Early American Energy Medicine

Violetta Rays
Bleadon-Dun Co.
New, Startling Development
of Electricity
    Perhaps the strangest force in modern science is electricity.  No one has yet been able to tell exactly what electricity is — yet none of us can live in this world without realizing its many effects every day.
    Electricity has made possible an era of improvement such as no other great invention has led to.  Electricity has given ;us the incandescent light, without which we might still be burning oil.  Electricity has made possible street cars, without which we might still find it necessary to use bicycles or horse-drawn vehicles.  Electricity has made possible the use of high-speed automobiles and aeroplanes.  The farmer, the miner, and the builder explode dynamite with an electric spark.  Machinery is operated everywhere by electricity.  Electricity made it possible for us to talk through a thin wire from coast to coast.  Electricity made it possible for us to talk to a ship in the middle of the ocean without the use of wires.  Electricity made it possible for us to send dots and dashes through telegraph wires.  And so electricity affects us in ways we little dream of as we go about finding the source of, or the reason for electricity.  The greatest minds in the world have been applied to the development of the effect of electricity.
Electricity as a Curative Agent

    The wonders of electricity have never been traced to their source.  It is a mysterious, magical power that is being developed in some new way every year.  What more natural then, that this mysterious power should be applied to the field of medicine?  Someone found that a mild current of electricity running through the body had a curative effect.  That was the starting point from which improvements were made.

    With the perfection of the small storage battery came little machines with stored electricity which could be drawn upon as the owner desired.  Then came electric vibrating machines.  These devices, while crude, made use of electricity as a curative agent.  But the real value of electricity in the cure of disease was not discovered until the perfection of the X-ray machine.  No one needs to be told how the X-ray has been used in the treatment of skin and internal disorders, even extending to the treatment of cancer.  No one needs to be told how the X-ray machine has been used in searching through the flesh for hidden objects.  No one needs to be told how fractured bones are set through the aid of the X-ray.

The Discovery of Violet Rays

    Perhaps the most remarkable development of electricity as spplied to modern medical usage, is that of the Violet Ray machine, or as it is known technically, the High Frequency Generator.  It fell to Nikola Tesla, a young Slav scientist, to discover the high frequency current, or Violet Ray.  Taking the primary current which is used for commercial purposes, such as furnishing the motive power for street cars or for lighting, Tesla found a way to convert it into high frequency discharges.  In simpler words, he diffused the heavy stream of current into a discharge of mist, like the ascending mist which hovers over Niagara when the mass of water that rushes over the falls strikes the rocks below.  If you were struck by the full force of the rushing, crashing water of Niagara, it would kill you.  But the light mist would only be an invigorating spray.  And that is what Tesla has done with electricity.  He has so wonderfully divided its force with millions of tiny harmless units, that Violet Rays can be applied to even a mouse without the slightest harm.  Indeed, babies are often given Violet Ray treatments because of the amazing curative value.

    Until the discovery of the High-Frequency Current and its development by Tesla and D’Arsonval the wonderful results in the use of electricity for medical purposes were obtained by the so-called faradic and galvanic currents at the cost of severe pain and muscular contraction on the part of the patient.  However, with the perfection of the HIGH-FREQUENCY GENERATOR, this very beneficial form of treatment can now be taken with absolutely no pain.
Phenomena Produced by Violet-Rays

    1.     The High-Frequency Current is unipolar.  That is, it does not require a complete circuit.  From the attachments or electrodes, you can readily see the violet color reaching out and flowing into space.  It is capable of traversing long distances in ether waves as in wireless telegraphy and telephony.

    2.     Glass does not insulate the High-Frequency Current as it does ordinary electricity.  You can see that it easily passes thru the glass electrodes which are used with the VIOLETTA.  It will even penetrate a piece of plate glass two inches in thickness.

    3.     The High-Frequency Current generates enormous quantities of Ozone during its flow.  The actions and benefits of this wonderful health-giving element will be described later.

    4.     It is possible to excite and light up any glass electrode from the current passing thru the body during a VIOLETTA treatment.  This can be easily demonstrated by holding in the hand any electrode, preferably the metal electrode No. 6, when the machine is in operation.  Another electrode, when held by another person, will light up or become excited even when held a foot or so away.  This demonstrates conclusively that the beneficial High-Frequency Current not only permeates every cell in the body but emanates from it.

5.     The High-Frequency Current produces a “cellular massage.”  The contractile effect is expended upon the individual cells making up the tissues, instead of on individual muscles.  This is called “cellular massage,” and it is one important reason why the High-Frequency Current produces such a marked effect on nutrition and general health.  Cellular massage is more penetrating and much more beneficial than muscular massage as produced by mechanical vibration.

No. Shock, No Pain
    Above all, the strangest phenomena is the complete absence of pain of any sort during a VIOLET RAY treatment.  The absence of pain is due to the inability of the sensory nerves to comprehend the very rapid vibrations produced by the High-Frequency Current, just as we have vibrations that cannot be recognized by the auditory nerves as sound, or by the eyes as light.
    Discard the crude idea that “shocks” have the slightest relation to the medicinal action of electricity.
    “Shocks” of any nature are impossible with the VIOLETTA, and it can be used with the utmost safety on infants as well as adults.
    The capabilities and energy manifest in the above phenomena have their most useful application in the treatment of diseases in which the nutrition of the body needs to be improved, the nervous system reinvigorated, and the physiological functions made to perform their duties.  Violetta treatments are exceedingly agreeable and go far to turn electrical treatments into a luxury.
“Your outfit No. 1 received yesterday and treatment taken last night.  It did me more good than gallons of liniment in the way of relieving pain.” 
    Claude A. Rankin, 
    Murfreesboro, Arkansas

“Tissue Resistance” and Cellular Massage”

    The normal resisting power of the health tissues of the body to exposure, the wear and tear of work, and the influences which cause disease is called “Tissue Resistance.”  When “tissue resistance” is at the normal value which we call par, the organs and fluids of the body are proof against many diseases that attack others, and will heal very quickly if injured or otherwise sick.

    One of the marked characteristics of a reduced state of normal resistance in the tissues is the increased liability of the individual to suffer from slight exposure, to take cold easily, to become fatigued easily and to lack the vital energy of the sound state.

    If the standard of normal tissue resistance is restored by prompt treatment the acute disease is quickly overcome by the energies of nature.  If it is not restored, the disease tends to become chronic.  In order to cure (eradicate from the system) many diseases, it is merely necessary to build up the tissue resistance, then nature will do the rest.

    In order to keep tissue resistance up to par, it is necessary to keep the cells of the tissues in a tonic state.  This is done by the cellular massage of VIOLET RAYS.  Deviation from normal nutrition reduces the toughness of the cells and makes them more susceptible to the enemies which are always on the alert to attack the human body.

    There is no better action than that of the VIOLETTA High-Frequency Current in energizing the impaired power of nutrition; and in promoting an increased capacity of the cellular tissues to take up more oxygen, more food and more active functions.  The VIOLETTA becomes the decisive means of restoring and maintaining the resistance of the cellular tissues at par.

“Since I have received my  machine from you, I have, by its use for the past three weeks, been entirely relieved of a pain in my knees.” 
    Edward J. Jackson, 
    Jersey City, N. J. 

Either Stimulation or Sedation
    The VIOLETTA can be used both as a stimulant to increase circulation and as a curative for constitutional effects.

    Stimulation — By holding the electrode a short distance away from the part to be treated, small stimulating sparks are produced.  The stimulating action of the VIOLETTTA is deeper, longer lasting and more beneficial than any drugs or drinks.  They are not followed by a reaction; they create no habits; they are wholly beneficial without any drawbacks whatsoever.  This property of stimulation makes the VIOLETTA invaluable in the treatment of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, Skin Diseases, or wherever circulation is desired.  This treatment can be given without removing the clothing.

    Sedation — This is produced by holding any electrode in one hand or in contact with any part of the body.  This treatment is very pleasant and highly beneficial; the tranquilizing and refreshing properties of the Violetta sedation are indispensable in the treatment of Neurasthenia or any nervous ailments.

What Violet Rays Accomplish

    When daily treatments are given with the VIOLETTA, the following effects have been observed:

    Return of sleep.

    Increase of strength and vital energy.

    Increase in cheerfulness and power for work.

    Improvement in appetite, digestion, etc.

    Increase of blood supply to point of application.

    General increase of local nutrition and progressive improvement in the general functions.

    Increase of secretions.

    Soothing effect on the nervous system.

    Increase of oxygen in the blood.  (Ozone being driven directly thru the skin into the tissues, accomplishing an “ozonization” of the blood.)


    A headache is a symptom of some local or constitutional derangement and not a distinct “disease.”  Few drugs are directly curative and some are paralyzers of the heart and some destroy the red blood corpuscles.  The coal-tar “headache powders” are doing much to undermine the health of those who take to them frequently.

    When High-Frequency removes pain it also builds up the forces of nutrition and general health.  The most common use of the VIOLETTA is the removal of headache, and in such a way as to leave the system normal and not “doped.”  Long-lasting relief is the rule, but some forms of pain return, and for these regular and persistent treatment is required.

    The resources of the VIOLETTA are supreme in the treatment of almost all forms and intensities of head pains, as is shown by this testimonial from W. C. Pinchin, 1966 Valentine Ave., New York City; who writes: 
    “You have not a customer on your books who is more enthusiastic regarding its beneficial effect upon nearly all the ailments that flesh is heir to. If it could be introduced into all families, numberless doctors’ bills could be avoided.  I have found it beneficial in Rheumatism, Gout, Stomach Trouble, Intestinal Derangement, Sore Throat, Coughs, and particularly so in Neuralgic Pains, and Headaches.  In fact, there is hardly a pain of the human frame but what it will alleviate if not cure.”
Headaches — (Extract from Dr. Eberharts Manual of High-Frequency Currents.)  Pages 228-229-230).

    “Fronts or congestive headaches are relieved by passing the vacuum tube or electrode back and forth over the seat of pain.

    “Keep the tube in loose contact and prolong the treatment until relief takes place which will usually be about five minutes.

    “The diagram outlines the areas where headaches occur.  This will be useful in suggesting the probable line of treatment.

    “Headaches at A or B are congestive or frontal.  At A they may come from errors in refraction; frontal sinus disease or nasal disease.  Stomach diseases also frequently cause pain at A.  Constipation A-B.  Decay of front teeth A-B.  Anemia, endometritis, bladder disease, C.  Middle ear disease, throat disease, eye disease, decayed teeth, D-E.  Womb disease, spinal irritation, nervousness, E.  Ovarian reflex pain usually at C and E.  Neurasthenic headaches involve the back of the neck.”

    “I suffer periodically from migraine (sick headaches) and have found the Violetta is the only thing that will give me any relief.  It is also splendid for scalp treatment.  I am going to England in a few weeks and since I have benefited from the Violetta in so many ways I desire to take a battery outfit along as there is no commercial current where I am going.” 
    Mrs. E. W. MacQueen, Winnipeg, Canada.
Rheumatism and Uric Acid

    There are two kinds of rheumatism — Polar and articular.  Muscular rheumatism affects certain muscles and is called special names such as lumbago, torticollis, etc.  Articular rheumatism involves the joints and is also divided into several kinds — acute inflammatory, chronic arthritis, etc.
    Nothing in medical therapeutics is more certain than the absolute relief to all forms of muscular rheumatism which can be definitely treated by the VIOLETTA.  Often stiffness and pain from a new lumbago is banished in five or ten minutes.  In a severe chronic case the first relief takes longest, and the second and third treatments take less time.  Compared with other kinds, the curative effects of the VIOLETTA treatments are obtained with exceeding quickness.
    Articular rheumatism is not a primary disease of the joints, but is the effect upon them of a condition when the general functions of combustion and elimination are imperfectly carried on.  In the whole range of difficult diseases few can be more greatly improved than can articular rheumatism if in bad cases time is allowed.  The whole state of the body calls for elimination and nutrition, and for these actions no agent is more effective than High-Frequency.  No other agent is so safe and sure a pain reliever.  No other agent can so well tone up the faulty functions and reduce the circulation of irritant products to a minimum.  No other agent can do so much to restore the impaired energy of muscles.
    The chief contributing cause of an excess of uric acid is over-eating with too little muscular exercise to burn up the amount food.  The nutritional disturbance which lies at the base of “uric acid” calls unmistakably for High Frequency treatments, which is the only genuinely curative remedy.  There are dug palliatives but no decisive drug cures.
    Prof. Apostoli and Prof. D’Arsonval have demonstrated and many others have confirmed the profound effect of High-Frequency upon nutrition, increasing the elimination of urea, carbonic acid, and water, by from 40% to 50% and by reducing to a corresponding amount the uric acid in the system.
    The consumption of oxygen is increased by means of the Ozone generator and the products of incomplete combustion are diminished.  It is certainly better to dispose of uric acid by oxidizing to urea, than to use solvents which do not lessen its production and which only palliate the evil.  The trouble with an alkali is that the acid reappears next time about the same as before.
    With Violet-Ray treatment rheumatism of any form will gradually disappear and the improved nutrition will finally correct the fault at the fountain-head.

Lumbago and pains in the back are removed quickly by Violet Rays treatment.

    Dr. Cora M. Franson, Eau Claire, Wis., tells how she cured a patient of rheumatism with the Violetta:
    “I had a call to see an old lady 72 years old, who hadn’t walked for one year.  I gave her twenty treatments with just the Violetta and now she gets up and walks around as well as ever.  She was a victim of rheumatism.  All the swelling left after one week.”
    And here are a number of other letters which prove the value of the Violetta Violet Ray machine in cases of rheumatism.  Read them all.

    D. B. Seger, M.D., Morrison, Ill., writes:
    “I have found the High-Frequency Generator very efficient in Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism of the joints.”

    Handy Crump, Piqui, Ohio, writes:
    “I suffered two years with nervous trouble and rheumatism, and was all but helpless.  I finally saw your machine in a catalogue.
    “It simply has done wonders for me and my family and I would not be without it at any cost.
    “Many traveling men who stop at my hotel, knowing my condition for two years and more, have asked me what brought me out and I take them upstairs to our rooms and show them the Violetta.”
    Claude Tifft, Seattle, Wash., writes:
    “I feel so thoroughly pleased with the result of the first day’s use of the Violetta that I am herewith informing you that in one application of fifteen minutes, I was relieved of a rheumatic pain of two years’ standing.  I had not been entirely free from this pain until yesterday, after using the Violetta.”
    Harry Pickhart, New York, H.Y., writes:
    “I had a long siege of rheumatism.  I could hardly walk at times, and after taking a treatment I was helped a great deal and could walk comfortably.  After a few treatments I was entirely well again.  I have also been giving my wife treatments for neuritis with great success.”
    One of the most remarkable cases is mentioned by a Michigan physician in an article contributed to a western medical journal:
    “Another case,” he states, “was chronic rheumatism of the knee, which had caused limping and much suffering for a  year.  The first treatment of fifteen minutes wholly relieved the pain and the patient walked off without a limp.  Symptoms returned within thirty-six hours.  After fifteen treatments applied every second day the knee remained well.”
    A New York physician in reporting a cure of rheumatism, says that the patient informed him that benefit continued to be felt even when the course was over.  This answers the question often asked as to whether the treatment does not have to be kept up indefinitely.

