPSON, M. E., Experimental production of macrophages in the circulating blood; Jour. Exp. Med., 1922.

SMETANA, H., Relation of the reticulo-endothelial system to amyloid formation; Jour. Exp. Med., 1927.

STEWART, F. W., and PARKER, F. Ja., So-called “endothelial blockade: with collargol; Am. Jour. Path., 1926.

WATSON, C. J., and MINOT, N. D., Histologic changes in the spleen in early congenital syphilis with special reference to the origin of anemia in this disease; Arch. Path., Aug., 1929.

WARTHIN, A. S., Contribution to the normal histology and pathology of the hemolymph glands; Jour. Med. Res., 1901.

CARROLL, A., and EBELUNG, A. H., Action of serum on lymphocytes in vitro; Jour. Exp. Med., 1923.

CROMWELL, H. W., and CENTENO, J. A., Reaction of white blood cells to specific precipitates; Jour. Immun., 1929.

KARSNER, H. T., and MERRILL, A. T., Migration of leucocytes in blood clots; Arch. Path., 1929.

LAWRENCE, J. S., and MADDOCK, S. J., Variations in the number of white blood cells following Eck’s fistula; Arch. Path., 1930.

LEWIS, W. H., Engulfment of living blood cells by others of the same type; Anat. Rec., 1925.

LOEB, L., Ameboid movement, tissue formation and consistency of protoplasm; Science, 1921.

McDONALD, S., and SHAE, A. B. D., Persistent eosinophilia with splenomegaly; Brit. Med. Jour., 1922.

MICHELS, N. A., and GLOBUS, J. H., The so-called round cell infiltration; Arch. Path., 1927.

MILLARD, F. P., Applied anatomy of the lymphatics; Ipse, pub., 1921.

SLOSSON, J., Phagocytosis; Jour. A. O. A., 1917.

SNYDER, C., Lymphocytosis in the diagnosis of dementia precox; Jour. A.O.A.,1923.

WALKER, E., Influence of blood fluids and bacterial toxins on phagocytosis; Jour. Med. Res., 1905-1906.

WHITING, . A., Phagocytic index; opsonic index; Public Sanitation and other papers; The A. T. Still Research Institute, pubs., 1916.

WRIGHT, A. E., Emigration and bactericidal effects exerted in wounds by leucocytes; Lancet, 1918.

BEDSON, S. P., Enquiry into the genesis of mammalian blood platelet; Jour. Path, and Bact., Edin, April, 1923.

BURNS, L., Atavistic characteristics of abnormal blood; Journal American Osteopathic Association, Sept., 1912.

BURNETT, S. H., Clinical pathology of the blood of domesticated animals; Taylor and Carpenter, Pubs., 1908.

GRUMER, O. C., Biology of the blood cells; Wm. Wood & Co., pubs., 1913.

HUNTER, W. C., and ADAMS, R. B., Hematologic study of three generations of a white family showing elliptical erythrocytes; Ann. Int. Med., 1929.

LUCIA, S. P., and LUCIA, E. L., Differential blood count of normal guinea pig; Arch. Path., April 1928.

MANOILOFF, E. O., Blood; species reaction; Am. Jour. Phys. Anthrop., 1927.

NESER, C. P., Blood of horses; Biochem., 1922.

ROUS, P., and GILDING, H. P., Studies of tissue maintenance; Jour. Exp. Med., 1929.

SNYDER, C., Significance of lymphocytosis in the diagnosis and osteopathic prognosis of demenetia precox; Jour. Am. Ost. Assoc., 1923.

BARCROFT, J., et al., On the relation of external temperature to blood volume; Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. London.

BOCK, A. W., Constancy of the volume of the blood plasma; Arch. Int. Med., 1921.

BROWN, G. E., and KEITH, N. M., Blood and plasma volume in obesity; Arch. Int. Med., 1924.

DARROW, D. C., and BUCKMAN, T. E., Volume of the blood; Am. Jour. Dis.Child., 1928.

DAWSON, A. B., EVANS, H. M., and WHIPPLE, G. H., Blood volume studies; Amer. Jour. Phys., 1920.

BURNS, L., Bony lesions and blood pigments; Jour. A. O. A., 1929.
            Pigments of blood serum; Jour. A. O. A., 1921.

DENNY, G. P., Blood volume in pernicious anemia; Arch. Int. Med., Jan., 1921.

FELSEN, J., Cell-plasma ratio; Arch. Path., 1929.

HALDANE, J., and SMITH, L, Mass and oxygen capacity of the blood in man; Jour. Phys., 1899-1900.

HARRIS, D. T., Value of the vital-red method as a clinical means for the estimation of the volume of blood; Brit. Jour. Exp. Path., 1920.

HARROP, G. A., Polycythemia; Medicine, 1928.

