Early American Energy Medicine

Eberhart's Manual of High Frequency Currents
Noble M. Eberhart

Names of Diseases and Terms Defined in the Text Are Omitted.
    Ampere. The unit of current strength or intensity.
    Anemia. A deficiency in quantity or quality of the blood.
    Arteriole. A small artery.
    Asepsis. Freedom from septic matter or infection.
    Atonic. Lacking tone.
    Atrophy. Wasting of a part.
    Bi-polar. Attached to both poles of the apparatus.
    Capillaries. Hair-like vessels connecting the arterioles with the smallest veins.
    Carbon dioxide. CO2. A poisonous gas eliminated through the lungs.
    Carbon dioxide snow. Under high pressure the gas liquefies and on liberation the evaporation produces snow-like crystals which are moulded and applied to a growth that is to be removed. It is frozen and separates in 10 to 12 days without leaving a scar.
    Cataphoresis. Driving a substance into the tissues by means of an electric current.
    Coagulum. A clot.
    Condenser electrode. A vacuum tube containing a metal disk which acts as one plate of a condenser, the tube wall being the di-electric and the body surface in contact, the other plate. Shown in Fig. 21.
    Conductor. A material readily transmitting electricity.
    Contra-indicted. Not indicated.
    Dermatitis. An inflammation produced by an overdose of the X-ray, or X-ray "burn."
    Di-electric. A substance separating two charges of electricity in a condenser, as the glass in a Leyden jar.
    Diplopia. Double vision.
    Effleuve. The fine spray from a vacuum tube or other electrode, too fine to be termed a spark.
    Electrolysis. Breaking up a compound into its elements by means of an electric current. Electric analysis.
    Elimination. Carrying a substance out of the system.
    Endarteritis. Inflammation of the lining of an artery.
    Escharotic. Caustic.
    Exudate. A substance deposited in or on a tissue, either by vital action or by disease.
    Functional. Pertaining to the natural action of a part, which may vary somewhat without an actual change in the structure of the organ or part.
    Hemoglobin. The coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles, containing iron.
    Hyperemia. An increased amount of blood.
    Hyperesthetic. Over-sensitive.
    Hyperplasia. Abnormal increase in tissue elements.
    Hypertrophy. Overgrowth.
    Hypertension. Above normal pressure.
    Hypotension. Less than normal pressure.
    Ion. A moving particle of electricity.
    Indican. A substance found in the urine as a result of imperfect intestinal digestion (from proteid putrefaction).
    Inductance. The phenomenon of induction.
    Induction. The generation of an electric current in a body by the influence of another electrified body.
    Inhibitive. Producing inhibition.
    Inhibition. Soothing or arresting a process of function.
    Intra. Within.
    Intra-ocular. Within the eye.
    Intra-vaginal. Within the vagina.
    Lesion. A disease or diseased area.
    Leucocytosis. An increase in the number of white blood cells.
    Metabolism. The process of changing inorganic materials into living cells.
    Milliampere. One one-thousandth of an ampere. The unit of dosage of medical electricity.
    Modality. Any one of the different forms of electricity.
    Monopolar. Connected to one pole.
    Myelocyte. A pathological white blood cell found in leukemia.
    Neurosis. A nervous disease, especially a functional one.
    Ohm. The unit of resistance to the passage of an electrical current.
    Orificial. Pertaining to one of the openings or orifices of the body.
    Oxidation. Combining or causing to combine with oxygen.
    Oxyhemoglobin. Hemoglobin charged with oxygen in the arterial blood.
    Phagocytosis. The destruction of harmful cells by cells called phagocytes which envelop and absorb them.
    Physiological. Natural or normal.
    Plastic. Tending to build up or form tissues, as a plastic exudate.
    Poikilocytes. Malformed, over-sized, non-nucleated red blood corpuscles present in pernicious and other anemias.
    Potential. Electric pressure (measured in volts).
    Reciprocal. The reciprocal of a fraction is the inversion of it. Thus the reciprocal of ½ is 2/1 or 2.
    Serosanguinous. Serum and blood mixed.
    Solenoid. A coil of wire.
    Suppurative. Tending to form pus.
    Supra. Above.
    Supra-orbital. Above the orbit or eye.
    Tension. 1. Electromotive force; potential. 2. Pressure, as the pressure of blood in the arteries.
    Thermostat. An apparatus registering heat expansion or regulating a mechanism through this action.
    Transformer. A coil that changes the voltage. If it increases it, it is called a "step-up" transformer.
    Unipolar. Connected to one pole; same as monopolar.
    Volt. The unit of electrical pressure.