    Sufferers from the excruciating pains of lumbago can get relief from Violet Ray Treatment, as indicated by B. F. McGreevy, of Billings, Mont., who writes:
    “I find the Violetta Generator especially effective in lumbago.”
    And James A. Frame of Seattle, Wash., who says:
    “I have purchased one of your instruments for the treatment of Lumbago and find it very beneficial.”
    And read this interesting letter from L. E. Sisler of Detroit, Mich.:
    “Am just getting over a pretty severe attack of lumbago and a representative of the Union Paper & Twine Co., of this city dropped into the office and told me about your Violetta, gave me the name of a gentleman who had one and who brought it to me when he had an attack of lumbago.  They further advised me that it worked like a charm.  I have an attack of lumbago anywhere from three to four times a year and I am herewith enclosing you my check and wish you would send me one of your outfits.”


    Gout is a nutritional disorder with an excessive formation of uric acid characterized by the gradual deposition of urate of soda in and about the joints.
    There is no masseur endowed by training or ability to produce the deeper acting, more quickly administered and infinitely superior massage of the Violetta Spark.

“Have used your Violetta High-Frequency Generator in treatment of Rheumatism with much benefit.”  Mrs. G. E. Thompson
Toronto, Ont., Canada.

Sciatica and Neuralagia

    Neuralgia means nerve pain and in its worst form this pain is the “cry of the wolf for food.”  This implies that in all cases of neuralgia the nutrition is below needs.  This again means that the High-Frequency Current is the most active agent  reaching the filaments and cells.
    Sciatica is a form of neuralgia with pain in the neck.  The person who has sciatica wants relief, and wants it urgently, can u;sually get it from the VIOLETTA.  When it is used the pain of the sciatic nerve ceases to be felt, the effect relieves pain and the limb gains strength; and in five to fifteen minutes the patient is virtually free from suffering and able to obtain energy and comfort for the time being.  Relief from the first treatment may last a short time, after which the pains return with a lessening severity.  Relief from the second treatment lasts longer and  treatments are continued until relief is permanent.
    Read the testimony from Frank Berzone, Seattle, Wash.:
    "I purchased the VIOLETTA for my wife, who was suffering from an acute attack of Sciatica.  Her very first treatment induced relief from pain and she is entirely well now."
    And M. M. McCage of Duluth, Minn., writes:
    “I will state that we have found the Violetta instrument useful in cases of neuralgia of the face for a member of my family having considerable trouble in this respect with one treatment using the Violetta we find removed the trouble, and it is worthwhile even for this alone.  It is also useful in cases of slight rheumatism in the joints, etc.”
    Dr. Bert H. Rice of Vinton, Iowa, has this to say:
    “I have good results with the Violetta in all cases of neuralgia.  Almost instant relief in Facial Neuralgia; one case of 5th nerve neuralgia of many years’ standing, and had tried everything in the medical and surgical line, I was able to get relief at once.”

The spinal electrode No. 4 is particularly adapted to spinal treatments with the Violetta.

Nervous Troubles

    All Americans have “nerves.”  Some even style the nervous tendency”Americanitis.”  It is caused by worry, business suspense, lack of regular sleep, impaired nutrition, excitement, too hurried eating, etc.  The symptoms are muscular aching, pains, headaches, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, and nervous irritability.  Your appetite is not so healthy, your back aches, you have dizzy spells when you stoop, your food does not digest, you are listless.  In fact, you are breaking down.
    When the nervous system is below par or out of order, there is a derangement of nervous functions.  Strictly speaking neurasthenia is not a definite disease but a condition, and this condition is removed by VIOLETTA treatments.  It may be fairly said that no case of functional nervous disease of whatever variety is properly treated unless the administration of High-Frequency is prescribed.  Whenever any person feels below par, the tonic action of Violet Rays should be sought.
    There is no need of a rest cure.  People who think they are “too nervous already and that electrical treatments will make them more nervous” are as much in error as was the boy who broke his leg dodging his own shadow.

For a soothing Violet Ray treatment electrode No. 6 is used with great success.

    The tranquilizing nerve food par excellence is Violetta Violet Rays.  With the metal electrode held in one hand a few minutes each day the results obtained are beyond expectation.  The whole treatment is a banquet of luxurious rest to the fretful nerves, and most often the patient goes to sleep during a treatment.  The tension relaxes, worries take wings, the “blues” depart, nature is composed and strengthened, — the patient gradually gets well.
    Says Dr. Monell in his book:
    “One of the most striking effects of the high frequency current is its action on the sympathetic nervous system.  Applications of the vacuum electrode over the solar plexus will almost immediately relieve and later permanently cure, cases of long standing nervous dyspepsia, hepatic torpor, constipation, renal insufficiency, and finally, all conditions due to lack of vaso-motor stimulation.”
    But perhaps you would like to know what users of the Violetta say.  Well, here is a letter from Mrs. J. R. Covert, of Buffalo, N. Y.:
    “I think your Violet Ray instrument is a wonderful thing.  I have doctored for seven years for neuritis with no help and getting worse all the time.  I have now had the Violetta for six weeks and am so improved and would not be without it at any cost.  I have caused two of my friends to buy one.”
    And Henry Miller of Savanna, Ga., writes:
    “My health was completely gone due to a nervous breakdown and your machine has helped me wonderfully.”
    And here are two letters from physicians:
    “It affords me great pleasure to say that it does even more than you warrant it to do.  I have used it on a case of Neuritis of thirteen years’ standing and it has proven most successful.” — Dr. E. E. McCormick, Buffalo, N. Y.


    Paralysis is not a disease, but merely a symptom of certain forms of injury which causes the partial or complete loss of motor function of the muscle fibre.  Violet Rays are the most important remedy known for the treatment of paralysis.  Some good results may be produced by a very few treatments, while more obstinate cases may require several months.  Ten minutes of VIOLETTA treatments four or five times a week is worth ten gallons of the best liniment.  Relief from stiffness and discomfort begins at once and normal functions return in a short time.
    The paralysis of infants resulting from pressure or accident is nearly always curable by a little persistence.  The youngest and tenderest  infant can be treated without pain or disturbance.

    K. L. Allen, D. C., 205 Boone National Bldg., Boone, Iowa, writes:
    “I have had very good results with the application of Violet Rays in cases of Paralysis, Rheumatism and Neuritis, and think it a very great help.”

    R. J. Eubanks of East St. Louis, Ill., writes:
    “I was injured the 12th day of last April and lost the use of my left arm.  I could not pick up a paper.  The Violetta is the only thing which helped me and has done wonders.  When I came from the hospital I was very nervous and had insomnia so bad I could not rest.  Now I can sleep like a log.  I can kill a cold at once as the Ozone destroys all the poison germs.  I can now use my arm freely and would not sell my machine at any price if I could not get another.”

    “This little Instrument is a wonder in the treatment of all nerve disorders.  It relieves pain in a few minutes.” –Dr. W. O. Parrish, Osceola, Iowa.

    Adequate and refreshing sleep is necessary to good health. Inability to sleep is a very troublesome symptom and one which no one should neglect.  There is no substitute for sleep and the act of medicine does not supply its lack.  Dependency on drugs is dangerous, depressing, and has too often been fatal.
    The power of the sedative action of the VIOLETTA tends to tranquilize the central nervous system, equalize the circulation and restore the capacity to rest.  The High-Frequency Current is Nature’s true remedy and the VIOLETTA is indispensable because it at once treats the disease and the patient.  It attacks the symptom and imparts a constitutional benefit at the same time.

    M. Eubanks of East St. Louis, Ill., tells how Violet Rays helped him:
    "After leaving the hospital following treatment for a broken arm, I was so nervous that I suffered from insomnia.  Violet Ray treatment  enabled me to sleep like a log."

    D. Ellen A. Richards of Streater, Ill.:
    “It has helped to quiet nerves and bring sound sleep in very restless patients.”

    The experience of M. S. Shanks of Cartersville, Ill., is interesting:
    “I received the Violetta, used it last night with good results.  I got up only twice last night, and had several hours of peaceful sleep.  Have had but problem little since.”

    Dr. S. H. Monell of New York, in his authoritative book on Violet Rays records the following:
    “In the case of a man aged 60 who had suffered for some months from insomnia and slept only an hour at night, twelve treatments administered by Dr. Gardiner enabled him to sleep four to five hours.  In another case of a man aged 65, the insomnia was left as a sequel to pneumonia and twelve treatments produced a complete and lasting cure.”

    Another Scottish physician, Dr. W. F. Somerville, of Glasgow, has this to say regarding the general treatment of insomnia by Violet Rays:
    “The sleep which electricity induces or lets nature induce is not only sound but decidedly refreshing.  And still further, not only do the high frequency currents promote normal sleep, but, as we who employ them are well aware, they improve the tone of the system to such an extent that our patients are better fitted to resist and to overcome the evil influence of professional, business, educational, domestic, or other cares or anxieties.”

The Production of Ozone with Violet Rays

    Whenever an electric spark passes thru the air, Ozone is liberated.  Ozone is known under the chemical symbol O, and is a concentrated form of Oxygen.

    Ozone increases the oxygenation of the blood and tissues and also increases the number of red blood corpuscles.  Germs and toxins cannot exist in the presence of Ozone and are completely destroyed.  Ozone is the most active oxidizing agent known.

    Inhalations of Ozone are beneficial in all diseases in the same manner as pure air is desirable, but it is particularly beneficial in all diseases of the Respiratory Organs, including Tuberculosis, Infectious Diseases, and all conditions where there is imperfect respiration and where tissue resistance is below par.  An Ozone spray has been demonstrated to be healing in all forms of ulcers.

    The following is taken from reports by L’Abbe and Oudin before the Paris Congress:

    “We investigated the influence of ozone and nutrition in general, and especially in anemia or persons physically reduced.  When the percentage of oxyhemoglobin is below normal (say 9 or 10%) inhalations of ozone for a quarter of an hour increases it by 1%.  It increases temporarily at first, then becomes permanent after a number of treatments, and one can affirm that at the end of two or three weeks, the patient has reached a normal figure.

    “This is necessarily accompanied, in the case of anemic patients, by more energetic inhalation, more rapid combustion, which accounts for more rapid renewal of nutritive materials (increased metabolism) and from then on there speedily arises an increase in appetite which, in some patients take the desire for food such as has been heretofore unknown to them, with the return of strength, disappearance of complications, and restoration to health.”

J. O. Van Winkle of Salem, Ore., writes:
    “I have treated one case with the Ozone Generator and ;my patient said that it did him more good than any medicines I had given him.”


    There are probably  more sufferers from this affliction than from any other complaint we know of.  It primarily affects the vocal organs, and, if  neglected, extends to the front cavities of the head, then to the throat, then to the tubes leading to the ears, and, passing downward, threatens the patient with confirmed pulmonary disease.  Its symptoms are identical with those of a common cold in the head, of which it often appears to be a chronic form.  The flow of discharge from the nose or head causes a continual hawking and spitting, making the afflicted person a most disagreeable companion.

    In the trouble itself as well as in the debilitated condition of the system which so often invites it, VIOLETTA treatments will be found to give surprisingly quick results.  The ozone is inhaled thru the nostrils.  There is an improvement of circulation thru the mucous membranes of the head and throat, the glands are strengthened and it enables the general system to throw off the evil results.  The blood supply is purified by ozone inhalations, thereby toning up the entire system at the same time.


    Hundreds of people are suffering agonies from asthma.  Having tried all the usual remedies they have given up hope of relief.  Violet Rays have proved effective in Asthma as in so many other ailments.  Read the experience of Granville Holden, 86, Eagle Street, North Adams, Mass.:

    “I use it for Asthma and pains in the chest from coughing, and I get wonderful relief and would not part with it for any money.”

Hay Fever

    We quote Dr. Monell, the great authority on this subject:

    “The general public has too long been misled by the tradition that Hay Fever is incurable, for few diseases are more easily remedied.  There are three conditions all present in one individual at the same time to make an attack of Hay Fever possible.

    “1.  We must first have a patient who is neurotic—whose nervous system is habitually below par.  The ordinary person may not relize that he or she is neurotic, but the state is generally recognized by physicians.  In other respects the person may be well enough.

    “2.  The other element is the dilated condition of the fine blood vessels in diseased mucous tissues of the nasal chambers.

    “3.  And still another, is some irritating substance carried as a dust in the atmosphere, which may be the pollen of plants or a dozen other things.”

For all chest and bronchial affections, local applications of Violet Rays have proven beneficial in thousands of cases.

    If the first two factors are removed the third factor is eliminated.  Can the High-Frequency Current remove the first two causes?  If the reader has read the foregoing entitled “Tissue Resistance and Cellular Massage,” this question will be so plainly answered that the helpless feeling of Hay Fever is more of a fashion than a necessity.

    Along with the local treatment the necessary treatment of the general nervous system is carried on, so that when the patient is free from the functional derangement which causes irritation to set up Hay Fever, the patient will thereafter remain well.

    One other feature.  It is not necessary to wait until the season of attack in order to commence treatment.  It is far better to begin before the attack appears for the action of the VIOLETTA upon the general nervous system and local conditions is independent of season.

    If the first two conditions mentioned above are corrected before Hay Fever time, the attack will not develop, for healthy tissues are not irritated by the pollens in the air.


    No longer is influenza regarded as a minor complaint amounting to little more than a bad cold.  The long list of victims who succumb to it annually has established the fact that influenza is a dangerous disease requiring careful treatment.  The superintendent of schools at Bird City, Kansas, E. D. MacDougall, writes:

    “I am satisfied my ozone generator (The VIOLETTA) has knocked the “flu” on several occasions when I felt I was coming down with it.  It would be a Godsend if the schools could successfully use ozone generators at this time.”

    Now read what R. H. Pickens, Superintendent, Southern Public Utilities Company, Clemmons, N. C., says:
    “It might interest you to know that I have found the Violetta invaluable in the treatment of influenza.”


    In Goitre, excellent results have been recorded.  The High-Frequency Current has a tendency to eliminate and absorb any unnecessary or waste tissues.

    A physician in Oregon has notified us that within the last year he has cured at least 100 cases of Goitre by use of Violet Rays alone, and Dr. Collier of Clarinda, Iowa, writes:

    “In the short time we have used the VIOLETTA, we are well-pleased with results.  Our greatest benefit obtained is with the use in doctoring goiter.  In every case where we have used it, we secured great benefit.”

    Austin Decker, Spokane, Wash., writes:
    "Have been successful in removing a goiter."

    Dr. R. W. Adams, 6 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minn., writes:
    “I am relying on it especially in the treatment of goiter, which I have found the VIOLETTA wonderful and speedy results.”

    The fact that we are exceedingly conservative in our statements is backed up by a recent letter from James Mortenson of Granger, Utah.  He writes:  “The Violetta certainly performs wonders, and accomplishes more than you claim it will do.”

Unit No. 5 is made especially for the treatment of Goitre and produces amazing results.


    Life is an imperfect thing if the sense of hearing has been lost or partially lost.  Deafness is a constant source of embarrassment to those afflicted with it and is, besides, a great handicap to success.

    That he has had wonderful success in the treatment of partial deafness is the statement of Dr. J. Charles Brydges, 711 East 37th Street, Chicago.

    “I can say to you that I am having wonderful success in the treatment of Partial Deafness with your Electrode No. 28.  The Patients I am using it on seem to improve with every treatment.  Dr. Richardson of Englewood is a case of long standing and even in his case we are getting wonderful results.

    “I am a thorough believer in Ozone Treatment in all inflamed mucous membranes and your No. 38 Electrode together with all attachments.” – Dr. Chas. Brydges, 711 E. 37th St., Chicago.

    “I need the Violetta for my husband,” writes Mrs. Nellie Goodrich, of Baltimore, Md.  He had spinal meningitis caused by a shock to his nervous system which left him totally deaf.  He is getting along fine.  Violet Rays have done him a lot of good.

    Electrode No. 11, when used with the Violetta Violet Ray Machine, helps break down the congestion, which causes most cases of deafness.

