Lesson 8: Glory

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Resources: video script | Cayce quotes


Joyful Service

GLORY is the ability of the individual, the object, the personality, the god-force, to SERVE.  (262-92)

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.  (Matthew 23:11)

From an interpersonal standpoint, glory is the ability to serve, to be a channel of blessing to others.  Is there any feeling that surpasses the joy associated with helping someone in need?

With the realization that mind is the builder, we can become more conscious of opportunities to be of service to those around us in our thoughts and mental attitudes. Through our physical behaviors and activities we can manifest the glory of the body through the fruits of spirit in selfless service. As souls – individual manifestations of the Spirit of God – we can seek to better fulfill our Destiny of Oneness with God by joyfully acknowledging Oneness in our relationships with our siblings in the family of God.   

Application: As you go through your daily activities, look for opportunities (spiritually, mentally, and physically) for glory in joyful service to others.

Resources: Glory of the Mind (Reply); Glory and Enlightenment (Reply)

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Natural Glory in Cooperation

… there is one Glory of the sun, another of the moon, another of the stars; each differing in their Glory according to the purpose for which they each have been established. For what? That man might in himself see the Glory of the Father being made manifest by they each performing their purpose in THEIR cooperation, in THEIR activity, before Him….
     Does the sun fear the Glory of the moon, or the moon the sun?
     Do the stars fail to shine because the sun is in HIS Glory?
     Yea, these should be to each of us that example, even as He gave, "Abide in me, I in thee, and ye shall have and know the Glory of the Father."  (262-94)

Look deeper into the heart of the rose.  LISTEN to the song of the bird.  See the paintings of His face in the setting and the rising sun.  See the loveliness in the moonbeam that turns all into the radiance of His glory.  (410-2)

So with that same spirit and purpose in which all nature, yea all the universe, declares the glory of God.  Can ye as an entity dare to do less?  (3377-1)

Nature is an expression of the mind of God. Life itself is glorious and a reflection of the Divine all around us. In particular, the various manifestations of light in nature proclaim God's glory.  The brilliance of the sun, the glow of the moon, the twinkling of stars all declare of the glory of God.

One of the readings for this lesson (262-94) utilizes this traditional understanding of God's Glory within the context of relationships and the dynamics of interpersonal Cooperation (See ASFG I, Lesson 1).  Just as each manifestation of God's Glory in the earth has a purpose and fulfills a role, so each soul can play its part to the greater Glory of God. 

Application: As you take time to revel in the glory of God in nature, notice the cooperation that exists as each part fulfills its purpose to the glory of the Whole.  As you feel the connection with the mind of God (which is the source of natural glory in the universe around and within each of us), seek to manifest that glory in Cooperation with others in your daily living.

Resource: "Know Your Role – Be a Team Player" is an exercise from the Cooperation lesson.

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Vain Glory

… vanity of vanities; all is vanity. (Ecclesiastes 1:1-2)

When Glory is considered from the phase that God has chosen us above our fellow humans for some special work, then vainglory may creep in.  (A Search For God, p. 215)

Vain glory involves excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements and abilities.  Vain glory is boastful and expresses empty pomp or show.

Some common synonyms for vain glory include: Bighead, conceit, egotism, pomposity, pridefulness, self-admiration, self-assumption, self-conceit, self-congratulation, self-glory, self-importance, self-satisfaction, smugness, and vanity.

The obvious theme here is selfishness in some form or other. 

Application: Is there any vain glory in your life?  If so, can you let go of it.

Resources: Vain Glory (Reply)

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