Early American Energy Medicine

The Practical Magnetic Healer
G. M. Brown

     Let your concentrated intention be always foremost in your mind during these manipulations, if you want the best results.  The physical effect is all that can be expected from the following, which is credited to Dr. Barber, and are given to the reader as being valuable as a vehicle in conveying suggestions, and will perhaps be better understood by the patient.

    First .  Using the arms and limbs as levers, stretching all muscles to which they give attachment and moving the flesh and muscles from side to side the entire length of the limb stretches and softens those muscles, thus permitting a free flow of the fluids and nerve forces to these parts, a stoppage of which means disease in some of its varied forms.  One thorough treatment of an arm or leg will often instantly cure and always relieve any acute case of any nature in the extremities.  A very few treatments, administered one each day, will cure any acute case.  Chronic cases can be usually cured by a continuation of the treatment every other day for from two to six weeks, even after all other methods have been tried and failed.

    Second.  Move and soften, by deep manipulations and by rotating the body as much as possible, all the muscles of the spine, the cerebro-spinal cord being the great trunk from which springs the spinal nerves, it being contained in and protected by the upper three-fourths of the spinal column.  It is very flexible consisting of many separate bones between which is placed the elastic intravertebral cartilage.  As the spinal nerves which control the different muscles, organs, etc., escape from the spinal cord through openings or foramina in the different sections of the vertebral column, it will be readily understood that the numerous muscles which are attached to and move the spine must always be very soft and elastic.  Contraction here means interference with nerves that may control some distant part and a consequent partial or complete paralysis of that part, until by manipulation or accidentally you stretch the muscle at fault, thus turning on the current from that great dynamo, the brain, and once more your machine moves forward.  What would be your opinion of a motorman, when his car came to a standstill through lack of motor power, if he poured medicine on the wheels?  It would be just as sensible as converting the stomach into an apothecary’s shop, hoping thereby to remove an obstruction which was breaking the current between headquarters and the liver.  We find that there are very few organic troubles whose origin may not be traced directly to the spine and cured by a thorough treatment of the spinal column continued every second day for from two to six weeks.  In 90 per cent of all cases immediate relief will be the result of first treatment.

    Third.  Use the head as a lever, move and stretch all the muscles of the neck.  This treatment frees the circulation to the head, an obstruction of which is the true cause of catarrh, weak eyes, deafness, roaring in the head, dizziness, and, in fact, almost all disorders of the head.  Many acute cases can be instantly cured, while those that have become chronic require from two to six weeks.
    Fourth.  Bending the patient backwards, with the knee pressing on the back just below the last rib, will instantly cure any case of looseness of the bowels, from common diarrhea to bloody flux, and a continuation of the treatment will cure any case of chronic diarrhea.

    Fifth.  A nerve center has been discovered at the base of the brain termed vaso-motor, which can be reached by a pressure on the back of the neck over the upper cervicals.  A pressure at this point continued from three to five minutes will slow the action of the heart, often reducing the pulse from 100 to a normal condition in a few minutes’ time.  It is from this center that, without the use of drugs, we control fevers, during any fever that is curable, in one-half the time that the same work can be done with medicine.

    Sixth.  In all cases where the general system seems to be affected, give a general treatment, thus freeing and permitting all forces of the machine to act.

    Seventh.  Never treat an acute case oftener than once in three hours, or a chronic case oftener than once a day.

    Eighth.  It is never safe to use this treatment during pregnancy, except in diseases of the head or extremities, and in those with caution.  To draw the arms high and strongly above the head, at the same instant pressing on the spine below the last dorsal vertebra, or to flex the limbs strongly against the chest during this period is dangerous in the extreme.