Vocal Organs

    The accompanying illustration shows the method of treatment of the throat or vocal organs in cases of congestion, hoarseness, loss of voice or inflammatory or painful conditions in all classes of patients, but especially in the throat affections of singers, speakers, actors and victims of acute or chronic colds.

    Place No. 9 Electrode in contact and turn on current.  Press the electrode deeply in the depression and repeat musical scale.  The deeply penetrating current acting upon the muscle fibres and blood vessels, rapidly abates congestion and inflammation, induces a new blood supply, tones up the nervous mechanism and produces benefit with remarkable certainty and quickness.  In value to singers and speakers, it outclasses all treatments directed to the same ends.

    The throat is successfully treated with Electrode No. 9 when used in connection with the Violet Ray Machine.

Eye Diseases

    Eye diseases have been successfully treated with Violet Rays.  In a report published by L. Webster Fox, A. M., M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, he stated:  “My friend, Dr. Coover, of Denver, first called my attention to his success with high frequency currents in treating a certain class of eye diseases.  Following his suggestion, I had my chief of clinics select a variety of eye cases, from blepharitis marginalis (inflammation of the eyelid) to atrophy of the optic nerve for tests.  One hundred cases of inflammation of the eyelid were successfully treated.”  The report goes on to cite other cases of eye trouble which were benefitted or cured by Violet Ray treatment.

    Mr. Rogers of Buffalo, N. Y., is an exceedingly delighted customer.  He tells us as follows:  “The Violetta is my most valued possession.  It has brought about complete health that I never before thought would be regained.  It absolutely eradicated a painful attack of severe lumbago in addition to completely bringing back my vision, which was seriously impaired by a cataract.”

    Mr. Rogers has been only too pleased to recommend the Violetta to his friends, because he knows its true worth.

Eye diseases are treated successfully with the Violetta particularly when used with electrode No. 18.

Lowered Vitality

    Illnesses and operations often leave lowered vitality behind them, leaving the body an easy victim to other disorders because the power of resistance is lowered.  Violet Rays will pour new life into the body.  This has been the experience of E. M. Barnett, D. C., of Meadville, Pa.

    If you are painfully thin you will be interested in the testimony of Mrs. Nels Johnson, 3310 So. Cottage St., Kewanee, Ill.:

    “Am pleased with results obtained by the use of the VIOLETTA.  I have gained in weight and I feel much better than I did before I received the VIOLETTA..”

    If you are in a weakened state ready what Dr. E. M. Barnett, Meadville, Tenn., writes:
    “I am well pleased with the Violetta.  I find it especially good for patients with a lowered vitality.  I intend ordering some more of the applicators in the near future.”


          Scalp treatments with the Violetta are unusually successful when applied with electrode No. 3.


                                        Scalp Treatments with the Violetta

            It is a well-known fact that falling hair and baldness are due to the faulty action of the tiny nerves and blood vessels that surround every hair.  If rich blood, laden with the necessary nutriment does not circulate to the hair, they are literally starved.  Bacterial germs get a foothold, causing the dandruff, the hair falls out, and baldness is the ultimate result.

            The VIOLETTA applied to the scalp virtually exercises each and every hair, encouraging it to new life and vitality.  It has a direct action on the tiny nerves and blood vessels stimulating them to perform their proper functions of distributing necessary food supply to the hair.  Also, the Ozone which is generated acts as a germicidal agent and destroys any organism present, making dandruff impossible.

            Woman’s headgear, from a hygienic standpoint, is more sensible than man’s; consequently, women rarely suffer from total loss of hair.  Frequently, however, on account of circulatory derangements, her hair loses its natural gloss and vigor and becomes dry and brittle, the ends split, and the hair falls out.  The cause of such an unfortunate condition can easily be removed by a little timely assistance of nature.

            It gives a man poise and self-confidence to have a fresh, healthy appearance and well-groomed head of hair.  To look really “clean cut” greatly aids him in business as well as in social affairs.  A man with a sallow, muddy complexion tho he be clean-shaved, does not make as agreeable an impression as the man with a healthy ruddy complexion.  A bald head has never added to the appearance or dignity of any man.  It is a thoroughly established fact that there is no reason why any man should become bald, or have a sallow, pimply, muddy skin.


            Front view showing how metal electrode No. 6 is held when indirect scalp treatments are given.


Some authorities claim that in no instance are the life-giving principles of hair growth within the follicle destroyed, and that in most cases of baldness, the hair has only become checked in growth beneath the scalp, the follicle being merely dormant and not dead.  In such cases stimulation is necessary and no better medium is obtainable than the use of the VIOLETTA.


               Your barber or some friend can apply Violet Rays to your scalp indirectly by means of metal electrode No. 6.

            It is not claimed that a growth of hair will be produced in a case of total baldness, but where the life principles are still present in the follicles a reasonable use of the VIOLETTA will develop a natural and permanent growth.

            A few minutes’ use of a VIOLETTA after shaving will remove all soreness of the skin.  It produces an agreeable, refreshed feeling, and leaves the skin perfectly smooth and radiating with the color of perfect health.

            There are two methods of giving both the scalp and facial treatment:  direct and indirect.  Direct by passing the electrode back and forth until the whole scalp has been treated; indirect by allowing the patient to hold the electrode in one hand and the instrument in the other.  Then by turning the adjusting screw forward to the proper degree of current, the operator is able to draw the current to the scalp by means of the fingers of both hands.

            We can frankly state that this is the most successful and scientific treatment for the hair and scalp.  It removes every particle of dandruff and foreign matter, immediately relieves all itching sensation, causes a delightful, restful feeling of the scalp.  If used regularly it is sure to give good results.

            I COULD NOT BE WITHOUT IT.  I have been using your Violet Ray Machine for a long time in my beauty parlor.  The beneficial results are simply wonderful, in connection with facial and scalp work.  I simply could not be without it.” –Mrs. Carrie Cunningham, 1045 East 43rd Street, Chicago, Ill.

               “I have been using your Violetta for some time with excellent results.” –A. B. Hightshoe, Moravia, Iowa.

               AN AID TO BUSINESS – I have two machines here that have been in full use for the past year and a half.  We find use increasing to such an extent that it is time to purchase more outfits to supply the demand. –Canadian Barber & Specialty Co., Ltd, Toronto, Ont., Canada.

               Several cases have been reported of grey hair being restored to original color.  To those interested, we refer them to a doctor’s Manual of High-Frequency,” revised 1919, pages 223-227.


                                                                           Facial Treatments


            (General Massage, Pimples, Blackheads, eczema, or Any Skin Disease.)


            Many people realize how important it is to give skin intelligent care and proper nourishment.  Few know how much the health and general comfort of the body is dependent upon the proper performance of the functions of the skin.  The skin is a blood purifying organ and it is vitally necessary to keep it in perfect condition and normally active.

            VIOLETTA treatments not only arouse the circulation on the surface of the skin, but cause a “cellular massage.”  In this way it reaches the deep inner blood and lymph vessels that course thru and between the muscles and tissues deep within the body, and right here is its greatest value, for these are the ones that feed the surface tissues, and that bring new and lasting life to the skin.


Ray treatments are more beneficial to the complexion than all creams and cosmetics in the world.


Skin diseases of all kinds are peculiarly susceptible to Violet Rays.  A prominent Chicago physician reports notable results in eczema.  Many cases of eczema of a dozen years’ standing have been cured in ten treatments or so, this physician states.  He adds that with the aid of Violet Rays he has cured catarrh, neurasthenia, rheumatism, gout, tuberculosis and obesity.


A well-known actress adds her praise.  Trixie Friganza writes:   “Cheerfully will I add my praise for Violetta.  It’s the best “pain chaser” and “soother” I’ve had the good fortune to find..It’s WONDERFUL.  It cured my brother of neuritis.  As for myself, I use it for facial treatments and general massage.  I cannot say too much for it.”



For removing surplus fat and for indigestion, electrode No. 2 has proven effective.  Also used for deep- seated cases where deep penetration is required.

                                                                           Acne (Pimples)


               Acne (pimples) is terribly disfiguring and causes greata embarrassment to those afflicted with it.  A person with a pimply skin is suffering under a distinct handicap on account of the repellent effect of the complaint.


            H. J. Kobber, 407 South Dearborn St., Chicago, writes:  “I used the VIOILETTA instrument for a severe case of Acne of the face.  It helped me considerably for the acne is gone.”

               Read these endorsements from professional men:

               “Have accomplished some wonderful things with it, especially in skin diseases.  You may have report of these if you wish.”—Edwin T. Jaynes, M. D., Waterloo, Iowa.

               “My Violetta Generator is doing very satisfactory work.  I find it especially effective in cutaneous (skin) eruptions.”—B. F. McGreevy, M. T. D., Billings, Mont.




            Modern investigation has proven that obesity is not the result of over-eating of fats and sugars, but the inability of the albuminous elements of the food to be readily oxidized—together with deficient exercise.

            The semi-starvation treatment of obesity is wide of the mark.  What is needed is to restore the normal balance of nutrition so that the distribution of food in each set of tissues in the body will conform to nature’s intention.

            Correct the abuses or excesses in any habits and set yourself upon a mixed and healthy diet and then make your tissues distribute the nutrition properly.  This can be done by the resources of the VIOLETTA HIGH-FREQUENCY GENERATOR.


                                                            Torpid Liver


            A large proportion of the ills which afflict mankind are caused by a torpid liver.  If your liver is not in good working order you will be constantly ailing, for upon that organ falls many of the most important processes of the body.  Violet Ray treatment will excite the liver into activity and restore buoyant health.

            Dr. J. L. Snavely, 401 Second Ave., Sterling, Ill., wrote us that he had secured excellent results with the Violetta in the treatment of torpid liver.

            What These Prominent Journals and Newspapers Say about the Violetta.

               “From the American Journal of Internal Medicine:  “High Frequency for the general practitioner has for many years been a sort of Utopian dream during which he has looked at from afar, and longed for, but which seemed to be out of his reach because of the high cost of high-frequency outfits—though that is an item, too—but the very patients upon whom he most desired to use this sort of therapy, his home patients, could not benefit because if the unwieldy size of the outfits, which limits its usse to the office.  All of these obstacles are overcome by the VIOLETTA  H. F. Generator, made by the Bleadon company of Chicago.  This excellent appliance is easily portable, exceedingly moderate in price and at the same time 100 per cent efficient.  Also, it has many splendid features which make it superior to any other we have ever seen.  We do not have the time or space to detail all these features and many of them would pass unnoticed by the average person—but they are just the things that this finished and perfected instrument has.  The company puts out a capital clinical set of instructions, showing exactly what conditions are benefitted by the treatment, and the technique in each condition.”


From “Medical Council.”

THE VIOLETTA High-Frequency Generator is the most compact and at the same time the most efficient high-frequency instrument on the market.  The entire mechanism is contained in one instrument, making it unnecessary for the doctor to explain to the patient how to adjusst the machine, which may be used in another part of the room.  The current is circulated while the treatment is being given with a current of very high oscillations.  It is guaranteed and at a very reasonable price.  Information, two handsome charts giving instructions, are furnished by the manufacturers  located at 11 South Desplaines Street, Chicago, Ill.


From the editorial section of the “Medical Record.”

This company at 11 South Desplaines St., is marketing a new type of electrical apparatus called the VIOLETTA.  It is small in size, and efficient in operation.  It is made for professional as well as for private use, the frequency being so high that no sensation is felt during treatment.  The penetrating property of the VIOLETTA not only has a beneficial effect locally, but as a tonic throughout the body.”

Also, from (unable to identify) :”Popular” medical information:

The VIOLETTA shown in the illustration presents features of interest.  The use of the unit particularly indicated in the facial area shows the value of the High-Frequency Current which has been demonstrated many times in recent years..  The apparatus should prove very useful for home treatments.”

From a chiropractor:  “I had very good results with the application of Violet Rays in cases of Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuritis, and think it a very great unit.


Violet-Ray Treatments Given in the Home



The Violet-Ray is the greatest force for health and beauty which science has ever produced.  A comparatively recent discovery, it has already won the universal endorsement in the medical profession.

               At last it brings within everyone’s reach the health-giving qualities of electricity.  It brings them in a form that is safe, pleasant and beneficial to the highest degree.

               The Violet-Rays are produced by the Violetta instrument and applied by means of glass attachments or electrodes.  The electrical discharge may appear to the eye to be a single spark, but in reality is made up of a number of successive sparks following each other with such great rapidity that they change directions millions of times per second, a speed that the eye cannot note, nor the senses feel. For this reason the current produced by the Violet –Ray is sometimes called a “High Frequency Current.”

               The Violet-Ray has a pleasant stimulating effect wherever applied and brings the blood tingling to the surface, electrifying the tissues with life.

               By holding any attachment in the hand, a refreshing sense of warmth and exhilaration is produced which causes grateful relaxation.  This sedative effect is most useful where the nutrition of the body needs to be improved, the nervous system reinvigorated and aids all the functions of the body in performing their duties.

               Speaking of the Violetta, which is manufactured by the Bleadon-Dunn Company, Chicago, a prominent medical man said:  “With continued use of the Violetta, the ruddy glow of health returns to the pallid cheeks.  You feel the joy of perfect blood circulation, you realize what it means to have every nerve, every organ in the body working in perfect harmony.  Its exhilarating and permanent stimulation is powerful enough to reach and benefit every part of the body, yet it is so soothing, so absolutely delightful, that a single treatment will convince you of its wonderful merits.”


               Extract from “American Hairdresser”.

               “A New Electric Apparatus—Now with the advent of the VIOLETTA a simple and compact apparatus is placed in the hands of the operator, and a powerful curative agent is placed within everybody’s reach.  Wonderful results have been obtained in the use of the VIOILETTA and many cases of gray hair restored have been reported.  The VIOLETTA bids fair to revolutionize the entire profession.”


               Extract from “Electrical Experimenter.”

               “One of the smallest practical high-frequency machines suitable for either direct or alternating currents, known as the VIOLETTA, is illustrated herewith.   The complete outfit is suitable for use by anyone.  Owing to the special design of the vibrating interrupter on this device, the action of same is very steady and uniform.

               “For those desiring to take Ozone treatment, a glass Ozone generator is furnished at slight extra cost.  This instrument generates enormous quantities of Ozone.  The treatment is very pleasant and amazing results have been obtained.”


               Extract from “Electrical World.”

               “For treating various diseases, invigorating the nervous system and facilitating the performance of physiological functions, a small machine generating energies at high-frequencies has recently been developed by the Bleadon-Dun Co., Chicago.  The VIOLETTA generator as it is called is enclosed in a small case, and is provided with various types of electrodes for treating the scalp, face, throat, etc.”


               Extract from a page article, “Electrical Review.”

               “An advance in application of High-Frequency currents has been made through the advent of VIOLETTA High-Frequency Generator, a modern scientific instrument which does all the work of the bulk old-type machines.  The compact construction of the Violetta equipment, its simplicity of operation, and its safety, makes the H. F. current now available for private use in the home.

               “It is really a luxurious electrical treatment.  The manufacturers, Bleadon-Dun Co., Chicago, furnishes with each instrument a booklet on the subject of High-Frequency, Violet Rays.”


