Neuropathy Illustrated
The Philosophy and Practical Application of Drugless Healing
Andrew P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O., D.C., OPH.D.


Cut Nos. la and lb - Face manipulations
Cut 2 - Vibrations of the neck
Cut 3 - Stretching neck muscles
Cut 5 - Face vibrations
Cut 6 - Vibration of nose
Cut 8 - Adjustment of cervical area
Cut 9 - Raising the clavicles
Cut 10 - Stretching chest muscles
Cut 11 - Untitled
Cut 12 - Flexing the knee, over hand
Cut 13 - Knee and hip manipulation
Cut 14 - Stretching leg muscles
Cut 15 - Treating Sciatic nerve
Cut 17 - Ankle, knee and hip joints
Cut 19 - Neck stretching, on stool
Cut 20 - Vaso-motor treatment
Cut 22 - Arm, spinal treatment
Cut 24 - Spinal muscle stretching
Cut 25 - Arm, spreading chest, sitting
Cut 26 - Stretching all chest muscles
Cut 33 - Neck adjustment, sitting up
Cut 34 - Relaxing spinal muscles
Cut 35 - Stretching dorsal muscles
Cut 36 - Extending neck muscles
Cut 37 - Adducting thigh and leg
Cut 38 - Shoulder and back muscles
Cut 39 - Treatment for Lumbar troubles
Cut - Spinal nerve cuts shown
Cut showing concussion of seventh Cervical
Cut showing concussion of fourth Dorsal
Cut showing palpation, sitting posture
Cut showing Atlas adjustment, sitting posture
Cut showing seventh Cervical adjustment
Cut showing Axis adjustment
Cut showing third Cervical adjustment, prone
Cut showing fifth Cervical adjustment, prone
Cut showing fourth Dorsal, prone position
Cut showing fourth Dorsal, prone position, to the left
Cut showing tenth Dorsal, prone position
Cut showing Sacral adjustment
Cut showing palpation, spinal, sitting posture
Cut showing ninth Dorsal adjustment, prone position
Cut showing salient points
Cut showing points of adjustment
Cut showing Sympathetic nervous system
Cut showing author of physical exercise and nerve waste
Cut showing eye treatment for ulcers, etc.
Cut of Prof. Edward B. Warman