    Ninth.  While this treatment will improve the action and remove the pain in stiff, chronic dislocated joints, the dislocation can never be reduced.  We have seen it tried, and tried it ourselves a great many times, meeting with no success where there was really a dislocation.  There are a great many cases where the patient is suffering from rheumatism or a similar trouble in which the muscles are contracted and he can easily be led to believe that the dislocation does really exist and that the operator who simply stretches the muscles has reduced the imaginary dislocation.  This we believe also to be the case regarding the many dislocated ribs found by the average “bone doctor.”  While they may be correct, we have demonstrated the fact, times without number, that drawing the arms high above the head, at the same instant pressing at almost any point with the knee immediately below the scapulas, thus stretching the muscles of the chest and springing the ribs forward, will instantly cure sharp acute pains in the sides or chest and certain cases of heart disease, while a continuation of the same treatment will cure asthma or consumption.  It is on this vital point that we differ in class as well as in practice with the members of our profession.  While they trace most effects to dislocated bones and never fail to effect a cure if it is within the bounds of reason, we effect equally remarkable cures by simply stretching and manipulating the muscles, thus freeing the circulation.  We do not believe it possible that to hide his secrets a “bone doctor” would deceive the public.  We believe that in a vain attempt to set the bones in the manner prescribed by Dr. Still the circulation is freed and the patient recovers.


    First.   Secure a pine table, two feet high, two feet wide, and six feet long over which spread a bed-quilt and at one end place one or two pillows.  While an acute case may be treated on a chair, a couch, or on the floor, for a chronic case, which is liable to take several weeks’ treatment, it is always advisable to secure a table.

    Second.  In treating a gentleman it is seldom necessary to remove more than his outer clothing.

    Third.  A lady must loossen her tight clothing and remove her corset.  The principles of Osteo requirements as above described can be applied successfully through a reasonable amount of clothing, except in cases which will be apparent.


    Motion -- In treating the different diseases, it should be well understood that these manipulations refer specially to chronic and not acute diseases of the human body, as published by Dr. G. H. Taylor.

    1.  Transverse Pressure Motion -- Position -- Lying on the back, shoulders raised.  If with face downward, lying quite flat.  Action -- The operator, standing beside and bending slightly over the patient, places both hands across the part to which the action is to be applied.  He presses with his hands, by throwing upon them as much weight as is perfectly agreeeable to his patient, always with enough to secure perfect adhesion of the clothing both to the skin and to his hands.  Then, by one effort, conjointly, of his body and arms, he communicates a reciprocating, or to and fro motion to the soft tissues upon which pressure is made; hands, clothing, skin, flesh, all move as one inseparable mass.  After three or four repetitions in this one place, the hands are slid along to the adjoining part, to which a similar motion is applied, and so on till the designated portion of the body has been thoroughly submitted to the action.  This process is equally applicable to all parts of the body and limbs.

    Effect -- Increase of heat and of blood in the parts subjected to the action are the first and most conspicuous effects.  The diminution of blood in other parts is the no less certain consequence.  Diffusion of heat throughout the body follows.  Nervous activity, in all its forms, is diminished.

    Another effect is mechanical divulsion.  This is of the highest value especially in cases of stiffness of joints, rigid and fixed contraction of special groups of muscles, producing deformity.  The fibres of muscular and connective tissue, which in consequence of some previous inflammation or other cause, have long adhered together and resisted all mechanical efforts to straighten a limb, soon become separable, pliable, contractible, and resume their function, the deformity often entirely disappearing without instrumental aid or the application of tractile force.

    2.  Longitudinal Pressure Motion--Position, the same--Action--This form is also like the preceding, except that the motion is applied in the general longitudinal direction of the limb and its fibres instead of the traverse or cross-wise.  It is therefore necessary for the operator to so place himself as to cause his motions to act lengthwise the body.  Care is required to compress the flesh by the fingers, or the heel of the hand, so as to prevent slipping; also to make motions for the same reason.

    Effect -- These are similar to those of No. 1, and this process may usually alternate with that.  As the motion is in the general direction of the circulatory vessels, including lymphatics, it affords special aid to the movements of the fluids contained by those vessels.