HENDERSON, L. J., Blood; a study in general physiology; Yale Univ. Press, pubs., 1928.

HOPPER, et al., Blood volume studies; Am. Jour. Phys., 1920.

KEITH;, N. M., Total circulating volume of blood and plasma in cases of chronic anemia and leukemia; Am. Jour. Med., 1923.

KRUMBHAAR, E. B., and CHANUTIN, A., Studies on experimental plethora in dogs and rabbits; Jour. Exp. Med., 1922.

LINDER, J. C., et al., cause of low plasma protein concentration in nephyritis; Proc.Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1923.

LINDHARD, J., Dye method for determining the blood-volume in man; Am. Jour. Phys., 1926.

MANOILOFF, E. O., Blood; species reaction; Am. Jour. Phys. Anthrop., 1927.

REZNIKOFF, PAUL, Determination of the specific gravity of red blood cells; Jour. Exp. Med., Oct., 1925.

ROBERTSON, O. H. and BOCK, A. V., Blood volume in wounded soldiers; Jour. Exp. Med., 1919.

ROWNTREE, L. W., BROWN, G. F. and ROTH, G. M., Volume of the blood and plasma; w. b. Saunders, pubs., 1929.

SALVESAN, H. A., Total amount of blood in the body; Jour. Biol. Chem., 1920.

SMITH, H. P., Blood volume studies; Am. Jour. Phys., 1920.

SMITH, H. P., ARNOLD, H. R., WHIPPLE, G. H., Blood volume studies; comparative values of Welcker carbon monoxide and dye methods; Am. Jour. Phys., 1924-1925.

STONER, W. C., Carotinemia; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1928.

THOMPSON, W. O., Studies in the blood volume; Jour. Clin. Investigation, 1925-1926.

VAN SLYKE, D. D., The carbon dioxide carriers of the blood; Physiol. Rev., 1921.

WEBSTER, G. V., Acidosis; Jour. A. O. A., 1918.

CONNER, H. M. and BUMPUS, H. C., JR., Essential hematuria and its possible relation to purpura hemorrhagica; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1927.

DEMMER, T., Blood platelets in old age; Folia Hematol, 1922.

GRAM, H. C., On the platelet count and bleeding time in diseases of the blood; Arch. Int. Med., March, 1920.

KOSTER, H., Increase in platelet count after blockade of reticulo-endothelial system; Jour. Exp. Med., 1926.

MARCHESINI, R., Origin of blood platelets; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1920.

REIMANN, H. A., LU, G. Y., and YANG, . S., Blood platelets in typhus fever; Arch. Path., April 1929.

BURNS, L., Fibrinolysis in malignancy; Jour. A. O. A., 1916.
            Significance of pre-operative study of fibrin in surgical cases; Jour. A. O. A., 1926.
            Fibrinolysis; Bulletin of The A. T. Still Research Institute, 1926.

DRURY, D. R., and McMASTER, P. D., Liver as a source of fibrinogen; Jour. Exp. Med., 1929.

PROCTOR, C. W., Physiological chemistry; Jour. Print. Co., Kirksville, Mo., Pubs., 1898.

ROSEMEN, M., Fibrinolysis; Biochem. Z., 1920; 1922.

WELLS, H. G., Chemical Pathology; W. B. Saunders, Pubs., 1918.

AST, H. L., Metabolism in pernicious anemia; Arch. Int. Med., April, 1929.

BARRETT, A. M., Mental disorders and cerebral lesions associated with pernicious anemia; Am. Jour. Insanity, 1913.

BENNETT, G. A., Sickle-cell anemia; Arch. Path., 1929.

BLANKENHORN, M. A., Bile content of the blood in pernicious anemia; Arch. Int. Med., 1917.

BRANNAN, DORSEY, Extramedullary hematopoiesis in anemias; Bull. Johns Hosp., 1927.

BROCKBANK, E. M., Blood serum in pernicious anemia; Brit. Med. Jour., July 22, 1922.

BURNS, L., Pernicious anemia; Jour. A. O. A., 1922.

CLARK, H. M., and EVANS, F. A., One factor in the mechanism of hemolysis in hemolytic anemia; Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1920.

DAVIDSON, S., Pernicious anemia; an experimental and clinical investigation; Edin. Med. Jour., Feb., 1929.

DENNY, G. P., Blood volume in pernicious anemia; Arch. Int. Med., Jan. 15, 1921.

DREW, I. W., Diseases of Children; The A. T. Still Research Institute, Pubs., 1923.

DUKE, W. W., Aplastic anemia; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., Sept. 8, 1929.

FABER, H. K., Primary anemias of infancy; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., Jan., 1929. FLEMING, G. W., Liver treatment of pernicious anemia; its effects on the          polynuclear count of Cooke; Brit. Med. Jour., April 16, 1929.

