Early American Energy Medicine

Violetta Rays
Bleadon-Dun Co.
New, Startling Development
of Electricity
    Perhaps the strangest force in modern science is electricity.  No one has yet been able to tell exactly what electricity is — yet none of us can live in this world without realizing its many effects every day.
    Electricity has made possible an era of improvement such as no other great invention has led to.  Electricity has given ;us the incandescent light, without which we might still be burning oil.  Electricity has made possible street cars, without which we might still find it necessary to use bicycles or horse-drawn vehicles.  Electricity has made possible the use of high-speed automobiles and aeroplanes.  The farmer, the miner, and the builder explode dynamite with an electric spark.  Machinery is operated everywhere by electricity.  Electricity made it possible for us to talk through a thin wire from coast to coast.  Electricity made it possible for us to talk to a ship in the middle of the ocean without the use of wires.  Electricity made it possible for us to send dots and dashes through telegraph wires.  And so electricity affects us in ways we little dream of as we go about finding the source of, or the reason for electricity.  The greatest minds in the world have been applied to the development of the effect of electricity.
Electricity as a Curative Agent

    The wonders of electricity have never been traced to their source.  It is a mysterious, magical power that is being developed in some new way every year.  What more natural then, that this mysterious power should be applied to the field of medicine?  Someone found that a mild current of electricity running through the body had a curative effect.  That was the starting point from which improvements were made.

    With the perfection of the small storage battery came little machines with stored electricity which could be drawn upon as the owner desired.  Then came electric vibrating machines.  These devices, while crude, made use of electricity as a curative agent.  But the real value of electricity in the cure of disease was not discovered until the perfection of the X-ray machine.  No one needs to be told how the X-ray has been used in the treatment of skin and internal disorders, even extending to the treatment of cancer.  No one needs to be told how the X-ray machine has been used in searching through the flesh for hidden objects.  No one needs to be told how fractured bones are set through the aid of the X-ray.

The Discovery of Violet Rays

    Perhaps the most remarkable development of electricity as spplied to modern medical usage, is that of the Violet Ray machine, or as it is known technically, the High Frequency Generator.  It fell to Nikola Tesla, a young Slav scientist, to discover the high frequency current, or Violet Ray.  Taking the primary current which is used for commercial purposes, such as furnishing the motive power for street cars or for lighting, Tesla found a way to convert it into high frequency discharges.  In simpler words, he diffused the heavy stream of current into a discharge of mist, like the ascending mist which hovers over Niagara when the mass of water that rushes over the falls strikes the rocks below.  If you were struck by the full force of the rushing, crashing water of Niagara, it would kill you.  But the light mist would only be an invigorating spray.  And that is what Tesla has done with electricity.  He has so wonderfully divided its force with millions of tiny harmless units, that Violet Rays can be applied to even a mouse without the slightest harm.  Indeed, babies are often given Violet Ray treatments because of the amazing curative value.

    Until the discovery of the High-Frequency Current and its development by Tesla and D’Arsonval the wonderful results in the use of electricity for medical purposes were obtained by the so-called faradic and galvanic currents at the cost of severe pain and muscular contraction on the part of the patient.  However, with the perfection of the HIGH-FREQUENCY GENERATOR, this very beneficial form of treatment can now be taken with absolutely no pain.
Phenomena Produced by Violet-Rays

    1.     The High-Frequency Current is unipolar.  That is, it does not require a complete circuit.  From the attachments or electrodes, you can readily see the violet color reaching out and flowing into space.  It is capable of traversing long distances in ether waves as in wireless telegraphy and telephony.

    2.     Glass does not insulate the High-Frequency Current as it does ordinary electricity.  You can see that it easily passes thru the glass electrodes which are used with the VIOLETTA.  It will even penetrate a piece of plate glass two inches in thickness.

    3.     The High-Frequency Current generates enormous quantities of Ozone during its flow.  The actions and benefits of this wonderful health-giving element will be described later.

    4.     It is possible to excite and light up any glass electrode from the current passing thru the body during a VIOLETTA treatment.  This can be easily demonstrated by holding in the hand any electrode, preferably the metal electrode No. 6, when the machine is in operation.  Another electrode, when held by another person, will light up or become excited even when held a foot or so away.  This demonstrates conclusively that the beneficial High-Frequency Current not only permeates every cell in the body but emanates from it.

5.     The High-Frequency Current produces a “cellular massage.”  The contractile effect is expended upon the individual cells making up the tissues, instead of on individual muscles.  This is called “cellular massage,” and it is one important reason why the High-Frequency Current produces such a marked effect on nutrition and general health.  Cellular massage is more penetrating and much more beneficial than muscular massage as produced by mechanical vibration.

No. Shock, No Pain
    Above all, the strangest phenomena is the complete absence of pain of any sort during a VIOLET RAY treatment.  The absence of pain is due to the inability of the sensory nerves to comprehend the very rapid vibrations produced by the High-Frequency Current, just as we have vibrations that cannot be recognized by the auditory nerves as sound, or by the eyes as light.
    Discard the crude idea that “shocks” have the slightest relation to the medicinal action of electricity.
    “Shocks” of any nature are impossible with the VIOLETTA, and it can be used with the utmost safety on infants as well as adults.
    The capabilities and energy manifest in the above phenomena have their most useful application in the treatment of diseases in which the nutrition of the body needs to be improved, the nervous system reinvigorated, and the physiological functions made to perform their duties.  Violetta treatments are exceedingly agreeable and go far to turn electrical treatments into a luxury.
“Your outfit No. 1 received yesterday and treatment taken last night.  It did me more good than gallons of liniment in the way of relieving pain.” 
    Claude A. Rankin, 
    Murfreesboro, Arkansas

“Tissue Resistance” and Cellular Massage”

    The normal resisting power of the health tissues of the body to exposure, the wear and tear of work, and the influences which cause disease is called “Tissue Resistance.”  When “tissue resistance” is at the normal value which we call par, the organs and fluids of the body are proof against many diseases that attack others, and will heal very quickly if injured or otherwise sick.