    3.  Circuitous Pressure Motion -- Position, the same -- Action -- One or both hands of the operator, as is most convenient is applied with considerable pressure to some portion of the body, trunk, or limbs.

    Instead of performing a traverse or longitudinal reciprocal motion, the hand of the operator moves in a circuit, and with it the mass of flesh it compresses.  The extent of the motion and diameter of the circuit depends on the elasticity of the fleshy mass to which it is applied.  Motion should be given in each alternation.

    The favorite locations for applying this form of movement are the shoulders, the hips, the chest , the abdomen, the thighs, and calves.  See No. 5.

    Effect -- This motion favorably combines those whose descriptions have preceded.

    4.  Fingers and Thumbs Grasping--Position, the same--Action--The operator applies his two hands to any sufficiently prominent mass of flesh in such a manner as to include between the opposing fingers and thumbs as large a mass of flesh as can be grasped.  This is rendered feasible by the softness and elasticity of the tissues into which the fingers slightly sink by their pressure.  An effort is then made to partly close the hands, thus firmly compressing the included flesh, which is momentarily held under the pressure.  The hands then relax, allowing the flesh by its elasticity to recede to its former position.  The same motion is repeated at a short remove from the preceding location, and the process is continued until the extremity or other region has been thoroughly subjected to the operation.  The action is a modified form of pinching, with the difference that flesh is compressed rather than the skin, while the effect on the skin is insufficient to awaken any sensation whatever.

    All portions of the body may be subjected to this form of manipulations.  The back portions of the thighs, the calves, the shoulders, the abdomen, etc., afford excellent fields for this process.  It is especially applicable to the heavy muscular masses each side of the spinous processes of the vertebrae.

    Effect -- This form of manipulations probably produces more intense local mechanical effects than the others described.  It compels interchange of fluids, removes physical impediments to capillary circulation, urges forward the venous blood, favors the transudation of nutritive supplies from the arterial side of the capillaries, and produces such forcible contact of the atoms destined to chemical change as shall secure the perfected degree of chemio-physiological action.

    5.  Fingers and Thumbs Point Pressure Motion--Position, the same--Action--The operator gathers the fingers and thumb of one or both hands to as concentrated position as possible and applies them with strong pressure, at the same time making either reciprocating or curvilinear motions affecting all the tissues compressed except the skin.

    Modification -- This process may be performed by the heel of the hand, the fingers being elevated.

    Effect -- This form of manipulation applied to any circumscribed location is adapted to produce those revulsive effects which diminish local pain.

    It is for this purpose applicable for each side of the spine, to the vicinity of the emergence of the sciatic, the facial, and other nerves liable to neuralgia.

    6.  Knuckle Pressure Motion -- Position, reclining or lying -- Action -- The operator, having his fingers closed or clenched tightly, applies to the outer portion, that is, the first phalanges of the fingers, with firm pressure to any soft, muscular part of the body, and at the same time communicates motion to the included flesh beneath the pressure.  The motion may be either lineal, curved, or twisted, care being taken to cause the part underneath to move with the hand.  After a half-dozen motions the hand of the operator may be moved to another part, repeating the process in this way till the whole body, or such parts as is judged expedient, have been subjected to the process.  Either one hand of the operator or both may be used in this process.  They may act together or reciprocally at the two opposite sides of the limb or other part.

    Effect -- This, which is one of the Japanese forms, is particularly efficacious for the amount of power expended.  The hold on the flesh is firmer and more persistent than in other modes of reaching the flesh, and a proportionately larger amount reaches the deep tissues.  It is particularly useful applied to the abdomen with deep pressure to excite peristalsis; to the hips and thighs in cases of neuralgia of the large nerves; to the spinal muscles, for revulsion, in nervous and vertebral diseases.

    13.  Leg Wringing -- Position, reclining on a couch in an easy position, one leg extended horizontally so that the operator may have free access to it.