               Reprint from Washington Herald.   Breathe Mountain Air


               In these days of war horror, we hear much of new scientific inventions for the destruction of life and wholesale slaughter until it seems that our scientists are mad for the spilling of human blood.  It is our opinion that the greatest possible triumph in scientific research is that which militates toward the conservation of life.  A splendid example of this is the new Violetta High Frequency  Generator which, besides generating direct electricity, can be utilized for the manufacture of oxygen in any amount required, and wherever and whenever desired.  AIR, FOOD and WATER are the three essentials for living.  We can exist weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without air, and for perfect health all these must be pure.  Everyone knows that pure air means the proper oxygenation to the blood.  A person who is suffering from oxygen starvation is weakened by lack of nourishment and is self-poisoned by the waste matter in the system.  Every person in chronic poor health is suffering from oxygen starvation, and  for this reason all health writers and physicians advocate deep breathing.  The Violetta High Frequency Generator, which we have previously described, is provided with an ozone attachment which generates enormous quantities of ozone.  By the use of this, it is driven into the tissues or inhaled into the lungs and, in this way, combined directly with the blood, enriching it, arousing the sluggish circulation and instilling vigor into the tired frame.  WHERE THERE IS OZONE, GERMS AND TOXINS CANNOT EXIST.  For colds, catarrh, asthma. Hay Fever, ozone treatments cannot be excelled; and for tuberculosis its beneficial effects are wonderful.  Anemia, chlorosis,  insomnia, and nervous debility  vanish under its continued application.  It goes to the very foundation of health and places within your reach Nature’s most potent force for the cure and prevention of diseases.  Combined in the one machine, the patient may receive the benefit of the Violet Ray induction and also of the manufacture of fresh mountain air at will. To weakened constitutions, consumptives, fever patients and invalids, generally, think what the effects of curative properties of a supply of fresh mountain air would be. The Violetta High Frequency Generator is provided with specially designed electrodes as General Electrode, Comb Rake, External Throat, Eye, Urethral and Vaginal Electrodes, for various treatments, and the Ozone Attachment.  It is in use by all up-to-date physicians, barbers, hair dressers, beauty specialists, etc., and is so moderately priced that any person may have one in the home.  We have touched but lightly upon upon its wonders, but full particulars and illustrations will be sent upon application by Bleadon-Dun Co., 21-17 S. Desplaines St., Chicago.                 From Washington C. M. Herald, October 26, 1917.


               From “The Philadelphia Record.”

               Man usually thinks of himself as a unit—that is, unless he happens to be a soldier and the Germans have shot some of him away.  But even in that case he is likely to regard himself merely as a damaged unit.

               Thoughtless man, however, is kidding himself when he does this, for man is made up of many billion cells, somewhat like a honeycomb—only different; blood, bones, muscles, fat, nails and hair are made up of countless microscopic units or cells, of different shapes and sizes according to the parts of the body which they constitute.

               Sometimes a majority group of these cells, or in a large minority in some section of the anatomy of man “lay down on him” because they have not been treated kindly, or are worn out and exhausted by excessive strain thrown upon them.  Then man gets peevish and cross and goes to the doctor.  This always is a wise thing to do under the circumstances, but very often the circumstances could be prevented were the cells treated properly.

               To aid in the proper treatment of the cells science has invaded the home with a new and domesticated apparatus for the application of the violet ray.  The duty of the violet ray, hitherto confined to the elaborate and expensive apparatus of the laboratory or the special practitioner, is to massage gently the tired-out cells and make them feel good.

               The violet ray is a first cousin of the X-ray, but, unlike its relative, it is utterly amiable and docile, producing no irritating effect.  For this reason, and because cellular massage is much more penetrating and gentle than the common or muscular variety, the violet ray apparatus bids fair to become as important an adjunct to the home as is the Victrola, which massages dull care away from the mind.  For example:


                                                            FOX MILADY’S HAIR

               Does milady fear that dandruff is beginning to make inroads on her wealth of hair.  It may be due to poor circulation in the scalp.  Therefore milady removes from a neat leather case a compact polished cylinder.  In one end of this she fastens a comb-like arrangement.  The other she connects with an electric light socket by means of an ordinary electric cord.  Nothing remains for her to do except to comb her hair, and from the teeth of the violet-ray comb tiny streams of electrical activity stream into the scalp, unaccompanied by any sensation and gently massage the millions of tiny scalp and blood vessel cells and even the blood corpuscles themselves.  Thus the dormant cells, stimulated to activity, do their duty and cast off the dandruff evil by furnishing the proper nourishment to the hair.


                                                            What Physicians Say


            Reports obtained by physicians throughout the country with the Violetta in cases of rheumatism, lumbago, nervousness, neuritis, neuralgia, goiter, etc.


                                    ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR LOWERED VITALITY

I am well pleased with theVioletta High-Frequency instrument.  I find it especially good for patients with a low vitality.  I intend ordering more of the applicators in the near future.                  Dr. E. M. Barnett, Masonic Temple, Meadville, Tenn.



Have been  using one of your Violetta High-Frequency Outfitss for the past number of months.  I wish to inform you that I am more than satisfied with it.  I find it a great help in many cases, especially such as Infantile Paralysis, Gastritis, Goitre, nervousness, etc.  I cannot recommend the High-Frequency Current,and, more especially, your apparatus, too highly.              --Dr. E. E. Dunham, 819 Ferry Street, Sedro-Wolley, Wash.

“I have treated one case with Ozone Generator.  The patient said it did him more good than medicine that I had given him, and as to the cautery, I have removed several warts with it; it is very satisfactory.”              --Dr. F. O. Van Winkle, U. S. National Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore.


RESULTS OBTAINED BEYOND EXPECTATIONS                                           It gives me great pleasure to endorse your Violetta High Frequency instrument; the results obtained are far beyond my expectations.  The Therapeutic value of High Frequency current is underestimated.           --Dr. Carl E. Brown, Marlon, Iowa.



            “I have had excellent results with your VIOLETTA and can see the time when they will be used by nearly all in the profession.”            --Dr. J. J. Smith, Beaver Dam, Wis.



“I like this machine very much, and find it a very necessary little instrument in my office.”            --Dr. Howard F. Clark, Stuart, Ia.



“About three months ago I purchased one of your High Frequency Generators which has given me very good satisfaction.”            --Dr. B. G. Wilcox, 545 South Chicago Street, Juliet, Ill.



“It is just two months since we received your Violetta High-Frequency Instrument, and have given it a thorough trial in the following cases with great results:  Goitre, Carbuncles and Boils, Corns and Bunions (removed), Leucorrhea and Three Cases Uterine Tumors.  The above cases (except the carbuncles and boils) were of long standing and are now entirely well.”            --Dr. D. J. Hackmann, 115 West 4th Street, Ottumwa, Iowa.



“After using High-Frequency Current for several months in a general practice, my results are gratifying to say the least, and I would consider this branch of Therapeutics practically indispensable to every practitioner.  The value cannot be estimated in dollars and cents.  The results obtained in a large variety of cases lead me to believe the future of High-Frequency Therapeutics cannot be over-estimated at this writing.”

                        Dr. E. R. Giltner, Waseca, Minn.



“The Violetta has given me some very satisfactory results in the treatments of Rheumatism, Neuritis and Uterine troubles.”            --Dr. H. B. Weaver, President, Medical Society of N. C., Asheville, N. C.



“I will say that I am pleased with the applications of high frequency current and have had good results from its use.”    --Dr. J. W. Oliver, Douglas Block, Omaha, Neb.


Dr. W. C. Griffin, Cartersville, Ga., writes that he is treating six cases of goiter and has already successfully completed ten cases of goiter, and adds, “I use the Violetta every day and could not get along without it.”



“I have had success with the VIOLETTA in a case of Carsenoma of the breast.  It was a large as a hen’s egg, and I reduced it to the size of a small walnut after eight treatments twice a week.            --Dr. Carl Gruber, Clinton, Iowa.



“It has proved very beneficial in the following cases:  Rheumatism, Paralysis, Pleurisy, Leucorrhea, Conjunctivitis and many other diseases, and the treatments are so pleasant that all my patients like it.”       --Dr. Harry T. Davis, Aurora, Me.



“I have had very satisfactory results in treating goiter, and a variety of nervous diseases.  Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Insomnia, Constipation of bowels, and stomach troubles.”            --Robt. A. Hankins, M.D., Carlinville, IN.



“I will say that I have used High-Frequency Electrical Apparatus in my practice for about ten years with good results in such cases as indicated, and have conferred great benefit upon my patients by its use.  A few months ago I added a “Violetta” apparatus to my equipment and have found it of much benefit, especially in bed-side work where a portable apparatus is needed.”            --Dr. E. E. Lusk, Baraboo, Wis.



“It gives me pleasure to state that my High-Frequency Instrument has given me very satisfactory results in a number of cases.  It is by far the most profitable appliance I have in my office equipment.  My best results with it have been in cases of lumbago, torpidity of liver and bowels, venous engorgements as in hemorrhoids.  I  had a case of menorrhagia that resisted all medical treatment for two years which responded promptly by using High-Frequency current.”            --Dr. J. I. Snavely, 401 2nd Ave., Sterling, Ill.



“Allow me to ssay that I would not be without the VIOLETTA for several times what it cost me.  It has been of great help to me in many conditions.  Have removed a number of Warts and Moles.  Also, an Epithelioma.”            --Dr. Robert Toddy, Kewanee, Ill.


“I will say that I am pleased with the applications of high frequency current and have had good results from its use.”    --Dr. J. W. Oliver, Douglas Block, Omaha, Neb.



“I use the Violetta in my practice daily and have found it most excellent for bunions, soft corns between the toes and general massage which gives almost immediate relief to tired and sore feet.  I would not be without this instrument.”

                        Dr. D. E. Hillinger, South Chicago, Ill.


“I would not be without the Violetta you recently sent me.  It has accomplished some unusual results.  I would not be without one.”            --Dr. H. J. Moynihan, Box 43, Winston Salem, N. Car.


“I am more than satisfied with the Violetta.  I have used it in two acute cases of Lumbago and in four to five treatments the patients were all right, the first treatment giving great relief.  I have also found it fine in other ways.”

                                    Dr. C. A. Border, 819 S. 3rd St., Ponca City, Okla.


“Have received a Violetta High-Frequency Generator and find it does the work very nicely.”            --C. W. Holtzmu;lier, M. D., Farmersville, Ohio.



“We certainly would nota be without the Violet Ray since we have tested its efficiency.”            --Dr. F. M. Geeslin, Brookfield, Mo.



“Since receiving the Violetta I have used it several times on my patients with fine results, so much so, in fact, that several of them wish to know if I could get one for them.”              --C. E. Zimmerman, M.D. Oakland, Cal.



            “I am in possession of one of your Violetta Generators (outfit No. 4) and very much satisfied with the good work and results I get out of it.  I also have a 12-inch H. R. and X-Ray coil with resonator but get good enough results with the Violetta that I am bound to get dry cells to operate it and do some good treatment work in the country.”            --L. N. Smernoff, M. D., Atlanta, Nebr.



The VIOLETTA is the finest thing I ever used to relieve congestion in any part of the body, and to relieve pain.  Treatments are so pleasant that all my patients like it.”

                        ---Dr. G. B. Duncan, Kewanee, Ill.



“The Violetta is a tonic and a sedative to the pelvic organs when given with the insulated electrode No. 7 together with proper spinal treatments.  Ozone is well-known for its germicidal properties to infections of the vaginal and uterus.”

                                    --Dr. L. E. Barnes, Chicago, Ill.


“Enclosed please find check for amount due you on apparatus.  Am well pleased with it in every particular.”            --Dr. J. J. Doyle, Peoria, Ill.


“I have used your Violetta Machine and found it gave satisfaction.  I can recommend it to any one.”            --Dr. B. Nichola, Box 533, Sigourney, Ia.


From Drugless Healers and Sanitariums


The Violetta is used in leading sanitariums, as well as by the largest exponents of drugless healing, with splendid results as testified below.



“I have used the instrument in connection with patients in every case with fine results, but find the quickest results in case of inflammation, rheumatism and goiters.”

                        --Wm. H. Staack, JD. C., Rock Rapids, Iowa.



“Have your No. 4 Generator in daily use with great satisfaction, not only on account of its portability, but for its power which I have not found in any other portable instruments and very large generators.  I find it does as good work as even  larger machines.  I am using it in my private practice.            --D. M. Johnson, M. D., The Johnson College of Naturopathy, Oklahoma City, Okla.


The Violet Ray machine I purchased from you is great.  It is especially good for loosening up tight muscles.”             --Wm. Schrieber, Jr., D. C., Burlington, Iowa.


The Violetta is incomparable when it comes to help in Chiropractic.”

                        --A. A. Hanson, Owatanna, Minns.



I have used the VIOLETTA in numerous cases and it is instrumental in getting results where everything else failed.  I earnestly recommend it.  I have found that in chronic cases where results are slow, that in using the VIOLETTA , better results are obtained.  The VIOLETTA is most easily used and can be applied with the highest degree of  accuracy.”             --Dr. J. I. Sharp, President Davenport School of Chiropractaic, Davenport, Iowa.


“Have had very good results with the application of the High Frequency Current in cases of Paralysis, Rheumatism and Neuritis, and think it a great help in healing.”

                        --K. L. Allen, D. C., Boone, Ia.


“I use the Violetta for many practical purposes and get the best results ever.”

                        --C. H. Aker, D. M. T., Duluth, Minn.



“Have not a customer on your books who is more enthusiastic regarding its beneficial effect upon nearly all the ailments that flesh is heir to.

“If it could be introduced into all families numberless doctor’s bills could be avoided.  I have found it beneficial in Rheumatism, Gout, Stomach trouble, Intestinal derangements, sore throat, Coughs, and particularly so in neuralgic pains, headaches, etc.  In fact, there is hardly a pain of the human frame but what it will alleviate if not cure.”

                        --W. C. Pinchin, 1966 Valentine Ave., New York City.


“My apparatus is working very nicely and I am pleased with it.”

                        --F. C. Davison, Kelso Sanitarium, Bloomington, Ill.


“We are using the Violetta and have had some especially good results.”

            --T. C. Weltmer, Vice President, The Weltmer Institute, Nevada, Mo.


“It is just two months since we received your Violetta high-frequency instrument and have given it a thorough trial in the following cases with great success.  Exophthalmic Goiter; Corns and Bunions removed; Leucorrhea; Uteric Tumor.

“The above cases, except the carbuncle and boils was of long standing and are now entirely well.”            --D. J. Heckman, D. C., The Heckman Electric Sanitarium, Ottumwa, Iowa.


“I need the Violetta in my Sanitarium practice and feel lost when I am without it.”       --Dr. James F. Blanchard, Supt. Grand Island Sanitarium, Grand Island, Nebr.



“It is with the greatest pleasure that I send you a report concerning the use of one of your Violettas during the past year.  During that time I have given about four thousand treatments with the Violetta to an infinite variety of ailments and have found it to be the one unfailing remedy, in bad cases of neuritis, pneumonia, pleurisy, lumbago, muscle cramps, neuralgia, headaches, and for absorption in acute and chronic disease.  Itching skin and eruptive skin disorders are alike amenable to the curative rays of the Violetta.

“As a tonic stimulant to the nervous system it has no equal.

“It is one of the few high frequency machines that give the highly desired, strong yet cool currents.  And it certainly does stand up under heavy service.

“Thanking you for the past year’s courteous service.”            --Ralph Shadduck, D. O., Chicago, Ill.




            “Your VIOLETTA outfit is very satisfactory, and is a great success in every  respect, and it gives me pleasure to recommend it.  I would not be without it as it does wonders.”            --A. O. Henderson, M. D., D. C., President Board of Examiners, State of North Dakota.


            “I wish to say that I am more than pleased with the Violetta.  I have tried same out very thoroughly and find it to be in every way a great benefit.”

                        --Paul L. Myers, M. D., Nashville, Tenn.


                              Quality Points of the Violetta

            The marvelous and scientific construction of the VIOLETTA instrument places the resources of electricity in the form of the luxurious Violet-Ray High-Frequency Current among the first remedies to consider in more than half the ailments that afflict mankind.