FOX, H. T., Diseases in captive wild mammals and birds, J. Lippincott Co., pubs., 1923.

GETTLER, A. O. and LINDEMAN, E., Chemistry of the blood in pernicious anemia; Arch. Int. Med., Oct., 1920.

GIBSON, R. D., and HOWARD, C. P., Pernicious anemia; Arch, Int. Med., 1923.

GRIEG, D. M., Skull in osteosclerotic anemia; Edin. Med. Jour., Aug. 1929.

HUNTER, WILLIAM, Pernicious anemia and septic anemia; Brit. Med. Jour., March 18, 1922.

JONES, B. L., and RAPHAEL, T., Differential diagnostic difficulties in pernicious anemia with associated mental disorder; Arch. Neur. And Psych., July, 1920.

LANGDON, F. W., Nervous and mental manifestations of pre-pernicious anemia; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., Nov. 25, 1905.

LAVENSON, R. S., Nature of aplastic anemia and its relation to other anemias; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1907.

LAZARUS, P., and LAZARUS, A., Anemia; Rebman & Co., pubs, 1909.

LOGAN, A. H., Balantidium coli and pernicious anemia; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1921.

LUCAS, W. P., Physiology of the blood in infancy and childhood; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., July 30, 1921.

LURIE, L. A., Pernicious anemia with mental symptoms; Arch. Neur. & Psych., July, 1919.

McCONNELL, C. P., Clinical Osteopathy; The A. T. Still Research Institute, pubs, 1917.

McCONNELL, C. P., and TEALL, C. C., Practice of osteopathy; Jour. Printing Co., Kirksville, pubs., 1920.

MEANS, J. H., and RICHARDSON, W., Impressions of the nature of pernicious anemia in the light of the newer knowledge; Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., Sept. 29, 1928.

METTIER, S. R., Structural changes of the liver in pernicious anemia; Arch. Path., Aug., 1929.

MULLER, G. L., Influence of liver and meat diets on the bone marrow and the regeneration of blood cells and hemoglobin; Am. Jour. Phys., 1927.

PETERS, A. W., and RUBNITZ, A. S., Chemical pathology of the blood in pernicious anemia and other severe anemias; Arch. Int. Med., Nov., 1920.

PEABODY, F. W., Pathology of the bone marrow in pernicious anemia; Am. Jour. Path., 1927.

PEABODY, F. W. and BROUN, G. O., Phagocytosis of erythrocytes in the bone marrow with special reference to pernicious anemia; Am. Jour. Path., 1927.

PINEY, A., Some morphological factors governing the incidence of pernicious anemia; Proc. Roy. Soc., 1925.

ROTH, O., Pernicious anemia-like anemia in children; Folia-Haemat., 1927.

RUSK, G. Y., and MILES, W. L., Osteosclerotic anemia secondary to epidermoid carcinoma; Am. Jour. Path., 1927.

SMITH, L. W., Aplastic anemia; Am. Jour.Dis. Child., March, 1919.

VIEHE, H., Microscopy as aid to diagnosis; Jour. A. O. A., 1906.

WHITBY, L. E., Leucocytic changes during liver therapy; Lancet, March 2, 1929.

ZUCKER, T. F., and KESTEN, H. D., Saponin hemolysis of reticulocyte-containing Blood; Am. Jour. Phys., 1928.

ANDERSON, H. B., Sickle cell anemia; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1926.

ASCHOFF, L. V., Lectures on pathology, 1924.

BISHOP, F. W., Elliptical human erythrocytes; Arch. Int. Med., 1914.

COOLEY, T. B., and LEE, P., The sickle-cell phenomenon; Am. Jour. Dis. Child., 1926.

HAHAN, E. V. and GILLESPIE, E. S., Sickle-cell anemia; Arch. Int. Med., 1927.

HENDERSON, H. B., Sickle-cell anemia; Am. Jour. Med. Sci., 1926.

HUCK, J. F., Sickle-cell anemia; Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1923.

LEVY, J., Origin and fate of sickle-shaped red blood cells; Arch. Path., May, 1929.

LEVY, J., Sicklemia; Ann. Int. Med., 1929.

MOSER, R. A. and SHAW, W. J., Sickle-cell anemia in northern Negro.  Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., Feb 14, 1928.

WOLLSTEIN, MARTHA, and KREIDEL, KATHERINE V., Sickle-cell anemia; Am. Jour. Dis. Child., 1928.

ADLER, S., and THEODORE, O., Ann. Trop. Med., 1927.

BLOOM, W., Splenomegaly and lipoid histiocytosis; Am. Jour. Path., 1925.

DEAVER, J. B., and REIMANN, S. P., Splenic enlargement with cirrhosis of the liver; Banti’s syndrome; Ann. Surg., 1928.

DREW, I. W., Diseases of children; The A. T. Still Research Institute, pubs., 1923.

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