    Action -- The two hands of the operator grasp the limbs from each side so as to partly encircle it with each hand, the thumb and the fingers extending in either direction so as to grasp as far as possible, the two hands having an inch or two of space between them, one being placed above the other limb.  A twisting motion is now given by each hand in opposite directions; that is, one hand twists the flesh it firmly holds in one direction, say to the right, while the other hand moves the contents of its grasp to the left; the double action producing a wringing of the flesh, much the same as when water is pressed or wrung from wet clothes by means of the tightening of its fibres secured by a similar process.  This action is repeated two or three times under the same double grasp, when the hands are moved so as to include a fresh field of action, where it is repeated in a similar way, and so on till the whole limb has been subjected to the  process.

    Effect -- Mechanical displacement of fluids, both within and without the circulatory vessels, which includes not only the blood of both kinds, but the contents of the lymphatics.  The process promotes muscular and correspondingly diminishes nervous nutritive support and effects proportionate changes in the manifestations of these two orders of vital energy.

    14.  Legs Transverse Pressure -- Motion -- This is the special application to the lower limbs of No. 1, under which process is described. In case the limb or some portion of it is too large for the proper application of No. 13, the transverse pressure motion is substituted for it.  For the thighs, in the forward lying position, it is peculiarly applicable.

    Effect -- The same as No. 13.

    15.  Thigh Rotation -- Position, reclining -- Action -- With one hand the operator grasps the leg near the ankle, with the other he seizes the knee and raises the thigh till it is at right angle with the body.  He then causes the knee to describe as broad a circle as possible, by carrying it near to the body, then laterally and downward nearly to a line with the foreleg, thence returning at the other side of the circle to the starting point.  In performing this rotary motion it is essential that the foot, which is guided by the other hand grasping the ankle, also describes a similar circle of the same size, being cautious during the process to preserve perfect parallelism between the axis of the foreleg and the axis of the body.  If this caution is observed the process will be perfectly agreeable to the patient.  If the parallel of the axis of the foreleg and the body is not maintained, it is possible that the ligament joining the leg to the body (hip-joint ligament) may be unduly strained by the twist which is thus given it.  The process may be repeated a half dozen times in each direction and applied to both legs, unless a special infirmity requires restriction to one leg.

    Effect -- Rotation of the thigh causes alternate tension and relaxation of all the small muscles, interior and exterior, which connect the thigh with pelvic bones.  The motion described causes the distance between the points of attachment of the muscles which connect the pelvis with the thigh bone, to increase and to diminish alternately to the greatest extent that the mechanism of the parts will allow.  By this means the fibres and the cells constituting the muscles engaged are subjected to the mechanical changes of form -- the nutritive fluids in contact to the same changes of place as occur in exercise, but with the radical difference that the will and the nervous system are in abeyance.

    The consequence is that the fleshy masses about the hips located either side of the pelvis are made the recipient of increased nutritive support which immediately detracts from the surplus contained in the pelvic organs.  These latter are, in other words, unloaded of their excess of blood and hiperaemia of these parts, including the lower bowel and the generative intestine, is relieved.

    This effect is usually denominated revulsive, but differs from that produced by other means, in being permanent, and every repetition of the process increases the tendency of self-perpetuation of the improvement.

    16.  Leg Twisting -- Position, the same -- Action -- With the lower leg resting on the knees of the operator, he grasps the foot with one hand and the knee of the same leg with the other, then turns the leg on its axis so that the foot lies as far as it may on one side, immediately returns it to the opposite side also as far as the mechanism of the parts will allow, thus causing the leg to be twisted on its axis.  The motion may be treated a dozen times.

    Effect -- This is similar to that produced by No. 15, except that fewer muscles of the thigh are engaged and a larger number of those of the leg, affording corresponding differences in details of effects produced.  It is applied for the same purpose.

    17.  Longitudinal Pressure -- Motion of the Leg -- This is special application to the lower extremities of No. 2 which see for description of process.

    Effect -- This is usually applied with other processes for the legs, to increase local nutrition, the local heat production, and the concomitant revulsive effects.