    One of the marked characteristics of a reduced state of normal resistance in the tissues is the increased liability of the individual to suffer from slight exposure, to take cold easily, to become fatigued easily and to lack the vital energy of the sound state.

    If the standard of normal tissue resistance is restored by prompt treatment the acute disease is quickly overcome by the energies of nature.  If it is not restored, the disease tends to become chronic.  In order to cure (eradicate from the system) many diseases, it is merely necessary to build up the tissue resistance, then nature will do the rest.

    In order to keep tissue resistance up to par, it is necessary to keep the cells of the tissues in a tonic state.  This is done by the cellular massage of VIOLET RAYS.  Deviation from normal nutrition reduces the toughness of the cells and makes them more susceptible to the enemies which are always on the alert to attack the human body.

    There is no better action than that of the VIOLETTA High-Frequency Current in energizing the impaired power of nutrition; and in promoting an increased capacity of the cellular tissues to take up more oxygen, more food and more active functions.  The VIOLETTA becomes the decisive means of restoring and maintaining the resistance of the cellular tissues at par.

“Since I have received my  machine from you, I have, by its use for the past three weeks, been entirely relieved of a pain in my knees.” 
    Edward J. Jackson, 
    Jersey City, N. J. 

Either Stimulation or Sedation
    The VIOLETTA can be used both as a stimulant to increase circulation and as a curative for constitutional effects.

    Stimulation — By holding the electrode a short distance away from the part to be treated, small stimulating sparks are produced.  The stimulating action of the VIOLETTTA is deeper, longer lasting and more beneficial than any drugs or drinks.  They are not followed by a reaction; they create no habits; they are wholly beneficial without any drawbacks whatsoever.  This property of stimulation makes the VIOLETTA invaluable in the treatment of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, Skin Diseases, or wherever circulation is desired.  This treatment can be given without removing the clothing.

    Sedation — This is produced by holding any electrode in one hand or in contact with any part of the body.  This treatment is very pleasant and highly beneficial; the tranquilizing and refreshing properties of the Violetta sedation are indispensable in the treatment of Neurasthenia or any nervous ailments.

What Violet Rays Accomplish

    When daily treatments are given with the VIOLETTA, the following effects have been observed:

    Return of sleep.

    Increase of strength and vital energy.

    Increase in cheerfulness and power for work.

    Improvement in appetite, digestion, etc.

    Increase of blood supply to point of application.

    General increase of local nutrition and progressive improvement in the general functions.

    Increase of secretions.

    Soothing effect on the nervous system.

    Increase of oxygen in the blood.  (Ozone being driven directly thru the skin into the tissues, accomplishing an “ozonization” of the blood.)


    A headache is a symptom of some local or constitutional derangement and not a distinct “disease.”  Few drugs are directly curative and some are paralyzers of the heart and some destroy the red blood corpuscles.  The coal-tar “headache powders” are doing much to undermine the health of those who take to them frequently.

    When High-Frequency removes pain it also builds up the forces of nutrition and general health.  The most common use of the VIOLETTA is the removal of headache, and in such a way as to leave the system normal and not “doped.”  Long-lasting relief is the rule, but some forms of pain return, and for these regular and persistent treatment is required.

    The resources of the VIOLETTA are supreme in the treatment of almost all forms and intensities of head pains, as is shown by this testimonial from W. C. Pinchin, 1966 Valentine Ave., New York City; who writes: 
    “You have not a customer on your books who is more enthusiastic regarding its beneficial effect upon nearly all the ailments that flesh is heir to. If it could be introduced into all families, numberless doctors’ bills could be avoided.  I have found it beneficial in Rheumatism, Gout, Stomach Trouble, Intestinal Derangement, Sore Throat, Coughs, and particularly so in Neuralgic Pains, and Headaches.  In fact, there is hardly a pain of the human frame but what it will alleviate if not cure.”
Headaches — (Extract from Dr. Eberharts Manual of High-Frequency Currents.)  Pages 228-229-230).

    “Fronts or congestive headaches are relieved by passing the vacuum tube or electrode back and forth over the seat of pain.

    “Keep the tube in loose contact and prolong the treatment until relief takes place which will usually be about five minutes.

    “The diagram outlines the areas where headaches occur.  This will be useful in suggesting the probable line of treatment.

    “Headaches at A or B are congestive or frontal.  At A they may come from errors in refraction; frontal sinus disease or nasal disease.  Stomach diseases also frequently cause pain at A.  Constipation A-B.  Decay of front teeth A-B.  Anemia, endometritis, bladder disease, C.  Middle ear disease, throat disease, eye disease, decayed teeth, D-E.  Womb disease, spinal irritation, nervousness, E.  Ovarian reflex pain usually at C and E.  Neurasthenic headaches involve the back of the neck.”

    “I suffer periodically from migraine (sick headaches) and have found the Violetta is the only thing that will give me any relief.  It is also splendid for scalp treatment.  I am going to England in a few weeks and since I have benefited from the Violetta in so many ways I desire to take a battery outfit along as there is no commercial current where I am going.” 
    Mrs. E. W. MacQueen, Winnipeg, Canada.