`Every detailing the manufacture of the VIOLETTA is gone into thoroughly and each individual part tested before being made a part of the finished product.  All parts of the Violetta are made with expensive compound dies and molds and the most modern and scientific machinery, assuring the utmost accuracy and correct finish.

            For this reason it is possible for us to give such a liberal and ironclad guarantee with each instrument.  The VIOLETTA is guaranteed to be kept in repair free of charge for a period of one year, but with ordinary care it will last a lifetime.  Our guarantee number coincides with the number on each machine, the stub of guarantee is returned to factory when purchased.  By this method we have a complete record and history of each individual machine.

            Construction.  The VIOLETTA is conveniently constructed in one piece, making it unnecessary for the operator to go to any other part of the room to make an adjustment.

            Its simplicity of operation.  The turning of a small button conveniently secures any regulation desired.  This regulation can be accomplished while the machine is in operation and enables the operator to apply the treatment mild or strong as the case may require.  No previous experience or technical knowledge is necessary to operate the Violetta.

            Economy.  It uses only ¼ of the amount of current consumed by the ordinary 16 candle power lamp; and operates on any current alternating or direct without special adjustment.

            Description.  The entire mechanism is enclosed in a handsome, highly polished hard rubber casing.  The entire instrument weighs only one and one-half pounds, and is encased completely with the electrodes in a handsome velvet-lined seal grain carrying case.  It can easily be carried about.




               “I beg to acknowledge the receipt of the high frequency instrument which arrived on Tuesday, this week.  Kindly accept my thanks in sending this promptly.  It is a fine machine and has already caused admiration.  If at any time I can be of service to your company in furthering the advancement of this wonderful machine, feel perfectly free to command me.”

                                             --Bradford Howard, Franklin, Pa.


                                                            USED TWO YEARS


               “I have a Violetta which I purchased in Newport, R. I., a couple of years ago.  It’s the joy of my life.”                         --Mrs. S. A.Cowie, Washington, D. C.

               I have used Violetta for over two years and it gives perfect satisfaction.  I would not be without one.”                      --Dr. J. Johnson, Kent, Wash.


                                                            AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS


               “I find your Violetta is ahead of all others.  It is more easy to adjust and does not get out of order as others do.  It meets the approval of all my patients who are mostly theatrical people.”

                                                                           --Maurice, Boston, Mass.


                                                            PROMPT DELIVERY


               “Have used the VIOLETTA in such cases as Goitre, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Neuritis, Neuralgia, and Lumbago, and find it very beneficial.  In fact, I would not be without it in my office.  I want to thank you for your promptness.”                       --Dr. Daniels, Lisbon, N.  D.



                                                            RECOMMENDS AFTER THORO TRIAL


               “I have had a good deal of experience with variety of  high-frequency apparatus and have had them wanting, some in mechanism and others efficiency.  I did not feel that I wanted introduce another apparatus to my students without first giving it a thorough trial.  I am pleased to advise that I have found the Violetta satisfactory in every respect, both in simplicity and mechanical completeness.  I am enclosing orders for two more machines, one for Dr. C. of San Antonio, Texas, and another one for my own use.  I have given it sufficient trial to warrant its recommendation.”             --Dr. J. C. Hubbard, Oklahoma City, Okla.


                                                            BEST ON MARKET


               You are all right.  The best machine on the market is the Violetta.

                                                            --C. E. Marquis, Bozeman, Mont.


                                                            A VOICE FROM AUSTRALIA


               It is a pleasure daily using the whole outfit which I bought and everything is very successful.”

                                             --J. J. Pritchard, Melbourne, Australia.


                                             ATTRACTED ATTENTION AT CONVENTION


               The recent meeting, from the point of enthusiasm, was successful.  The Violetta attracted considerable attention and succeeded in overcoming a wrong impression that had been created in comparison with another apparatus.”               --Geo. A. Terry Co., Buffalo, N. Y.


                                             WORTH TWICE AS MUCH


               I received the Violetta machine on the 12th and am highly pleased with it.  It has even worked better than what I expected it would do.  It is worth twice as much as what I paid for it.”

                                                            --Homer A. Wicker, Washington, D. C.


                                                            ALWAYS GIVEN SATISFACTION


               “I have recently added one of your Violetta Generators to my office equipment and have tried it on many patients and it has always given satisfaction.

               “I am highly satisfied with the machine.

               “My pleasure, the other day, was to meet one of your salesmen.  I was impressed with his appearance and manner of handling himself and his machine.”—Dr. Harry M. Hull, 27 Davidson’s Auto Blk, Sioux City, Iowa.


                                                            FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE


               “from our experience during the past five years that we have done business with you we find that you have treated us very nicely and our business relationship has been very pleasant.”

                                             --Yvette Co., New York, N. Y.

                                             VIOLETTA IN CONTINUOUS USE SIX YEARS


               “We are sending you for slight adjustment a Violetta machine which has been used for six years continually.  We believe that it has stood up wonderfully well after the hard usage given it.”

                                                            --Theo. Stave Co., New York, N. Y.


                                                            BEST ON THE MARKET


               “I have had some excellent results from your Violetta outfit, and think it one of the best and handiest machines on the market.” --Dr. Sherley C. Lacer, Louisville, Ky.


                              HAS TRIED THEM ALL—NONE EQUAL TO VIOLETTA


               “It is certainly a grand improvement over any I have used, and I think I have tried them all.  My patients remarked the difference immediately on the change made.               --Dr. Chas. H. Brooks, 438 E. State St., Trenton, N. J.


                              Now – Try a Violetta in Your Own Home


            In the following pages you will find listed the several styles of Violetta Violet-Ray units.  As long as they are in our factory—as long as these machines are not in your home, you are missing the greatest health and beauty treat of your life.  Why not try a Violetta.  This catalog contains as much evidence as we could possibly crowd in these pages to prove to you that Violetta Violet Rays will do more for you than anything else and will bring to you the healthy glow of youth and beauty.

            Think how much more happiness there will be for you in life when you are feeling 100 per cent perfect every day.  Think how much better you can work—how much you can enjoy your play.  Think how much more pleasant you can be to yourself, to your family and to your friends.

            If the Violetta were a new machine, you could afford to be skeptical, but it has been used successfully in the hands of private users as well as in the hands of countless drugless healers, that you cannot afford to let any doubt stand in your own light—stand in the way of your own health.

            Look over the Violettas listed on the following pages.  Read the descriptions carefully and order the one that suits you best.


                                                VIOLETTA OUTFIT NO. 3


          The electrodes shown here with the outfit No. 3 are regarded as very practical for personal use.  The No. 28 eye electrode can be used not only for the eye to stimulate the optic nerves, but also for crevices of the face or body or for the application on a restricted area where other electrodes would perhaps be too large.  The comb electrode No. 3 can be used besides the scalp for applications on the back, legs, arms, or any part of the body.  The No. 5 throat electrode because of its shape can also be used for the legs or arms.

            For the man or woman who wishes to have at home a complete outfit ready for the treatment of any ailments that may occur, this is the ideal outfit.

            Each electrode is contained in a separate compartment formed so that it will fit each individual electrode.  The inside of the case is lined throughout with rich satin, across the cover of which is a purple silk ribbon, imprinted in gold.  The outside of the case is lined in seal grained caratol with beveled corners and creased edges, making a very handsome and beautiful outfit.

            It has proved its merits in the treatment of asthma, boils, bronchitis, dandruff, colds, headaches, lumbago, rheumatism, nervousness, neuritis, pimples, skin diseases, and a host of other ailments.

            This instrument can be used with any of the electrodes shown on pages 39 and 40, and additional electrodes can be obtained from time to time as required.

            It is an ideal outfit for home use and with it you can in your own home take Violet Ray Treatments for throat, eyes, scalp, face, and body.

            Constructed to operate on 110 volts, A. C. or D. C.; 32 volts or 220 volts.


                                                            VIOLETTA OUTFIT No. 1

               This outfit includes the Violetta Violet-Ray Generator and the General Electrode No. 1 which is the most important electrode of all.


  Violet De Luxe

            The DeLuxe Outfit is the newest development of the two piece Violet Ray machine and is a perfect product of electrical designing.  No pains or expense has been spared in making this as nearly perfect as possible and the best two- piece machine on the market.

            In appearance, it is very elaborate, the coils being contained in a highly polished wood box, either mahogany or white enamel, approximately 6 x 5 x 4 ½” high.  The plate upon which the adjustment is mounted is of pure white marble, all metal parts being highly nickeled.

            The handle in which the tesla coil is contained is of polished hard rubber 7 ¾” long and 1 ¾” in diameter, very neat and easily held with 7 feet of reinforced cord.  On the end of this cord is a special plug of our own manufacture, which fits snugly on the two posts on the marble plate.

            This is one of the distinguishing features of this two-piece machine for the handle is detachable and prevents the breaking of the cord which is a common occurrence on two-piece machines which have the cord permanently attached to the mechanism.

            The entire outfit is contained in a very elaborate leatheretic carrying case lined in purple satin.  The cover is lined in folded satin, having a red ribbon across, printed in gold.  It is of unexcelled beauty of design and performance, and presents a very elaborate appearance.

            The De Luxe Outfit contains the polished wood instrument case, the hexagonal handle and cord, 6 feet long cord, body electrode and comb electrode, all contained in beautiful carrying case as shown.

            The comb electrode has not before been furnished with this outfit but we are adding it as a special feature.


                                                Violetta Outfit No. 7


            This is an ideal outfit for the home and contains not only the General Electrode, Comb Electrode, and Metal Electrode, but also the Ozone Generator No. 28 for Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever and so forth.  The Ozone Generator is fully described on a later page.

            The carrying case for this outfit is specially made to contain all the electrodes mentioned including the Ozone Generator and its various attachments.  It is lined throughout with satin with a purple ribbon imprinted in gold, presenting a very handsome appearance.


                                                                VIOLETTA OUTFIT NO. 5

                                                               Especially for Physicians’ Use


               This outfit is very practical for physicians’ use and contains Vaginal Electrode, Rectal Electrode, Urethral Electrode, Metal Electrode, Eye Electrode, External Throat Electrode, Comb Electrode, and Body Electrode for general use.  The One-Piece Machine is preferred by physicians over other makes because it is unnecessary for the physician to leave his patient during a treatment since the entire adjustment is in one piece.  Furthermore, is the use  of Orificial Electrodes, merely insert the proper electrode and by using the Metal Electrode No. 6 in the machine, make the contact with the metal cap of the glass electrode.  All of our electrodes will fit this machine since they are interchangeable with all our types.  For physicians we specially recommend in conjunction with the use of this machine  - the Ozone Generator No. 28.


                                             The Violetta Multifrex – Type A1


            For the last six years High-Frequency generators of whatever nature or design, have shown no revolutionizing improvements.  It was left to  our many years of experience, study and consultation with prominent electro-therapeutists to produce the Multifrex.

            Special attention has been given to the different High-Tension discharges.  By special and unique arrangement of capacities, windings and resistances, the standard electric current of 110 volts A. C. or D. C. is transformed to a great variety of high-pressure currents at varying frequencies.  Since the science of High-Frequency has become of such importance, a certain classification of the different High-Frequency discharges  which vary in wave-form pressure and volume was made.  This formed a period of extensive and elaborate experimenting from which emerged the Multifrex.

            HIGH-FREQUENCY CURRENTS:  The vibrating spark-gap allows a great range of current intensity.  A selective switch allows the production of three separate and distinct forms of High-Frequency current.  On the first step a pleasing mild flow can be obtained.  This form of current is especially suitable for eye, ear, nose and throat work.  On the second step a powerful stimulating spark is produced, suitable for Lumbago, Partial Paralysis, Rheumatism, etc.

            M;ULTI-FREQUENCY CURRENTS:  On the third step Multi-Frequency currents are produced which cause a Faradic sensation in combination with High-Frequency.  This can be varied from slight to strong muscular contraction.  These Pseudo-Faradic unipolar discharges are of the utmost importance in treating Partial Paralysis, Chronic Muscular Rheumatism and causing reflex action by spinal application.  They are a profound stimulant to circulation, elimination, and secretion.

            Owing to the High-Frequency oscillation carrying the motor-waves, this form of electric current possesses great advantages over either the simple High-Frequency or plain induced Faradic current.  It finds its application as a substitute for massage, (High-Frequency oscillation causes a “cellular massage”) as an aid in the absorption of exudates resulting from fractures, sprains, in the relief of acute rheumatism, neuralgic pains, etc.

            The Multi-Frequency current is a new modality and is not contained in any other instrument.  When stubborn cases do not yield with High-Frequency alone, this combination opens up a new field for treatment which in numerous cases has produced wholly unexpected and gratifying results.

            The High-Frequency handle is also an added feature.  By placing a long tesla coil in the specially molded hard rubber handle, no unexpected spark can jump from the cord or any part of the handle.  The contact-socket in which the electrode fits is embedded in solid hard rubber, therefore, eliminating any exposed metal parts which might produce sparks.


                                                The Violetta Multifrex—Type B


            This outfit is exactly as described above under Type A1 with the exception that it contains one body electrode and does not contain the equipment for cautery and diagnostic work.


                                                The Baby Violetta—Type A


                                                      Our Newest Product


            Appreciating the demand for a lower-priced Violet-Ray machine, we have developed in our laboratories The Baby Violetta.

            You will not this is a neat and compact apparatus.  The magnet coil instrument is mounted in a handsomely lined and covered carrying case, 5 ½” x 3” with beveled edges and nickel-plated hardware.

            The especially constructed Tesla coil is contained in a very neat handle made from highly polished insulated hard rubber and is shock-proof.  No spark can  come from the cord leading to this handle.  In size it is 8” in length and 1 2/3” wide.

            Compare other types of low-priced machines; a great deal of attention has been given to construction and assembly.  As you will note, the body of the unit is composed of molded composition with metal inserts, insuring not only perfect assembly, but also a finished and handsome appearance.

            It is equipped with 7 feet of cord to lamp socket and 6 feet of heavy cord to the handle.  It is furnished complete with carrying case, cords, general electrode and yearly guarantee.

            Weighs complete 3 lbs.  Guaranteed for one year.


                                    The Baby Violetta—Type B


            The Baby Violetta Type B is a new departure in Violet-Ray instruments.  For the first time a Violet-Ray machine is equipped with an index, and the strength of current can be adjusted to “mild,” “medium” or “strong.”  By means of eccentric contact points which control the index, we are enabled to gauge the amount of current which is shown on the index.  We have these features patented and they therefore can not be found on any other make.

            The index agrees with our chart of instructions which shows when to use “mild,” medium” or “strong” currents.

            The Important Features of Baby Violetta Type B are as follows:

1.     Equipped with index as; mentioned.

2.  Adjusting Knob on top of panel.

3.     Handle can be separated from rest of instrument and is equipped with 2-pin

composition plug of our own manufacture.

4.     Specially constructed hexagon handle of beautiful design.  Light in weight

and convenient to handle.

5.     Specially constructed Tesla coil to fit handle.

6.     Formica panel, indestructible and highly polished.

It is also equipped with all the special features of the Type B outfit and all other improvements in the general manufacture of our instruments.

            Carries our regular one-year guarantee.

            Will not operate on other than 110 volts.


                                                The VIOLETTA—Type C


            The magnet coil and condense of the Violetta Type C machine are enclosed in a special die molded base, and are incased in a rigid vertical tube, all of which is closed in a handsome highly polished die molded cover which is mounted  in the adjusting attachment.  All molded parts are made of a durable composition and, on account of being die molded, are uniform, insuring a perfect machine.  Height, 4 ½ inches; diameter eight inches.  Six foot cord and plug furnished with each machine.