    22.  Forearm Rotation -- Position, same as 15 -- Action -- The operator holds immovably the arm of the patient, just above the elbow.  With his other hand he grasps the wrist and with it he describes a wide circle, so that one part of the revolution the forearm is nearly in line with the upper arm, while at the opposite part of the circle described it is almost in contact with the upper arm.  Although the elbow joint is a hinge, the rotary motion is practicable because the action of the shoulder-joint compensates for the deficiency of the elbow joint in performing the motion.

    Effect -- The same form, with pressure, is supplied by this process, as has been described of the other parts, when the effect is due to stretching and relaxing the muscular and connective fibres.

    23.  Arm Wringing -- Position, reclining, the arm extended at right angles with the body -- Action -- The arm of the patient is seized at the shoulder by both hands of the operator, which grasp and include the flesh of the arm at a little distance apart.  Now, by causing both hands to move independently in opposite directions, the mass of included flesh is subjected to a vigorous wringing, as has before been described, in speaking of the leg.  The process is applied to every portion of the arm as the hands of the operator recede from the shoulder and glide downward, applying the process at each stage till the whole arm has been subjected to the process.

    Effect -- This application combines to the highest degree special effects by reason of the superior mechanical conditions.  The arm is easily included in the double grasp.  The motions are easily given with great pressure, and the compression caused by slightly twisting of fibres is additional to the direct pressure afforded by the grasping.  It urges fluids in their appointed courses, whether contained within the vessels or in the stage herein designated as intervascular.  It urges blood to the skin, increases heat, removes excess of blood from the head and upper portions of the spine.

    24.  Arm Rotation -- Position, the same -- Action -- The arm of the patient is taken hold of by the operator, both at elbow and hand.  The elbow is then caused to transverse a circle as broad as the length of the upper arm will allow, of which the shoulder is the center.  Care should be taken the upper part of the circuit traversed be made as broad as the lower, by carrying the arm in the upper part of its course near to the head, so that all the muscles connecting the arm with the chest may be thoroughly and equally acted upon.  Six or eight revolutions in each direction may be given.

    Effect -- The motion alternately stretches and relaxes all the muscles connecting the chest  with the arms, affecting them similarly to the longitudinal pressure-motions described in No. 2.  This effect extends beyond those directly attached to the arm, to those of the shoulder, shoulder blades, and even to those connecting the ribs.  Many of these, particularly the intercostals, subscapular, etc., are quite beyond the reach of pressure-motions, being protected by bone.

    This process also has the effect of increasing the capacity of the chest and its power and extent of its rhythmical or breathing motions.  The rotary motions above described, and applicable to the legs, arm and trunk, may, for distinction, be called the non-pressure motions, because the processes are limited to the stretching and contracting the muscles engaged in the motions.  The advantages of this class of processes are that they re always agreeable to the patient, can never exceed the capacity of tender and sensitive parts to receive motions, as is possible in case of pressure motions, and that, if regarded as a species of exercise, they are entirely passive, which implies that the muscular nutrition, and therefore muscular power, are increased by their use, while nervous manifestations are correspondingly diminished.

    25.  Double Pressure Motion of the Arms and Legs -- Position reclining -- Action -- The two hands of the operator are placed against opposite sides of the part of the limb nearest the body.  Then, while compressing strongly the flesh, rapid alternate, or reciprocating motion is applied to the part.  The hands slowly glide downward, so as to include a fresh portion of the limb, while the motion and pressure is continued, and so on till the whole of the flesh of the limb has been submitted to the process.  The same process may be applied in turn to all the limbs.

