Neuropathy Illustrated
The Philosophy and Practical Application of Drugless Healing
Andrew P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O., D.C., OPH.D.


By Charles A. Tyrrell, M. D.

"Humanity at large has never estimated water at its true value. Yet all the gifts in Pandora's fabled box could never equal that one inestimable boon of the Creator to the human race. Apart from its practical value, there is nothing in all the wide domain of Nature more beautiful, for in all its myriad forms and conditions it appeals equally
to the artistic sense.

"In the restless ocean, now sleeping tranquilly in opaline beauty beneath the summer sun, now rising in foam-crested mountainous waves beneath the winter's biting blast, its sublimity awes us. In the mighty river, rolling majestically on its tortuous course, impatient to unite itself with mother ocean, its restless energy fascinates us. In the pearly dew, glittering on the trembling leaf; or the hoar frost, sparkling like a wreath of diamonds in the moon's silvery rays; in the brawling mountain torrent, or the gentle brook, meandering peacefully through verdant meadows; in the mighty cataract, or the feathery cascade; in the downy snow-flake or the iridescent icicle; or in the gigantic iceberg, with its translucent sides of shimmering green, its weird grandeur enthralls us, and in all and each of its bewitching forms it is beautiful beyond compare. But its claims to our admiration rest not alone upon its ever varying beauty or grandeur.

"When consumed with thirst, what beverage can equal a draught of pure, cold water? In sickness, its value is incalculable in slaking the eager, intense thirst, cooling the fevered brow and soothing the aching head or moistening the heated surface, and in ten thousand ways it brings unnumbered blessings to humanity.

"And if we admire it for its beauty, and esteem it as a beverage, how inconceivably should these feelings be intensified by the knowledge that its remedial virtues are in no wise inferior to its other qualities."

It covers four-fifths of the earth's surface, and furnishes the rest with its moisture, and causes the earth to bring forth and bud, the grass to grow, to satisfy the beasts of the field, and furnish food for man; and furnishes a trough for the mighty vessels, which traverse the mighty deep, carrying commerce to all countries, and for all people, and renders it possible to breathe the atmosphere through the moisture diffused. It is indeed the greatest of all blessings to humanity, and its estimation is indeed incalculable.


There is scarcely a more significant cause of disease than colonic impaction. As disease is a consequence of impediment of the venous circulation, it may be readily seen that an inordinate accumulation of feces - the refuse of the ingesta - causes pressure against the viscera and thereby interferes with the circulation of the venous blood and the lymphatic secretion in all of the organs in relation with the colon, and may be the cause of many diseases.

The essential thing to be done in removing the impaction is to use the "high enema," and this can be effectually done in the following manner: The first thing to consider is the how to get water into the colon. The most convenient way is to use a syringe which will force the water through the sigmoid flexure, or 'pass a long, flexible rubber tube through that flexure, into the colon, and let the water run through it until the colon is filled with water.

In all cases of constipation, this is the remedy for the very first consideration. IMPACTION of the COLON is a necessary accompaniment of constipation. Generally that is the case in chronic diarrhea, flux and typhoid fever. The first, and most essential, thing needed in all these conditions is to cleanse the engorged, impacted colon.

Toxemia of the entire system is caused by impacted colon, and the ONLY rational remedy is the removal of the engorgement, for, when this is done, the effects cease, and the patient begins to recover immediately, because this removes the poison which contaminates the entire body throughout.

There are several kinds of syringes recommended by physicians, and all are useful in a degree, at least; for all are used especially to relieve the lower bowel of its contents, and are thus of some benefit.

The tube may be attached to an ordinary fountain syringe, then inserted into the bowel about three inches, then let the water run, and while it is running, push the tube on through the sigmoid flexure, in the colon. The fountain syringe should be elevated several feet above the patient, and the fountain should hold as much as a half a gallon to a gallon of water, and it should be as warm as the elbow can be comfortably borne in it, or from 100 to a 110 degree temperature. Soap-suds is the best for the first flushing, as this has solvent properties which are generally needed to dissolve the impaction. Olive oil or Epsom salts are also good, and either one may be used.

The "J. B. L. Cascade," made and sold by Charles A. Tyrrell, M. D., 134 W. 65th St., New York City, N. Y., is the best and most convenient apparatus on the market, and can be had of some druggists, or through them, or direct from Dr. Tyrrell himself. Cost, $10.00.