                                    Low Priced Machine Which Accomplishes Results


            The only low-priced machine on the market that will really accomplish the marvelous, health-building results possible through the scientific use of the VIOLET RAY.  An electro-medical apparatus heartily endorsed by physicians and beauty specialists everywhere.  Not a toy; not something to “tinker” with; a really effective, beneficial application of the Tesla discovery.


                                                The VIOLETTA –Type C1


            This instrument is the same as Type C only encased in a very handsome carrying case lined outside with heavy caratol, corners leveled and edges creased.  Lined inside with rich satin throughout.  The case is so constructed that the instrument and handle fit in specially constructed compartments.  The electrodes are contained in a removable tray which fits in the cover as illustrated or can be removed and placed in main section of case to close lid.  The tray is constructed with special compartments which contain the following electrodes:--

            Body electrode for general work.

            Comb electrode for scalp or body.

            External throat electrode.

            Eye electrode.

            Metal electrode.


            This case can be furnished without electrodes to carry Type C or any choice of electrodes.

            C1.  Includes all electrodes shown in handsome satin lined case with removable tray complete.

            C2.  Includes carrying case without tray and one body electrode.

            C.  Includes body electrode but without case.  Enclosed in special cardboard carton.\


               Electrode 1-A.—Double duty Electrode.  For use same as No. 1 Electrode, but arranged so that from one Surface a strong current is produced for energetic stimulation, and frm the other a very mild effleuve for light treatments.


               No. 30  Special Metal Electrode for Reflex Action.—In order to stimulate any muscle or nerve, place this Electrode in contact and then turn on the current, thus avoiding the spark.  The organs or muscles can be made to respond as to direct treatment.  Used mostly for stimulating the nerve centers at the Spine.


               Violetta Lubricant.—Used in connection with the VIOLETTA for any body treatments.  The action of the High-Frequency current drives the lubricant into the tissues.  6 oz. Bottle.

               Violetta Inhalant.—For use with the Ozone Generator, 1 oz. Bottle.

               Dr. Eberhart’s Manual of High Frequency Currents.


                                                            For Export Trade


            We manufacture the Violetta Generator for other than standard 110 volt current.  Our standard 110 volt machine will operate on the following voltages and are used with a resistance unit:


            200 Volts    50 Cycles  A. C. or D. C.  use 400 Oluns Resistance

            200     “          60     “           “                      “       “  400      “                 “

            220     “          60     “           “                      “       “  400      “            “

            240     “          60     “           “                      “       “  450      “            “

            250     “          60     “           “                      “       “  500      “            “

            230     “          50     “           “                      “       “  425      “            “

            240     “          50     “           “                      “            450      “          “


            When ordering these units, specify screw or bayonet type of plug.


                                                What Beauty Specialists Say


            “We are very much pleased with the VIOLETTA and we give more VIOLETTA treatments, both scalp and facial, than any other; having almost 400 tickets on file at the present time.”  --Mrs. McCann, Mgr., Gield-Schlick, St. Paul, Minn.

            “I have used the VIOILETTA for nearly a year.  In Neuritis and Nervous headaches have had very good results.  Have removed warts and moles with success.  Cannot say too much in praise in the treatment of the scalp.”

                        --Mrs. Mary Gilger, 107 Jefferson St., Green Bay, Wis.


            “We have now used your machine, the ‘VIOLETTA” for over one year in each of the ten departments, which we control throughout the country and have found it satisfactory in every respect.  During the time we have used these, not one has gotten out of order.  My operators like this machine in preference to any others as it is so safe and easy to handle.  Because we are so pleased with your “VIOLETTTA”, we are sending this unsolicited and of our own accord.  It is a wonderful piece of mechanism.”




                                                                                                                                                         HAIR DRESSING



                                                                                                    YVETTE CO.

                                                                      314 East 16th Street

                                                                           NEW YORK


Bleadon-Dun Co.

               Chicago, Ill.                         Att:  Mr. J. J. Bleadon


Dear Sirs:


               Yours of the 25th to hand, and as per your request we are herewith enclosing list of the stores to which we operate our various departments showing approximately the amount of questionnaires we use in each.


               We have been using your machines for the past eight years to our entire satisfaction as to their efficiency and durability and recommending them to anyone in the market who has use for them.


               To trust the above is the desired information, and if we can be of further assistance to you, kindly advise us.


                                                                                                         Very truly yours.




P.S.                Enclosed please find order for out Los Angeles Dept.


                              The H. O’Neil Co., Akron, Ohio . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          4

                              Boggs & Budal, Pittsburg, Pa. . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               5

                              Stewart & Co., Baltimore, Md. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

                              Bloomingdale’s, New York City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              2

                              R. H. Waite Co., Boston, Mass.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    0

                              The Nowland Dry Goods Co., Bridgeport, Conn. . . . . . . . . .               3

                              Frederick Losser & Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y.. . . . . . . . . . .               13

                              Llandel Brothers, Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      14

                              The May Company, Cleveland, Oh.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            10

                              The J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            15

                              Gimbal Brothers, New York City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              20

                              Xino Smith ;& Company, Hartford, Conn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               3

                              Cohen Bros., Jacksonville, Fla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2

                              Milne’s, Kansas City, Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               10

                              Bullock’s, Los Angeles, Ca., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               11

                              S. Lowenstein & Bros., Memphis, Tenn.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    0

                              Gimbel Bros., Milwaukee, Wis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

                              Minneapolis Dry Goods Co., Minneapolis, Minn. . . . . . . . .                8

                              L. Bamburger & Co., Newark, N. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    10

                              The Edw. Bailey Co., New Haven, Conn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        3

                              Maison Blanche Co., New Orleans, La . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              14

                              Lord & Taylor, New York City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              15

                              Gimbel Bros., Philadelphia, Penn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               10

                              The Rosenbaum Co., Pittsburg, Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              12

                              Manufacturer’s Outlet Company, Providence, R. I. . . . . . . .  2

                              Forbes & Galines, Springfield, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

                              Famous & Barr Co., St. Louis, Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               12

                              Field, Schlick & Co., St. Paul, Minn.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               3

                              S.         Seas Co., Washington, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      4

                                             & McKay Co., Worcester, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . .          5


               Many women have Violetta in their own home and can give these beauty treatments at their own convenience.


                                                USES FIFTEEN MACHINES


            “We have used the Violet-Ray machine in our shop for several years and have found that the VIOLETTA H. F. A. is satisfactory in every respect.  We use fifteen of these machines in our several departments and some of them have never gotten out of order.”                           --M. Dechman, Mgr., Mandel Bros., Chicago.


                                    CANNOT DO WITHOUT


            “Have been using your H. F. A. for some time in my beauty parlor.  The beneficial results are wonderful, in connection with both facial and scalp work.  I simply could not be without it.”       --       Cunningham, 1046 E. 43rd St., Chicago.


                                                SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE


            Have been using the VIOLETTA, for some time.  It is the best instrument that I have ever used, because of its simplicity, compactness, and the case with which it is encase, and its durability.”            --Gervaise Graham, Stevens Bldg., Chicago.


                                                FOR LOWERED VITALITY


            From Meadville, Tenn:  I am will pleased with the Violetta.  I find it very effective for patients with a lowered vitality and will be ordering some more of the applicators in the near future.


                                                ENJOYED BY ALL PATIENTS


            I have found the VIOLETTA excellent in my business.  It has many desirable features.  It is easily applied and most beneficial in results.  It refines the texture of the skin and is very effective in removing soreness of the glands of the neck and about the ears.  Have found it fine for removing any deep seated soreness of internal nature.  Its use in scalp treatment is splendid.  One very desirable feature about the VIOLETTA is that it is enjoyed by everybody.            --May F. Joyce, Alhambra Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.


            The testimonial of an expert in regard to design, workmanship and efficiency:

“I have received the Violetta High-Frequency instrument and find it to be excellent in design and workmanship.  Its efficiency and output are such that it is very practicable, and its range of usefulness is greater than that of any similar machine I know of.  It has already demonstrated its value in several cases where a device of this kind is employed.”

            --H. R. Van Deventer, Engineer Attorney, Sumpter Electric Co., Sumpter, S. C.


            “I do not quite see how I can get along without the Violet Ray machine as Iknow that all of my customers so enjoy having it used on them that I fear if I should be without one.  I would have to close my parlor.”            --Minnie Ma Labre, Ancon, Republica de Panama.


            From the largest establishment of its kind:  “We beg to advise that we have been using the VIOLETTA High-Frequency machines for more than one year in our establishment, and have found them entirely satisfactory in every way.  We have about thirty of these machines in constant use daily and we are very pleased to inform you that we have had no difficulty since we installed them.  They have given us perfect satisfaction.—E. Burnham, Chicago.


            “I have been using one of the Violet Ray outfits in my shop three years and they are all right.”            --Major Theo. Parker, Jefferson St., Danville, Va.


            “I have opened up in a line of work where I use this instrument constantly, and I must commend it in the highest terms.” --Mrs. G. L. Rogers, Lynchburg, Va.


            “I have done wonderful things with my little machine.”--Ida L. Traer, Burlington, Ia.


            “Finest thing I ever used to relieve congestion in any part of the body.  It also relieves pain so quickly that all my patients like it.”            --Dr. G. B. Duncan, Wewanee, Ill.


            What Electrode No. 20 does.  “Have removed warts and moles with success.”

--Mrs. Mary Gilger, Green Bay, Wis.


                                    WHAT HOME USERS SAY ABOUT THE VIOLETTA


            The following letters are genuine, unsolicited, expressions of appreciation of the VIIOLETTA, the originals of which are on file in our office.  You may write any of these people, and they will be glad to give you any information you may desire.  We have thousands of others to whom we can refer; among them are some of our most prominen;t business, professional and public men.




            “I am more than satisfied with results in the application of High-Frequency Current.  I have been perfectly surprised at the cures I have been able to make.  For instance, in a case of pleurisy when the water persisted in the pleura and the doctor could do nothing to absorb it, and the temperature of the patient went up every afternoon, I used your little VIOLETTA at the bedside, and in two days I had the temperature normal andin two weeks the patient was able to be up.  I have cured two bad cases of water around the kneecap when the physician thought it would be necessary to put on a plaster casat which meant a stiff knee.  In both cases, I had the water absorbed, the pain gone, and patient walking about with comfort and without a cane in two weeks.  To those who know what this trouble means the cure is like a miracle.


            “For indigestion there is nothing to equal it, if properly applied.


            “The two I bought from you I left with friends in the east and I need another.  One I sent to my niece, a trained nurse in Port Arthur.  She wrote me recently that the machine has given perfect satisfaction in every way.”                 --Mrs. E. Coates-Coleman, 224 Smith St., Winnipeg, Canada.


                                                WATER ON THE KNEE


            A tribute to the efficiency of the Violetta in a case of water on the knee is paid by J. Mary Tempkins, of 44 Fairgrove Ave., Pontiac, Mich., who, after stating that the Violetta had given splendid results in rheumatism and falling hair, continues:

            “A cousin who is using the Violetta machine has nearly been cured of water on the knee joint after being crippled for years.”

            And Mrs. Helene Briggs, Spokane, Wash., writes:  “The Violetta has done me lots of good as I had what they call water on the knee.”  This lady I am getting this machine for is in an awful shape.  I have used ray machine on her and it helped her most wonderfully so she must have one.


                                    WELL KNOWN ACTRESS ADDS HER PRAISE


            “Cheerfully will I add my praise for Violetta.  It’s the best “pain chaser” and “soother” I’ve had the good fortune to find.  It’s WONDERFUL.  It cured my brother of neuritis.  As for myself, I use it for facial treatments and general massage.  I cannot say too much for it.            --Trixie Friganza.


            “Will say that this instrument is curing a very severe case of erysipelas which failed to respond to extensive treatment by physicians.  Our customer is very enthusiastic as to its merits.” –Marshall Electric Co., Marshalltown, Iowa.


            “Have given your Violetta a thorough trial and it has proven very satisfactory.  Can use another one in my work.  Send outfit No. 1 with electrodes No. 4 and No. 6.  Please rush this order and send it to me at 5018 Western Ave., Omaha.”

            --Capt. H. L. Ankeny, Lincoln, Nebr.


            “Am very well pleased with the Violetta and I have already gotten a great deal of benefit from it.”       --Fred Ward, Sylvan, Minn.


            “Impossible to get along without one, and please rush order.” --Mrs. Pearl Niland, Box 32, Klitanning, Pa.


            “I told several parties how much it did for me and they wanted to try it so I demonstrated to them.  I am at the present time treating ten different parties every day and most of them want to get one for themselves—G. O. Echlin, Milton, Pa.


            “I think its great.  I like the Violetta just fine.”            --H. H. Mork, Seattle, Wash.


            “We have three of your Violet Ray machines and we cannot say enough for the wonderful work they have done.”  --T. B. Trevor B. Pike, Christchurch, New Zealand.


                                                            ACHING BONES


            A severe cold frequently leaves aching bones behind it which causes ;more suffering than the original ailment.  Bradford Howard, P. O. Box 499, Watseka, Ill., obtained relief in such a case by the use of Violet Rays.  He writes:  “I am delighted with the VIOLETTA.  By using it I relieved a severe case of aching of the bones caused by a bad cold and find it generally soothing and stimulative.”


            “We are very much pleased with the instrument and find it quite useful in many cases.”               --C. B. Hutchinson, Duluth, Minn.


            “Some time ago while in Seattle, Wash., I purchased one of your Violetta machines.  It has been the admiration of many of my friends who have seen it.  I have two friends who would like to purchase a Violetta.                      --Bruce Evans, Bluffton, Ind.


                        Simple Instructions for the Use of all Instruments


          The technique here given is that used in cases where the particular disease in question has been quick to respond to such treatment.  However, with continued use of the apparatus, individual technique is quickly developed.

            If a sedative effect is desired, keep electrode in contact.  If stimulating effect is desired, hold electrode away from surface – the farther away the longer the spark.  A uniform spark of any length can be produced by administering the current through layers of toweling or through the clothing.  The length of the spark depends upon thickness of the layers.

            The indirect treatment is given by placing an electrode.  (No. 2 or No. 6) in one hand of the patient, while the operator applies the current to any local point with the fingers or electrode No. 1.

            Do not use high-frequency for scalp treatments with tonic containing more than 40% alcohol.

            Do not be afraid to use our apparatus.  It is absolutely safe in every respect.


                        ( S—Strong

                        (SS—Short Spark

            KEY            (Med.—Medium

                        (LS—Long Spark


                        (C—Contact                                                                                    Intvl

            DISEASES                                                                                   Current   Elec No.   Min.Treat    Days     Method


Abscess                          Apply size to developing abscess to arrest growth.                      S                       l              7-10             ½                    C

Alcohol and Drug          In alcohol, morphine or opium habits, apply over liver,

   Addictions                    plexus and spine.  In cocaine use mild current to soles

                                        of feet, arms and legs to point of reddening.  Do not         S                     1 & 6       10-15           1                    SS

                                        follow this treatment if blood pressure is low.

Asthma                            Apply over the chest and over throat glands.  Also,                     S                     1 & 2            10                1                    C

                                        use Ozone Generator (No. 28).

Ataxia                               The current and spark should be as strong the                   S                1 & 6             10-15       1                  LS

                                        patient will tolerate; apply to the spine, over buttocks,

                                        abdomen and back of legs.  Gradually increase treat-

                                        ments to three times a week.

Barbers’ Itch                   Spark over surface and about edges.  Do not try to        S                  1                     3-5            1                  C

                                        remove in one treatment.  Treat until you observe

                                        destruction of tissue and let the intervals be determined

                                        by your judgment.