    Effect -- The motion with pressure is in this process applied transversely to the average direction of the fibres, nerve conductors and vessels.  The mechanical effect is that of separaton -- divulsion of the fibres that are from any cause adherent.  It therefore becomes a most effective means for removing adhesions, producing stiffness, contractions, and consequent deformities of the limbs.  The motion is also a powerful incentive to nutritive changes in the vital muscle cells, and therefore opposes nervous irritability.  It increases oxidation, and therefore removes obstructive sub-oxidees from the fluids.  The very large amount of interior friction of fibres, cells, membranes, and fluids, cause unusual development of heat, the physiological alternatiave of vital energy, which is therefore promoted by the action.

    The one difficulty in the mode described.  This is the rapidity with which the power of the operator is transmitted to the invalid, thus becoming contributary to his power.  To apply conjoint pressure and motion, through both the operator’s hands, speedily exhaust the most affluent resources of the most robust operator.  This he feels, and in consequence instinctively avoids applying any considerable amount of these processes which contribute most to increase the energy of the patient.  This is indeed his wisest course; for since his power is limited, it is employed to best advancage when well husbanded.


    The most effective form of manipulation for the relief of constipation is the following:

    Position of the patient is face downward.  The location of the digestive organs is then similar to that of inferior animals.  The advantages of the position are these: Every impingement upon or action received by the depending part is doubled by the gravitating counteraction which necessarily follows.  This doubles the motion and its effect.  Besides, in the forward lying position the gravitation of the unsupported digestive organs is from instead of toward the pelvis.  This removes from the lower bowels such obstacles as are caused both by the pressure and by the folding parts.  This alone is not unfrequently a potent curative aid, for the removal of mechanical obstacles to the pelvic circulation is practically equivalent to removing local pelvic hyperaemia and its various outgrowths.

    To manipulate the abdomen in this position is awkward and difficult for the operator, especially as the invalid usually desires a large amount of it.

    The patient lies face downward, the breast being supported by a cushioned bench or the seat of a wide chair, while the thighs are supported in a similar way, the abdomen being between two supports and free.  The operator, bending over and extending his arms around the patient, reaches the abdomen with his clenched hands, and applies the treatment by the alternate applications of motion to either side of the abdomen.  If the patient is large, it will be best to apply to one side only at a time, with a rather slow and gentle, but strong, impinging motion.

    31.  Manipulations of the Head -- Position, reclining -- Action -- The operator, standing or sitting behind the patient, places his two hands on opposite sides of the patient’s head, compresses it to an agreeable extent, and imparts semi-rotary and reciprocating motions to the scalp, which, being but loosely connected to the underlying skull bone, moves freely upon it.  The clasp of the operator’s hands may be moved from time to time, so as to include each portion of the head successively, till the whole has become subjected to the process.  One hand may also be placed on the forehead and the other at the base of the head, and the pressure with motion applied as before, the two hands acting at opposite parts of the head, and the motion they impart being in opposite directions.  The application may be intermitted and resumed several times.

    Effect -- General revulsion; motion is incited in the contents of the vessels of the brain, especially in the venous sinuses, by which blood stasis is removed and the nutrition of the brain is refreshed by the displacement and replacement of materials from which nutritive support is derived.

    A similar effect, perhaps in less degree, has sometimes been produced by applying a common tourniquet (such as surgeons use), to the head at its greatest circumference.  After tightening the band, it must be suddenly let loose.  The pressure on the blood vessels caused by arrest of the flow of the currents appears to superinduce vital contraction of their walls, which becomes active on removing the obstruction to such a degree as to empty the vessels, and therefore to remove hyperaemia.  These and similar processes demonstrably strengthen the circulation and remove mechanical impediments.

    32.  Throat -- Position, same as in 31. -- Action -- The operator, standing above or rather behind the head of the patient, places his finger each side of his throat, bearing with suitable firmness upon the tissues of the neck in front.  A reciprocating motion is now communicated to the tissues under compression, which includes those of both sides of the neck.

    This may be repeated fifteen or twenty times, or until the skin had assumed a thoroughly reddened appearance.

    The area over which the process is applied may extend from the angle of the jaw to the base of the neck, giving special attention to the sensations evoked, and avoiding all harshness or disagreeable feeling.

