Ohula - Secret Counsel To Many

On January 21, 1926 a reading given for a thirty-eight year old woman described a past life as an Atlantean named Ohula:

In the one before this, in that land where the peoples came as the representatives of those that would make the lands secure against the beasts of the fields, and the fowls of the air, or the animals of the air, in the second rule in the Atlantean period. The entity then in the name Ohula. Then helping in that of the assistant to the entertainers of those people so gathered. The daughter then to the ruler. In the urge as is gained from this, that of the secret forces of counsel to many.  (2740-2)

This reading places Ohula in the second rule in the Atlantis, a very curious chronological designation that may relate to a time before the second period of upheavals in that land.  She attended a meeting consisting of representatives of peoples from around the globe who gathered to discuss how to make the lands secure from dangerous beasts. 

However, rather than attending as a representative or delegate proper, which she could probably have done as the daughter of the ruler of the land, her official role was as an assistant to the entertainers for that event.  Perhaps she just enjoyed the light-hearted company of such individuals.  But there may have been another, more mysterious aspect to her participation.  Her reading noted that one of the personality traits carried over from this lifetime was the urge and ability in "secret forces of counsel to many."  In other words, it would seem that she was behind the scenes listening to the stories, tales, and opinions of the representatives of the conference.  And not just a few, but many.  

Perhaps in addition to her role as assistant to the entertainers she was also working behind the scenes, undercover (as it were), collecting information for her father, the Atlantean ruler who was presumably sponsoring the gathering.  Just a thought, but otherwise why would her reading have made such a curious reference within the context of that ancient meeting.