Birth Marks                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        Med                 1                  5                  1                    SS

Bladder Disease             Treat with electrode No. 1 over bladder.  The urine

  (Cystitis)                      will clear very quickly.  Operator-held hand on                    S                  1                       7               ½                 C

                                        patient’s back to draw current.

Boils                                 Cover a reasonable surface around the boil as well                       Med                 1                    10-15           ½                 C

    (Furunculosis)                    as the boil itself.

Blackheads                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        Med                 1             6-10               1                    C

Brain Fag                         Apply to forehead over eyes, back of head and neck

                                        and down spine.  Ozone Generator (No. 28) charged        Med             1 & 6           10-15                                 S

                                        with pine needle oil should be applied in the nostrils

                                        about five minutes each treatment.

Breast                               Cover the entire area to be developed. . . . . . . . . .               Med               1                  5-10            ½                 C


Bright’s Disease             Apply over the region of the kidneys.  It will be                     S                  1                  15-20             1                  C

                                        noticed that albumen quickly disappears.

Bronchitis                        Ozone should be inhaled through the Ozone

                                        generator as much as possible in connection with                S                      1              10-15              ¼                    LS

                                         the treatment.  Applications of the current should be

                                        to the chest and back, causing a reddening.

Bruises                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                            Med             1                    5-10              ½                 SS

Bunions                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                 Med                 1               5-10                ½                    C

Burns                               If burn covers large area, use No. 1; if small, use       Med                                   3-5               ¼                 C

                                        one of the electrodes with smaller point.

Callous or Corns            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        S                  1 or 20          3-5                  ½                    LS

Cancer (Mild form)         This is treated with a strong spark and may require

                                        anesthetic.  Surgery is sometimes employed in

                                        conjunction.  Consult authorities.  Use Electrode No. 20

                                        and follow with No. 1 or 2.

Cankers                            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              M                  10                1-3                  ½                C

Carbuncles                                        .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            Med              1                  5-10               ½                    C

Cataract                           Close the eye lids.                                                                       Med           18                    5                 1                    C

Catarrh—Nasal               Place a few drops of pine needle oil in Ozone

                                        Generator and follow instructions given on another           S               28                    5                 ½

                                        page.  Follow this treatment with external treatment

                                        of the nose with Electrode No. 1 and No. 5


Chafe                                First apply High Frequency Lubricant.                         Med             1                    5-10              1                     C

Chapped Hands             First apply High  Frequency Lubricant.                        Med              1                    5-10              1                     C

Chillblains                       Apply direct to affected part.                                                            Med                1                  10                   1                  C

Cold Extremities              After treating extremities, apply to spine and      Med             1                      10               ½                    C

Head                                 Apply over nose, above eyes and sides of face.

                                        Ozone Generator (No. 2) inhalations greatly assist.            Med             1                    5/10             ½                    C

                                        Also application in the nose with Electrode No. 1.

Lungs                               Treat chest and back and  and inhale from Ozone              5                 1                    10-15            ½                    SS

                                        Generator (No. 28)

Constipation                   Lubricate electrode with vasoline before inserting

                                        in rectum.  Turn current off while inserting.  Follow             Med               9                    7                     1

                                        with electrode No. 1 to abdomen, contact 10 minutes,

                                        medium current.

Earache Diseases           Comfort of the patient should be the guide to                          M                                 2-7                 1                     C

                                        length of treatment.


                                          Apply over the abdominal area.  Results must not               S                      1                  10                    ½                SS

                                        Be expected short of two weeks.  Observe proper diet.


                                          Apply to inside and outside of throat with No. 10             Med                              10-15           hrly                 SS

                                        and No. 1.  Use Ozone Generator as directed.


Apply over stomach and solar plexus.  The Ozone                         S                         1                      10-15                          1                       C                       Generator (No. 28) will aid.


                                          Insert in ear.                                                                                   M               13                     2               hrly                C


                                          A handkerchief or gauze layed over the surface          Med              1                     3-8                 1                     C

                                        will cause a slight spark and is preferable.  If the                                                                                                                                                        skin itches, hold the electrode slightly away from the

                                        surface.  This will relieve and gratify.  Apply High

                                        Lubricate electrode with High Frequency Lubricant.


                                          Apply over the brain and along the spine.  No. 1 to          Med             4                    5-10                2                     C



Eye Diseases                  Close eyelids, apply and repeat as desired.                        Med             18                                                           C


Hair (Skin)   The hair usually keeps the electrode away from         S                       3                 5                       ½

                                        The scalp, thus causing a beneficial spark.  If pain is

                                        felt on account of attraction of blood, reduce current.


                                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          Med                 1               8-10                 ½                C


Female Troubles             As high frequency draws the blood, application                       Med                 7                 7                      1

                                        during menstruation may cause excessive flow of                                                                                                                                                            blood.

                                           Do not have current on while inserting or removing

                                        electrode.  Lubricate electrode with  high Frequency



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lubricate with High Frequency Lubricant before            Med              9                    5-7                ½                    C



        Breast   Apply to nipple and whole surface of breast.           Med                 1             5-15                1                  C


                                          Several Weeks’ treatment will be required.                          Med                 1               5-10                1                  C


                                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Med                 1                3-6                  hrly             SS


                                          Apply Electrode No. 1 over the nose and spine and

                                        No. 28 in nostrils.  It is advisable to anticipate the                 S                   28                  10-15            ½                    C

                                        trouble and begin before discomfort is felt.


Headaches                                          Headaches are from varying causes.  If relief is not

                                        Had by applying to the seat of pain, cover the spine     Med              1 & 6            5-15                                    SS

                                        and stomach.


        Disease                    Cover spine and solar plexus.                                                  Med               1                     5-15             1                     SS


        Rash                         Apply High Frequency Lubricant.                        Med               1                     3 – 5            1                     SS


                                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           Med                 1                  7                     1


                                        Follow this with about 3 minutes of sharp sparks.                 S                       2                  5                     1                 CC


Gonorrhea (Male)           Follow directions given under Gleet.


Gonorrhea (Female)       Follow directions given under Female Trouble.

                                          Pain may be felt at first.  If so, begin with  short           Med                 1                     5-15             1                     C

                                        treatments and increase.  Do not treat during acute



                                          Results are sure but slow, about two months being

                                        Required for first results.  Keep the scalp clean and        Med                3                5-10                1                  SS

                                        brush vigorously with hair brush before applying.

                                        Make the spark as strong as tolerable.


Influenza                          Cover spine, solar plexus, over eyes and sides of        Med              1                    5-15              ½                    SS

                                        nose.  Inhalations from Ozone Generator (No. 28)

                                        will greatly aid.  Inter-nasal application by

                                        Electrode No. 11 is also beneficial.


                                          Cover back of head, neck and eyebrows in order               S                 1                    5-15              1                     C


                                          Follow directions under Female Troubles; also use

                                        Electrode No. 12 to spine with short spark.  Antiseptic

                                        douches should be taken.


                                          Since the object is to relieve pain, continue the                 S                  1                                                             SS

                                        treatment over painful areas until all pain is

                                        dispelled.  Repeat treatment whenever pain

                                        reappears until cured.



Massage                          Let patient hold metal Electrode in one hand,                      M                 1 & 4

                                        turning on current after it has been grasped.  Masseur’s

                                        fingers will draw the sparks to point massaged.  High

                                        Frequency Lubricant is excellent for massage.


Mumps                            Treat swollen parts.                                                                   Med             1                     5-10             1                    C


Nervousness                  Treat spine, back of head and neck.  Immediate    Med             1                    5-15              1                     SS


Neuralgia                         Apply to seat of pain, raising the electrode                          Med             1                    3-10                                     C

                                        occasionally to produce spark.  First apply High

                                        Frequency Lubricant.


Neuritis                            The first few treatments usually increase the pain            Med               1               10-15              1                  C

                                        after which relief is felt, and the current may be

                                        increased and a short spark given.  Apply at the

                                        seat of pain.


Obesity                            Apply to affected parts and treat consistently.                   Med               1                 10-15              ½                 C

                                        Begin as indicated and increase current as strong as

                                        tolerable.  Fat will decrease and redistribute, giving

                                        greater comfort.


Pains                                Apply at seat of pain until relieved with current                           1 or 2

                                        and method that seems to give best results.  If pain

                                        is at intervals, use electrode suited to the orifices.


Paralysis                          Apply along the affected muscles.  Raise the      Med             1                    5-15              1                     C

                                        electrode occasionally to produce spark.  First apply

                                        High Frequency Lubricant.


Piles (Hemorrhoids)       Lubricate before inserting.                                             Med             9                     7                  1

and other rectal




Pimples                            About the nose and other sharp angles a smaller           S                  1                  7-12               2                     C

(Acne Vulgaris)                    electrode is desirable.  Where pustules are forming

                                        raise the electrode slightly to give a short spark for

                                        a short time.


Pleurisy                            Cover back and throat through under clothing       S                   1                  10-20            ½                    C

                                        Until skin becomes quite red.  Ozone Generator

                                        (No. 28) should also be used.


Pneumonia                                          Apply Ozone Generator (No. 28) as per directions      S                    1                10-20             ½                  C

                                        given under illustration.  Apply electrode to back and

                                        chest through underclothing until flesh becomes red.



Poison Ivy                       Apply High Frequency Lubricant.                        S                  1                     3-5               1                     LS


Pyorrhea                        Inhalations from Ozone Generator are very                          Med            10                    7                                     C

                                        beneficial.  Place instrument before turning on



Red Nose                         The object is to destroy the enlarged veins.  The                    Med            1-20               6-8                                      SS

  (Acne Rosana)                    interval should be two to five days at the patient’s

                                        comfort indicator.


Rheumatism                    Rheumatism responds quickly, but arterial                            S                   2                                                             SS

                                        Rheumatism requires longer treatment.  Treat the

                                        affected parts until pain is dispelled.  A change in

                                        The patient’s position will expose other parts

                                        reqiring treatment.  Treat as often as pain



Ring Worm                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       Med               1                 5 –10              1                  SS


Scarlet Fever                   Cautious treatment until flesh is quite red.  Use                S                  2                    10-20            ½                    SS

                                        Ozone Generator (No. 28) as directed.


Scars                                The object is to destroy the tissue so that new       S                   2                      6                 1                     LS

                                        tissue may form; therefore use as strong a spark as



Skin Diseases                 Treatments may be taken s frequent as tolerable.    Med              1                     5-15                                 SS


Smallpox                          Before the disease has broken out give a general

                                        treatment to all parts of the body.  If sores have

                                        appeared, treat each with No. 12 and cover the whole

                                        surface with No. 2.  A short, strong spark is best.

                                        Treat about 30 minutes, two or three times a day.



Sore Feet and                  First apply High Frequency Lubricant.                        Med             1                    5-10                                    C

Stone Bruises


Sore Throat                     Apply High Frequency Lubricant for exterior.                        M                5-10              5-8                  ½                 C


Sprains                             If sprain is old use sharp spark.                                                             S                     1               15-20              ½                 C


 Stiff Neck or Joints       First apply High Frequency Lubricant.                         S               1-2                 5-10              ½                    SS


Tonsilitis                         Inhalations from Ozone Generator (No. 28) will        Med              1                    5-10              1                     SS

                                        greatly aid.  Also, apply No. 11 internally.


Ulcers                               Decrease from long spark to short spark.                           S                  1                      6                 ½                    LS


Whooping Cough          Inhale from Ozone Generator (No. 28)                               S                  1                      5-10            ½                    SS

                                        containing pine need oil.  Apply No. 1 to chest and



Writer’s Cramp                    Apply from finger tips to shoulder and upper spine.           Med             1                     5-10             1                     SS



1.  Base of Brain.                              6.  End of Spine.                                                 Ll.  Liver.

2.  Center of Neck.                            7.  Neck and Throat                                                            12.  Kidneys.

3.  Middle of Shoulder.   8.  Lungs.                                                               13.  Bowels.

4.  Middle of Back.                           9.  Heart.                                                                14.  Spleen.

5.  Hips.                                           10.  Stomach.                                                         15.  Loins.



                                        Condensed Directions for Surface Treatments with Violetta


            In further detailed directions a chart is furnished with the instrument giving length of time of treatments.  The electrodes mentioned are shown on pages 48, 49 and 50.  On surface treatments Violetta lubricant should be used.  Described on page 50.

                        -Use No. 2 Electrode A8 and electrode A7.  Also Ozone inhalations with Electrode No. 28 described on page 50.

Boils—Electrode No. 18 on B7 or wherever they appear.

Brain Fag—Electrode No. 1 on eyes, back of head and neck, and down spine.  Ozone generator No. 28 should also be used.

Bronchitis—Electrode No. 2 on A8 and B8 until reddening is produced.  Ozone inhalations with Electrode No. 28 should be used with each treatment.

Catarrh (Nasal)—Electrode No. 1 in region of nose.  Inhalations with Ozone generator No. 28.

Cold Extremities—No. 1 Electrode on parts affected, then Electrode No. 4 to spine and No. 1 on A3.

Colds in Head—Electrode No. 1 over nose, above eyes and sides of face.  Internal nasal treatments with Electrode No. 11.  Ozone inhalations with Electrode No. 28.

Colds in Lungs—Electrode No. 1 or No. 2 on A8 and B8.  Also Ozone inhalations with Electrode No. 28.

Constipation—Electrode No. 1 or No. 2 at A13 and A15.

Dandruff—Electrode No. 3 on scalp.

Deafness and Earache—Electrode No. 1 and No. 11 to ear.

Dyspepsia—Electrode No. 1 or No. 2 at A10 and A13.

Eczema—Apply Electrode No. 1 thru handkerchief or gauze to produce a short spark.

Eye Disease—Electrode No. 18 over closed eye.


Falling Hair (Alopecia)—Electrode No. 3 on scalp.

Hay Fever—Electrode No. 1 on spine, over nose and inhalations with Ozone generator No. 28.

Headaches—Details given on page 7.

Insomnia—Electrode No. 1 at B7, A7 and eyes.

Influenza—Electrode No. 1 or No. 2 over spine, over eyes and sides of nose.  Electrode No. 11 in nostrils.  Inhalations with No. 28.

Goitre—Electrode No. 5 at A7.

Lumbago—Electrode No. 2 with short spark over painful area.

Massage—Allow patient to hold Electrode No. 6 and operator or masseur turns on current.  Masseur’s fingers or No. 1 Electrode will draw the current to any part of body.

Nervousness—Electrode No. 1 over spine and at A7, B7 and A13.  Results should be immediate.

Neuralgia—Electrode No. 1 or No. 2 to seat of pain with short spark or thru clothing.

Neuritis—Electrode No. 1 to seat of pain.

Obesity—Electrode No. 1 to affected parts and treat consistently.  Begin with mild current and increase as strong as tolerable.  Fat will decrease and redistribute, giving greater comfort.

Pimples—Electrode No. 1 or No. 19 where small areas are to be treated.  Raise electrode to produce a short spark.

Pneumonia—Electrode No. 28.  Also No. 2 at A8 and B8 through underclothing until redness.

Rheumatism—This responds quickly.  Use Electrode No. 1 or No. 2 until pain is dispelled.  Treatments should be through clothing allowing a spark.  Treat as often as pain reappears.

Scars—The object is to destroy the tissue so that new tissue may form, therefore use a strong spark with Electrode No. 1 or No. 20.

Skin Disease—Electrode No. 1 held slightly away from skin to produce short spark.

Sore Throat and Hoarseness—Electrode No. 5 at A7 and A15, also Electrode No. 10 internally.  Also to improve voice.

Stiff Neck or joints—Electrode No. 1 at A7 or at joints affected.