    Effect -- Revulsive; useful in chronic tonsilitis, catarrh, glandular enlargement, hoarseness, and all forms of sore throat except the acute.

    33.  Neck -- Position, lying face downward--Action--The operator, at the head of the patient as before, applying both hands to the neck with pressure, communicates, reciprocating motions to the muscular masses which constitute the back of the neck, from the base of the head downward to the top of the shoulders.  This location admits the application of the different forms of the pressure motions heretofore described, as the circular, and the thumb and finger compression, the traverse, the longitudinal, etc., and in urgent cases these may be applied in series at the same sitting, and while the patient remains in this favorable position for access to the parts.

    Effect -- This process affords great relief in cases of prolonged hyperaemia of the brain, and in connection with the preceding should be used in cases of suspected pathological changes in the substance of the brain to promote absorption of mechanical obstructions or of retained products of imperfect nutritive change, local oxides, etc.  Athasia and related symptoms present examples for trial of these applications.

    34.  Nose -- Position, reclining -- Action -- The forefinger of each hand of the operator is applied with mild pressure to each side of the nose of the patient, and the reciprocal pressure-motions previously described may be thoroughly applied.

    Effect -- Aids contracton and gives tone to the capillaries of the mucous secreting membrane of the nose, removes obstruction in the local circulation of the parts connected therewith, and is curative of all forms and stages of catarrh, except the acute.  The reader is reminded that this and the other forms of treatment described in this connection should be regarded as useless except in connection with general, supporting same.

    35. Ears -- Position, as above -- Action -- Both ears are loosely grasped by both hands of the operator, who stands behind the patient, and who also at the same time gently compresses the adjoining tissues against the skull; he then gives a slow, gentle, rotary or circulary motion to the compressed mass, which includes not only the ears, but all the tissues held by the conjoint grasp and pressure.

    The circle of motion should extend so far as to cause agreeable traction of not only of the external ears, but also of the continuous membrane extending into and forming the lining of the cavity of the ear terminating with the drum.  Motion thus conveyed to the drum is communicated to the internal apparatus of the ear, including the fluids and contents of vessels.  The circular pressure-motion with traction may be applied in each direction several times.  Similar pressure-motions may also be applied to the bony prominence below the ear, which contain the mastoid cells.

    Effect -- Similar to that of other modes of treatment, refreshing and reinforcing local nutrition.  It is also revulsive, a potent stimulant to the organs and the function of hearing, and has cured deafness.

    36.  Eyes and Temples -- Position, same -- Action -- The ends of the fingers but little separated are pressed against the tissues a little beyond the outer angle of each eye at the sides of the head.  Motion is given to the compressed tissues in a circuit as wide as the elasticity of the tissues will allow, which compels the included tissues to accompany the fingers in the circuit, care being taken to avoid gliding and friction of the outer skin.  The direction of the motion may be frequently changed till the parts subjected to the action have become thoroughly reddened.

    Effect -- Revulsion.  Promotes absorption from the interior of the eyes.

    37.  Eyelids -- Position, the same -- Action -- The middle finger of each hand is applied to the inner angle of each eye, and compressing the tissues upon the interior portion of the orbit, the fingers are slowly moved outward till the outer angle of the eyes are reached.  The eyeball is slightly compressed and the lower lid more so, in the outward motion.

    Next, the fingers of the operator are replaced in the same commencing position, at the inner angle, but this time travel over the upper border of the orbit and the upper lid in place of the lower; also slightly compressing the ball and the upper lid, as much as is borne with comfort by the patient.  This pressure-motion may be applied in alternation to the lower and upper portions of the ball and the two eyelids several times.  The feelings of the patient must be constantly observed, to be certain that the impression by the treatment described is agreeable, in which case its ability may not be doubted.

    Effect -- This process appears to assist nutritive changes of the contents of the eyeball, and therefore to improve the vision.  It is curative of chronic affections of the eyes.  It has cured cataract.