Tonsilitis—Electrode No. 1 at A7, Electrode No. 11 internally, and Ozone inhalations with Electrode No. 28.

Ulcers—Electrode No. 1 or No. 20 with sharp spark.

Writers’ Cramp—Electrode No. 1 to finger tips and upper spine.


                                    Violet Ray Spinal Applications



                        Nerves to Arms

                        Nerves to Lungs

                        Nerves to Heart

                        Nerves to Stomach

                        Nerves to Liver

                        Nerves to Kidneys

                        Nerves to Bladder

                        Nerves to Bowels

                        Nerves to Sexual Organs

                        Nerves to Leg

                        Nerves to Rectum


Chart showing nerve center.


            Every muscle of the body, every gland, is controlled by a certain nerve or nerve center.  If you stimulate these nerves or nerve centers you can control absolutely the action of the muscle or organ which they themselves control.  When the activity of any organ is impaired, a High-Frequency application to the spinal nerve center which controls this organ, sets up a reflex action.  This causes it to regain its normal state and to perform its natural function.  For instance, if digestion is sluggish apply to the stomach itself, and then to the nerve centers of the spine which control the stomach.  The same thing is true of every other bodily function:  first, apply to the seat of the pain and then to the spinal nerve center with Electrode No. 30 in contact.  The illustration shown here is not meant to be exact but merely to give a general idea of the relative position of nerve centers and organs.

            If the digestion is sluggish and the stomach out of order, thru error in diet or general debility, you can give the stomach just exactly the stimulation which it needs by first applying to the stomach itself with the general electrode and then to the nerve center of the spine which controls the stomach.


            Miss Hannah Olson, R. J. Story City, Iowa, writes:  “I suffered from spinal trouble and in times of severe pain and weakness it seemed to be the only thing which would give relief.  It has such a soothing effect on the nervous system also.  As a sleep producer it cannot be equaled.  As I have gotten results from the use of it I know what good thing it is.”


                                                Spinal Stimulation


            The following shows where Spinal Stimulation with High Frequency Current should be used:

1.     Apply at this point for headaches, eye diseases, deafness, insomnia, wry neck, facial paralysis, locomotor stasis, etc.

2.     Apply at this part of the spine for throat trouble, neuralgia, pain in the shoulders and arms, goiter, nervous prostration, la grippe, dizziness, bleeding from the nose, catarrh, etc.

3.     Locates the part of the spine where high-frequency stimulation is used for bronchitis, pain between the shoulder-blades, rheumatism of arms and shoulders, hay fever, etc.

4.     Apply at this point for asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, difficult breathing, other lung troubles, writers’ cramp, etc.

5.     and 6.  Stomach and liver troubles, enlargement of the spleen, pleurisy.

7.     Bright’s disease, diabetes, ovarian troubles, skin disease, eruption.

8.     Spinal applications at this point give relief in such cases as appendicitis, bladder diseases, peritonitis, uterine troubles, irregular menses, lumbago, etc.

9.     Apply for constipation, rectal troubles, piles, sciatica, prostate trouble.

10.  Sciatica, rectal, uterine, and prostatic troubles, together with many other diseases of the pelvis and lower extremities.











                                                                      Chart showing spinal areas.


               It is an established anatomical fact that the brain is the great nerve center of the body, and that it has a prolongation, the Spinal Cord, which passes downward through a canal in the spinal column.  This spinal cord also has prolongations called the spinal nerves which pass out through the intervertebral foramina (small openings between the movable, bony segments or vertebrate of which the spine is built up.)


                                                Get Your Violetta Now


            Your Violetta is all ready to ship.  We want you to have it and use it at once, so you yourself can feel the splendid benefits derived by so many others from its use.

            If you are a sufferer from any of the numerous ailments mentioned throughout this book—if you are a physician with patients who are suffering from these ailments—if you are an osteopath,--a chiropractor—a drugless healer—you will find the Violetta Violet Ray Machine the highest type of high frequency currently available, the highest type of electrical development used as a curative agent.

            Throughout this book you will find the testimonials of individual users of the Violetta Violet Ray Machine.

            Violet Rays are not new.  They have been tried and proved successful in tens of thousands of cases for almost every known human ailment.  There is nothing dangerous about them.  In fact, they are harmless even to infants.

            The great medicinal value of Violet Rays cannot be explained.  We know that they are healing and that is all.  The know that Violet Rays penetrate to every cell, tissue, and organ of the body.  That they reach the most remote parts of the human organism.  These facts are readily demonstrated.

            In view of the testimonials printed in this book and the great mass of evidence which the limited size of this book forces us to omit, we urge you to order your Violetta at once.  Try it.  See how it stimulates where stimulation is needed—see how it revives every tissue of the human system—see how it vitalizes you into almost a new being.  Don’t put this important matter off.  Send for your Violetta today.  Order the Outfit No. 1 if you want to use it at home, or if you wish to have a complete outfit, No. 3, or one of the other outfits.  See pages 29 to 37 for complete list of Violettas.


                                             TOASTER STOVE AND GRILL.


               This efficient little worker serves the dual purpose of a fine toaster and an efficient stove for frying, boiling and baking.

               The six strands of super heating clement in this sturdy little grill insure the attainment of a quick heat and the maintenance of an even degree of temperature, so necessary to perfect cooking.

               Both the toaster tray and the grill plate are interchangeable, which makes it possible to switch from one to the other at the desire of the user.  The sliding tray, which fits in the base, makes cleaning easy.

               For the convenience of travelers it is fitted with detachable legs which makes packing possible in a box as small as 10” x 6” x2”.  Size ready for use, 4” high; 5” wide, and 9” long.

               Fully Guaranteed for One Year

                    No. 1A . . . . . . . . . . . List Price $5.00

                                                            JUNIOR GRILL


An unequalled value in grilils, for toasting or light cooking.  Just the thing for your room or fortravelers.  Very light, yet practically unbreakable.  Insulated handles prevent burns.  Size 5x5x3”.  Weighs 1 lb.  Complete with cord and plug.  No. 1B . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $1.95


                                                            GRILL STOVE

               Dandy for light cooking.  Large enough to toast two slices of bread at once or to keep coffee pot warm while toasting on other end.  Ideal for travelers.  Completely nickel plated.  Weighs only 1 ½ lb.  Size 5x9”, 3” high.  Supplied with cord, two-piece attachment plug and separable connector.

                              No. 1C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price #2.00


                                                            ELECTRIC STOVE

                                                               A Real Convenience


                    A wonderful little stove for cooking of all kinds.

               Beautifully designed and substantially built to give the user uninterrupted service.

               The heating element in this stove is of such size and quality that a perfect heat is quickly reached and steadily maintained.

               While it is only guaranteed for one year, it will give the user many years of satisfactory service without repair.

               The disk is six inches in diameter, height of stove 5 inches.  The legs, which are gracefully formed are rubber tipped to prevent scratching and are detachable which makes it possible to pack the entire stove in a small space.

               It is fully nickeled and beautifully polished throughout.

               Equipped with a 5’ cord and 2-piece socket plug.  Weight 4 ½ lbs.

               Fully Guaranteed for One Year                             No. 3B . . . . . . . . . . . . List Price $6.25


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SECTIONAL HOT PLATE


               A most useful appliance—for heavy duty cooking the same as a gas or coal range.  Has three concentric heating areas, each controlled by an independent trigger switch, making seven heat combinations possible.  Switch on center, intermediate or outside area at will, or combine any two to give heat desired for size of utensil.  Two or three of these plates may be bolted together to make a complete two or three burner hot place.  Burner 8 ½” in diameter.  Page 11x11x4 ½” high.  Supplied complete with seven-foot cord and attachment.                No. 1E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $14.00



                                                                            Make Better Coffee


                    The Best of Coffee They Create—At the Boiling Point—They Percolate.

               These Percolators are designed for hard, easy use on your breakfast table, nice looking, yet economical.  Extra heavy aluminum.  Improved principle for better coffee.  Pumps absolutely easy at the full boiling point, when the true coffee flavor is extracted, and the bitter tannic acid in the coffee is not.  Try a Percolator for your next  cup of real coffee.

               2A—3 cup . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00                                   2B—6 cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $10.00


                                                                           WAFFLE IRON


               Makes delicious, piping hot waffles at the table.  The waffles are just the right thickness.  Even electric heat applied to both top and bottom at the same time with perfect results every time.  Waffles same size—7 5/16” in diameter—half again as large as made by the ordinary waffle iron.  Top of iron is flat and may be used as a plate warmer while making waffles.  Weight, 5 lbs. Height, 4 ½”  Maximum leg span,  9¼”.                          2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $12.00


                                             No Electrically Wired Home is Complete Without a Toaster


               This is a masterpiece of the appliance builders art.  Put side by side with any other toaster on the market it is the inevitable choice of the discriminating buyer.  Its six horizontal strands of super heating element insure a degree of heat that not only toasts quickly but so distributes the heat that the bread is evenly toasted at all points.  Its spring operated  holders enable the use to toast two slices of bread at one time.

               Fully nickeled with a heavy plate that insures lasting beauty.

               Size, 6” x 6 ½”.  Equipped with composition plug and six foot extension cord.  Fully Guaranteed for One Year.                      No. 3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $4.00


                                                            HEATING PAD NO. 5


               This is the modern application of heat.  Useful wherever there is an ache or a pain.  Invaluable in sickness.  Stays hot as long as you wish.  Three degrees of heat.  Protected by reliable series thermostat.  Costs only ½ cent an hour for current.  Full size 12x15”.  Covered with soft grey wool eiderdown.  Supplied with white washable slip, ten feet of cord and three heat nickel-plated push button switch.

               Heating Pad No. 5—110 volts, 45 watts. . . . . . . . . Price $8.00

               One heat No. 5B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $5.00


                                                            MARCEL WAVER NO. 6A


               Marcel your own hair by means of this excellent article. K No other product on the market so efficient and simple to operate.  Never before could the home user get such excellent results without the assistance of a professional beauty culturist.  The illustrations and directions with each waver are so clear that no difficulty will be experienced in accomplishing good results.  Nothing looks prettier than a beautiful head of hair neatly marcelled with a deep, attractaive wave.  This is a very attractice artaicle made of the very finest materials.  All metal parts are heavily nickel-plated.  Handle is black ebonized finish.  Fully guaranteed against burnout for two years.                 No. 6A complete with detailed direction. . Price $8.00


                                             COMBINATION CURLER AND WAVER ROD NO. 6B


               Undoubtedly the finest curling iron on the market regardless of price.  Beautifully nickel-plated and ebonized handle.  Just fits the hand. Clamp is removable for use as a waver rod.  11 ½” long, 3/8’ rod.  No. 6B—each 110 volts.                     18 watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $4.00


               No. 6C  Curling Iron the greatest buy on the market.  Small and very light for fine work.  10 ½” long, 5/16” rod.  No. 6C—each, 110 volts, 16 watts . . . . . .. . .Price $3.50


               No. 6D Hair Drier in comb shape.  Dry your hair quickly after swim or shampoo.  Avoid colds and save time.  Straightens out snarls while combing the hair.  No. 6D—each, 110 volts, 30 watts . .Price $3.50


                                                            A WONDER AT $5.00


               A powerful electric motor vibrator at $5.00. Incorporates the many attractive features of the expensive vibrators, and is equally reliable.  Covered by an iron –clad guarantee, this article may be bought with absolute confidence, and expectancy of excellent service.  Gives a wonderful massage and has so many important uses as to make its possession a necessity.  Why pay beauty specialists, barbers and physicians for these treatments that may be had in your own home at trifling cost?

               Vibrator 7A—110 volts, A.C. or D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . Price $5.00

               Vibrator 7B—Similar to 7A model but with a selective switch making various intensities of vibration possible, and other improvements.

               Vibrator 7B—110 volts A.C. or D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $10.00


                                                            AN IRON YOU WANT


               You may get cheaper irons, but none better!  This No. 6A six-pound iron is the housewife’s friend.  Top section consists of heavy sheet steel hood in which are firmly riveted the handle supports.  Black rubberized wood handle.  Bottom ssection consists of heating element imbedded in bottom plate, and clamp plate which also serves as heat reservoir.  The ironing fact is smooth as glass and edges are rounded.  Ironing face measures 3 ¾” x 6 ¼”.  The heating element praoduces the most amount of heata from current used.  Base polished bright, other exposed metal parts nickel-plated.  Six foot cord, complete with plug of best design.  Do not neglect ordering this iron at once, is the best on the market.

               No. 9A Iron . . . . . . . . . . . $5.25


                                                            KEEP COOL WITH THESE STURDY FANS


               We recommend these fans as splendid bargains, easily worth the low prices asked.

                              Fan 11--6” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price $5.00

                              Fan 11B—6” with switch to change strength of current . . . . . . .    “      8.50

                              Fan 11C—8 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    “      8.50

                              Fan 11D—9” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    “      12.50


                                                            A REAL LABOR SAVER


               A labor saving device that is  one of the ;most useful items a person needs and appreciates.  Fits practically all makes of sewing machines, attaching by means of a removable clamp which allows several different attachments and from which the motor hangs directly under the sewing machine so that it cannot possible get out of alignment.  Speed is controlled by a rheostat with a pedal which is operated by the foot.  Cost of operation only about half of one cent per hour.  Directions for installation enclosed.

               Sewing Machine Motor  8A . . . . . . . . .  Price $12.00

                              THE VERY BEST  HAIR DRYER IN THE MARKET


               Casing made of highly polished aluminum and mechanism is absolutely fool-proof.  A heating element of special wire throws a large volume of hot or cold air almost instantaneously.  The universal motor allows operation on both alternating and direct current 110 volts.

               Light of weight, the only dryer constructed of aluminum with nickel finish, self-lubricating bearings, has a porcelain heating element easily accessible and guaranteed to give thorough satisfaction.

                              No. 14A . . . . . . . . . . Price $12.50



                                             THERAPEUTIC LAMP—A WORTHY HEALTH APPLIANCE


               The meagreness and uncertainty of literature concerning Light Therapy has kept many physicians from employing one of the most powerful of therapy appliances.  We read that the Actinic Ray is the only ray that is destructive to germ life.  We are also told that the arc light is the only light capable of penetrating bone matter.

               The fact remains, however, that various colored lights differ only in wave length, and the shorter the wave length, the greater the penetrating power.  White light has a shorter wave length than any of the colors, and as we all know is a combination of all the colors.

               The electric arc light is practically disqualified for therapeutic purposes.  Dr. Rogers says, “The chemical action of light depends upon the substance upon which the rays strike and not on any chemical quality inherent in the rays themselves.”  Oxygen enters the blood through the lungs, but light is absolutely essential in the generation of perfect red corpuscles.

               The white light, that is, the light obtained from the usual incandescent or stereopticon bulbs, is indicated wherever the normal physical condition has been disturbed or impaired from most any cause.

               The reflector on the “Therapeutic Lamp” is made of highly polished aluminum, spun to true parabolic shape, and owing to its simple clamping device, is readily removed for re-finishing at any time.  The inside diameter is nine and one-half inches.

               The lamp bulb itself is of the carbon filiment stereopticon type (of 375 watts capacity), permitting the rays to be concentrated at the focal point.  The rays, therefore, leave the hood in parallel lines, covering sufficient surface for the average treatment and permitting few, if any, rays to be deflected into space.

               The handle is firmly held by a metal band clamp; no solder being used.

               This lamp is truly portable in spite of its size.  It weighs only a few ounces, and is the product of thought, study and experiment.  It is a lamp which commends itself to the busy practitioner who wants to get results.

                              Therapeutic Lamp 12A . . . . . . . . Price $12.50                                       Lamp 12B . . . . . . . $6.50


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